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Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 5:56 am Post subject: Guess My Friend Is Not Happy W/Me Over Kerry Losing |
I recieved an email from my friend who voted for Kerry. I have written about that friend here before and her army husband. I had attempted to expose Jk's lies and the wrongs he has done to the Swifties, but she like so many others just never got it. I recieved this email from her tonight. It really saddens me to think that the dems are so depressed. You win or loose, but they act like the world ends. She wrote some bizzare thoughts and weird views that none of us would agree with. I am sharing this with you only so you will have a better understanding how some of these people think. I will not criticize her, because she is my friend, but I am really sad that she never got it and thinks that I am part of the problem. She did not write that, but did say she as you will read that she did not write me because she did not think I would want to hear what she had to say. That is ironic to me since we had hearty discussions and respected each others differing views. Guess skerry loosing is really scarry....it is making people think and act bizarre.
I haven't written to you because I was not happy with the outcome of the
> election. I wasn’t sure if you would want to hear what I have to say so I
> just kept it to myself.
> I am against abortion. I am against gay marriages. I am a born again
> Christian. So are a lot of other people who voted for Kerry.
> What would U.S. Citizens do if the President or Ruler of another country had
> captured Bush, taken our spouses out into the streets and beat them and
> publicly humiliated them (while all the time telling them they were being
> introduced to a better way of life) we would probably not be too happy, and
> yet that is what we have done in Iraq. It is shameful the way some of the
> U.S. soldiers have treated the Iraqi prisoners.
> President Bush says he is a born again Christian and yet his campaign was
> based on fear, propaganda and deception. JESUS SAID “FEAR NOT.” No
> President or leader can actually fight a war on "terror" that's like
> fighting a war on all the evil in the world. Only God can protect us, not
> any weapons formed by man. Kenneth Copeland said the same thing immediately
> after September 11. It is spiritual warfare.
> I mention deception because when Bush took office 4 years ago, the very
> first week he was in office he knew that he was going to war in Iraq --
> without just cause and well BEFORE September 11, 2001.
> I don't want my sons to lose their lives because some corrupt government
> officials have a secret agenda. At the rate that we are sending soldiers
> overseas, men and women (who have little babies) will have to be drafted.
> That means our daughters and our sons will be shipped overseas all because
> Bush "rushed" into war. 1,100+ soldiers have already lost their lives and
> 7,000 to 8,000 have been injured – some permanently. I was shocked when I
> saw some of these guys with no limbs at Walter Reed (when we went to pick up
> Ken’s eye medicine).
> We went to Afghanistan to find Osama Bin Laden, what happened to that goal?
> Congress gave Bush the authority to go to war in Iraq only if needed and (as
> far as I’m concerned) I believe that he abused that right.
> Bush was upset because Saddam threatened his dad and that is the main reason
> we are in Iraq. That is why we are caught in a big quagmire because the
> goal wasn't really to liberate Iraq but to capture Saddam Hussein.
> I am not saying that Saddam is a great leader, but he was less of a threat
> than North Korea and Sudan and the South African countries that are out of
> control.
> Bush just made things worse by going to war in Iraq when he did. More young
> middle eastern men are now signing up to join the terrorists to fight
> against the U.S.
> We had the entire world on our side after September 11 and in just a few
> short months, Bush alienated the entire world. We have become like bullies
> and are marching across the Middle East like Hitler marched across Poland
> and France, slowly invading one country after another. This can’t be a
> good thing. If the U.S. can do this, what is stopping China from deciding
> to invade OUR country and then moving into Canada?
> You probably already know that the economy isn't getting any better.
> Several of my friends have lost their jobs (even those who have been
> employed for 17 years with the same company).
> Almost everyone I know is living from paycheck to paycheck. The Social
> Security system is going down hill and may not be in existence when we
> retire. Yet Congress is getting hefty payraises – no problem for them –
> right?
> I'm concerned that our country is going down the tubes fast and no one
> realizes it.
> Look how you were treated when you tried to get food for your son. They
> wouldn’t even give you crackers for goodness sake! Bush forgives the
> billions of dollars in debt by other countries, but when Your rent is past
> due the system sticks it to you.
> Bush nor Kerry really control gay marriages or anything else. 3,500 gay
> couples got married in one state alone on Bush's watch.
> Can anyone name one thing that Bush has really done to make the lives of
> U.S. Citizens better or safer? Our civil liberties are vanishing right
> before our eyes and no one is doing anything about it.
> George W. Bush would have us to believe that he is a good guy, but I must
> tell you, actions speak louder than words.
> Thanks for listening.
> |
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Kimmymac Master Chief Petty Officer
Joined: 01 Sep 2004 Posts: 816 Location: Texas
Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 6:22 am Post subject: |
doll: Oh, dear. Looks about right for a Kerry voter, I am sorry to say. The usual Kerry talking points/Farenheit 9/11 smears/disenfranchised victim hogwash.
You tried, but cast not your pearls before swine. _________________ The last refuge of scoundrels is not patriotism; it is finicky liberal humanitarianism.--Martin Paretz |
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LewWaters Admin
Joined: 18 May 2004 Posts: 4042 Location: Washington State
Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 6:36 am Post subject: |
Too bad she relied so heavily on Farhenheit 9/11 for her information. Some people just can't grasp the truth that stares them right in the face.
Some I know feel that within six months, we'll be under total anarchy. When pressed why, they can't come up with anything other than the sky is falling, Bush won.  _________________ Clark County Conservative |
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GenrXr Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
Joined: 05 Aug 2004 Posts: 1720 Location: Houston
Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 6:44 am Post subject: |
She didn't write you she cut and pasted talking points.
But, I will indulge her to one point and that is what has Bush done for me?
Bush has made me proud to be American again. It is a feeling your friend obviously cannot understand but makes me sleep well at night. _________________ "An activist is the person who cleans up the water, not the one claiming its dirty."
"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to stand by and do nothing." Edmund Burke (1729-1797), Founder of Conservative Philosophy |
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MSeeger Seaman
Joined: 01 Oct 2004 Posts: 174 Location: Katy, TX
Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 6:56 am Post subject: |
Everyone lives from paycheck to paycheck because people spend more money than they earn. Why else would there be all these ads on TV for consumer credit counseling?
As for Bush planning to go to Iraq before 9/11, wasn't it Bill Clinton who signed that order authorizing force in Iraq in 1998? I believe I read that somewhere in this forum.
I can understand this woman's concern. What I can't understand is how she is willing to overlook the way Kerry himself acted during this election campaign. If actions speak louder than words, as she says about Bush, what do Kerry's actions say about Kerry? Not to mention Kerry's wife. HER actions certain were crystal clear. The ends justifies the means, in their eyes.
You know, it would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic. So many people put their hopes on this one man. Yet, they accuse us of being blinded to President Bush's faults. I don't think anybody in this forum thinks President Bush is crazy. But he is steady and dependable, and he goes through so many trials and tribulations, each and every day. Yet he does not falter. Some people call it arrogance. I call it "staying the course."
If John Kerry couldn't take the typical political mudslinging that goes on in every campaign without whining like a baby, what makes people think he was capable of becoming a great leader?
Maria _________________ Be not deceived, God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Gal. 6:7 |
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Hammer2 PO2
Joined: 30 Aug 2004 Posts: 387 Location: Texas
Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 6:56 am Post subject: |
Your friend illustrates perfectly the core of the divide in this country.
She clearly falls into the miserable, depressed, nobody cares about my problems, government isn't giving me enough, what is someone else going to do to fix my problems, nothing is my fault, it's all a big conspiracy by the rich, and everything's going to Hell in a handbasket crowd. Otherwise known as Democrats.
You and I and many others here belong to the my life is my responsibility and what ever happens to me is mostly the result of the decisions I have made crowd. Also known as Republicans.
We speak different languages and I'm not sure they will ever understand how we look at things. We certainly understand them, we just choose not to live like that. _________________ "The price of freedom is eternal vigilence" - Thomas Jefferson
"An armed society is a polite society" - Thomas Jefferson
"The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it won't be needed until someone tries to take it away." -- Thomas Jefferson |
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MSeeger Seaman
Joined: 01 Oct 2004 Posts: 174 Location: Katy, TX
Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 7:03 am Post subject: |
I have to add a minor correction to my previous post. I meant to say that I am sure nobody in this forum thinks President Bush is perfect. Far from it. But he is steady and dependable.
One other thought: "We had the whole world on our side on September 11."
This lady obviously wasn't reading any of the discussion sites on the internet. If she had been, she would have heard all the liberals saying that 9/11 was our fault, and that no one should feel sorry for us. This included Europeans. I got into a discussion with one little girl from Belgium who was here in the US with her parents and just wanted to go home. I told her that since she hadn't voted in the last election and was not eligible to vote, she had no right to criticise either my president or my government. I was roundly scolded by the other members of the forum for being intolerant and self-righteous. Ths was only a few days after 9/11.
Needless to say, I ended up quitting that forum after the admin threatened to moderate my posts. Bunch of liberal left-wing ladies, who were all into Blame America First. So, I beg to differ with your friend. The world has never been on our side. Only when they need us, like they did to get rid of Milosevich.
Maria _________________ Be not deceived, God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Gal. 6:7 |
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Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 1:16 pm Post subject: |
Gosh guys I want to thank you for all your thoughts. It is really heartwarming to know that I can share my views with people that do understand and get it. It's a kind of feeling like being liberated from the trenches of ingnorance and the me, me, me, what are you gonna do for me syndrome, known as dems.
Two thoughts.
1) I must admit I did not see Farenheit 9/11.....not because I did not care.....but because I did not want to sit throught an epitat of lies. I didn't think I could stand it without killing someone or something. So I was struck by the remarks that my friend was influence by Farenheit 9/11. She bragged to me once that she saw it and it was great....I see how all of you picked that up right away...ko
2) RE: Genrxr.....Dito!!! I am glad that I am not the only one who felt she did not write me, but that she cut and copied her thoughts to me.
Thanks for making me feel a little better. God bless you all and you all are so great here at this Forum!!!  |
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ocsparky101 PO1
Joined: 03 Sep 2004 Posts: 479 Location: Allen Park. Michigan
Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 1:40 pm Post subject: |
Might I suggest that one thing Bush has done is require enforcement of the laws to keep us safe. Bush has not established Midnight Basketball to do the job of law enforcement. As far as the war I would also suggest you point your friend to a document that will explain to her Congresses role in declaring war. Congress does not suggest that the President only go to war if certain criteria are met. Congress under the Constitution Declares War. Once this is done it is the Responsibility of the Executive Branch to conduct the mandate of Congress. All of the Libral spinning does not erase one fact. We are in Iraq because Congress Declared War on Iraq. Again the Libs are showing their disdain for the exact document this country was founded on. |
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gunbunny69 Seaman Recruit
Joined: 06 Oct 2004 Posts: 29 Location: Motherlode of California
Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 1:44 pm Post subject: |
Hiding one's head in the sand may work for the ostrich; but I would hope that we, as humans, are "above" such ignorance! Your friend relies on propaganda in lieu of her own common sense, or lack thereof! There's a lot of that going around these days!!! No cure as yet... _________________ Chance favors the prepared mind...
Khe Sanh (LZ Ross) 1969 |
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Uisguex Jack Rear Admiral
Joined: 26 Jul 2004 Posts: 613
Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 1:45 pm Post subject: |
I find it difficult to believe your friend penned this tome themself.
There are a whole lot of inconsistnacies in the logic's employed:
Quote: | I am against abortion. I am against gay marriages. I am a born again
> Christian. So are a lot of other people who voted for Kerry. |
In my limited world experience 'Born Again' Christians, or those who call themselves such tend to hold this as a primary element of thier entire psyche, and being. They would hardly be so limited in language skills as to have mentioned being 'against abortion' and 'against gay marriage'
All ready the rheteric is laughable. It might more likely read allong the lines of :I am a Born Again Christian, as such I can not abide the acceptence of 'Gay ' Marriages or 'Murdering' unborn children. God would come first in such a statement, never last..
The next paragraph is so out there it does not merrit mention, smells like Michael Moore fermenting in the Mid Days Sun.....
Doll is this thing Real? I think if it is it's composed by a pro. It just dribbles from start to finnish. |
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srmorton PO2
Joined: 07 Aug 2004 Posts: 383 Location: Jacksonville, NC
Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 2:03 pm Post subject: |
There are none so blind as those who will not see. I think the only
thing that will convince your friend that she is wrong is to see the
evidence with her own eyes. As the next four years progress, she
will see the situation in Iraq improving. She will see that there will
be no need for the draft as Bush is a CinC that our military can
respect and trust. She will see our economy continuing to improve.
If she does not think that we are safer today, she should realize
what a miracle it is that we have not been attacked since 9/11.
On Bill Clinton's watch, we were attacked at least three times in
eight years and he did nothing to respond to it.
The most glaring thing to me in her message is that she thinks
that Bush ran a campaign based on fear when it was the Dems
that actually ran a negative, fear-based campaign. If the good
things that she sees happening in the next four years do not
convince her, I'm afraid that she just does not want to be
convinced. _________________ Susan R. Morton |
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shooter Seaman
Joined: 02 Sep 2004 Posts: 180 Location: New Mexico
Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 3:36 pm Post subject: |
Man, That's straight out of the dems talking points!! I love it when these people try to paint themselves as one of us and then proceed to verify that they are lying. Does this woman's husband feel the same way?? Why is he in the Army? Did he think that he would never be called upon to defend this country? If so, he gets a ZERO in the headwork department !!
We have suceeded in raising an entire generation of no nothing, do nothing and can't we just all get along people. There are those in this world that want us DEAD. They want our country's value system DEAD. I thank God that we have re-elected GWB to ensure that this WILL NOT happen _________________ ADC USN Ret.
For those that fought for it, Freedom has a flavor the protected will never know !!
Harley Davidson - If you have to ask, you don't understand !
Gun Control = Double tap - center mass |
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.::geo::. Seaman Apprentice
Joined: 21 Aug 2004 Posts: 93 Location: Wisconsin
Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 5:11 pm Post subject: .... |
My friend Phil lives out in NJ. I've known him for years... he was a groomsman in my wedding... he was there for me when I miscarried what would've been my first child. We spent hours on the phone when his ex decided to go psycho on him. We're more like brother and sister, than just friends. He still calls me from work at least 2 times a week to talk. Somehow, with all those conversations, we'd never really talked about politics... Until this election came up.
He was a Kerry voter, I was a Bush voter, and let me tell you, trying to keep a hotblooded Sicillian Democrat calm is a hard thing to do!
We disagree on alot of things.. he even told me, "When the whole country is blowing up, I'm blaming you for putting the fastest gun in the East back in office." I told him I could live with that, and that everything will be okay.
The beauty of it is, we can talk about this stuff... We don't have to agree, and we still love each other. He's not going to change my mind, and I know I'm not going to change his, but we can try to help each other understand things a little better about what and why we believe what we do.
I think he's crazy, and he thinks the same of me about political things. So it works out alright.
All any of us can really do is put the information out there. We can't force anyone to believe what we do, but we can tell them why we feel/believe the way we do. And then it's up to them.
Georgi |
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Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 5:17 pm Post subject: |
Uisguex Jack wrote: | I find it difficult to believe your friend penned this tome themself.
There are a whole lot of inconsistnacies in the logic's employed:
Quote: | I am against abortion. I am against gay marriages. I am a born again
> Christian. So are a lot of other people who voted for Kerry. |
In my limited world experience 'Born Again' Christians, or those who call themselves such tend to hold this as a primary element of thier entire psyche, and being. They would hardly be so limited in language skills as to have mentioned being 'against abortion' and 'against gay marriage'
All ready the rheteric is laughable. It might more likely read allong the lines of :I am a Born Again Christian, as such I can not abide the acceptence of 'Gay ' Marriages or 'Murdering' unborn children. God would come first in such a statement, never last..
The next paragraph is so out there it does not merrit mention, smells like Michael Moore fermenting in the Mid Days Sun.....
Doll is this thing Real? I think if it is it's composed by a pro. It just dribbles from start to finnish. |
I agree and what you said is so true. I find it again interesting that you think she did not pen this herself...knowing her personally, I also had this thought pass through my mind. But also knowing her so personally, it is possible she just may have, and if not, it was probably one of her sons.
Quote Shooter Man, That's straight out of the dems talking points!! I love it when these people try to paint themselves as one of us and then proceed to verify that they are lying. Does this woman's husband feel the same way?? Why is he in the Army? Did he think that he would never be called upon to defend this country? If so, he gets a ZERO in the headwork department !!
We have suceeded in raising an entire generation of no nothing, do nothing and can't we just all get along people. There are those in this world that want us DEAD. They want our country's value system DEAD. I thank God that we have re-elected GWB to ensure that this WILL NOT happen
For those that fought for it, Freedom has a flavor the protected will never know !!
Harley Davidson - If you have to ask, you don't understand !
Gun Control = Double tap - center mass[quote]
Well, I do not think either have much in the head right now. I do not understand them, they are in their late 40's. I said I would not criticize my friend here, but I will say that it makes me saddened to see my peers acting so juvenile and self-centered. Her husband is in the Army state side and she says he supposedly has volunteered to go to Iraq, but at the same time I am made aware of their disdain for Bush and Rummie. It really is sad.
I aggree about us having suceeded in raising a generation of no nothings. It just seems to me that my friend and her husband are part of the problem instead of part of the solution.
Last edited by Guest on Thu Nov 11, 2004 5:34 pm; edited 4 times in total |
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