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southerndelite Seaman Recruit
Joined: 01 Oct 2004 Posts: 42
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 3:09 am Post subject: |
Thank you Misty. I will do that now! |
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Anker-Klanker Admiral
Joined: 04 Sep 2004 Posts: 1033 Location: Richardson, TX
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 3:16 am Post subject: |
For what it's worth I've been eavesdropping on a few of the bloggers. These folks are generally of a like mind, but are not die-hard Swiftees.
Generally, the consensus of the bloggers is almost exactly the same as the comments in this thread. I saw a number of instances where the bloggers were asking how to see "Stolen Honor" (they were accomodated with links). It was also a consensus that Sinclair somehow "sold out." I was personally really surprised at how much support we're getting from these "outsiders."
Who knows, Sinclair's fiasco just might have generated more demand for seeing ALL of "Stolen Honor" than Sinclair ever could have done. |
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bk_mo Lieutenant
Joined: 25 Sep 2004 Posts: 209 Location: Missouri
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 3:22 am Post subject: Sinclair |
Ladies and Gentleman you have witnessed once again what we are up against. I would suggest that you buy ammunition. While you can. This country has sat back on it's duff allowing these people to take a piece at a time. I think Sinclair set us up. I would guess the N.Y. times and everyone offering free viewing will laugh in our face for believing someone would actually show the truth. It's odd that Michael Moores documentary was carried on cable in full again. Something that just slipped through the cable stations. This was an orchastrated attempt to promote John Skerry tonight. To bring up president Bush's service ahead of a traitor.
I'm sick to my stomach, going to do nothing but pray for God to save us. _________________ BK |
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shawa CNO
Joined: 03 Sep 2004 Posts: 2004
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 3:24 am Post subject: |
I agree Anker.
Now that I'm calming down, I'm looking for a positive out
of this disastrous program.
The only solace is that maybe some undecideds will
be curious enough to want to see Stolen Honor for themselves. |
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wednesdaychild PO3
Joined: 06 Aug 2004 Posts: 276
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 3:32 am Post subject: |
according to the blogger site quoted on this thread, the dems don't trust sinclair even after they have "won". They expect they may try something else. I hope sinclair does b/c they are in the toliet anyhow and might as well try and redeem themselves. The dems will see to it they are somewhere behind educational channels if they don't do something. The dems plan on boycotting anyone who aired commercials on that program even if it was "fair". They are going to sink these people. I think if i was sinclair i'd make an heroic attempt to show how they blackmialed me. can't hurt. they are in the toliet now.but now the film name"stolen honor" is being banded about and some will want to see it.
sinclair has no guts. they caved to the enemy and they will hurt them anyhow. _________________ "...for the good of believing in life after birth..."
Jim Steinman |
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Denis Seaman Recruit
Joined: 24 Aug 2004 Posts: 48 Location: North Carolina
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 3:48 am Post subject: |
Okay, had this posted in another thread, and it was suggested that I move it, so:
Folks, I'm not sure it failed! Matter of fact, it may have been brilliant.
Of course I, as would most of you, would have wanted more rebuttal to such as 'Going Upriver' and Rassman version number whatever! My head was screaming 'But only one boat fled the scene!!!!'
Having said that, we are, the most of us, well versed in the depth of the stories. We know where the skeletons are, and where Kerry is hiding them.
That show, any such show, in one hour, even if it concentrated only on that, would not have accomplished the mission we sought. Further, such would have been dismissed out of hand, by exactly who that show has to reach- the undecided voters.
Ever hear of a 'feint', in military tactics?
That's what that show just pulled off. If the intent is to prevent Kerry from being elected, as opposed to any other satisfaction we may desire by other results, that show may have finalized that!
Look at the entire show, much of which was decidely normal and routine media pablum:
That pablum made the whole show appear as - a typical news show! Why gosh, they even spoke of accusations against Bush, and spoke to people making those charges!
Who, of all the folks in the whole hour, left the greatest impression, for character, intensity, thought, and simply - honor?
It was the POWs. That is what will linger in people's minds when all esle drops away.
What did the show do to Kerry elsewhere?
The sentient universe knows that the Kerryites tried to prevent this show from being aired! They've been screaming about boycotts, pressuring the FEC to bring charges, holding rallies, sending e-mails, urinating on themselves in public while frothing at the mouth - and what does that mean?
For the undecideds, who are not immersed on the Bay Hap river incident, or the Purple Heart incident on the Boston Whaler, it comes down to - why was Kerry and his folks so hysterical? The show shoewd both sides! Kerry was invited, and didn't come! Hissurrogates wailed and cried and boohooed...for what?
The Kerryites, including Big John, come across as something less than courageous people. They come across as very frightened folks, easily intimidated, who want to be rescued by others from bad things! In short, the subliminal message was - can you trust this man in a time of testing?
He panics!
Score one for the Swifties and POWs, even if by roundabout means!
Now the Kerryite Democrats have no argument about bias and unfairness to stand on...and they look like wimps. Anybody remember Bush going teary eyed over Farenheit 911?
It is now down to the undecideds. Everybody else has been locked and loaded. Nothing is going to shake out the vast bulk of Kerry supporters, and nothing is going to shake free the vast bulk of folks who will support Bush.
But for the several percentage points of folks who are the critical undecideds, for those who watched this show, even if just out of curiosity...they did not see something that can be merely dismissed as a partisan mud slinging.
Yeah, they even saw where Bush's record is challenged! They even saw where men who served with kerry say he was a great man!
But they also saw those POWs, those men who were tortured, and betrayed, at exactly the time that we have a new generation in harm's way.
The thing that will stick, over and over, is Kerry giving to the enemy what others took torture to avoid giving.
The Kerry supporters could come away from that show believing, truthfully, that they got some things out of it! The whole Winter Soldier thing went unchallenged! Yippee for them, and I felt the bile rising!
For those who believe Kerry is unfit for command, we got our shots in also, and the entire Kerry side loked like frightened rabbits! That was even made impossible to avoid when the show had a Kerry spokesman moaning that the show shouldn't even be on, which much have left a whole lot of folks scratching their heads!
And it was the kerry side that came across as being against free speech, period, when it might hurt Kerry.
If I were an undecided voter, still not sure of who to vote for, I'd be left with this:
Yeah, there are still these questions about Bush that even the show says we may never get the answers to! But Bush has been President for nearly four years - we know what he will do, because he has been doing it!
But Kerry, him we really don't know, except that this show scared the pants off him for some inexplicable reason, and those POWs were made to listen to that same John Kerry between bouts of torture!
What was he doing meeting with the enemy during a time of war? Yeah, we many of us really did think of the Vietnam Vet as a mixture of psycvho and drug sotted derelict, and why was that?
The show gave the undecided voter enough quesiness about Kerry that there is reason to vote against him, and that is exactly what is needed at this stage of the election. And that came about much more fairly, as even the show demonstrated, than CBS and Dan Rather did!
I think the POWs delivered the coup de grace, and the rest was puff, and the show, by precisely being mostly the normal media pap, robbed the Kerry folks of their ranting about partisanship.
We are not, at this site, the undecideds. It is how the show will have effected them that will doom Kerry, and on that score, I think the show might have been brilliant!
Everything the entire show presented has been seen and told over and over, whether about Bush, or CBS, or bloggers, or 527s, or everything else they showed and talked about except for - Kerry's testimony before the Senate and those POWs. They got more time on that show than any commercial could have delivered, and a commercial would have been seen by the undecideds as partisan.
I think this might have worked big time, even if it wasn't what I personally wanted - Kerry flayed alive by men who deserve the opportunity to do so!
It is about victory, and a successful feint is still a success, if the battle is won.
I think of every ten undecided who saw that show, if they were to break one way or the other, it would be four to one against Kerry. The show gave no reason to support Kerry that Kerry and the media haven't already given ad nauseum - but those POWs, and meeting with the enemy...that will stick!
If you've seen the show, how does it compare with this hysterical panty wadding by the Kerryites, and I surely do hope that this is what the Hannity's of the world drive home! Note that the show presented a whole lot of folks, some of them Vets, with positions in the Democratic Party, or who are allied to Kerry, or who are Kerry supporters, and yet here the Kerryites attack POWs and Vets for the simple crime of - they have connections to Republicans or are Republicans! Meaning: only pro-Democrat Veterans are real honest Americans!
Thee folks do not come across as the seasoned and reasonable folks to deal with crisis, as Kerry boasts of himself! It looks like the whole gaggle freaked out over basically nothing! What will they and Kerry do in a real threatening situation? Kerry and his band of bleeders look like hysterical wimps who can't take any heat without meltdown! What happens if they are challenged by a nuclear North Korea, or a nuclear Iran, or Al Qaeda suddenly comes up with the 1,000 pounds of anthrax that even the UN says went missing in Iraq?
Quote: | Kerry Campaign Statement on Sinclair Broadcasting
10/21/2004 1:00:00 PM
To: National Desk, Political Reporter
Contact: Chad Clanton or Phil Singer, 202-464-2800, both of Kerry-Edwards 2004
WASHINGTON, Oct. 21 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Following is a statement from Kerry-Edwards 2004 on Sinclair Broadcasting:
"Sinclair's latest spin on this premeditated political attack is just a panicked attempt to appear fair and reasonable. Sinclair Broadcasting's only motivation is political - they are committed to a one-sided smear. Their actions make it clear that promoting the fortunes of George W. Bush trumps any sense of obligation to the public trust. When their own top political reporter had the courage to speak up, they fired him - that tells you everything you need to know about them. The Kerry campaign is in no way cooperating with this discredited, partisan effort that Sinclair is poorly disguising as 'news,'" said Kerry campaign spokesman, Chad Clanton.
Sinclair Broadcasting Group: Consistent Anti-Kerry, Pro-Bush Programming
Sinclair Broadcasting Group Ordered Preemptions To Air Anti- Kerry Program Days Before Election. According to the Los Angeles Times, "The conservative-leaning Sinclair Broadcast Group, whose television outlets reach nearly a quarter of the nation's homes with TV, is ordering its stations to preempt regular programming just days before the Nov. 2 election to air a film that attacks Sen. John F. Kerry's activism against the Vietnam War, network and station executives familiar with the plan said Friday." (Los Angeles Times, 10/9/04)
Sinclair Executives Max-ed Out to Bush Campaign. "According to campaign finance records, four of Sinclair's top executives each have given the maximum campaign contribution of $2,000 to the Bush-Cheney re-election campaign. The executives have not given any donations to the campaign of Sen. John Kerry, the presumptive Democratic nominee, the records showed." (CNN.com, 4/30/04)
"Stolen Honor" Stars Noted Partisans
Republican Stars of "Stolen Honor". While the website for Stolen Honor Lists the medals of the movie's participants, it does not list some of their other credentials, including their previous Partisan activities and their ties to the Bush administration.
(Note from Denis: and so why is Rassman's activities and ties to Kerry not enought to question his reliablity? I do think folks are going to see this as way overboard! And with surveys showing approximately 60% of the military, enlisted through the officer corps being Republicans, it's a tad risky to deny someone credentials as a Vet or POW based on their being a member of the other political party!)
Five of the 17 stars of the partisan attack film being billed as a news story, were either Republican activists or Bush appointees. (Salon.com 10/20/04)
-- George Day: "Past Florida State Republican Committeeman. ... He was a delegate to Republican Conventions, Chairman of the Reagan Committee in Okaloosa County, Florida. In 1984, he was National Chairman of Veterans for Reagan and campaigned extensively for and with the President. He campaigned nationally for President Bush in 1992, and Jeb Bush for Governor of Florida 1998, John McCain for President and Bill McCollum for Senate in 2000." (Salon.com 10/20/04)
-- Leo Thorsness: Thorness was twice a Republican candidate for US Senate from South Dakota, losing to George McGovern in 1974 and to Tom Daschle in 1978. After his double loss in South Dakota, Thorness moved to Washington State where he won a seat in the house of Representatives in 1988. (Salon.com 10/20/04)
-- Thomas McNish: McNish appointed by Bush as the Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Former Prisoners of War under the Department of Veterans Affairs. (Salon.com 10/20/04)
-- Kenneth Cordier: Was forced to resign from the Advisory Committee on Former Prisoners of War, after he appeared in one of the original Swift Boat Veterans for Truth ads, attacking John Kerry. (Salon.com 10/20/04)
-- Paul Galanti: Galanti was the Virginia chairman of John McCain's presidential campaign. Galanti also appears in the latest misleading Swift Boat attack ad. (Salon.com 10/20/04)
(Note from Denis: and Max Clelandd is a good Vet because he's a Democrat and his ties to Kerry and a political party are not a partisan thing!)
Paid for by Kerry-Edwards 2004, Inc. |
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Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 4:12 am Post subject: |
I cannot believe what I viewed this evening. It was so watered down and the Kerry people turned it into an info-commercial.....what a disservice to our Vets and POW's that served in Viet Nam. They had the gaul to show Up River.......all for money....now Sinclair has sold out a generation of Vets and POW's. Shame on them and below is the email my husband and I sent them.
It appears to be quite clear that pressure and threats from the liberal media and attorneys caused you to deviate from what was supposed to be an unflinching stall worth posture. The impression that was given by Sinclair Broadcasting was one of a determined effort to set forth a fair and thorough representation of the POW's position against John Kerry.
The special proved to be a disappointment. I observed a very cautious and somewhat intimidated presentation. Obviously a result of pressures from external as well as internal dissension.
We had placed much hope on Sinclair Broadcasting to fulfill a pledge made publically for unflinching support for the POW's cause of a platform for a intensive rebuttal to John Kerry and his anti-war efforts. Instead you provided the Kerry people a platform for an info-commercial.
Bare in mind John Kerry's film, Up River, is one mans version of an event against several mens accounts. You did a great disservice to the POW's and Veterans of the Viet Nam War. These men were slandered and disgraced by John Kerry's testimony in 1971.
The only conclusion that can be drawn is that once again money overrode conviction and principle. What a sad state of affairs now exists at Sinclair Broadcasting. Your word to these POW's takes on the same tone John Kerry's words took on in the 1971 testimony.
Simply put, shame on you. How you will ever be able to look these men in the eye and honestly say, "we had your best interest at heart"?"
A one time viewer is now no longer so. I challenge you to present this correspondence to your Board of Directors. The least you can do is uphold this request, because we understand now you have no conviction to present the truth or stand by the commitment you made to OUR POW's and VETERANS. |
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Navy_Navy_Navy Admin
Joined: 07 May 2004 Posts: 5777
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 5:09 am Post subject: |
Quote: | For the undecideds, who are not immersed on the Bay Hap river incident, or the Purple Heart incident on the Boston Whaler, it comes down to - why was Kerry and his folks so hysterical? The show shoewd both sides! Kerry was invited, and didn't come! Hissurrogates wailed and cried and boohooed...for what?
The Kerryites, including Big John, come across as something less than courageous people. They come across as very frightened folks, easily intimidated, who want to be rescued by others from bad things! In short, the subliminal message was - can you trust this man in a time of testing? |
Excellent post Denis, but these were my favorite points!
The comments here, about what people were seeing just made me sick at first - but then it pissed me off, and when I get pissed off, I WORK.
At the very least, this is going to generate interest in Stolen Honor, which is available free on the Internet and will be available free on the Stolen Honor site.
If each of us work up a short little blurb to email out to our address lists - how the POW's words affected you personally and your recommendation that the recipient download the video (provide links) we can be extremely effective. Get an email ready to mail out Monday. Include links to the ads page for Swifts, so that people can also view Swifts past messages and their most current two. (The deadliest)
We can definitely turn this into an advantage.
The blogosphere and talk radio will be full of this "no-balls, no glory" attempt by SBG and full of the hysterical Lawrence O'Donnell doing his James Carvile imitation.
I pray that you are correct - that the words of the POW's will be what sticks with those who are not already clued in about all the actions and details.
Their words are devastating.
We've still got time to make a difference, all by ourselves! _________________ ~ Echo Juliet ~
Altering course to starboard - On Fire, Keep Clear
Navy woman, Navy wife, Navy mother |
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neverforget Vice Admiral
Joined: 18 Jul 2004 Posts: 875
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 5:30 am Post subject: |
My local CBS channel just announced on the news that CBS will be showing Stolen Honor Sunday afternoon and Moore's propaganda piece in the evening.
Also, Lake havasu City, AZ Republican HQs had a bomb threat and Flagstaff HQs was broken into and vandalized. _________________ US Army Security Agency
1965-1971 |
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flagreen Seaman
Joined: 10 Sep 2004 Posts: 175
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 6:06 am Post subject: |
neverforget wrote: | My local CBS channel just announced on the news that CBS will be showing Stolen Honor Sunday afternoon and Moore's propaganda piece in the evening. |
Well that ought to just about make Ralph Naders day don't you think? Or will he get an hour of free air time as well? And how about the other candidates for president will they also be given equal time? In this situation "equal time" does not really apply is my point. Stolen Honor does not advocate the re-election of Bush, nor does does advocate the election of Nader or anyone else. As I recall it does not even mention that Kerry is running for president let alone that anyone should not vote for him!
I'll tell you what though, I would not be surprized if CBS only showed F-9/11 claiming that Sinclair had already shown Stolen Honor. Cute huh? Furthermore all the VVAW guys who are suing Sinclair and Stolen Honor will just amend their law suits to include CBS as a defendant thereby giving CBS the perfect excuse not to have to show Stolen Honor. |
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eXcel Seaman
Joined: 23 Aug 2004 Posts: 174
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 6:13 am Post subject: |
Anyone else see the similarity here? :
its official, if your same starts with S and ends with ai- you are spineless. |
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Denis Seaman Recruit
Joined: 24 Aug 2004 Posts: 48 Location: North Carolina
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 6:13 am Post subject: |
Navy_Navy_Navy wrote: |
At the very least, this is going to generate interest in Stolen Honor, which is available free on the Internet and will be available free on the Stolen Honor site. |
Exactly, and unbelievably, the Sinclair broadcast dispelled the idea that this is just a big attack ad made by partisans.
Quote: | If each of us work up a short little blurb to email out to our address lists - how the POW's words affected you personally and your recommendation that the recipient download the video (provide links) we can be extremely effective. Get an email ready to mail out Monday. Include links to the ads page for Swifts, so that people can also view Swifts past messages and their most current two. (The deadliest)
We can definitely turn this into an advantage. |
Exactly correct! Unlike the Kerry weenies, the Sinclair broadcast showed that they weren't afraid to show both sides, and let the chips fall where they may. In an even showing of who has what, Kerry loses.
Quote: | The blogosphere and talk radio will be full of this "no-balls, no glory" attempt by SBG and full of the hysterical Lawrence O'Donnell doing his James Carvile imitation. |
Bingo, and they look even more like the shrill pansies who went after Cheney for a flu shot!
Quote: | I pray that you are correct - that the words of the POW's will be what sticks with those who are not already clued in about all the actions and details.
Their words are devastating. |
At the very least, to those undecideds who haven't really been clued in, they were, at the very least, disquieting. It doesn't let you put Kerry into a comfort zone, which is what anyone undecided by this point has to be looking for. Then let's see if the bloggers et al pick up on the Kerry site's attack on several of the POWs as Republican shills, as though good Vets who are not partisans support Kerry, like Max Cleland!
That point has to be driven home also: how many Vets who support Kerry have been given chances to speak, precisely because they are Vets, and their support of Kerry is to be unchallenged! But if a Vet comes out against Kerry, even a POW, he is now a dishonest person not to be trusted. I do not think that too many folks are missing that.
I rally do think this show targeted that five to six percent, while Kerry shows the strategic genius to only rely on and excite the forty percent he'd get if he showed up in Leno in drag smoking a joint while singing 'I'm so pretty, I'm so pretty....'
In my mind, that's another reason why this guy could never be a commander in chief. That position calls for smeone who can see where he wants us to go, and make it happen with leadership, not the person who reacts likes a ping pong ball to every whiff of bad news that confuses and frightens him!
It almost makes Kerry come across as the kind of guy whose first instinct wouldbe to run away if his friends were attacked, only coming back when it was safe, and then bragging about his heroics!
Denis |
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msindependent Vice Admiral
Joined: 26 Aug 2004 Posts: 891 Location: Colorado
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 6:21 am Post subject: |
So, Moore get's prime time and Stolen Honor get's the afternoon. They better not do this nationwide or I'm going to sue all by myself. Moore found a way to get his piece of **** on after all. We have all been had. |
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Hammer2 PO2
Joined: 30 Aug 2004 Posts: 387 Location: Texas
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 6:25 am Post subject: |
Martin Niemöller
"First they came for the Jews. I was silent. I was not a Jew. Then they came for the Communists. I was silent. I was not a Communist. Then they came for the trade unionists. I was silent. I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for me. There was no one left to speak for me."
On resistance to Nazis, recalled on his death 6 Mar 84
We must redouble our efforts to stop these people cold! Send the download link to everyone you know. Time is short! _________________ "The price of freedom is eternal vigilence" - Thomas Jefferson
"An armed society is a polite society" - Thomas Jefferson
"The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it won't be needed until someone tries to take it away." -- Thomas Jefferson |
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Denis Seaman Recruit
Joined: 24 Aug 2004 Posts: 48 Location: North Carolina
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 6:32 am Post subject: |
msindependent wrote: | So, Moore get's prime time and Stolen Honor get's the afternoon. They better not do this nationwide or I'm going to sue all by myself. Moore found a way to get his piece of s**t on after all. We have all been had. |
If that happens, we win. Moore's piece will only appeal to the clueless who are already in Kerry's camp. The 'true believer's have already seen it, in the millions, as some kind of leftist sacrament, and will watch it again. Who cares! Most folks who see it and aren't on the fringe left, won't buy it, and will be repelled by the gross absurdities. It's a film for the already believing.
On the other hand, no one has yet seen Stolen Honor! That will come as a surprise to everyone, and will not be the kind of childish pap Moore offers up.
Keep in mind, the battle here on out to destroy Kerry has to be waged in 'undecidedville', and in that area, Farhenheit 911 and Stolen Honor is no contest! Moore already has the paranoid non-thinking crowd locked up. Stolen Honor will touch very normal people.
It is the undecided, the undecided, the undecided,, and they need to simply be given a reason why the idea of Presdient Kerry is unsettling, and Stolen Honor will do that.
Denis |
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