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Wounded with NO purple hearts

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Seaman Recruit

Joined: 27 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2004 8:56 am    Post subject: Wounded with NO purple hearts Reply with quote

I just wanted to say thanks to you guys for standing up for truth and for our country when called upon. I am not a vet myself, My grandfather served aboard an LST in WWII and was at the Normandy invasion.

I know my grandfather would have been behind you guys all the way.
He was injured in the war to the point where it eventually caused him to be disabled. He dealt with the pain for many years and worked from sun up to sun down doing farm work and worked every single day, even on the weekend alot of times.

He eventually recieved a "Disabled Veterans check" and was acknowledged by the government as being injured in combat and given some sort of little certificate years later.

He was awarded the Disabled Veterens check only when it got so bad that he couldnt go on anymore. He raised a family of 8 and all his kids were grown before he even would apply for government help. He was almost 70 when he even recieved the certificate. It was really crappy, but he never complained one bit. He never got a single purple heart and never even hinted that he had any desire for one, and Kerry gets one for a scratch?

Real heros dont parade medals around for political gain, nor do they demand medals. Courage is not measured by medals but the life you live and the legacy you leave. I am more proud of my grandfather than I could be if he had 100 purple hearts. He didnt need them, he had a heart of his own. He volunteered for service, he wasnt drafted. He left his wife and kids at home because he was angry that someone had provoked our country to war and threatened the welfare of his family and fellow Americans.

I also had 3 uncles in Vietnam. Two suffered minor injuries but stayed for the whole tour while one of them did 2 tours. No purple hearts, No petitions to commanding officers to recieve any, and No complaints. Also worthy of mention is that none of them were ever protestors when they returned home. Two of them retired from the Army.

I have a friend of 25 years that I have known since I was 3 years old who was an army medic in Vietnam. He cant go through airport security without the metal detector going off because of pieces of shrapnel still in his leg to this day. I know he served at least one full tour. I dont ask him too much about it because I know as a medic hes had to have seen some horrible things that im sure he doesnt want to dwell on. If anyone deserves a purple heart he does. Hes never mentioned it.

Maybe he has a purple heart, maybe he doesnt. But youd never know it by talking to him. Yet this babyfied John Kerry wants to advertize himself as a "War hero" due to his little "Boo Boos"(as my 4 year old calls her scrapes and scratches).

I think thats a great new nickname for John Kerry............... John "Boo Boo" Kerry

I remember him telling me "Anyone who likes to brag about how bad they were in Vietnam wasnt there." Someone who has to paint their own self as a hero, probably isnt.

I have been telling everyone I come in contact with about Swift Boat Vets for Truth. I plan on writing a letter to the editor in my local newspaper about some of the things mentioned by the Vets who served with Kerry.

John Kerry betrayed the men he served with, He betrayed Vietnam Vets and Vets from every other war. He betrayed my grandfather and uncles, He betrayed this country, He betrayed the men and women who have died to make it what it is. He is betraying the troops in Iraq with his double standards and politicizing the war.

The guy is nothing but a traitor and I dont understand how he can even be qualified to run for any type of office, much less president. I wouldnt vote for him for janitor at the whitehouse. I dont think that man has a right to even look in the direction of the white house.
Whew, there I got it all out (some of it anyway).

Thanks for giving me the opprotunity to post on this forum and for approving my membership. I hope to get to know some of you Vets which I have great admiration for.

Ben Gilkey --- KY
"John Edwards is not presidential material"
---John Kerry during Primarys

Flippity Flop and who does he pick as his running mate???
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Seaman Apprentice

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2004 8:51 pm    Post subject: thank you to your grandfather and all other service members Reply with quote

I want to say thank you for you service to this great nation. Even though I dont have any living ties to any relatives that served, I do have friends from my childhood that are serving, and I know that they are not risking their lives for nothing, if it weren't for them, we couldn't and wouldn't be the nation that we are. I salute you all.

I'm too, not a vet, yet, when I hear about the fallen, it hurts, and really starts to piss me off when my leftist coworkers start complaining and saying that all this iraq stuff is all illegal.
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Joined: 21 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2004 11:10 pm    Post subject: Thank You Reply with quote

I am another non-vet. It really was a let down when I found out I was 4-F when I tried to join any branchat the age of 17. Both my father and uncle served during Viet Nam and I have two great-uncles that were killed during WW2. One is buried in North Africa and the other is buried in Sicily.

I know what the sacrifies that our Military are asked to committ and I am thankful for each and everyone that has paid for the freedom that not only myself have but the entire USofA has.

So for everyone that has protected and fought for this country...Thank You
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2004 11:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for the gratitude. It truly is appreciated. True patriots say what you just said; not what Kerry said 33 years ago standing alongside Jane Fonda and what he would say to this day if he were honest. The man is a lying, communist and terrorist appeasing internationalist peacenik!

Of course, if he were honest he wouldn't have a snowball's chance of being elected.
On Sale! Order in lots of 100 now at velero@rcn.com Free for the cost of shipping All profits (if any, especially now) go to Swiftvets. The author of "Sink Kerry Swiftly" ---ASPB
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Bill Levinson

Joined: 25 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 5:42 am    Post subject: Re: Wounded with NO purple hearts Reply with quote

bengilkey wrote:
Yet this babyfied John Kerry wants to advertize himself as a "War hero" due to his little "Boo Boos"(as my 4 year old calls her scrapes and scratches).

I think thats a great new nickname for John Kerry............... John "Boo Boo" Kerry

I would be against taking issue with Kerry's Purple Hearts-- "Boo Boos" or not, he has to be respected for getting close enough to the enemy to get them. This is a far weaker issue than the one you raise below:

bengilkey wrote:
John Kerry betrayed the men he served with, He betrayed Vietnam Vets and Vets from every other war. He betrayed my grandfather and uncles, He betrayed this country, He betrayed the men and women who have died to make it what it is. He is betraying the troops in Iraq with his double standards and politicizing the war.
Ben Gilkey --- KY

Exactly. He was honorably discharged (despite his later statements to the effect that he committed atrocities and war crimes), and he DID serve, so that is not something to attack. It is what he did afterward, while many of our veterans were still over there, that was so bad. One would hardly argue, for example, over whether Adolf Hitler deserved the Iron Cross he earned in World War I (he probably did-- and I read that he was put in for it by a Jewish officer) when one can bring up all the things he did from 1933 on. And it is what Kerry did from 1970 on that weighs most heavily against him regarding Vietnam.

On the other hand, he was either lying about the atrocities he saw (and committed) or he was telling the truth. If he was lying, end of story: he defamed his fellow veterans and knifed them in the back while acting as a propagandist for the enemy. If he was telling the truth, he may have been derelict in his duty as a U.S. military officer. (Note that an officer and an NCO blew the whistle on Abu Ghraib.)

My Genghis Kerry leaflet: http://www.stentorian.com/politics/genghis.html
http://www.stentorian.com/politics/kerry Growing dossier on John Kerry's lack of character, ethics, and integrity. Free leaflets, Election 2004
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 7:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I hate to say it but I have finally lost any hope for the american people to be able to see through the bull and see what a bunch of phoneys and what a phoney party the democratic party is. The black community voting democratic because they are democratics, the american people really believing this clown. I give up. And then there is Michael Moore. I am a Vietnam vet, served two years in country, and lost a brother there, served on year with my father and my brother was there. Four months and he is more of a combat leader . Rolling Eyes
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Joined: 07 May 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 8:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Welcome remfsorta!

Don't be down-hearted! Read the lastest polls.

The DNC is already trying to downplay expectations for the traditional 10-15% bounce that a candidate gets during and following their party's convention, because their preliminary polling indicates that John Fitzgerald Kerry isn't going to get that bounce.

Not any more than he got a bounce when he announced his selection of running mate.

Sit back and smile - this convention is providing a plethora of lies and distortions for the RNC to debunk and highlight after it's over.

The President has taken a jump in approval ratings and while the "vote" is virtually a dead heat, the President has increased in positives in every category since last month while Kerry has dropped in all but one. Check out this ABC poll and see the trend for the future.


And look at this - the new book, Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry is already ranked at 53 in sales on Amazon. com and it's not even going to be released until September!

Keep your chin up. The RNC has not yet begun to fight. Wink
~ Echo Juliet ~
Altering course to starboard - On Fire, Keep Clear
Navy woman, Navy wife, Navy mother
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 8:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Navy_Navy_Navy wrote:

And look at this - the new book, Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry is already ranked at 53 in sales on Amazon. com and it's not even going to be released until September!

Keep your chin up. The RNC has not yet begun to fight. Wink

NNN...puh-leeeeez! Ancient news! Laughing

According to Drudge...

UNFIT FOR COMMAND, Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry, will be unleashed next month by REGNERY. [It ranked #1,318 on the AMAZON hitparade Wednesday morning.]


However, according, now, to Amazon...

Product Details

Hardcover: 256 pages
Publisher: Regnery Publishing, Inc.; (September 25, 2004)
ISBN: 0895260174
Amazon.com Sales Rank: 22


This book is rising faster than Kerry's convention hot air. If I might borrow a phrase from another poster..."Behold! The power of Drudge!" Smile
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Seaman Recruit

Joined: 27 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 6:40 am    Post subject: Re: Wounded with NO purple hearts Reply with quote

Bill Levinson wrote:
bengilkey wrote:
Yet this babyfied John Kerry wants to advertize himself as a "War hero" due to his little "Boo Boos"(as my 4 year old calls her scrapes and scratches).

I think thats a great new nickname for John Kerry............... John "Boo Boo" Kerry

I would be against taking issue with Kerry's Purple Hearts-- "Boo Boos" or not, he has to be respected for getting close enough to the enemy to get them. This is a far weaker issue than the one you raise below:

bengilkey wrote:
John Kerry betrayed the men he served with, He betrayed Vietnam Vets and Vets from every other war. He betrayed my grandfather and uncles, He betrayed this country, He betrayed the men and women who have died to make it what it is. He is betraying the troops in Iraq with his double standards and politicizing the war.
Ben Gilkey --- KY

Exactly. He was honorably discharged (despite his later statements to the effect that he committed atrocities and war crimes), and he DID serve, so that is not something to attack. It is what he did afterward, while many of our veterans were still over there, that was so bad. One would hardly argue, for example, over whether Adolf Hitler deserved the Iron Cross he earned in World War I (he probably did-- and I read that he was put in for it by a Jewish officer) when one can bring up all the things he did from 1933 on. And it is what Kerry did from 1970 on that weighs most heavily against him regarding Vietnam.

On the other hand, he was either lying about the atrocities he saw (and committed) or he was telling the truth. If he was lying, end of story: he defamed his fellow veterans and knifed them in the back while acting as a propagandist for the enemy. If he was telling the truth, he may have been derelict in his duty as a U.S. military officer. (Note that an officer and an NCO blew the whistle on Abu Ghraib.)

My Genghis Kerry leaflet: http://www.stentorian.com/politics/genghis.html

Tell it to the men who came home and never walked again and tell it to my grandfather who didnt get one and was wounded far worse than John Kerry. His wound did not affect his performance of his duty or of his daily life when returning home. Besides that, at least one was self inflicted. Cant blame that on his friends in North Vietnam. There is no question that he was there. Yes he served. But I would rather know that I never fought in a war then to know that I was a trader to my country.
As I said before, Real heroes are not self proclaimed nor do they parade medals for political gain.
"John Edwards is not presidential material"
---John Kerry during Primarys

Flippity Flop and who does he pick as his running mate???
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Bill Levinson

Joined: 25 Jul 2004
Posts: 184

PostPosted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 4:20 pm    Post subject: Re: Wounded with NO purple hearts Reply with quote

bengilkey wrote:

Tell it to the men who came home and never walked again and tell it to my grandfather who didnt get one and was wounded far worse than John Kerry. His wound did not affect his performance of his duty or of his daily life when returning home. Besides that, at least one was self inflicted. Cant blame that on his friends in North Vietnam. There is no question that he was there. Yes he served. But I would rather know that I never fought in a war then to know that I was a trader to my country.
As I said before, Real heroes are not self proclaimed nor do they parade medals for political gain.

My point is that we should be attacking the other side's weak points. We can argue back and forth with them until Doomsday over whether Kerry deserved his decorations. They will take the position that "Repugs" are defaming a wounded veteran, that small-minded "Repugs" do not care about veterans, and so on and so forth. (I've seen this in alt.politics.republican.)

On the other hand, what Kerry did AFTER he got out of the service is pretty indefensible. It hurt veterans, especially troops who were still in Vietnam. The Left cannot use any of the defenses I have described above. Furthermore, Kerry's own statements suggest that he knowingly committed war crimes, which would make him America's Kurt Waldheim if he got elected. We should compare his conduct in doing nothing about the alleged atrocities and that of the soldiers who blew the whistle on Abu Ghraib, by using their chain of command.

I went through this with the anti-Second Amendment Million Mom March four years ago. Instead of arguing gun control with them, I distributed information that showed their apparent abuse of 501(c)(3) tax-exempt money to fund Al Gore's political campaign. I told their members via publicly-accessible Internet forums (which they closed down after a few months) that the MMM lied to them to get them to donate money and support. This broke the organization's back because it had no defense against the allegations. The MMM Foundation, in fact, merged with the Brady Center a year and a half later, perhaps because the IRS would have revoked its 501(c)(3) status.

In other words, by hitting the Million Mom March in the proper manner, I achieved what the NRA could not despite its far greater resources: the actual destruction of an enemy organization. (Political) war of maneuver versus war of the bludgeon.

We should also be talking a lot more about Al Sharpton, George Soros, and other unsavory characters with whom Kerry is associated.
http://www.stentorian.com/politics/kerry Growing dossier on John Kerry's lack of character, ethics, and integrity. Free leaflets, Election 2004
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