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Is Bush going to be re-elected?
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Joined: 25 May 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 5:40 am    Post subject: Is Bush going to be re-elected? Reply with quote

Its time to step up the discussions around here and address the real issue on everyone's agenda. Will Bush be re-elected?

What's your best guess and why?

What's going to stop Bush?
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 6:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Personally, I think he will be elected. Kerry slips as more and more people find out who he is and what he is about. The Mainstream media has done a pretty good job of hiding who he really is, but more and more people everyday are seeking news and information from places as this.

Of course, it's much too early to actually tell what will happen, but I seriously feel Bush has a better than average chance of being re-elected as people see their paychecks doing better and their money going a bit further.

Can Bush screw up? Yes, anyone can. It's his election to lose, but Kerry seems to be floundering around trying to find what he believes people want to hear. Pandering only goes so far and I feel people will vote by actions in the war on terror and their economic conditions. Kerry and the mainstream media aren't convincing the public well enough that we are worse off than the Great Depression, although they are trying. Under Hoover, unemployment was about 35%. Even Democrats can see we are nowhere near that bad off.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 6:27 am    Post subject: Bush re-elected? Reply with quote

I think his handling of the Iraq War is going to stop Bush cold!
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 6:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but I wouldn't count him out over Iraq or the war on terror. No war goes picture perfect and there are plenty of mistakes made in all of them. As more and more evidence becomes available that has been hidden away, kept classified or just ignored by the mainstream media, I expect his numbers to rise again.

So far, Kerry hasn't shown anything on how he would handle it other than he'd "do it right," meaning, subject us to the UN. Obviously, that may sway a few, but by and large, I believe the public is discovering it's going much better than mainstream media let's on.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 11:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


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PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 12:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Reasons why Bush will be re-elected:

1) To many people have noticed that the economy has recovered and that jobs are being created left & right.

2) After several TERRIBLE months in Iraq, all Kerry has managed to do is run neck-and-neck with Bush.

3) The Clintons will do everything they can to torpedo Kerry, because Hillary is going to run in 2008.

4) Whether by accident or by clever design on the part of the administration, information is now trickling out that firmly links Iraq and AQ in a way that can't be spun away. Expect it to become a flood.

5) Kerry doesn't have his own positive agenda. He is running, essentially, as the "Anti-Bush", and that sort of thing generally doesn't win races.

6) By the time the election comes up, the economy will be even better and the Iraq handover will be 4 months behind us.

7) As long as the leftist strategy is to attack Bush, than Bush will always be in the "last word" position.

That's enough. I could come up with 3 more to make it an even 10, but you get the idea.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 3:07 pm    Post subject: I don't know, folks... Reply with quote

This doesn't look so hot for him...
(and to pre-empt the 'liberal bias' charge, two months ago this same paper had him polling at a full 21 points higher than Kerry on this issue.)


Bush Loses Advantage in War on Terrorism
Nation Evenly Divided on President, Kerry
By Richard Morin and Dan Balz
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, June 22, 2004; Page A01

Public anxiety over mounting casualties in Iraq and doubts about long-term consequences of the war continue to rise and have helped to erase President Bush's once-formidable advantage over Sen. John F. Kerry concerning who is best able to deal with terrorist threats, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Exactly half the country now approves of the way Bush is managing the U.S. war on terrorism, down 13 percentage points since April, according to the poll. Barely two months ago, Bush comfortably led Kerry, the presumptive Democratic nominee, by 21 points when voters were asked which man they trusted to deal with the terrorist threat. Today the country is evenly divided, with 48 percent preferring Kerry and 47 percent favoring Bush.

With fewer than 10 days before the United States turns over governing power to Iraq, the survey shows that Americans are coming to a mixed judgment about the costs and benefits of the war. Campaign advisers to both Bush and Kerry believe voters' conclusions about Bush and Iraq will play a decisive role in determining the outcome of the November election.

The shift is potentially significant because Bush has consistently received higher marks on fighting terrorism than on Iraq, and if the decline signals a permanent loss of confidence in his handling of the fight against terrorism, that could undermine a central part of his reelection campaign message.

Overall the poll had mixed news for both candidates. Bush's marks for handling the economy and Iraq both rose slightly over the past month, but his overall approval rating remains below 50 percent. Kerry leads Bush in a three-way test that includes independent Ralph Nader and is seen as more honest and trustworthy than the president, but those surveyed question whether he has a plan for Iraq.

Fewer than half of those surveyed -- 47 percent -- say the war in Iraq was worth fighting, while 52 percent say it was not, the highest level of disapproval recorded in Post-ABC News polls. Seven in 10 Americans now say there has been an "unacceptable" level of casualties in Iraq, up 6 points from April and also a new high in Post-ABC News polling. A majority say the United States should keep its forces in Iraq until the country is stabilized, but the proportion who want to withdraw now to avoid further casualties -- 42 percent -- has inched up again to a new high. Two in three Americans say the war has improved the lives of the Iraqi people, and a growing number of Americans say the United States is making significant progress toward a democratic government. Last month, 37 percent said they saw significant progress, while 50 percent say so now.

The public is sharply divided over whether the war contributed to the long-term security of the United States, with 51 percent saying it has, a new low in Post-ABC polls. Three in four say the conflict has damaged the image of the United States throughout the world, and a majority believe the war has not improved prospects for long-term peace and stability in the Middle East.

Virtually all of the recent movement against the war has occurred among political independents. Among those with no firm party ties, the proportion who said the war was "not worth fighting" increased from 48 percent in May to 59 percent in the latest poll. Bush's approval rating on his handling of Iraq remains negative but rose slightly in the past month to 44 percent, with 55 percent saying they disapprove.

On the key domestic issue of the economy, 46 percent give Bush positive marks, up 7 points since March and his best showing since January. The survey also found that nearly half the country rates the health of the economy as "excellent" or "good," up 6 points from March and the highest since July 2001, following a succession of positive economic statistics.

But improved marks on Iraq and the economy did not translate into a rise in Bush's overall approval rating, nor did they improve his standing against Kerry in a hypothetical November matchup.

Bush's overall job approval rating held steady at 47 percent, at its lowest point in Post-ABC News polls, while his disapproval rating reached a new high of 51 percent. That leaves Bush in a shaky position politically, based on the rankings of other recent presidents seeking reelection.

In a November ballot test, Kerry leads Bush 48 percent to 44 percent among registered voters, with 6 percent supporting Nader. Last month, Kerry and Bush were tied. With Nader out of the race, Kerry's advantage swells to 8 points, evidence of the continuing threat that Nader's candidacy poses to the Democrat.

Interest in the campaign remains high while the proportion of persuadable voters is low. Voters are paying attention to this race earlier than they did four years ago when Bush ran against Al Gore

Eight in 10 registered voters said they are following the campaign -- slightly higher than the proportion that was paying similar attention to the 2000 campaign three weeks before the election. One in 10 voters said there was a "good chance" they could change their minds between now and November.

The survey found that Kerry's advantages over Bush extended to a range of issues. When asked which they trusted to do the better job, Kerry held a double-digit advantage over Bush as the candidate the public preferred to deal with health care (21 points), taxes (13 points), prescription drug benefits for the elderly (12 points) and education (10 points), and smaller leads on handling international affairs (8 points), the economy (5 points) and the federal budget deficit (4 points).

In only one area -- Iraq -- was Bush more trusted, 50 percent to 45 percent. The president is viewed as a stronger leader than Kerry and as the candidate who can be most trusted in a crisis. He is also seen as best able to "make the country safer and more secure" and the one who "takes a position and sticks with it."

But by 52 percent to 39 percent, Kerry is seen as more honest and trustworthy -- a troubling finding for Bush, whose truthfulness before the war in Iraq has been called into question.

The survey also found that eight in 10 Americans support the transfer of power from the U.S.-led coalition to an interim Iraqi government on June 30. Nearly half -- 48 percent -- said it should be Iraqis who have the final say over the presence of U.S. troops in Iraq, while just as many say it should be the Americans. Big majorities said the new Iraqi government and not the United States also should control Iraq's oil industry and handle the distribution of aid from other nations.

A total of 1,201 randomly selected adults, including 1,015 self-described registered voters, were interviewed June 17 to 20 for this telephone survey. The margin of sampling error for the overall results is plus or minus 3 percentage points.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 3:34 pm    Post subject: Re: Is Bush going to be re-elected? Reply with quote

oldkayaker wrote:
Its time to step up the discussions around here and address the real issue on everyone's agenda. Will Bush be re-elected?

What's your best guess and why?

What's going to stop Bush?

The media along with the drug addled Hollywood left and professional moonbats like George Soros are going full-bore to elect the worthless traitor John Kerry.

Against all of this, I would say that President Bush is doing pretty well in the polls. The Democrats can't hide Kerry forever and he is an unlikeable, droning mess when he appears on TV. Kerry doesn't inspire anyone, the only thing that inspiring Democrats currently is delusional hatred of this country and our President, all fueled by propoganda unworthy of a middle school underground newspaper.

Wildcards include terrorist attacks, the handover in Iraq, and the routine Democratic Party vote stealing efforts which will be wildly escalated during this election, aided and abetted by partisan judges and by media apologists.

In short, this will be a tough election. I wouldn't wager a great sum of money on either candidate at this point, but I faith in this country and I believe on November 2nd President Bush will be re-elected.
"Liberalism is totalitarianism with a human face." - Thomas Sowell
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 6:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i'm amazed at how little the active military people know about John Kerry.
i just talked with my daughter's boyfriend this morning, who is in the Navy in Guam and i asked him what the political feel was among him and his Navy buddies there. he said they didn't talk about it much, but thought Bush was the clear choice as everyone he knew was dang proud to have him as CinC.

when i asked him what he knew of Kerry's background... and international political/military agenda.. i was floored. he knew nothing. he does now Wink ane he got pretty P-O'd i had thought my daughter had filled him in. i am e-mailing this web site link to him and the wintersoldier one also.

i asked under the "Sunny Weekend at the Vietnam Memorial" thread for info on purchasing pamphlets to pass out .... i would mail some to my Navy man in Guam and a Marine i know also. let me know if there is anything like that out there. i know a lot of Vets who have no web access..
and a hard copy pamphlet would be great.

"Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism."
George Washington, Farewell Address, September 19, 1796
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 6:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, the President will be reelected, and it won't be nearly as close as the liberal media would have you believe.

As evidence of this, I offer you the daily rantings in AP, Reuters, NY & LA Times articles - articles that are thinly disguised as articles, but contain a great deal of op-ed writing.

The attacks on this President are unparalleled, and the louder and more strident they get, the more you know that they are worried about President Bush being reelected.
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Joined: 25 May 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 8:13 pm    Post subject: Bush re-election Reply with quote

The media whores are doing their best to destroy this President. Just look at the coverage the 25 'diplomats who say Bush should not be re-elected President'. Where was the coverage for the Swift Boat veterans who said Kerry is 'unfit to be CIC'? And Kerry's making 4 months in Vietnam the reason he should be elected! Silence from the media. Look how the media plays up the 'Kerry is a decorated war hero'-where was this in reference to HW Bush and Dole? Look at how Bush is repeatedly attacked in the press-they refuse to report the economy is on fire, they refuse to report good things in regards to Iraq and encourage our enemies. There wasn't even much reporting the other day on Russian President Vladimir Putin saying how he warned the President that Iraq was planning attacks using terrorists against our country!! That is BIG news, but of course, it harms their cause in destroying Bush so it needs to be silenced. And look how the media deliberately distorted and lied about the 9/11 report and claimed the administration lied about Iraq-al Qaeda links and yet even commission members were amazed at how irresponsible the media reporting on it was and corrected them in that there were Iraq-al Qaeda links. It's maddening and the list goes on and on. They are out to destroy this President. It really is a miracle how well he is holding up considering. And now this new poll. But I believe ignorance is what they will continue to rely on, but Kerry really is an ugly candidate on all levels. I think Bush will still win and what a joy it will be to watch this propaganda machine be destroyed.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 9:00 pm    Post subject: will Bush be re-elected Reply with quote

Its about the use and misuse of power.

With all the power we grant to our President shouldn't we expect the best and smartest use of that power?

I don't think Bush used his powers wisely going into Iraq the way he did and he will be judged harshly for that misuse.

Just my thoughts on this matter. Cool
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 1:04 am    Post subject: Re: will Bush be re-elected Reply with quote

oldkayaker wrote:
I don't think Bush used his powers wisely going into Iraq the way he did and he will be judged harshly for that misuse.

You have a right to your opinion. You're WRONG, but you have a right to be wrong. No pun intended.
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Joined: 25 May 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 1:54 am    Post subject: will Bush be re-elected? Reply with quote

Focusing on Iraq and on what Bush has done as President (while avoiding the pitfall of what someone else might have done or maybe will do):

Bush had a winning public opinion up to the time he decided to escalate military action against Iraq.

Bush did not make the necessary "deals" with major countries and allies that could have provided support to his escalation of military action against Iraq consequently, only Britain, of the major G 8 nations supported the US military effort on the ground in Iraq. G-8 nations consist of Italy, Germany, Japan*, Canada, France, UK, Russia, USA

Coalition countries consist of the following according to some accounts:

The Bush Administration and Central Command maintain that that there are roughly 34 countries involved in Coalition efforts, including Albania, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Estonia, Georgia, Honduras, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, South Korea, Spain, Thailand, Ukraine and the United Kingdom.

(*) Japan provided non-combat support and some money.

Contrary to advice provided by reputable military sources before escalating the Iraqi military action, the forces used in Iraq were insufficient to secure the occupation period.

More US military have died since occupation started then were killed before Bush declared "mission accomplished".

The above are some of the reasons Bush will not be re-elected.
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 3:56 am    Post subject: Re: will Bush be re-elected? Reply with quote

I've deleted this post on behalf of the moderator because it was, in fact, not germane to this site.
Bye bye, Boston Straggler!

Last edited by Scott on Wed Jun 23, 2004 4:53 am; edited 1 time in total
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