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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 3:36 pm    Post subject: KERRY IN 2008 Reply with quote

Wash Post this morning Nov 9, 2004 page 2

"'Fired Up' Kerry Returning to Senate. Aides say he wants to act as counter to Bush, and possibly Run in 2008"

"Aides say Kerry is relishing the prospect of renewed combat with President Bush, fighting such measures as the president's proposal to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling."

"Kerry fueled talk about a 2008 bid during remarks of a Washington restaurant Saturday night. He provoked a thunderous reaction by reminding about 400 campaign aides and volunteers that ronald Reagan twice sought the Republican nomination for president before winning it in 1980"

"I'm a fighter and I've come back before"



WHAT CAN WE DO ....???
Thanks Swiftees for Performing this Final Mission.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 4:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Fired up" Kerry eyes 2008 race, plans on visible role in Senate

By Mike Allen
The Washington Post


WASHINGTON — Democrat John Kerry plans to use his Senate seat and long lists of supporters to remain a major voice in U.S. politics despite losing the presidential race last Tuesday, and he is assessing the feasibility of trying again in 2008, friends and aides said yesterday.

Kerry will attend a post-election lame-duck Senate session that begins next week and has said he is "fired up" to play a highly visible role, the friends and aides said.

Aides said Kerry is relishing the prospect of renewed combat with President Bush, fighting such measures as the president's proposal to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling.

Kerry's plans contrast starkly with the approach taken by former Vice President Al Gore, who all but disappeared from the political scene after losing to Bush in the disputed 2000 presidential election.

Kerry fueled talk about a 2008 bid during remarks at a Washington restaurant Saturday night. He provoked a thunderous reception by reminding about 400 campaign aides and volunteers that Ronald Reagan twice sought the Republican nomination for president before winning it in 1980.

"Sometimes God tests you," Kerry told the crowd, according to an aide. "I'm a fighter, and I've come back before." Rolling Eyes

Bring it on J Fraud K!!
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Zac's Mom

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 6:24 pm    Post subject: The Boston Globe has a story, too... Reply with quote

Boston Globe
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Kerry run in '08 called conceivable

Brother says senator eyes leadership role

By Glen Johnson, Globe Staff  |  November 9, 2004

While Senator John F. Kerry is "profoundly disappointed" with losing his presidential race last week, it is "conceivable" he will run again in four years, his brother and political confidant, Cameron F. Kerry, said yesterday.

In the meantime, the former Democratic nominee will work through the Senate and perhaps a newly formed political action committee to ensure that Democrats have a superior ground organization in 2008, his younger brother said.

"He's in a position of national leadership," Cameron F. Kerry told the Globe. A Boston lawyer, the younger Kerry said he spoke with his brother several times in person and by phone about the senator's political future since the candidate conceded defeat Wednesday. "He's going to exercise that role and be a voice for the 55 million people who voted for him. The position he's in gives him a bully pulpit."

He added, "One of the things that John brings out of this campaign is a tremendous number of people have gotten organized, and that's something we've got to build upon."

Asked whether that might include another run for president, the younger brother replied: "That's conceivable. . . . I don't know why that [last week's loss] should necessarily be it. I think it's too early to assess. But I think that he is going to continue to fight on for the values, ideals, and issues this campaign is about."

The senator has not granted an interview since he conceded the race to President Bush. He was in Washington yesterday, but out of public view.

Kerry's Senate communications director, David Wade, said: "John Kerry has been touched by the outpouring of support and enthusiasm in Massachusetts and around the country. There are millions upon millions of Americans who want the same change for our country that he fought for, and he has a voice in the Senate and nationally to champion these causes."

Asked whether Kerry was considering another presidential run, Wade said: "He has a job to do for Massachusetts in the United States Senate and issues to champion nationally. That's his focus."

Former aides said they have received conflicting answers about whether he might wage another campaign. One, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said Kerry told a top campaign official he could not envision another run. Yet that same adviser attended a farewell party for Kerry's staff Saturday night in Washington and said Kerry told the crowd, "There's always another four years."

The remark triggered an eruption of cheers.

Such a run could pose a dilemma for Kerry: His Senate seat is up for reelection in 2008, and talk of a presidential campaign could spur challengers from both parties and force him to decide whether to seek reelection or run for the White House. He also would undoubtedly face Democratic challengers for the presidential nomination, including possibly Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York and his recent running mate, Senator John Edwards of North Carolina.

Kerry would also face the challenges of history and age. He will be 64 in 2008, one year younger than Ronald Reagan when he ran for president in 1976. Reagan narrowly lost to Gerald Ford in the primaries and then successfully challenged Jimmy Carter for the presidency in 1980.

The last Democratic nominee for president to run a second consecutive time as the party's standard bearer was Adlai Stevenson, who lost to Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1952. Stevenson was renominated in 1956 and defeated by President Eisenhower in the general election. The only candidate in the 20th century to be the party's nominee and lose the White House and then run successfully in a future election was Republican Richard M. Nixon, who was defeated by John F. Kennedy in 1960 and then beat Hubert H. Humphrey in 1968. Humphrey ran again for the Democratic nomination in 1972, but withdrew in the face of overwhelming odds at the party's convention.

In the meantime, Kerry is weighing whether to start a political action committee to advance his ideals. He used a similar account, the Citizen Soldier Fund, to support Democratic candidates for state offices and operations in Iowa and New Hampshire in advance of his just-completed race.

Bush won last week's election by a margin of 3.5 million votes -- 59.4 million to 55.9 million. The tallies were the two highest ever received in a presidential race. The incumbent president received 286 Electoral College votes to Kerry's 252. Bush claimed victory after winning Ohio by a margin of 136,000 votes.

While exit polls indicated Bush beat Kerry by a wide margin among voters who declared that morals and leadership were most important to them in a president, Karl Rove, the president's chief political strategist, said Sunday on "Meet the Press" that Bush won by first convincing voters he would be stronger in the war on terror and a better custodian of the economy through a program of expanded tax cuts.

Rove had a strategy of turning out more votes from the president's base, including Christian conservatives, and Democrats have said in recent days that is what won the race for Bush in Ohio, an economically ailing state that has lost more than 260,000 jobs during his term.

The former aide said Kerry plans to work closely with Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, who is expected to replace Tom Daschle as Senate Democratic leader, to form the "loyal opposition" to Bush. He also plans to revamp his staff and meet this week with Senate and former campaign aides to plot strategy for his political reemergence. The Senate returns to business in a lame duck session next week, and Kerry is determined to have an agenda when he steps back into public view.

Toward that end, "he has been working the phones like crazy," the aide said, and "is determined that he will never let Democrats get beaten again on the ground game."

While there had been some speculation that Kerry might challenge Reid for the Senate leadership, two top Kerry advisers said he has already thrown his support behind Reid.

Cameron F. Kerry said that while last week's results left his brother "profoundly disappointed," "I think he feels in many respects good. I think many people feel good about his performance in this race. I think he feels like he did what he had to do. But I think he's really looking ahead -- at the next steps -- and not dwelling on what might have been."

He said that in their weekend conversations, John Kerry "talked about next steps" and "how to be a voice."

Glen Johnson can be reached at johnson@globe.com

It sort of reminds me of all of those 'horror' movies where you're sure the monster is dead and just when you breath a sigh of relief, it jumps up ~ alive and ready to attack again! *yuck.....what a thought!
"If you are going through hell, keep going." Winston Churchill
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 7:16 pm    Post subject: Dems React Reply with quote

With the buzz about Howard Dean, Kerry, Donna Brasile, Sen Clinton, the Dems will continue with their programs through 3 more elections before there is real internal change in their party. They do not think they really lost this election.

Pres Clinton carried 12 Red states in both of his elections. This fact encourages Dems at the moment as they search for program adjustments and standard bearers.

Republicans seem to be reactive .... and if they don't get Proactive they will lose the next one.

Swiftees better standby with an ongoing program for truth about John Kerry.... he definitely may retrun from his apparent demise last Tuesday.

John Kerry must be our focus. There is a lot of energy on this site. I hate to see it go away.
Thanks Swiftees for Performing this Final Mission.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 7:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

One thing to observe is that Kerry hasn't gotten "the word" yet. I think all this noise is just an attempt on his part to test the waters to see if he has any political future. What will be interesting is what he perceives the response to be.

Keep the powder dry!
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 7:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Kerry wanting to be involved? Wouldn't that mean he'd actually have to show up at the Senate?
A common mistake people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.

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Zac's Mom

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 8:14 pm    Post subject: Re: Dems React Reply with quote

yosemitesam wrote:

Pres Clinton carried 12 Red states in both of his elections.

What is interesting about the "BLUE States the dems took this time is that, on close inspection, they really aren't so BLUE:

you can see an even larger version of this map by clicking on it

When I hear the dems now cawing about how they own the two coast and that is only the 'bumpkins' (my polite word for the terms they actually use) in mid-America support Bush, I simple say look at the map by counties, not by states

oops....mixed up the colors in my original post.....I hate that they changed them for the parties........I'm getting to old for arbitrary and senseless changes!..lol
"If you are going through hell, keep going." Winston Churchill

Last edited by Zac's Mom on Tue Nov 09, 2004 8:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 8:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think the map at this link is much more revealing:

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Steve Z
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 8:50 pm    Post subject: Kerry comeback? Reply with quote

Contrary to what was stated in the Boston Globe article, I don't think John Edwards will be making another Presidential run anytime soon. There won't even be a Senate election in North Carolina until 2008, and Edwards wouldn't stand a chance against Elizabeth Dole. By 2008, Edwards will be a forgotten has-been as a politician, although he might still make a living suing doctors.

Hillary could be a force to be reckoned with in 2008, if she wins re-election to the Senate in 2006. As of right now, only one man could probably beat her in 2006--Rudy Giuliani, if he decides to run.

As for Kerry, he is secure in the Senate until 2008, unless the SVPT or other veterans' groups could have him expelled on treason or ethics charges. But the Senate is slow to act on ethics violations...it took almost an entire term to give New Jersey Senator Bob Torricelli a slap on the wrist, which only worked when Torricelli's Republican challenger brought up the charges.

Chances are, not much will happen during the lame-duck session in the Senate. There are five retiring Democrats eager to go home, and Republicans will probably stall until next January, when they will have a stronger majority to enact their agenda, and most of their focus will be on future committee assignments for the new Senators. President Bush will probably concentrate on the battle for Fallujah and preparing the Iraqi elections.

During the lull, this might be a good time to dig into those archives a little deeper, and see what other dirt might be dug up about Kerry's discharge or his meetings with the Viet Cong. Navy Chief did a wonderful job under extreme time pressure, but the message didn't get out much before the election due to distractions with "missing" weapons in Iraq, etc. Maybe, with more time, a more damning case can be mounted against Kerry, including an update of "Unfit for Command" to reflect new discoveries.

But if Kerry still has illusions (delusions) of being President one day, he MUST be stopped, and the veterans' groups are the best equipped to stop him.
The traitor will crater!
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 9:43 pm    Post subject: We need to continue with our own "Kerry hearings". Reply with quote

What did Kerry say to the Vietnamese and when did he say it? We need to find out what treasonous activities Kerry was involved in and expose it in detail.
R Scott Bonds
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 10:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sean Hannity was discussing this on his radio program this afternoon. We have plenty of warning, so if anything is to be done with the evidence from Texas Tech now is the time. The SwiftVets almost waited too long to get organized this time. We cannot make that same mistake again.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 10:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Anker-Klanker wrote:
I think the map at this link is much more revealing:


It is really a urban, suburban/rural divide not a red state, blue state or county divide. The question is why are urban voters so staunchly Demagogic voters. What is it that will turn them away from the socialist tendencies of the Bolsheviks? It is the high concentration of minorities in urban areas, especially blacks with their extraordinarily high voting ratio. What will it take to change them from blindly following the Demagogic party, which, has served them so poorly.
VietNam 1970-1971
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Zac's Mom

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 10:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am in Texas (Dallas/FtWorth area) and would be more than willing to go to Texas Tech and help with the research ~ I just need some direction from some one whose "been there and done that", so to speak. I've no idea how do begin the process with this particular project, but once I know the "how's" I'm known to be tenacious! (sort of a nicer way of saying I tend to be like a dog with a bone!)
"If you are going through hell, keep going." Winston Churchill
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 11:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's Hillarys show now..but the stack must be driven thru the vampire Kerry's heart..
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Steve Z
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 12:08 am    Post subject: Vampire's Heart Reply with quote

Is that the stack or the stake through the vampire's heart?
The traitor will crater!
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