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Bill Clinton on North Korea

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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 12:52 am    Post subject: Bill Clinton on North Korea Reply with quote

Do you guys know that Bill Clinton has a blog?

It's www.billclintondailydiary.blogspot.com

The first time I found this I thought it might be a joke but after reading some of the entries it certainly looks authentic. For the entry for Sat. Feb. 26, he writes this in reference to being in S Korea after his tsunami trip with G. Bush Sr.:

"Coming back to the eery feeling you get, when you are in Seoul. This feeling is increased knowing that North Korea now possesses nuclear bombs. We could’ve taken care of that during my presidency. There was a crisis in the early nineties. The North Korean leader at the time was Kim Il Sung, the father of the current leader. He threatened to build nuclear bombs if we didn’t deliver oil to his bankrupt country.

At the time we did not want North Korea, a rogue state to possess these weapons. My administration was adamant that they either give up their ambition or we would bomb their nuclear facilities. The North Koreans continued their threats.

We came very close to bombing North Korea at the time. On our side all systems were go. I called the South Korean president at the time and told him what was about to happen. He flat out told me, South Korea would not join the war.

He told me, if the US attacks North Korea, we couldn’t use any of his countries bases, roads, air, territorial waters. In other words, he vetoed the bombing campaign.

I can tell you, I was thunder struck.

Here we are trying to help defend the nation of South Korea and its government has this attitude like they don’t care about their safety all that much.

The result of this is that North Korea now has nuclear weapons. And they are in the hands of the strangest dictator on the face of the earth.

When I was president, I read a report. A North Korean submarine was trying to sail to South Korea to put secret agents on its shore. The submarine’s engine broke down. It came up in South Korean waters. The seven crew members and agents, who couldn’t repair the old submarine, didn’t want to be caught by the South Koreans, so they committed suicide. All of them.

When I heard this, I was shocked. It is not normal behavior for any soldier to do so. I commissioned a report. The report told me, these people were part of a decade long program to create human robots. Not electronics, humans so completely brainwashed they behaved like robots and did whatever their leader told them to do.

These human robots begin as orphans in state orphanages in North Korea. They are taught from their first minutes in this world that the North Korean leader, first Kim Il Sung and later Kim Jong Il are gods. They are taught, brainwashed to do whatever their “Dear” leader asks them to do.

When Kim Il Sung died the program had only been in progress for about two decades. So the robots were about military service age. Right now the program is three decades old. I’ve seen reports these human robots are now little by little taking over leadership jobs in the North Korean administration. But I think they’ll need another ten years to be fully trained and integrated into the administration of the North.

The reason I mention this is the nuclear option. If the US hits the North Korean leader and kills him, what will happen? Will his generals give up or give the order to destroy Seoul, a city with 17 million inhabitants ten miles from the border?

In years past, you might say, if the leader dies, the government structure might crumble. But, now, with the human robots taking over all the sensitive positions in the government, I’m sure they will unleash a holocaust on Seoul if they are attacked.

To be honest, now that North Korea has nuclear bombs and the human robots are old enough to operate them, only a major nuclear attack from our side, killing millions of North Koreans might save South Korea from retaliation.

And as I said, when North Korea didn’t have any nuclear bombs, South Korea wasn’t interested in going to war with the North. I don’t think they are willing to fight a nuclear armed North Korea now. Nor do we."

What do you think of this? My husband and I thought this was incredibly bizarre but yet anything's possible. Do you think he'e just making this up or is there any basis for any of this? We'd love to hear your thoughts about this.

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GM Strong
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 2:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Slick Willy is, was, and always will be a BS artiste. He gave the N. Koreans the reactor and the fuel to build bombs via Jimmuh and Madeline Halfbright. If he threatened anthing, he never meant it and everyone knows it. How many times did he threaten to catch the culprits after the first WTC bombing, Kobahr Towers, USS Cole, etc, etc. and did nothing. He is a blowhard and a disingenuous liar.
8th Army Korea 68-69
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 2:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I gotta tell you I just don't know what to think of this.
When I first read your post, I thought 'this is a joke'!!
Then I checked out the blog, and like you said, it seems authentic.
Read through a lot of it and thought it sure sounds like good ole Bill.
He's a loquacious guy who loves to tell stories. He sure is telling a lot.
The question is whether you can believe them, given that he sometimes has a problem with 'truth'.
I did get a kick out of this one:
I would trust Howard Dean with the Democratic party any day. He has all the traits a chairman needs. He is forceful, media friendly, a good organizer and he knows the internet. When I arrived at the party venue yesterday Howard was talking to someone. He glanced at me as I came through the door and continued his conversation. I had to walk all across the room to greet him.

Terry was very happy getting the book. He knows how much I appreciate the work he’s done for the party. We were all disappointed when we lost every single congressional election, and not only that, but lost seats too, and lost the presidential election against a president up to his neck in a failed foreign adventure and a failed domestic policy with an economy teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. Terry did a good job. And I’m sure the jobs in the private sector are lined up for him.

As I walked across the room to greet the great former governor of the very important state of Vermont, someone grabbed my arm and I heard “haaa”. I looked around. It was John Kerry.

I thought to myself. Terry wasn’t a bad chairman. If I approach someone from behind, that person will turn around with a smile. John approached me from behind and I thought I was going to be mugged. It’s about charisma. Voters have a feeling for that.

I reached governor Dean with some difficulty. I’m a heart patient after all. I have difficulty walking. I greeted him. He nodded back.

Later after the party I tried to strike up a converation with Howard. I said “The anti-war stance lost us the election”. “No”, he said and pointed his finger at me “The Republicans were better at getting out the conservative vote”. Dean looked at me and said “You got something else? No, I have to talk to someone. I'll catch you later”.

"You got something else?". I can't get those words out of my head. "You got something else?" What did he mean? I can't get those words out of my head. There is something about those words I don't like, but did he mean the question to be friendly or unfriendly? What was his intention?

I'm a two term president and I have to walk across the room to greet a failed presidential candidate and I give him some advice and I get a "You got something else?" back?

It's all about ego in politics nowadays and in the Democratic party more than anywhere else. And based on what? "You got something else?" I've never said that to anybody in my life. That's not the way you're supposed to talk to people. "You got something else?" To me? What have I done to anybody to deserve that kind of attitude?

"You got something else?" "You got something else?" "You got something else?" He probably was just trying to ask me whether I had more questions, because he was on a tight schedule. Maybe he was just trying to be friendly. That's probably it. I should stop second guessing people.

I'm going crazy in my old age. Here I've been trying to explain the meaning of his statement and getting upset all night and all day long and all Howard was trying to do is be friendly to me.

posted by Bill Clinton at 8:20 PM

And this one:
A little bit more about black ops. If you try to smear the opponent, it must always be grounded in fact. For instance, The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth started out as a small group of Vietnam veterans, who had a problem with John Kerry’s anti-war activities after he came back from Vietnam. That was thirty years ago. Who cares? The Swift Vets would never have made any headlines or impact if black ops hadn’t taken over the cause and spread it wide and far around America. The reason this black ops stuck with voters was the fact that the accusers were genuine. Secondly, the Democratic party was seen as pacifist in a time of war, so Kerry the Hippie, weak on defense struck.

On the left you had black ops too. Not very successful though. I remember MoveOn.Org’s ad comparing president Bush with Hitler. A few, very few think that is a good comparison. The vast majority of Americans think that is nonsense. I want to ad another black ops operation. The Ashley story. It was based on the truth. Ashley’s mom died during the World Trade Center attacks. President Bush was told about it, when he met the girl during the race and he hugged her. A picture was taken of this hug. A few weeks later this story was turned into an ad and every American got to see president Bush, teary eyed hugging this girl. It was a powerful commercial. I had trouble not crying myself.

Black Ops?
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 5:30 am    Post subject: Selamat Datang Reply with quote

Selemat Datang

Just returned a few days ago from spending CNY in Singapore and Malaysia. "Selemat Datang" means 'welcome' and is in signs everywhere. Lots of reading to catch up on here, but I was intrigued by the Clinton blog which I had not heard of. If it's not genuine somebody has done amazing research.

Not many days ago I was told in Malacca by some Singaporeans not to eat the fish. Seems like Bill got the same strange advice:

nobody was interested in buying their fish, because people were afraid these fish had been feeding on human corpses floating in the ocean. This pretty much brought these people’s lives to a complete stop and it aggravated their distress. I heard this from the local inhabitants.

This is very local and I have not seen it mentioned anywhere else.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 5:59 am    Post subject: BC generalises from one bad bottle? Reply with quote

I met the president Chen Shi-bian. We had dinner together. Afterwards we went to his residence for a private party.

We drank wine from the mainland. I didn’t know China produced wine. The wine isn’t as good as French or Italian wine. The reason for this is the fact that the areas in China where you can grow grapes have a tropical climate. To grow wine grade grapes you need a dry sun. China is too humid.

Hmm, seems even former Presidents with blogs don't bother to do research..

Dynasty raised about US$86.5 million after it priced its 300 million shares at HK$2.25 each last week, the top end of the indicated range. The company, formed by Hong Kong-listed Tianjin Development and French wine and spirits giant Remy Cointreau in 1980, received massive subscriptions from retail investors and saw its share offer oversubscribed 625 times.


and since I'm still analysing parts of the placing and public offer prospectus, here's an extract to rebut BC's statement:

Dynasty Medium Dry White Wine received the gold prize at the Dem Auf Der Leipziger Fruhjahrsmesse in 1984 and gold prize at the 27th, 28th and 29th Medailee D'Or Pour Le Produit, , Alcools Et Liquers Organisee a Barcelone.

I hope the quality of foreign relations research is better than the quality of this China wine market research.


Bob51 (currently working on a Chinese wine market development project)
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 8:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wry Hoaxes Enliven the World of Web Diarists


Whoever did it, it's well done...

The earlier parts give the game away though.

I know them. I know these snotty nosed East Coast liberals. They've always looked down on me.


Very entertaining...
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 3:27 pm    Post subject: Bill Clinton on North Korea Reply with quote

I went to that web address, Bob 51, and I can't get in but I'm very curious.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 3:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for the debunk!!
From your link:
EVERYONE seems to be writing a Web log these days, and those without day jobs have a decided advantage. So perhaps it did not seem unusual to see Bill Clinton joining the ranks.

There were, for example, the jottings about a stay in San Francisco while promoting his memoir, "My Life," including a night out in which he and Robin Williams ultimately regaled their wives with a song and dance while playing a Mariah Carey CD.

"We did this whole dance routine as Mariah Carey sang 'Oh, when you walk by every night, Talking sweet and looking fine, I get kinda hectic inside,' " the June 28 entry recounted. "We must've looked like two drunken sailors. Oh God, what was I thinking? That's the kind of influence Robin has on me and all his friends."

To some who remember Mr. Clinton playing the saxophone on "The Arsenio Hall Show," such high jinks may have seemed plausible, if a bit odd. Likewise his ruminations on his travels, his marriage and Senator John Kerry's presidential candidacy. Delve more deeply into the postings at billclintondailydiary.blogspot.com - at once thoughtful, educated and down home - and only one conclusion can be drawn: it's a hoax.

While enabling everyday people to publish a continuing chronicle of their thoughts and deeds, blogs are also are becoming a popular medium for having a little fun with the credulous. The more frequent the postings, the more they respond to reader feedback and the more interesting the subject matter, the more people are drawn into the fiction.

I was skeptical, couldn't imagine Billie Boy sitting down and writing a blog every day. He's not that disciplined.
The North Korean thing seemed unbelievable, but then again, Clinton does run his mouth. But when he
gives the account of Bush 41 banging on his door at 3 AM wanting Bill to
go to the bar for drinks, and the girl sitting on 41's lap calling
him Daddy--NO WAY!!!!

The guy is good though, a lot of it really sounds like Clinton.
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Joined: 13 May 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 4:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


A little bit more about black ops. If you try to smear the opponent, it must always be grounded in fact. For instance, The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth started out as a small group of Vietnam veterans, who had a problem with John Kerry’s anti-war activities after he came back from Vietnam. That was thirty years ago. Who cares? The Swift Vets would never have made any headlines or impact if black ops hadn’t taken over the cause and spread it wide and far around America. The reason this black ops stuck with voters was the fact that the accusers were genuine. Secondly, the Democratic party was seen as pacifist in a time of war, so Kerry the Hippie, weak on defense struck.
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Doc Farmer

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 6:30 pm    Post subject: Re: Bill Clinton on North Korea Reply with quote

hmminCanada wrote:
Bill Clinton on North Korea

If only it were "in" instead of "on"... Laughing

Fat, Bald and Ugly - And PROUD Of It!
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