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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 3:25 am    Post subject: WATCH YOUR BACK Reply with quote

I don't know if I'm doing this right. Help me if I'm messing up.

This Michael Moore thing, and its direct association to Kerry -by means of leading by example -has me nauseous. I know the widow of one of those "photographs" that was used to make Bush's portrait. And I know that particular silent "photograph" supported and believed in his President. Please read the following posts that I've gathered from different areas of the forum. Then read the communication between my friend and I at the bottom. I have contacted an attorney to see if he can find the answers to the questions asked in them. Please, if I'm not paranoid, if you know anyone who might have answers about how to stop John Kerry and the living beast he's helped create, Michael Moore, contact them. My son leaves for Parris Island shortly.

Am I paranoid?
I don't think so.
But then, paranoid people don't ususally think they are : )

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Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 9:42 pm Post subject:

We have achieved the objective of the SwiftVets forum (http://www2.swiftvets.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=2):

This forum is provided as a means of facilitating the discussion of our strongly-held conviction that John Kerry is unfit to serve as our Commander-In-Chief.

John Kerry, however, has not responded in any way to the five demands in the on-line SwiftVet/Pow Petition (http://www2.swiftvets.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=11309):

Acknowledge to the American public that you did not personally witness any such atrocities or, in the alternative, cite such examples and then provide an explanation of what actions you took relative to these alleged war crimes.

Explain to the American public the nature and extent of war crimes in which you participated.

Explain to the American public your justification for contacting and working in conjunction with a foreign government then at war with the United States.

Provide an acknowledgment and apology to the American veterans for your all encompassing accusations, and more specifically to our POWs for any extensions of their internment caused by your actions.

Personally respond factually to the challenges made against your service in Vietnam by some 275 men who served with you.

Since John Kerry was elected Commander-in-Chief, maybe some people will consider those demands Overtaken By Events (OBE).

John Kerry is now "merely" a Senator from Massachesetts until 2008, and beyond if the people of Massachessetts re-elect him.

HOWEVER, in the current 108th Congress, John Kerry serves on four Senate Committees:
- Commerce, Science and Transportation (Ranking Member of Oceans, Fisheries, and the Environment Sub-Committee)
- Finance
- Foreign Relations (Ranking Member of East Asian and Pacific Affairs Sub-Committee)
- Small Business and Entrepreneurship (Ranking Member)

It is his membership on the Foreign Relations Committee that should most concern us for now. As the Ranking Member of the East Asian and Pacific Affairs Sub-Committee, he is responsible for preventing the Vietnam Human Rights Act, not once, but twice (see http://www2.swiftvets.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=12324) from being brought to the Senate floor for vote, after it had been passed in the House. In doing this he was not acting "merely" as a representative from Massachesetts, but as sole, single-person representative for the entire United States. From this one example alone, it can be seen that John Kerry is not merely a problem of the State of Massachesetts, but is, in fact, a key person in national affairs.

Of course, the current Senate Committee assignments will be revised in the next Congress, and we do not know where John Kerry will be allowed to act for all of us as he did in the example above. Nor do we know whether he will be re-elected in 2008, but if he does, he continues to gain seniority and to improve his chances of serving on other and more key committees.

So I guess, in summary, the key question for the Swiftees is: having been thwarted (probably for all time) from becoming the Commander-in-Chief, does he still, and potentially, represent enough of a threat to national security and veteran interests to continue the struggle to expose him for the man that the American public do not know? If the answer to that is "No," then it is time to fold the tent and seek other venues to vindicate our outrage over voter fraud, the bias of the press, etc. But if the answer is "Yes," then I strongly suggest that the leaders, moderators, administrators of this site take some action very soon to keep the gang together, and to prevent the old "fire in the belly" from going out.

My final thoughts until a decision is reached...


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Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 7:16 pm Post subject:
Kerry has classic narcissistic personality disorder so, of course, he's bitter, resentful and revengeful. He's a wonderful person who's been wronged by those lying swiftees

What you have to remember is that he's damaged goods. His disorder is so great that he really believes the fantasy world that he's created around himself for the last 30 years. He has no remorse, guilt, empathy or sympathy towards anyone else. In his mind, he's the one who's the victim.

He's still dangerous as long as he's any kind of a force in politics. Even a small one. He needs to be neutralized completely.

Swiftees are the only ones who can do it. I hope and pray that after some much needed R&R they will pursue him like the hounds of hell until his record is made public and the whole world knows who he is.

I hope to read in the newspapers some day soon that in a fit of depression he has jumped off the Brooklyn Bridge. A fit ending.

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Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 8:46 pm Post subject: All well and good, except he's feeding the beast again!


My panties haven't been in a wad, my upper and lower intestines have been. They are relaxing a little bit, two days after the election. But then
I have a spastic episode every time I think about the picture at www.michaelmoore.com

Not much has changed except that Kerry has waved a surrender. The basic premise of what he began all those long years ago still lives and breathes.

Isn't there a damn law against using dead soldiers images in such a manner?




My friend wrote:

I think what Michael Moore was trying to state is this: President Bush has the blood of all the fallen soldiers on HIS hands. The question to me is, what kind of man would send our youth to war for no other reason than for power and control of middle east oil? It's not a fact that is easy to admit, but it the facts- give me on legitimate reason we invaded that country- don't even try the lame excuses of WMDs or Sudam being a threat to the US, or to fight teriorism. They have all been discredited. Do you realize that all the US military bases in Afganistan are located on an oil pipeline? The whole Bush gang want to control the area and get control of the OIL. And they do in the name of God. Period. I'll still pray for the soldiers.

My Response:

Only scum take boots from dead men and then walk in them.

There is no explanation other than that.

I know for a fact that Rodney Murray respected George Bush.

Those men and women can not respond.

And I imagine their widows can't gag out a response.

I can.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 3:49 am    Post subject: legal start Reply with quote

Got a response from my lawyer friend:

"All is probably in the public domain, but counsel for the local newspaper would be the best place to start asking."

I don't know anyone there that would help.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 4:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am not a lawyer - but you might be able to go after him for using someone's image without their consent - class action suit with a bunch of those families of the fallen that he is exploiting. I think that legally you have to have a consent form to use someone's imagine for propaganda.
What a slob. I love to hear Bush 41 call him names Twisted Evil
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 5:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

One thing I need to mention here is - please don't type everything in CAPS.... I know in email language it is 'screaming' - I use caps for a word or 2 or even a sentence.... but not much more.... I don't take it as 'screaming', but it is very hard on my eyes.... and difficult to read. That may just be for me, I can't speak for others. I have a bad eye and a worse than that eye. So help me along here.... not all caps, please? I did make it thru the above post tho....

Moore is beyond contempt! I think the families should join together and if it isn't illegal, it is dispicable! I haven't looked at the pic yet....don't know if I will. But I did hear about it on tv....
his house should be picketed !!!
I do know that the Swfties threatened to sue for Kerry using the pic of all the Swifties in that 'group' pic he was using - implying that they all were in support of him. These military people are not 'public' people like a politician - he should not be allowed to use them this way!
Moore is the 'stand in' for Kerry in this new 'anitwar' protesting - probably being coached by Kerry as Kerry was by the VC!

Use your email power to blog it around.... start a mini (or major) 'uprising' over it! email the media! we need to keep our newfound email skills (as least new to me) up to par!
compare him to Kerry (I will!) and the harm that it did to our country in the 70's and that it is doing now !

I also heard on the news today that alot of 'Americans' were checking out Australia and Canada etc to move to since Bush was re-elected...

encourage them!!! encourage them to denounce their American citizenship and get out of the country ! email the media in support of the likes of Redford and Streisand etc to carry thru on their 'threats' to leave the USA - we don't need them here causing trouble - if they aren't constructive, they are destructive - we know which of these they are!

As far as WHY we went to war, it sounds like your friend has drank to much kool-aide to save.... but you can try;
reasons for war - WMD - congress saw the same intel that Bush saw, no matter what the propaganda says.... intel from all of our allies said the same; Putin told Bush that Saddam had them and planned to use them on us - what would you expect our President to do? nothing? really!
and if we had been attacked again, who would be the first to be blamed? Bush !

also, our planes were being fired at DAILY! that's OUR men/women in those planes! (no fly zone)

there were 2 terrorists camps in Iraq - 1 in the NE area - for training and working on WMDs... and one that I heard of early on ( but not much since) in the SW area !

our ENEMY Zaqarwi llived there and was operating his terrorists plans from there (in opposition to the lefts idea that he was working a local hot dog stand or some such legal bz ! (my exaggeration)

Saddam was sending $25,000 to the family of each human bomb - that sounds like support of terrorism to me

Saddam was in VIOLATION of how many resolutions now?

he was in violation of the terms of the end of the Gulf war!

I still say the WMD's are there.... the media keeps saying they aren't there... but we haven't checked the whole country yet... what about the buried planes? there's alot of country to be checked yet...
and for what the 'media' says - we know how truthful they are ....

The fear of our military being hit by some WMD when they approached that 'red line' around Bagdad was very real to me!

if we were after their oil, can anyone produce PROOF of that? and by proof, I don't mean a FORGED memo etc.... I mean REAL proof !

how were we (Bush) going to do that in secret? connect a large hose from there to our east coast area? that is a lie from the left and the countries who were 'stealing' oil from the Iraqi PEOPLE thru the illegal
pipelines that went into their countries (Syria) ....

over and above all of these reasons, the biggest to me is the FREEING of those poor abused people! As a mother and grandmother, it absolutely tore my heart up to hear/see those mothers and grandmothers and think of how I would feel if our government were taking my kids, grandkids (friends etc) away by force ( some never to be seen again) to fight in Saddam 'military' or if my husband (if I had one) or brother or dad was being forced to serve Saddam by threat of death or rape to their kids, sisters, mothers, etc..... mass graves!!! whole villages (towns) wiped out! speak against him and your tongue is cut out ! The men who visited here (and Bush) who had lost a hand by Saddam's order!

do I need to go on? I for one would never want to stand before God and justify NOT helping these people because we WANTED the money to feed into our 'black hole' educational system (were our kids can go and learn and not fear certain death) or some other such material WANT (not a need) of our SPOILED materialistic country.

as far as Moore saying Bush sent other people's kids' to war (for one thing Bush oinly has 2 daughters - don't think 2 would be enough to fight a war), these 'kids' are young,yes, but they are adults and joined the military by choice and trained for this. Do they need more pay and better benefits? you bet... more than Iowa (or whereever) needs a 'rain forest' - so the next time your Senator is 'fighting' to get some stupid thing for your state, fight back - to give the money to our military families!
boy, do we have our priorities screwed up in this country....

we all need to pay attention to what is happening in DC and keep on these people ! (thieves)

ok, my fingers are sore now.... I'm done Rolling Eyes

hope it helped someone else besides me.... Smile
Congressmen who willfully take actions during wartime that damage
morale and undermine the military are saboteurs and should
be arrested, exiled or hanged.

Last edited by Stevie on Fri Nov 05, 2004 5:47 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 5:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Moore-on's website featuring photos of our defenders is an insult to them, their loved ones, and all Americans.

I am so sorry that the families have to endure added pain.

My love to you. Please ignore this man, and instead accept my deep gratitude.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 5:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The 1991 Gulf War never terminated. There was only a cease fire, which was a temporary pass to Iraq subject to certain conditions, ALL of which Saddam violated; not the least of which are only two I will mention: 1) the attempted assassination of Bush 41 when he visited Kuwait shortly after leaving office; and 2) interfering with our and the British UN mandated overflights of the northern and southern "no-fly zones." Those flights were fired upon hundreds of times. Any one of these incidents was a "causus belli" (cause of war) under international law.

And all of this, of course, was simply ignored by the draft-dodging Weasel Clinton, in favor of yet another UN resolution, chastizing Saddam for being a bad boy. After how many - 14 - of these resoultions, Saddam's thumb had become permanently stuck to the end of his nose.

I could go on, but the kool-ade drinkers are not up to digesting facts.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 6:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Michelle Malkin today highlights the picture and a better take on the topic:


From her blog: As you've all seen, Michael Moore has made his post-election "statement" on his website by publishing a photo mosaic of President Bush's face, formed with the images of fallen American soldiers.

The mosaic was created by the blogger American Leftist earlier this spring (would have been nice for Moore to give his fellow artist some credit). Anti-Bush bloggers--and, naturally, French bloggers--embraced the image as an anti-war indictment of Bush. But a mini-controversy erupted in the blogosphere when conservative bloggers saw the image as a moving tribute to the Iraqi war heroes and their commander-in-chief. (See, for example, Mog and One Fine Jay.)

American Leftist provided commentary about his image here.

This paragraph is particularly noteworthy:

"I'd also like to point out that 'War President' is an image. It is not a textual statement or rhetorical argument. An image is like an empty room and any message that one reads in that room necessarily came in the baggage one carried when one walked in the door."

EXACTLY. While American Leftist sees and intended his creation to be seen as Michael Moore does--as some sort of slam against Bush for causing the deaths of American soldiers--the image carries a radically different meaning for those of us who honor the sacrifices of our men and women in uniform and who honor our newly-reelected leader of the free world for his decisiveness, conviction, and fortitude in pursuit of the common defense.

So, thanks, Michael Moore, for posting a moving tribute to our soldiers and to our president, who has demonstrated what it takes to stand up to evil abroad and hatred at home.

If ever there were an image that served as a poignant reminder that freedom is not free (something liberals like Moore adamantly refuse to grasp), this one is it.

If you'd like to e-mail the mosaic or post on your blog, there are jpegs in various sizes here. http://photomatt.net/2004/04/07/mosaic/
USAF '85-'92
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 6:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I appreciate Malkin's noble effort to co-opt Moore's hideous insult, but it does not work for me, nor apparently for the families of the fallen.
It reminds me of the mentality exhibited by Kerry in this incident recorded at WinterSoldier.com in the "Quotes" link:

"We will not quickly join those who march on Veterans' Day waving small flags, calling to memory those thousands who died for the "greater glory of the United States." We will not accept the rhetoric. We will not readily join the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars -- in fact, we will find it hard to join anything at all and when we do, we will demand relevancy such as other organizations have recently been unable to provide. We will not take solace from the creation of monuments or the naming of parks after a select few of the thousands of dead Americans and Vietnamese. We will not uphold traditions which decorously memorialize that which was base and grim."

-- John Kerry, in "The New Soldier"

"Two years later, [1984] he ran for the U.S. Senate - dusting off his veteran's credentials by standing in front of the black Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington to shoot a TV campaign ad, defying regulations that the memorial not be used for political purposes. The ad "was filmed illegally against the wishes of the National Park Service," according to the Boston Globe. Kerry authorized its broadcast anyway."

-- J. Michael Waller, Insight Magazine, March 5, 2004"
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 6:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Caps duly noted and ditto d19thdoc.

Thank you for the responses thus far. Many good bits of inspiration.

However, note these comments from the two posts before d19thdoc:

"'so sorry' that the families have to endure added pain."

Yeah, me too. May I suggest that the families are POW's of Michael Moore via his role model John Kerry and that everytime he speaks, he's inflicting a new torture?

"Please ignore this man"

Not a chance in hell. Only a fool does the same thing twice.

"The 1991 Gulf (subsitute 'Vietnam') War never terminated. There was only a cease fire, which was a temporary pass to Iraq (substitute 'Kerry')" Any one of these incidents was a "causus belli" (cause of war) under international law (substitue 'American decency')."

"And all of this, of course, was simply ignored by the draft-dodging Weasel Clinton (substitute 'wounded America'), in favor of yet another UN resolution (substitue 'American election'), chastizing Saddam (substitue 'Kerry') for being a bad boy. After how many - 14 - of these resolutions (substitue '30 years'), Saddam's (substitue Kerry's) thumb (insert 'via Michael Moore') had become permanently stuck to the end of his nose."

I see on the forum where Michael Moore has now give us several reasons for Democrats to not slit their wrists. I've posted that reason #12 made my skin crawl... he likes to look at Bush's daughters.

He's not going to stop. And people drink it up. We're swirling in a cesspool. Make it stop. Somebody make it stop.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 7:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Am I talking to myself here?

Screw it. I emailed the Secret Service to see who is authorized to investigate "Identity Fraud" (I don't know) and the unauthorized use of war images.

As the war coffins images are protected, I seems to me that this falls into the same category, even more as the coffins were at least anonymous.
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Robert Cooper

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 7:51 pm    Post subject: Freedom Fighters Reply with quote

I've got a copy of it, framed and hung on my wall.

I was at the local donut shop lately and one of my Democratic buds sat down and slapped this picture of Bush down in the middle of the table. Everybody looked at it as he was complaining of the lost lives of our soldiers in Iraq - all because of Bush.

Everybody was pretty impressed how all those little pictures were arranged to form a portrait of Bush. I studied it for a while - and I'll never forget the look on his face when I said: "Hey, I like this - can you get a copy of it for me?" He said: "Sure - but, what'ya mean you like it?" "Well" I said, "These are all Freedom Fighters - it conveys the idea that freedom ain't cheap!" At this, he turned beet red and grabbed the picture from me and said: "Get your own !@#$ picture you sick !@#$!!!!!!!!"

I went over to my dad's house, who has a program that makes good copies of art of the net - and got one. I put a label at the bottom of it - I named it:

"Our Safety & Freedom Ain't Cheap"

Michael Moore's intent may have been a sick kind of evil - but, this portrait means entirely something different to me - I'm going to use it to commemorate the high price of securing safety & freedom and memorialize those directly involved. I am in the process of framing a list of their names to go next to the portrait with a brief explanation of what freedom should mean to us.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 9:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Michael Moore has a list of names posted on his website. I think those are the names of the people whose pictures were used to make the picture of President Bush.

As people say this can be looked at in one of two ways: As a despicable act by Michael Moore to exploit our war dead, which it is...

Or it can be turned around and used as a moving memorial to those who died for the country and the leader they believed in. I'm fairly sure there is no way of suppressing the image since it is out there on the internet, and could be called in the public domain, since its author may have intended the free distribution.

However, there is no law that says we can't preempt that image and make it into a moving tribute to our soldiers, either.

Be not deceived, God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Gal. 6:7
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 10:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

No. He could use my son. He's already using Rodney Murray.



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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 10:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sure we can look at it two ways. Where'd everybody learn how to do that?

One guess.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 10:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sure we can look at it two ways. Where'd everybody learn how to do that?

One guess.
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