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Democrat's embrace Micheal Moore and F9-11
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Senior Chief Petty Officer

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 4:29 pm    Post subject: Democrat's embrace Micheal Moore and F9-11 Reply with quote

I read a report that key democrat's have embraced Moore and his movie. The democrat's (Senator's) have touted the movie as factual and are hoping it will get Kerry elected. This story was on MSNBC. I guess the liberal's can just ignore fact's and claim that anything is the truth as long as it bashes Bush. Just goes to prove that if you tell a lie long enough it becomes the truth to the teller. This is a big win for us, I thought that the dem's would be smart enough to stay away from Moore and let him work as a rouge. Hell at this rate he might be the VP nominee!! This will empower the GOP and I think many that wouldn't vote will now. The American people know that his so called film is slanted and a lie for the most part and if the dem's embrace it as the absolute truth, well let's say they are idiots of the first order. But we all knew that anyway!! Semper Fi.
Helicopter Marine Attack Squadron 169 which is now HMLA-169. They added Huey's to compliment the Cobra effectiveness. When I served we just had Snakes.
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Theresa Alwood
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 10:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Democrats being smart enough....that is a good one!!! Hurt my side on that one.

I am surpsied Al Gore did not jump on that one and tout that to be the truth! Just think...he almost won the presidency...isn't that a scary thought...something even scarier..John Kerry might win.

I think what concerns me the most is there is enough people out there who will actually believe Michael Moore and his lies. Yet, Michael Moore hired attorney's to protect him against the Bush adminstration because he is afraid of the backlash and lies the adminstration might spread...I could almost laugh if it just was not so darn serious and Mr. Moore is using the 09-11 tradegy to gain money and support for his anti-Bush hating crowd.

What even concerns me more what is going to happen when the Arab world watches this movie/lies and how the terrorist will use this against our troops and the US. Mr. Moore is just so stupid that I think someone hit him a little too hard with the stupid stick...or maybe not hard enough to knock some sense into him.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 25, 2004 1:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Micheal Moore is a poster child for Big Mac's, that is his only claim to fame. I heard a new's clip about some theater's in L.A. that are refusing to show the DNC propaganda movie. They interviewed Moore and he made his same stupid remarks about Bush and now is attacking gun owners and the Second Amendment as well. I guess he figures that if we are an unarmed citizenry the terrorists will leave us alone. What an idiot. They should make a parent's training film out of his interview's, this is what you don't want your kid's to grow up like!!! I am against abortion but would have supported his mother if she would want to abort him. Semper Fi.
Helicopter Marine Attack Squadron 169 which is now HMLA-169. They added Huey's to compliment the Cobra effectiveness. When I served we just had Snakes.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 25, 2004 3:59 am    Post subject: Micheal Moore Reply with quote

Micheal Moore is a self inflated bag of gas. His "Bowling for Columbine" hurt the NRA as much as GM was crippled by "Roger and Me". His body of work is so poor that he had to create the false hype of censorship to get his latest piece of excrement noticied.

Take the energy you want to waste on this bloated bovine and focus it on the goals and mission that this site represents.

To paraphrase Kirk Douglas in the movie "In Harm's Way", "Pieces of garbage like Micheal Moore are with us always. Sailors like the SwiftVets, only come along once in a while."
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Senior Chief Petty Officer

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 25, 2004 4:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I hear ya Scotty, but the sad reality is there are people out there that believe him. From what I have seen the conservatives are boycotting his latest crap and that will cut his profit's by at least 50%. I hope he goes belly up. He will sue the Republican party for making him lose money just watch and see. This one should be rated "L" for lies, or "D" for democratic agenda. Semper Fi.
Helicopter Marine Attack Squadron 169 which is now HMLA-169. They added Huey's to compliment the Cobra effectiveness. When I served we just had Snakes.
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Joined: 16 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 25, 2004 1:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ABC refused to show Moore's Docu-lie. i beleive it was Disney that
made the decision. Disney being the parent company of ABC.

and interesting enough - tonight ABC is doing an investigative report
on Moore's film by Peter Jennings on their evening news.
Jennings is considered to be pretty biased by me and many others,
so i'm really wondering what this report will end up as.

will let those of you know who don't watch it.

"Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism."
George Washington, Farewell Address, September 19, 1796
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 12:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"But there is an added technique for weakening a nation at its very roots ... The method is simple. It is first, a dissemination of discord. A group - not too large - a group that may be sectional or racial or political - is encouraged to exploit its prejudices through false slogans and emotional appeals. The aim of those who deliberately egg on these groups is to create confusion of counsel, public indecision, political paralysis and, eventually, a state of panic. Sound national policies come to be viewed with a new and unreasoning skepticism ... As a result of these techniques, armament programs may be dangerously delayed. Singleness of national purpose may be undermined. . . . The unity of the state can be so sapped that its strength is destroyed. All this is no idle dream. It has happened time after time, in nation after nation, during the last two years." - FDR, May 26, 1940.

I wonder what Roosevelt would have made of Michael Moore, don't you?
On Sale! Order in lots of 100 now at velero@rcn.com Free for the cost of shipping All profits (if any, especially now) go to Swiftvets. The author of "Sink Kerry Swiftly" ---ASPB
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 4:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

That entire radio address can be read at the FDR presidential library site and is a very good read. Substitute a few words and dates and it very well could be Bush making it,

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 4:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I just read an excellent article pointing out the many lies and misleadings of this piece of trash. What really surprised me is that it is in the Slate, of all places.


Lengthy, but worth the read.
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 12:31 pm    Post subject: Re: Democrat's embrace Micheal Moore and F9-11 Reply with quote

Marine4life wrote:
I read a report that key democrat's have embraced Moore and his movie. The democrat's (Senator's) have touted the movie as factual and are hoping it will get Kerry elected. This story was on MSNBC. I guess the liberal's can just ignore fact's and claim that anything is the truth as long as it bashes Bush. Just goes to prove that if you tell a lie long enough it becomes the truth to the teller. This is a big win for us, I thought that the dem's would be smart enough to stay away from Moore and let him work as a rouge. Hell at this rate he might be the VP nominee!! This will empower the GOP and I think many that wouldn't vote will now. The American people know that his so called film is slanted and a lie for the most part and if the dem's embrace it as the absolute truth, well let's say they are idiots of the first order. But we all knew that anyway!! Semper Fi.

The sensible liberal Democrats have made a deal with the Devil - i.e., the wild-eyed leftists - in a hope of coming back into power.

In doing so, they have betrayed the U.S., just as John Kerry betrayed the U.S. soldier in the 1970's, and created a grave danger to this republic.

They need to be voted out of office - while they still can be voted out of office.

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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 12:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

sdpatriot wrote:
ABC refused to show Moore's Docu-lie. i beleive it was Disney that
made the decision. Disney being the parent company of ABC.

and interesting enough - tonight ABC is doing an investigative report
on Moore's film by Peter Jennings on their evening news.
Jennings is considered to be pretty biased by me and many others,
so i'm really wondering what this report will end up as.

I saw it on the evening news. Jennings panned the film by pointing out its historical inaccuracies - specifically focusing on Clarke's assertion that he, not Bush, arranged the BinLadin family flights, and that Clarke said that Bush's "ties" to the BinLadin Group had no effect on Bush's decisions on the War on Terrorist Scum.

If ABC pans the movie, that shows just how really bad it is, and/or the beginnings of ABC's move to extricate itself from what ultimately will lead to network oblivion in the War Against the Gore Digital Brownshirts (a.k.a. conservative Internet BBS's and blogs).

On another note, it is quite chilling to realize Gore was attacking as "Brownshirts" those who espouse views aligned to the views of the founding fathers of the U.S. This roaring leftist idiot was almost President.

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Senior Chief Petty Officer

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 5:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

They were passing out Kerry stickers at the showing in Riverside. But what I have noticed is that most of the liberal media is talking bad about the movie and Moore. Kerry allowing his drones to hook up with Moore was a big mistake. The media that I watched this morning said that interviews with veiwers revealed only the normal essentric people that follow Moore and no Republicans could be found. They also said that the independents were not impressed by the lies and ommisions of truth. It's a good day at the movies, Moore is going down. Even his staunchest allies, the media are bashing his lies and psyco left wing crap. Semper Fi.
Helicopter Marine Attack Squadron 169 which is now HMLA-169. They added Huey's to compliment the Cobra effectiveness. When I served we just had Snakes.
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 7:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Marine4life wrote:
They were passing out Kerry stickers at the showing in Riverside. But what I have noticed is that most of the liberal media is talking bad about the movie and Moore. Kerry allowing his drones to hook up with Moore was a big mistake. The media that I watched this morning said that interviews with veiwers revealed only the normal essentric people that follow Moore and no Republicans could be found. They also said that the independents were not impressed by the lies and ommisions of truth. It's a good day at the movies, Moore is going down. Even his staunchest allies, the media are bashing his lies and psyco left wing crap. Semper Fi.

Rush pointed out today that the hype about the movie "setting records" is somewhat distorted. It may have set records for a "documentary", but is #223 (just below one of the Legally Blonde movies) in terms of all movie opening weekends.


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PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 3:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have been watching it all weekend and the only ones giving good reviews is the Kerry/Moore trolls and of course Moore himself. Most of the critics are slamming it for it's partisan lies, people know the truth. Even some democrats are shying away now and trying to distance themselves from him. I have seen about 4 interviews with Moore since Friday and the journalist has hammered him in all of them, especially about some part where they play Cocaine to make it look like Bush is high or just a doper. Moore went over the top on this one and Kerry was stupid enough to endorse him. I hope every liberal goes to see it and jumps on his bandwagon, at least they will all be in one area so we can watch them. Semper Fi.
Helicopter Marine Attack Squadron 169 which is now HMLA-169. They added Huey's to compliment the Cobra effectiveness. When I served we just had Snakes.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 6:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Intersting article by a noted Liberal Democrat about this Farcementary;

Moores Film Is Shocking Propaganda
Edward I. Koch
Tuesday, June 29, 2004

It is shocking to me that Americans in a time of war, and we literally are at war with Americans being deliberately killed in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere by Islamic terrorists, will attack their own country, sapping its strength and making its enemies stronger.

I am not a supporter of the xenophobic slogan “My country right or wrong.”

But I do believe, when seeking to make it right if it is wrong, that none of us should endanger the country, our military personnel or our fellow citizens.

Disagreeing with America’s foreign policy and seeking to change it, responsibly or irresponsibly, is a fundamental right protected by the First Amendment. Shaming those who do it irresponsibly is our only lawful recourse and rightly so.

Senator John Kerry in criticizing United States’ foreign policy and the incumbent president is acting responsibly, albeit I disagree with many of his views.

On the other hand, Michael Moore, writer and director of the film “Fahrenheit 9/11,” crosses that line regularly. The line is not set forth in the criminal statutes, but it is determined by Americans who know instinctively what actions and statements taken and uttered violate the obligations of responsibility and citizenship they deem applicable in time of war.

David Brooks, in a brilliant New York Times column on June 26, collected some of the statements that Michael Moore has been making in other countries which denigrate the U.S. and, in my opinion, cross the line.

Brooks writes: “Before a delighted Cambridge crowd, Moore reflected on the tragedy of human existence: ‘You're stuck with being connected to this country of mine, which is known for bringing sadness and misery to places around the globe.’

"In Liverpool, he paused to contemplate the epicenters of evil in the modern world: ‘It's all part of the same ball of wax, right? The oil companies, Israel, Halliburton…We, the United States of America, are culpable in committing so many acts of terror and bloodshed that we had better get a clue about the culture of violence in which we have been active participants...Don't be like us,’ he told a crowd in Berlin. ‘You've got to stand up, right? You've got to be brave.’

"In an open letter to the German people in Die Zeit, Moore asked, ‘Should such an ignorant people lead the world?’

"In an interview with a Japanese newspaper, Moore helped citizens of that country understand why the United States went to war in Iraq: ‘The motivation for war is simple. The U.S. government started the war with Iraq in order to make it easy for U.S. corporations to do business in other countries. They intend to use cheap labor in those countries, which will make Americans rich.’

"But venality doesn't come up when he writes about those who are killing Americans in Iraq: ‘The Iraqis who have risen up against the occupation are not `insurgents' or `terrorists' or `The Enemy.' They are the REVOLUTION, the Minutemen, and their numbers will grow — and they will win.’ Until then, few social observers had made the connection between Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and Paul Revere.”

Undoubtedly, too long a quote, but there is no substitute for the original.

A year after 9/11, I was part of a panel discussion on BBC-TV’s “Question Time” show which aired live in the United Kingdom. A portion of my commentary at that time follows:

“One of the panelists was Michael Moore, writer and director of the award-winning documentary 'Roger & Me.' During the warm-up before the studio audience, Moore said something along the lines of 'I don’t know why we are making so much of an act of terror. It is three times more likely that you will be struck by lightening than die from an act of terror.' I was aghast and responded, 'I think what you have said is outrageous, particularly when we are today commemorating the deaths of 3,000 people resulting from an act of terror.' I mention this exchange because it was not televised, occurring as it did before the show went live. It shows where he was coming from long before he produced “Fahrenheit 9/11.”

Many in the audience assembled by the BBC included Americans and people from other nations. Their positive responses to Moore on this and other comments he made during the program convinced me that the producers had found a lair of dingbats when looking to fill the studio with an audience.

Moore later called President Bush a “dummy,” denigrating him for having threatened Iraq with consequences including war if it did not comply with the United Nations resolutions to which it agreed when it was defeated in the 1991 Gulf War.

Again, I couldn’t contain myself and said, “That’s what you radicals on the left always do. You don’t debate issues, you denigrate your opponents. You did it with President Reagan, saying he was dumb. After he left office, 600 speeches, many hand-written by him, demonstrated his high intelligence.”

In World Wars I and II, the U.S., suffering great casualties to its military personnel, saved the world, particularly in WWII, from occupation by the German Nazi Reich and Japanese empire.

We currently are fighting the battle against a minority of fundamentalist Islamists whose objective is to destroy Western civilization. They are willing to use every act of terrorism from suicide bombers to hacking off heads to destroy and terrorize us into surrender.

And Michael Moore weakens us before that enemy.

How should we respond? With scorn, catcalls, the Bronx cheer and the truth.

Of course, we should recognize the outrages and criminal acts committed by Americans in military service and civilians at the Iraqi prison Abu Ghraib.

We should continue as we have done and take action to punish those involved. But we ought not in the media show again and again the pictures of the atrocities to simply flagellate ourselves and give aid and comfort to our enemies.

A good rule of thumb might be to show the pictures of Abu Ghraib as many times as we show the beheadings of Danny Pearl, Nicholas Berg and Paul Johnson.

I am a movie critic, so I went to see “Fahrenheit 9/11.” The movie is a well-done propaganda piece and screed as has been reported by most critics.

It is not a documentary which seeks to present the facts truthfully.

The most significant offense that movie commits is to cheapen the political debate by dehumanizing the President and presenting him as a cartoon.
Newsday reported some of Moore’s misstatements as follows: “At the start of ‘Fahrenheit 9/11,’ filmmaker Michael Moore shows a clip of CNN analyst Jeffrey Toobin saying that if ballots had been recounted in Florida after the 2000 presidential vote, ‘under every scenario Gore won the election.’

“What Moore doesn't show is that a six-month study in 2001 by news organizations including The New York Times, the Washington Post and CNN found just the opposite. Even if the Supreme Court had not stopped a statewide recount, or if a more limited recount of four heavily Democratic counties had taken place, Bush still would have won Florida and the election . . . Moore suggests Bush's conflict of interest was manifest shortly after the Sept. 11 attacks when the White House ‘approved planes to pick up the bin Ladens and numerous other Saudis’ who, fearing reprisals, were flown out of the United States.

Embellishing the well-known scenario, Moore interviews a retired FBI agent who says authorities should have first questioned the bin Ladens.
“But the bin Ladens were questioned. The commission investigating the attacks reported in April that the FBI interviewed 30 passengers: ‘Nobody was allowed to depart on these six flights who the FBI wanted to interview in connection with the 9/11 attacks or who the FBI later concluded had any involvement in those attacks.’”

It is clear to me from the tenor of the film’s off-screen commentary by Michael Moore that he would have denounced WW II.

Did he support the United States and NATO going into Bosnia to save the Muslims from ethnic cleansing and destruction?

Would he agree that we should have attempted to save the Muslim men from death at the hands of the Serbs in Srebrenica?

Should we now be going into the Sudan and saving perhaps a million black Christian and Animist Sudanese from Arab marauders who are murdering, raping and starving the blacks and even selling some into slavery?

Weren’t we right to go into Iraq on the basis of United Nations Resolution 1441 which stated the Iraqis had weapons of mass destruction and that was a cause for war unless they accounted for them and destroyed them, which they refused to do?

Now that no WMDs have yet been found, was the invasion to end the reign of Saddam Hussein, who had killed and tortured hundreds of thousands of his own citizens, still supportable? Moore thinks not.
I think, yes.

The movie’s diatribes, sometimes amusing and sometimes manifestly unfair, will not change any views. They will simply cheapen the national debate and reinforce the opinions on both sides.

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