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Theresa Alwood
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 7:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


The fact that he voted not once but twice against the Bush tax cuts speaks volums over his actions. McCain can try to say what ever he likes after the fact to try to convince the base to vote for him but as my father always says actions speaks louder than words. McCain's actions has been always to thrwart President Bush every chance he could. I can overlook one issue, but McCain has issue after issue after issue went against the GOP and "reached across party lines". I am a firm believer in trying to reach a middle ground, but McCain seemed to just jump on the democratic side without ever sticking to any GOP principals. McCain is not the answer the GOP needs, but the other two options are even worse and as much as I really, really despise John Mccain I will pull the lever because the option is much more devesating for my country. I think it is sad that the ONLY option I have IS McCain.

November is a long way off so much can happen between now and then.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 8:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If you truly want to look at this then you would also look to those who McCain supposedly opposed to find your answers. Bush stated that as far as he was concerned, McCain was a solid conservative. That he was "very" fiscally conservative and that he and McCain locked horns over that many times. He respected McCains position and never felt he was "siding with the democrats" by opposing what he saw as excessive spending.

I would add, McCain wasn't the only RNC senator to oppose such excesses OR vote against RNC sponsored bills. And in doing so, they may have their "own" reasons as conservatives for doing so. The DNC has their "own" agenda and reasons for opposing or voting for any given bill. I would further add, it's not that hard to dig up that kind of dirt on "any" of the candidates. There's Huckabee right above you on tape, begging for a tax increase anyway they wanted to do it, so long as it brought in the 100 million dollars they needed. I'm sure there was a very good, conservative explanation for all that. But, it's easy enough to play those things for effect.

Personally, I don't want a president who just rubber stamps everything his party sends him because of political affiliation. Nor do I want a president so set in their ways..that when ship is heading for the rocks...they simply will refuse to listen or turn because that was the course decision they started with. We don't need another 4 or 8 years of partisan bickering either. People are tired of it.

I think, again, I would repeat that McCain is winning this nomination on his own terms. Whatever differences there were in that field have played out and those who lost, lost on the positions they ran on. There is a reason McCain has surfaced through that. And I think it would be a large mistake to hang an albatross of already defeated ideas around his neck, by forcing him to take up the mantle of lost causes that have already been tested and found lacking for whatever reasons. I think the RNC needs to recognize that McCain "is" the winner here. And see how they can support him in doing what he needs to do to win in Nov. Rather than shoving ultimatims and threats under his door to submarine him.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 9:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

dcornutt said
I think that's a much better tact than demonizing him by distorting his record and smearing him personally

Don't get me wrong, I have not said that I will not vote for McCain.
My purpose is not to "distort" his record, and am not smearing him.
The links I have provided are what Conservatives are concerned about re McCain. I see it all over. His positions are at best "muddled" on these issues. My hope would be that conservatives would raise these issues with him. He should be presented a list of our concerns and he should clarify his positions for us--preferably on his website so that he can't just pander but be held to his word. I know that he will not change on Global Warming. He has swallowed that hook, line and sinker.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 9:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

sorry shawa, I wasn't talking about anybody in particular when I mentioned that. Just overall, that seems to be the tact...and a common political one at that during election time.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 12:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Theresa Alwood wrote:
Cold war

Both of my kids will vote in the next election. My daughter will turn 18 in April and she is voting GOP and my son did vote for Mitt Romney in the primary. So there is hope out there for our next generation. It all falls onto us and to keep the candle burning and our hope up. November is a long way off and much can happen between then and now.

I also have three sons in their early 20's. If we just keep voting for who ever the RNC sends us, and we keep drifting left. What is left for our children to vote for. Liberal lite or liberal real. No thanks, we need to accept this loss in order to reclaim the party in 2012. Are the republican conservative constituants, going to keep voting for whoever has the R. That type of thinking has not done much for the black constituants over the past 50 yrars.
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Last edited by coldwarvet on Fri Feb 15, 2008 2:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 12:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

dcornutt wrote:
I know a lot of people who say the same things about McCain being a RINO, then suggested they wished their guy, Gulliani,
Gulliani, Romney are no longer part of the debate. Quit trying to muddy the watters. The topic is should we sacrifice this one battle for the good of the RNC. Let's say against all odds McCain wins. Where does the conservative movement go from here?
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 1:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

coldwarvet wrote:
Theresa Alwood wrote:
Cold war

Both of my kids will vote in the next election. My daughter will turn 18 in April and she is voting GOP and my son did vote for Mitt Romney in the primary. So there is hope out there for our next generation. It all falls onto us and to keep the candle burning and our hope up. November is a long way off and much can happen between then and now.

I also have three sons in their early 20's. If we just keep voting for who ever the RNC sends us, and we keep drifting left. What is left for our children to vote for. Liberal lite or liberal real. No thanks, we need to accept this loss in order to reclaim the party in 2112. Are the republican conservative constituants, going to keep voting for whoever has the R. That type of thinking has not done much for the black constituants over the past 50 yrars.

I'm sure you must have meant "2012".

None of us will be around to give a damn in 2112.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 2:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

coldwarvet wrote:
The topic is should we sacrifice this one battle for the good of the RNC. Let's say against all odds McCain wins. Where does the conservative movement go from here?

I fail to see - utterly - how "sacrificing this one battle" does anything for the RNC, i.e., that's a losing tactic IMHO. Win wars by losing battles? I can understand - strategically thinking - of deferring battles, or ceding territories to win wars, but not losing battles.

IMHO the conservative movement has already lost the battle for this year. If we want to win anything in the future, we've got to regroup and rethink our position, and figure out why 5 very conservative candidate - Allen, Brownback, Tancredo, Thompson, Hunter - and one late "conversion"(?) - Romney - didn't make the cut. The problem, and where you should focus your anger and energy for next time, is why "the conservative movement" did not field a winning candidate, and/or why the conservative message does not have a broad enough appeal to win the necessary votes.

For example what happened to the Contract with America? That kind of defined the conservative movement for a time. Time to dust it off, reformulate it if necessary, and republish it. I seriously think that a lot of self-proclaimed conservatives don't even know what conservatism stands for. And that's a big part of the problem (for example, what does the Contract with America say about the immigration issue/problem?). Wouldn't a written, agreed-to, definition of Conservative values and goals help greatly to guide everyone? Where are the conservative leaders? Who are they? And why are they not accountable for this years' results? How can any movement make headway without leaders?

note: Edited "Quote" BBCode/me#1
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 3:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Anker-Klanker wrote:
The topic is should we sacrifice this one battle for the good of the RNC. Let's say against all odds McCain wins. Where does the conservative movement go from here?

...we've got to regroup and rethink our position,

This is what needs to be done. Is the RNC more or less likely to do this if the moving to the place we are just right of our opposition works?

and figure out why 5 very conservative candidate - Allen, Brownback, Tancredo, Thompson, Hunter - and one late "conversion"(?) - Romney - didn't make the cut.

McCain has yet to win the conservative vote. He is ridding into the nomination on the independent, and moderate voters, and yes even democrat votes. This is what makes me nervous, winning an election by positioning ourselves just right of the opposition, is not the party I want to support.

"For example what happened to the Contract with America?"

The conservative movement has failed to hold the signers of it accountable. What gets measured gets managed. Perhaps we need to have a web site that identifies RINO’s. This site would need to be significant for it to be effective. It needs to be a place no republican wants to find him/herself. In example if McCain was the #3 RINO in the senate, that should mean something to the conservative movement.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 5:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry, CWV, but I believe strongly in Leadership. Leadership is not about punishment; it is about being (perceived to be, anyway) right, being principled, and being trusted (among other things).

What most conservatives fail to acknowledge is that so-called dedicated, or hard-core, conservatives represent only about 30% of the Republican party, i.e., they are nowhere near a majority within the Republican constituency. But in the last few decades they have exerted influence far beyond their numbers by advocating a message that made sense to the larger majority. We seem, somehow, someway, to have lost that leadership role, and I think it is partly, if not largely, because conservatives have evolved from from being perceived as persuasive leaders to that of punishers, enforcers, etc., i.e., we've let conservative ideology and dogma get in front of persuasion. Conservatives have, unfortunately, begun to think that their position of leadership is a right, instead of something that has to be constantly earned.

True leadership frequently requires compromise, not demands of adherrence to dogma. The trick is - over time - to lead people into recognizing that you are right and that you and your visions/ideals can be trusted, and that they want to join you. Or said another way, an army of followers have to be volunteers. A true leader persuades people to follow him; he doesn't alienate them.

I maintain that the conservative movement has no leadership.

Neither you nor I can fill that leadership role; we don't have sufficient stature.

By my definitions and standards, the conservative radio pundits, and the conservative blogs have been failures as leaders also - precisely because they are not leading; they are instead agents of constant gripping and punishment and conservative entitlement. Instead of facing up to their own failures as "leaders," they resort to finger-pointing to cast the blame elsewhere.

We've got to find one or more leaders to turn this thing around!
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well stated AK...and certainly food for thought.

I had always hoped that Newt would provide that leadership but, somewhat like Thompson, he never rose to the occasion and, instead, took to the sidelines as a senior "observer" (if you will) with a degree of his "conservative" credentials compromised apparently in search of some Don Quixote-esque "comity" or "bi-partisanship" approach.

Phooey. Just...phooey.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 3:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Anker-Klanker wrote:
coldwarvet wrote:
The topic is should we sacrifice this one battle for the good of the RNC. Let's say against all odds McCain wins. Where does the conservative movement go from here?

I fail to see - utterly - how "sacrificing this one battle" does anything for the RNC, i.e., that's a losing tactic IMHO. Win wars by losing battles? I can understand - strategically thinking - of deferring battles, or ceding territories to win wars, but not losing battles.

Okay let’s say McCain wins. And All the RNC leaders are all enamored with themselves. How brilliant we were to run a candidate as far to the left as we could find? This was so brilliant we should find as many left leaning republicans as we can to run in all our races. Hell, we should really expand our base by recruiting democrats to run as republicans. As long as they have an R next to their name we can just assume we will get the conservative vote, and then we can just keep moving left cutting into the liberal base.

This strategy needs to fail, and fail big time.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 7:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Let me see if I can clear up those waters a bit:
Yes, the entire electorate is moving "left" with their voting at this point in time. They are doing so because they are rejecting RNC governance (Bush) and ideas put forth by far right candidates to such a degree that such candidates are not even remotely electable at this point. The far right, has destroyed the trust and mandate it had with the people and they must regroup and rebuild trust and respect with the American voters if they ever want to have a chance of controlling anything again.

Hows that for bringing the bottom into view?

If McCain wins it will be a win for the RNC that you can build on going forward. But if he looses, it "is" going to be a loss for the RNC and for conservatives going forward.

Obama/Hillary are not pro-life. Nor do they propose permanent tax cuts. Nor are they fiscally conservative seeking to limit pork and spending. Nor are they strong on the WOT and strategic and security interests of the US going foward. There IS something at stake in this election beyond just the name of the party who controls the WH. To continue to insist that there is not, is simply an emotional response that is not gounded in reality of the situation. I can assure you, the DNC would not consider a McCain win a triumph for "liberals" or the DNC. It would be a loss/setback for them and put some of their plans on hold.

By the same token, a McCain win would be a win for the RNC that they can build on. Retake congress, rebuild a mandate and trust with the American people. You don't have to take my word for any of this. The same thing is understood by some of the most conservative blocks in the RNC who recognize where they are right now and what is at stake. They are backing McCain and working to bring things around.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 7:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It was not a "strategy" to run a far left candidate. McCain was not appointed by the RNC. He rose up through the field (from the very bottom I might add) and is being elected/nominated by voters who will determine the outcome of these elections.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 5:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

dcornutt wrote:
It was not a "strategy" to run a far left candidate. McCain was not appointed by the RNC. He rose up through the field (from the very bottom I might add) and is being elected/nominated by voters who will determine the outcome of these elections.

Wrong, Wrong, Wrong, It was independents, democrats, and republican moderates who voted for McCain. The true conservative vote got split between Romney, Huckabee, and Thompson.
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