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Hillary is Mad at Bill..

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Master Chief Petty Officer

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 7:28 pm    Post subject: Hillary is Mad at Bill.. Reply with quote

Clinton Watches Events Unfold
Hillary Silently Waits to Strike

Democrat partisans and their cheerleaders in Big Media are sprawled across the bed mindlessly blowing smoke rings toward the ceiling; so orgasmic was Bill Clinton’s reemergence onto the political scene. Clinton, who was reportedly born a poor black child in rural Arkansas, resurfaced this week fresh off the Atkins Diet and with a brand new baboon heart to win over some African-Americans who are not-at-all enthusiastic about that jive turkey John Kerry.

Seeing Clinton again beggars one question, though: Where’s Hillary? New York Senator Hillary Clinton is easily the most powerful Democrat in America. She has even more fundraising and star power than her famous husband. But she is rarely – in fact, never – seen on the campaign trail stumping for John Kerry, her erstwhile colleague in the Senate and, at least putatively, her favored candidate for President.

That’s because, if our sources can be believed, the old girl desperately wants President George W. Bush to win a second term so her quest to become America’s first woman president can continue unfettered.

Moreover, if Bill Clinton’s dog-and-pony show works and helps John Kerry win the presidency next Tuesday, the former president may find out he did more damage to his marriage this week than all the adulterous affairs, chubby chasing and rapes combined.

Not Available for Kerry Campaign

“Senator Clinton has been invited to serve as a surrogate for John Kerry no fewer than twenty times in the last three months,” one source inside the Democrat National Committee who asked to remain nameless told us. “She has turned each one down flat.”

Eyebrows began to rise when it was revealed Hillary would play only a minor role at the Democrat National Convention held in Boston this past July. Was the Kerry operation intentionally giving Hill the high hat treatment, knowing she coveted the White House for herself? Apparently, that’s not how it went at all.

“The Senator didn’t want to be the life of someone else’s party and eschewed a bigger role at the convention,” our source said. “She is patiently waiting her turn. She’s watching and she will strike on November 3rd if Bush wins reelection.”

Long Memory, Sharp Elbows

According to another source, this one actually inside the Kerry campaign but close with the Hillary operation, the junior Senator from New York is also keeping a watchful eye on which Democrat operatives have expressed a little too much enthusiasm for John Kerry.

“It’s safe to say that if you’re working for Kerry in 2004, you won’t be welcome on the Hillary bandwagon in 2008. Hillary is loyal to her people and expects the same from them. She has expressed disappointment to me personally because of my involvement with Senator Kerry’s campaign,” the source said.

Lobbyists and other big money players in Washington, DC have been put on notice, as well: The 2008 campaign starts on November 3rd and the “Hillary Doctrine” is in effect … you are either with her or you are against her.

But if the election is as close as the polls seem to indicate, wouldn’t that give Kerry a pretty strong claim on the nomination in ’08? “You don’t understand the power Senator Clinton has over the Democrat Party. She is easily our single biggest fundraiser. And you don’t understand the power she has on this town [Washington, DC]. These people could give a rat’s a** about John Kerry,” our source inside the DNC added.

Furious at Bill

The underground war raging between John Kerry and Hillary Clinton spilled over into Senator Clinton’s marriage this week, as well. Hillary was reportedly dead-set against Bill stumping for Kerry, knowing full well the strength he brings to the Kerry campaign in the waning hours of the 2004 election.

Is this as big a betrayal as his Oval Office tryst with plump intern Monica Lewinsky? Bigger, some say.

“Look, Hillary has endured all the pain of being married to a *******. She resolved a long time ago to let that ghost in her life rest in peace and to pursue her own political future. To the extent Bill can help with that? Great. But by coming out so forcefully for John Kerry, the feeling is that he has betrayed her all over again,” one source told us.

But don’t expect any funny, heartwarming stories about lamps being hurled at Bill in the wee hours of the morning. “They hardly see each other anymore,” our source said. Indeed, it is a thinly veiled secret – if it is even veiled at all – that Bill and Hill essentially lead separate lives and almost never talk.

Silence Her Greatest Weapon

If you read the papers you’ll see lots of US politicians going way out on a limb criticizing President George W. Bush on every issue under the sun, from the economy to the war. Many of those criticisms greatly differ from those politicians’ own records. For example, John Kerry voted for the war in Iraq, and yet is running as the reincarnation of Abbie Hoffman in 2004. Sens. Kerry, Dodd, Kennedy, Biden, Byrd and others have fairly cheered when bad news comes over the wire in Iraq, believing it to be another percentage point for Kerry.

But Senator Hillary Clinton has proved a much less reactionary, much more intelligent politician. We never hear of Hillary crowing when the bad news about Iraq hits home. Unlike the others, Hillary knows full well a politician can not be seen to delight in the pain and suffering of their countrymen simply because it offers political opportunity and advantage.

“We have no idea what the world will look like in 2008,” our source inside the Kerry campaign said. “Hillary is watching John Kerry trip over his every past statement, his every flip-flop. She won’t let that happen to her. Silence is her greatest weapon.”

Indeed, Hillary was shockingly circumspect when her Senate Armed Services Committee had the chance to grill Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld after the abu Ghraib prison scandal broke last May. Senator Clinton made only a brief, reserved comment or two and asked Rumsfeld only one question.

“What possible political gain could come from grandstanding on that issue? That’s what amateurs do; rank-and-file Senators who need to create an image for themselves to make them feel good about what they do in Washington,” our Kerry source said. “Senator Clinton doesn’t need that. She knows who she is. And she won’t be seen as someone who seeks political profit from horrible events. She’s smarter than that.”

Time is Running Out

But time is not on Hillary’s side. She’s getting a bit long in the tooth and 2012 is probably too long to have to wait to make her move for the presidency. America may be ready for a woman president, but are they ready for a dried up, menopausal, old bat in the White House? As we have pointed out before, Hillary might be storing cats in her freezer by 2012. It’s 2008 or never.

“Every Democrat in America secretly wants Kerry to lose. But with the race so close, we have to do our duty to re-defeat Bush,” our source inside the DNC told us. “I suspect that when the curtain is closed and Democrats are in the voting booth all by themselves, many will leave their ballots blank for president to open the door for Senator Clinton.”

This will be one of the most closely watched elections in history. But perhaps no American will watch it closer than the junior Senator from New York.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 7:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

rparrot: I could have gone the rest of my life without the mental picture of Democrat partisans and their OIM cheerleaders blowing smoke rings at the ceiling in contented bliss.


I really could have.

Thanks a lot.

And anyway., I doubt if either of them could ever...aw, never mind.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 7:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You mean she's not already storing cats in her freezer?

She was campaigning in Florida last week.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 7:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I guess it will be called the hear,speak, and see no evil hillary campaign!

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 7:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Love to be a fly on the wall...
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 8:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


What is the source for this article? Well written, concise, and probably very true.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 8:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

But if Kerry somehow steals the election, Hillary can always count on:
1. getting him impeached during the neext four years, or
2. Taking as a consolation prize "Chief Justice fo the Supreme Court - for life.

"Scuse me, but on that thought I gotta go retch. Twisted Evil
Hating John Kerry continuously since 1971.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 9:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Do you think she is mad enough to throw another lamp?
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 9:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

volosong wrote:

What is the source for this article? Well written, concise, and probably very true.
It's over at CrushKerry.com
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