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John Kerry: Syria’s use of chemical weapons ‘undeniable’

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Joined: 18 May 2004
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Location: Washington State

PostPosted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 7:43 pm    Post subject: John Kerry: Syria’s use of chemical weapons ‘undeniable’ Reply with quote

Reported by Politico

Secretary of State John Kerry on Monday called Syria’s use of chemical weapons “undeniable” and indicated that President Barack Obama is plotting action in the coming days.

Setting the stage for eventual military intervention, Kerry said in a statement from the State Department that what is happening on the ground in Syria “is real and it is compelling” and requires a response from the international community. Attacks on civilians by Bashar al-Assad’s regime are, he said, “a moral obscenity” that “should shock the conscience of the world.”

“Make no mistake: President Obama believes there must be accountability for those who would use the world’s most heinous weapons against the world’s most vulnerable people. Nothing today is more serious, and nothing is receiving more serious scrutiny,” Kerry later added.

Extremists attacked our country, after decades of increasing attacks and murdered some 3,000 innocent civilians and Kerry is who claimed efforts to fight back were "the wrong war, wrong time and wrong place."

Even though Saddam murdered his own people, used chemical weapons in them and committed other heinous acts, it wasn't our business, according to him and many other Democrats.

But now, all of a sudden, as heinous as it is in Syria (so we are told), it's somehow in our interest to become embroiled in their internal civil war?

Wasn't it Kerry who also complained many years ago about our involvement in what he then described as a civil war? "We found that not only was it a civil war, an effort by a people who had for years been seeking their liberation from any colonial influence whatsoever, but also we found that the Vietnamese whom we had enthusiastically molded after our own image were hard put to take up the fight against the threat we were supposedly saving them from," Kerry said in 1971.

Kerry, who said in 2007, "Iraq, as in Vietnam, more American soldiers are being sent to fight and die in a civil war we can't stop and an insurgency we can't bomb into submission."

But now, Syria is our problem and he wants Military intervention?

What a difference it makes depending on what party is in power.

The New York Sun, who if you recall from 2004 was no friend to Kerry, Editorializes

"We carry no brief for Bashir al-Assad. We carry no brief for the Islamists who are in arms against the Syrian regime. What we do is predict that if the President takes us into this war and if there is an escalation — if, say, Russia or Iran enters the lists — then neither Mr. Obama nor the next president nor America itself will be able to count on Mr. Kerry.If the going gets rough, he’ll prove to be a summer soldier and fall away, maybe to go treat with the enemy at a future parley at Paris. We’ve always said that history has a way of playing its tricks."

Clark County Conservative
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