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DNC Attack

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Joined: 08 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:35 pm    Post subject: DNC Attack Reply with quote

Kids, it's gunna get worse. I'm thinking the Swifties will also be brought into this one:

The Democrat National Committee has prepared a full-scale assault against the Vietnam Veterans for Truth to draw their character and veracity into question, according to one anonymous source inside the DNC. The campaign of character assassination is scheduled to coincide with the release of the book Unfit for Command which reveals inconvenient facts for the Kerry campaign.

“We have prepared what we call ‘Brown Books’ that contain damaging military records, personal credit histories, medical histories, psychiatric histories, divorce records, you name it,” our source told us. "We've got the goods on the Veterans who oppose Kerry."

Please click READ MORE …

The “Brown Books” are so called because of their distinctive plain brown covers, which contain no words. Some books have already been delivered to Kerry-friendly reporters. Others are on their way, our source told us. When asked if we could have a copy, our source declined, saying there is a limited number of “Brown Books” and they have been carefully inventoried to control in whose hands the books ended up.

Ultimately the “Brown Books” will end up in the hands of pro-Kerry news agencies and reporters. According to our source, who demanded to remain anonymous for fear of retribution, The New York Times is already on the hook to run a negative series on the Vets, as is the Boston Globe, which is owned by the Times. (Editor’s Note: The Globe has already been caught attempting to attack the veracity of George Elliott, Kerry’s commanding officer in Vietnam.)

In addition, the DNC has deployed a six member team from their press shop whose sole responsibility will be to spin and counter-spin stories about the members of Vietnam Veterans for Truth with pro-Kerry media entities, like the Times.

When asked if this was just another example of John Kerry slandering Vietnam Vets – like he did in 1971 as a member of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War – our source snapped, “No! This is warfare. The only way we’re going to get out of this is to force everyone to question their motives and credibility.”

“If they want to spread rumors and stories about John Kerry, we’ll spread rumors and stories about them. And some of the things they did in Vietnam were a lot worse than what they say John Kerry did,” our source concluded ominously.


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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Do you think this wasn't anticipated and planned for? Laughing
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good point Tom...they banged that George Elliot rebuttal out before the ink dried on Karnish's Globe story. It was impressive.
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Vice Admiral

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 9:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Interesting they would use "brown books" as in "brown shirts" which they usually label conservatives as being. Once a projector always a projector.
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Joined: 07 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 11:06 am    Post subject: Ain't running for President... Reply with quote

Heck yes, I pulled some stunts in Vietnam; I wasn't a choir boy when I was in the Army. I'm not running for president of the United States. If I did half the stuff that Kerry claims he did, I certainly wouldn't throw my hat in the ring!

John Kerry spent 4 months in 'Nam and he testifies about a lot of war crimes; I spent 2 years there and never saw a single war crime. The most disturbing incident I witnessed was a Vietnamese man shot in the back as he fled. I had just stepped out of the PX in Da Nang and I saw a Vietnamese running away. A Marine guard called out for him to halt, in Vietnamese and in English, then he shot the man after he didn't stop. I went to see if the guy survived - he was dead.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 1:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

neverforget wrote:
Interesting they would use "brown books" as in "brown shirts" which they usually label conservatives as being. Once a projector always a projector.

Now, now .... I was a "brown shirt", and I was proud of it.
Also liked being called an "airdale" on the carrier while I wore the jersey
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 4:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I wasn't referring to those brown shirts. I was referring to them previously calling conservatives brown shirts as in Hitler's goons (wore brown shirts).
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Joined: 09 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 4:17 pm    Post subject: Brown Shirts Reply with quote

Just to clarify: It is the socialist left that brought us Fascism, Nazism and Communism. I've done the study, and I know. There is nothing "conservative" about the Neo-Nazis, any more than there is anything "liberal" about the modern left-wing Lib. They are illiberal who make the state superior over the people. I only bring this up because we must remember that words have meanings, and if we forget that, we'll lose the language. So remember:

When Kerry says he wants to "roll back Bush's tax cuts," what he means is he wants to raise taxes.
When Kerry says he voted for the $87 Billion, before he voted against it, he means he tried to get President Bush to renege on his pledge to make the tax cuts permanent, and failed.
When Kerry says he will "pay for" his dubious plans on the backs of the "wealthiest among us," he means he will raise your taxes.

It is not the government's money. It is our money. We came first, and government came afterward, so it is all ours, and we only loan to government what they have. Rights inhere in the individual by nature, and government is brought into existence by individuals for the purpose of protecting those rights.

John Kerry would turn that on its head, and make you the slave of government. In Kerry's world, the state is all, and any rights we have are granted to us by a magnanamous, liberal leadership -- with him at the top, of course.

But, it wouldn't be a right if it depended on government grant. It would be a privelege. Priveleges can be revoked, and Kerry would revoke rights that prevented him from executing his wrong-headed policies. Look at what they're doing to the SwiftVets, trying to shut them up.

Which is exactly how the Brown Shirts of Germany's National Socialist Worker's Party (the NAZI Party) treated the Jews before the NAZI's gained power. They started with propaganda, just like the DNC is doing now.

History repeats itself, because we refuse to learn its lessons.
Richard Stauch
Ft. Myers, FL
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Fabius Cunctator
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 5:23 pm    Post subject: Brown Shirts Reply with quote

Well said, RStauch. These are points we have to continually harp on. Consider what is at stake here: how many Supreme Court judges plan to retire in the next four years? Budget, taxes, war on Islamofascism, etc.

I would like to believe that, if, by some slim chance al-Qerry did get elected, that he would be thwarted by a Republican congress. But, I lost confidence in the Republican party a long time ago. Oh, I will vote for "W" to keep al-Qerry out, but unless local candidates give me a very compelling reason to vote for them, I will go either Libertarian or Constitution Party every time. Most Republicans at the Federal level have seemed to lose the strength (if they had any) of their convictions. Even my former congressman now Senator Rick Santorum, in his early days a firebreathing monster in the eyes of the Dim-o-crats, has become a real go-along/get-along type, especially when he supported Arlen Specter against Pat Toomy in the PA primaries. Hell, Republicans technically control two of the three branches of the Fed gov now, but you'd never know it, they way they have been rolling over for Daschle and Pelosi.

"W" has got to get out there, get nasty, start breathing fire in his appearances, and give the undecideds a compelling reason to vote him for four more years. I fear this is 1992 all over again.

BTW, how are you all doing over there across the Alley with Hurricane Charlie comin' your way?? We got some nice breezes but cloudy skies here.

Quintus Fabius Maximus Cunctator
USMCR – 1974 to the present.

"Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum; qui victoriam cupit, milites inbuat diligenter; qui secundos optat eventus, dimicet arte, non casu. Nemo provocare, nemo audet offendere quem intellegit superiorem esse, si pugnet." - F. Vegetii Renati Epitoma Rei Militaris, AD 390
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Joined: 09 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 8:27 pm    Post subject: Brown Shirts Reply with quote

The serious problems we face are only clear to those of us who understand the facts surrounding the founding of this Republic and the framing of our Constitution. The actual cold war we are fighting behind the scenes involves a force of ubermenchen (supermen, who ride above the mundane people like you and me) on the one hand, as overagainst those of us who know that "all men are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights." These "over-men", as Neitzche called them, ought to take the reigns of power to bring order to the world according to the great plans of those who, like Kerry, subscribe to this ideology. The NAZI's did, too.

On the other hand, before the socialist Left has a chance to hand our soveriegnty over to the UN (corrupt as they are, there are even better reasons to prevent this) as Kerry openly plans, we have a duty to educate those victims of the government schools who, since the '20s, have not been taught the Constitution as they need to be, if we want them to be informed voters. The socialist Left does not, of course, because a mundane people like us needs to be swayed their way, even by lies if necessary. We are incapable of self-rule (as the Constitution guarantees), but must be dealt with as children (See: Theresa Heinz Kerry's recent statement that she is like the Doctor, or Mother, to us).

The rhetorical hands of Conservatives are successfully tied, because nobody wants to believe that there is an underground war on-going to wrest freedom from the masses. That's how people like Ralph Reed get destroyed. We like to believe that we are secure in our lives, free to spend our time wondering when that movie will be available at Blockbuster, and satisfying ourselves that we are generous as we give $5.00 to that charity. We should be free to entertain ourselves, and we do have the right to consider ourselves the most generous country that ever existed. Yet, we also need to know that there is a nefarious spirit abroad, that seeks to destroy us as a free nation, and I am not only talking about the Islamo-Fascists.

Their target is still Jews, but it includes Conservative Christians, now.
Richard Stauch
Ft. Myers, FL
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sore loser

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 9:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I happen to think there is a cultural war going on. How is it, we are on the brink of electing Hanoi John, a mere 4 years after a draft dodging *******? What happened? The founding fathers have to be spinning out of control in their graves, not to mention those who have gone before us. Something got lost in the 60's, the baby got thrown out with the bath water. I think there is something to the idea that those of us who have served are against this, and those who have not are GENERALLY for it. Obviously, there are exceptions. Somehow we have to find a way to educate this people, if it isn't too late already.
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Joined: 07 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 11:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fabius Cunctator wrote:

BTW, how are you all doing over there across the Alley with Hurricane Charlie comin' your way?? We got some nice breezes but cloudy skies here.

Th' damned thing is comin' up our butts like The Four Horsemen!

The latest prognostication is a 15-ft. storm surge in Tampa Bay, with 115MPH winds! Ain't gonna be good... we'll likely be 'incommunicado' for a while after this afternoon. If I could turn me bow into th' wind, I'd do so. Unfortunately, I'm in a concrete home atm ;-}

Estimates of evacuees is nearing the 1-million mark.
Dr E--

"The flames kindled on the fourth of July, seventeen hundred and seventy six, have spread over too much of the globe to be extinguished by the feeble engines of despotism." -- Thomas Jefferson
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