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Joined: 10 May 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 3:35 am    Post subject: WHO WILL LEAD TO HOLD KERRY ACCOUNTABLE?" second verse Reply with quote

On another forum, it was stated that SVPT will dissolve after our meeting in Orlando. That has yet to be determined but also understand, it was our only purpose to deny Kerry to be elected to the POTUS and hold him accountable for his actions and lies in the late 60's and 71 and we achieved that goal. Yet, persons want us to do another agenda for their own purpose, that is something that they should pursue on their own without making SVFT the walking point in the MA. election. O'Neill, Gardner, Ponder, French, Van O'Dell and the others have gone through enough trouble for a life time, 35 years ago and now in the last year. If Kerry rears his ugly face again as a candidate for POTUS, we will be there but do not expect us to fight him at every level, leave that purpose to the people of MA or you.
Terry Boone PCF 90
Qui Nhon 68-69
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 5:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Terry, I couldn't agree with you more. You all went well above and beyond the call of duty and deserve nothing but our appreciation and praise.

As I have said many times before, instead of demanding you guys do more or asking who will do it, they need to step up to the plate and act.

Thank you to you and all the Swifties.
Clark County Conservative
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Joined: 07 May 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 10:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mega dittoes to all the above!

Thanks, Terry. Never walked in your moccasins. But, we'll stand here and hold the umbrella for you when it's too hot or too rainy.

Whatever you guys decide to do is good with most all of us.

Your collective true story saved us from four years of Kerry hell.

On behalf of an active duty son who has listened to horror stories from the Carter and Clinton militaries, we thank you and the Swifts and POW's.... only gratefulness from the whole family. If it turns out that you need us again, we'll be here.

And I know a lot of people on this board will be here, too.

~ Echo Juliet ~
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Joined: 03 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 1:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes you all have walked the point long enough. It would be good to see the energy created on this web site passed down to the next generation that is willing to take the political point on behalf of the troops that are now in harms way keeping us out of harms way. My greatest fear is that we back down from executing the war on terror because of the political pressures placed upon the US military from the left. Leaving this generation of troops to be as abused as the Vietnam era troops were.

Defender of the honor of those in harms way keeping us out of harms way.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 2:01 am    Post subject: WHO WILL LEAD TO HOLD KERRY ACCOUNTABLE?" second verse Reply with quote

To mtboone

I got the message. I’m one of those SBVT supporters that had hoped the SBVT would be more active after the election. It just burns me up to see them continue to be portrayed as liars by some of the MSM. But I can see that since the original objective was to defeat Kerry and that has been achieved it’s time for others to take up the cause.

Thank for your strength and courage.
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Tom Poole
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 3:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

coldwarvet wrote:
...It would be good to see the energy created on this web site passed down to the next generation...

RiflemanDD730 wrote:
...hoped the SBVT would be more active after the election...

I too had such hopes but now understand clearly that this site has a pure function and is a place of pride for the real Swift Boat Vets. Evolving it to the next level might dilute its purpose. Needed is a new site that would follow in these large footsteps. At one point, I thought ChronWatch might be the place if they would have a button dedicated to threads focused on this subject. I also suggested that Bandit's Hideout might be the place, but its primary function now is research. Now, I'm thinking Protest Warrior might be a possiblility but perhaps a completely new site is the best approach.
'58 Airedale HMR(L)-261 VMO-2
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Joined: 06 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 8:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Don't forget doll's site at: http://a-point-of-view.com/

She has a Discussion Forum, 2 Blogs and an opinion Homepage, all full of conservative opinion and dialog.
ETN2 PTF2 (Littlecreek Underwater Demolition Unit 2 1963)

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Joined: 14 May 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 10:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Needed is a new site that would follow in these large footsteps.

Here's one group to watch for. Sounds like they are on a short hiatus, but intend to pick up the torch... Wink

Combat Vets Against Kerry
Yes, We are Still Around - the new look and feel isn't complete, yet.

We defeated John Kerry for the presidency. But we have not eliminated him from the Federal Government. The next couple of years will be devoted to THAT effort.

We see that John Kerry has betrayed his country in many ways - the Winter Soldier investigation (lies), subsequent testimony to congress, throwing "his" medals/ribbons away, meeting with an enemy government while a US Naval Officer, providing aid and comfort to the enemy during time of war, abandoning POWs and MIAs to an enemy government for personal and family gain despite evidence of live sightings, and others.

The new site will be organized along these lines - we no longer care as much about his service in VietNam - it is not the issue any longer. The issue is removing Mr. Kerry from all facets of public life, and pursuing a conviction for treasonous actions.

The new site will be organized around the above topics. Please stay tuned.

In the meantime, if you wish, please visit our Pre-election site here:

I picked up this link from a freepers posting. I had seen the site before. Noticed their forum is now down, probably while they renovate the website
one of..... We The People
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 1:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whatever the SwiftVets choose to do, it would be a real service to those that remain and wish to continue, to archive the contents of this forum system. Some stupendous research resides here.


Retired USAF, Part-time Rocket Scientist
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Joined: 10 May 2004
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Location: Kansas City, MO.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 3:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Needed is a new site that would follow in these large footsteps.

Here's one group to watch for. Sounds like they are on a short hiatus, but intend to pick up the torch...

Many Swifties will join a group like this. Once they get up and running let us know and many will join you.
Terry Boone PCF 90
Qui Nhon 68-69
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 4:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Very good discussion, direction, etc.

Allow me, with my thanks:

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 8:51 am    Post subject: protest warrior Reply with quote

one of you posted a call in our forums. here is what i replied with:

"first let me note that it's an honor that swiftvets would solicit our assistance on our own messageboards.

i'm no official representative, but i think i'm stating the obvious when i say that we are ourselves a flegling organization. our organizational structure on the chapter level is still developing. perhaps the best way to pass the torch would be to advise us on how swiftvets rose to it's level of funding and outreach, as many local memberships are just winging it at present concentrating on getting bodies out in the streets for specific operations, usually in response to events originating form the enemy."

and i just wanted to add a couple of thoughts to that.

it would be a shame if the swiftvets ended entirely. so many right-wing issue groups flash brightly before disbanding once their initial objectives are met. the leftwing is only ever too happy to cooperate in the erasing of those memories. the possibility of handing down the name to a similar group -- perhaps the combat vets listed above or a similar organization should be considered. 20 years down the road, i'd be happy to put the reputation of a continued swiftvets org against their national lawers guild any day.

i would also like to reiterate my appeal for any swiftvet involved with the formation of the organization to take it as one final task upon themselves to educate other grassroots organizations on how you did it. such speaking opportunities would also give the grassroots rightwing press the opportunity to write the final word on swiftvets.

organizations i'm thinking of are protestwarrior, college republicans and free republic.

john o'niel will forever be a hero to me because of his relentless truth-telling in the face of popular myth.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 4:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Navy_Navy_Navy wrote:
Mega dittoes to all the above!

Thanks, Terry. Never walked in your moccasins. But, we'll stand here and hold the umbrella for you when it's too hot or too rainy.

Whatever you guys decide to do is good with most all of us.

Your collective true story saved us from four years of Kerry hell.

On behalf of an active duty son who has listened to horror stories from the Carter and Clinton militaries, we thank you and the Swifts and POW's.... only gratefulness from the whole family. If it turns out that you need us again, we'll be here.

And I know a lot of people on this board will be here, too.


God bless all of you and if I could give you all hugs for your service and for the dedication and devotion shown here I would...so you all must settle for ((((((((cyber hugs)))))))))!!!! Exclamation

I respect all and any decisions made and Navy3 said it best so I won't try to amplify on this anymore, except to say again....thank you, thank you all! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 4:50 pm    Post subject: Re: WHO WILL LEAD TO HOLD KERRY ACCOUNTABLE?" second ve Reply with quote

mtboone wrote:
On another forum, it was stated that SVPT will dissolve after our meeting in Orlando. That has yet to be determined but also understand, it was our only purpose to deny Kerry to be elected to the POTUS and hold him accountable for his actions and lies in the late 60's and 71 and we achieved that goal. Yet, persons want us to do another agenda for their own purpose, that is something that they should pursue on their own without making SVFT the walking point in the MA. election. O'Neill, Gardner, Ponder, French, Van O'Dell and the others have gone through enough trouble for a life time, 35 years ago and now in the last year. If Kerry rears his ugly face again as a candidate for POTUS, we will be there but do not expect us to fight him at every level, leave that purpose to the people of MA or you.

Terry; I agree, if Mass want him out of office it's up to the voters in the state to vote him out, SVPT cannot fight all of the battles to bring our country to the center. This cultural war has been going on for decades--my opinion since McCarthy.

I hate to say it, but maybe we need more WTC's,marshall law or perhaps Nukes to get our attention. Sometimes in life a 'significant emotional event' needs to occur before meaningful change: balanced universities along with balanced MSM.

Thanks to SVPT for their superb representation and information on the candidate John Kerry; the loss of jobs and suffering brought about by this is staggering.
Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad

Do we need to exchange emails for future reference??????

Thank you and God Bless
George M
This household LOVES you guys!! Very Happy Very Happy
Tin Can Gunline Vietnam
2nd generation Navy

Last edited by gmez2001 on Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Seaman Apprentice

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 8:31 pm    Post subject: WHO WILL LEAD TO HOLD KERRY ACCOUNTABLE?" second verse Reply with quote

mtboone makes the valid point that the primary objective of the SBVT was to defeat Kerry and that has been done. The idea that he has been held accountable for his actions and lies is not as clear. This is why some want to continue.

jrobertfleming makes the point that the SBVT is not just a web site but it is a “going concern” with world wide recognition and the ability to organize research, solicit funds, publish facts and provide a rallying point for people concerned not only with Kerry the person but for what he represents.

mtboone is right, the Swifties have done their job and deserve their due whatever their decision. But I share jrobertflemings feeling that it would be a shame to lose the ongoing organization of the SBVT.
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