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open letter to talkradio on their last two days

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Joined: 28 Jul 2004
Posts: 508

PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 5:16 pm    Post subject: open letter to talkradio on their last two days Reply with quote

For those of you in talkradio that monitor this site. You have today (Fri) and Monday, two days to make a case against John Kerry.

So far you have totally missd the stories that kerry did have direct communist connections, and acted in concert with their wishes.
That thread is here http://www2.swiftvets.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=14551
Texas Tech Universities Vietnam Archives, no less, has some of the proof.

You have totally missed that Kerrys has not released his military records and the probable reason(s). That he had to go through a special hearing to get his discharge UPGRADED to honorable. The record of that hearing is in paperwork on Kerry's site. G. Gordon Liddy also mentioned it on air.
This is not a secret, but you have kept the US public from hearing it.

You may have also noticed the official title for this site is "Swift Vets and POWs for Truth", that is because those POWS that survived and returned have their own relevant stories to tell about John Kerry.
The families of the POW/MIAS have there stories to tell.

Incidentally the companies and inividuals that made money when Kerry sold out the POWS/Mias have told their story. You have missed it.

For the weekday talkradio hosts you will have one more day, Monday. It will be your MOST listened to day of the last 4 years.
Will you chose to tell any truth of consequence about John Kerry? Or will you chose the AFL-CIO ASTRA Union line one more time. Repeating the themes from ABC's "the Note".

Last chance, by Tuesday of next week you will once again be irrelevent, if your support is is lacking now.
said Democratic Chairman Terry McAuliffe. "It is inexcusable to mock service and sacrifice."
well, when even the DNC can see it,,,,, then kerry is toast.

Last edited by lrb111 on Fri Oct 29, 2004 5:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Jack Mclaughlin

Joined: 13 May 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 5:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Also The Fox News Network let us down. We knew what to expect from Geraldo, Juan Williams, Greta, and even O`Reilly. But we were also disparaged by John Kasich, Carl Cameron, Brian Wilson and Dick Morris. Roger Ailes never saw fit to examine our case in- depth. They were just too busy with the sex and smut stuff.
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Joined: 28 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 5:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rush just touched it. With the Brokaw story, when he brought up the IQ question (kudos Aristotle) and kerry said his records were not public.
Rush then teased with you mean records about an honorable discharge?

BACK IT UP with the story RUSH!! Hit em with it now!!
said Democratic Chairman Terry McAuliffe. "It is inexcusable to mock service and sacrifice."
well, when even the DNC can see it,,,,, then kerry is toast.
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JB Stone

PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 5:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've been watching this thing develop as far as Kerry's Discharge / Non-Release of Documents.

I think at THIS juncture, the most EFFECTIVE method of stirring up interest may be simply be to CAST DOUBT in a plausible way and encourage others to verify for THEMSELVES.


Here is an example of a letter I had printed in the DAily Inter Lake, Kalispell, MT a few days ago as the "below the fold" HALF PAGE "opinion" piece on their editorial page.

I chose evidence that was DAMNING, to be sure....but ALSO easily verified.

Such as the DISCHARGE DOCUMENT that Kerry's own web site posted, circa 1978.

All you "need" to do is raise questions.

IF you fire away with ALL of your "tasty data" it will get SQUELCHED before it ever gets noticed....


John Kerry, Setting America Adrift

Listen to John Kerry at any one moment and you will never sense the whole. Let him talk about himself long enough and he will indict himself every time.

John Kerry signed a six-year contract to enlist in the Naval Reserve [not the USN] as an OCS Candidate on 2/18/66. However, he did so only after his request for a deferral to study in Paris for an additional year was refused. His Reserve Unit was called up. By his own admission, "When I signed up for the swift boats, they had very little to do with the war. They were engaged in coastal patrolling and that's what I thought I was going to be doing." He requested an early discharge from his Admiral on the grounds of “conscientious objection” to the ongoing conflict. You might say, “John Kerry voted against the military before he voted for it, and then voted against it.” Often criticized for flip-flopping, it’s his consistency and alliances I find most chilling.

A 2/18/70 Harvard Crimson article describes his first bid for the U.S. Congress, campaigning while he was still on Active Duty in the Navy. In “John Kerry: A Navy Dove Runs for Congress”, he states, "I'm an internationalist. I'd like to see our troops dispersed through the world only at the directive of the United Nations." A political career was born. Debating George Bush thirty-four years later he said, “you have to do it in a way that passes … the global test … and you can prove to the world that you did it for legitimate reasons.”

Kerry was soundly rejected in the Democratic Primary. In June, 1970, still in the Navy Reserve, he had joined the Vietnam Veterans Against the War and was making headlines by year’s end. From 1/31 - 2/2/71 Kerry collected “evidence of…"war crimes … committed or witnessed"” at the VVAW’s Winter Soldier Investigation, which he later used in his testimony before the Senate. Many of the “witnesses” he quoted had never actually been in Vietnam or in combat. So, while he may have repeated accurately what he heard to the Senate in April, it was not entirely truthful.

On 4/18/71, he stated to “Meet the Press”, “There are all kinds of atrocities, and I would have to say that, yes, yes, I committed the same kind of atrocities as thousands of other soldiers have committed in that I took part in shootings in free fire zones. I conducted harassment and interdiction fire. I used 50 calibre machine guns, which we were granted and ordered to use, which were our only weapon against people. I took part in search and destroy missions, in the burning of villages. All of this is contrary to the laws of warfare, all of this is contrary to the Geneva Conventions…” Five days later, he threw some of his ribbons, not his medals, over a fence in D.C.

In July of 1971, Kerry appeared on the “Dick Cavett Show”, accusing American Servicemen of War Crimes. Kerry admitted that he'd never actually seen some of the atrocities he testified about, saying, "I personally didn't see personal atrocities in the sense I saw somebody cut a head off or something like that. However, I did take part in free-fire zones, I did take part in harassment and interdiction fire, I did take part in search-and-destroy missions in which the houses of noncombatants were burned to the ground…And all of these acts… are contrary to the Hague and Geneva conventions and to the laws of warfare. So in that sense, anybody who took part in those, if you carry out the application of the Nuremberg Principles, is in fact guilty."

On 2/19/04, he told CNN, "No, I was accusing American leaders…it's the leaders who are responsible, not the soldiers. I never said that." John Kerry now claims to be an American leader. Was he an “American Leader” when he ordered those who served under him to commit what he himself considers to be War Crimes?

John Kerry refuses to release any of his Military Records from 1/3/70 – 7/1/72, during which time he was a Ready Reserve officer and also at the height of his VVAW activities and meeting with the North Vietnamese in Paris. Under oath during the question and answer period following his televised testimony before the U.S. Senate, Kerry said: “I have been to Paris. I have talked to … the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the Provisional Revolutionary Government [both Communist Regimes] and… if the United States were to set a date for withdrawal the prisoners of war would be returned.”

By negotiating for a date certain for our withdrawal while still an Officer in the Naval Reserve, John Kerry created a huge Constitutional dilemma for himself. Title 10, Section 904 of the United States Code [UCMJ] provides: “Any person who… without proper authority, knowingly… communicates or corresponds with or holds any intercourse with the enemy, either directly or indirectly, shall suffer death or such other punishment as a court-martial or military commission may direct.” Given Title 10, Section 904 and Title 18, Section 953, intercourse with the enemy and intercourse with a foreign government with intent to “defeat the measures of” the United States constitute federal crimes. He collaborated with enemy combatants during the war, "adhering to them and giving them aid." The evidence for this is in his own words, covered by another law, The Constitution of the United States, Article III, Section 3.

Kerry’s official Web site features an official Navy document describing his "Honorable Discharge from the Reserves.” This document is dated 2/16/78, a full six years after his original enlistment contract expired. It describes his discharge as being subsequent to the review of "a board of officers,” citing "Title 10, U.S. Code Section 1162 and 1163,” which refers to the grounds for involuntary separation from the service. No ordinary honorable discharge action in the Navy requires a review by a board of officers. The "board of officers" is even more noteworthy because it came about "by direction of the President,” Jimmy Carter. No normal honorable discharge requires the direction of the president.

Less than an hour after his Inauguration, Mr. Carter signed Executive Order 4483 empowering a general amnesty for draft dodgers and other war protesters. It was expanded in March 1977 to include other offenders who may have had general, bad conduct, dishonorable discharges, and any other discharge or sentence with negative effect on military records. In those cases the directive outlined a procedure for appeal on a case by case basis before a board of officers. A satisfactory appeal would result in an improvement of discharge status or an honorable discharge.

Senator Kerry has repeatedly refused to sign Standard Form 180, allowing the release of his complete military records. The Naval Personnel Office confirms that they are still withholding some 100 pages of files.

I would DEFINITELY caution you as well about "counting" on sources like Free Republic. I was banned from there because I posted the TRUTH about Bio-Chemical Warfare testing ala Project SHAD/112.

It wasn't 'PALATABLE' enough for the insiders there.....and since one of THEM didn't "discover" it....it never got any 'LEGS'.

The Swift Boat Veterans have as their strength, their CREDIBILITY.

LOTS of things happen every day which are NOT based on one's "popularity" at Free Republic. It's only ONE method of communication.

I have spent the last few years trying to get the word out via every web spot and site I could imagine.

SURPRISINGLY, the FIRST set of folks who actually "ran with" the story were those who OPPOSED my ultimate goal.....which is to HELP Veterans.


Sometimes, making waves includes throwing a stone over your shoulder as well....which is to say, don't try to CONTROL the flow of information and SOMETIMES you make a bigger splash.



I have RELENTLESSLY sent "press releases" and letters to all SORTS of media outlets...and have been contacted by CNN, CBS and others.

However, the CONTENT of what I was trying to reveal was evidently a little TOO shocking for their "public" to ascertain and accept.

So, if you are going to "depend" on a group which is NOT a "group" like Free Republic, you MAY only be decorating some site with cutesy replies and InterNet jargon only GEEKS will see.


If you have LEGITIMATE, DOCUMENTED info, why not go to a VETERAN's Service Organization.

However, DON'T count on the VVA, as KERRY was one of its FOUNDERS.

Now, as far as I can TELL, he hasn't shown his face around there in DECADES.

But, interestingly, they have a FULL PAGE dedicated to the Project SHAD/112 issues and are engaged in a LAW SUIT....[hint, hint]....seeking to expose the hidden characteristics for the Veterans of that set of programs, which were exercised 1962-73.

I will NOT state that the VVA is the be-all and end-all to the PRoject SHAD/112 Veterans' wishes and dreams. But they ARE "believable" in people's eyes.



The second site came about by means of CONGRESSIONAL pressure, which resultef from Veterans pressuring THEIR representatives. There is NO "magic bullet".

[even Slick Willy cautioned John Effing Kerry when he went on the stump for him, telling him to "stick to the basics, tell them your plan"....well, of COURSE Kerry has NO plan, so he went with Al Qaqaa...which became All Caca, All the Time....and he has only HIMSELF to blame in the end for going down in flames.....!!!]


ONe LAST item, the MSM HATES being "scooped" by "amateurs", but if you let THEM appear as if they "discovered" some earth-shattering NEWS, then they get to go out to lunch with their Boss, and YOU get your story heard.


The BOIL DOWN of all this is that you CANNOT "count" on any ONE source in the media. And, you must make your cause PALATABLE to SOME segment of the society. Pure negativity and slander only works if you're the DNC.

Very Happy

One last item, if you READ the responses on Free Republic and other "open" sites, you will see a LOT of angst over the VALIDITY of your arguments and info. Your BEST bet is to find a RELIABLE ally in the media and continue to FEED them data 24/7.

I spent a LOT of time on hold with just about EVERY talk show host in America.

You are probably UNAWARE of it, but my good friend, Rod Utech of POW-MIA radio has had some EXCELLENT shows over the past couple of weeks on the Swift Boat issues.

You all OWE him a debt of gratitude.


Our scheduled guests on POW/MIA Radio for Sunday, October 31, 2004 are:

3:00pm Mtn - Mr. Van Odell: Mr. Odell is a Navy veteran of Vietnam serving aboard Swift Boats while attached to several divisions that were responsible for coastal and river security. He participated on river patrols that John Kerry was also assigned and was in a position to observe Kerry's actions and some of the incidents that are in dispute. After he left the Navy, Van earned B.S. degress in both Forestry Management and Petroleum Geology. He has been awarded the title of Certified Petroleum Geologist from the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Van is an active member of SwiftVets for Truth who considers exposing the truth about John Kerry as his most important mission. Please visit http://www.SwiftVets.com for more information.

4:00pm Mtn - Mr. John Leboutillier. John is a former congressman from New York and presently columnist for NewsMax.com. He is a nationally recognized political commentator and has been a frequent guest on national talk shows. John has authored several books and also contributes to several major newspapers and magazines. He has been active in POW/MIA issues since he served as a member of the Special House POW/MIA Task Force. With his experience and insight, John will discuss the impending election and events that have had an affect on the presidential candidates. His articles on current affairs can be found at http://www.newsmax.com .

5:00pm Mtn - Mr. John Matejov. John is the brother of Sgt. Josepf Matejov, USAF, one of the crewmembers of Baron 52, an EC-47Q doing electronic surveillance while evesdropping on the Ho Chi Minh on February 5, 1973. The plane was downed by intense anti-aircraft fire and crashed into the jungle. A rescuer reached the crash site shortly afterward to find bodies of the front-enders but no remains of Sgt. Matejov or the other three technicians, whose stations were in the rear of the plane. This case was highlighted for special review by Senator John Kerry during the Senate Select Committee meetings from 1991 to 1993. John will discuss the discrepancies of this review and other investigations that cannot prove these four men actually perished in the crash.

Listen to POW/MIA Radio every Sunday on The American Freedom Network, http://www.americanewsnet.com . We also broadcast on KHNC-AM, 1360khz, Johnstown, Colorado. 10,000 watts covering the Front Range of the Colorado Rockies.


Rod Utech, Producer

"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!" Patrick Henry, 1775



So, let 'er fly....just get your story STRAIGHT before you walk off the gang plank.

Exclamation Idea Exclamation
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Joined: 28 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 4:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dang you are doing some STUFF, J.B.

If you want to do something fun. Drop off a copy of your letter at the VA office in Billings. Tell her Larry in Texas said "Read it". You may have to get up the ladder there, but she will know who you are talking about. Smile
said Democratic Chairman Terry McAuliffe. "It is inexcusable to mock service and sacrifice."
well, when even the DNC can see it,,,,, then kerry is toast.
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