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John Kerry Turns Into the Fire

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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 6:01 am    Post subject: John Kerry Turns Into the Fire Reply with quote


John Kerry Turns Into the Fire

One of John F. Kerry’s supporters recently predicted that John Kerry would respond to the attacks by, as he supposedly did in Vietnam, “turning his boat into the fire.” Well, seemingly, he did just that. Unfortunately, in the world of politics, he appears to have turned his Swift Boat into the guns of an Iowa-class Battleship. Brave, perhaps, but also stupid.

In short: I’ve never seen the defending side in a political scandal so incompetently led. There was a way to defuse all of this early and, for some reason, John Kerry declined to take it.

If I were Senator Kerry I would, upon the unveiling of the first ad, have gotten myself a whole hour on either 60 Minutes or Dateline NBC and I would have answered completely (and as truthfully as possible) every question put to me. And I would have said something like this.

“I hold no animus towards these men. We were in a war together and, as those of us who have been in war understand, equally honourable men can have altogether different recollections of the same events. What really motivates these men, I think, was my opposition to the war after I came home and I understand and accept that as well.

“Having seen the war first-hand, I came to the conclusion that it was wrong and had to end and I worked passionately towards achieving those goals. Sometimes, in doing this, I said intemperate and inaccurate things. In my eagerness to see the war end, I was often willing to accept as the truth some things which later turned out to be false. For example, one of my closest allies in the anti-war movement, a man named Al Hubbard, claimed to have been an Air Force Captain in Vietnam when, in fact, he’d never even been there at all. We were in a hurry. We didn’t fact-check as much or as deeply as we should have. And we got some things wrong and for that, I am deeply sorry.”

Frankly, I think that something like that would have killed the story then and there. People would have instinctively understood that, amid the fog of war, some facts are occasionally lost. By implicitly accepting that some of the things that the Swift Boat Veterans say might be true, Kerry would defang many of their later attacks because he’d have set the tone for the subsequent conversation and there’s just enough on the record to make any assertion by the Swift Boat Vets seem like simply a matter of confusion.

More importantly, by apologizing for some of his anti-war conduct (but not his anti-war stance), Kerry would have managed to blunt the second attack: that he smeared his fellow veterans and betrayed his country. Once again he’d have set the tone for the conversation ahead: all of the truly radical things that Kerry said were the words of an idealistic young man who, in his fervour and desperation to end a hopeless war, occasionally went a little too far.

If Kerry had done that, pretty much anything that the Swiftees were able to throw at him afterwards (unless, as rumoured, they’ve got something real big in reserve) would really look like low blows: the desperate attacks of petty men assaulting a man who already conceded that he’d made mistakes.

This course of action, I’m convinced, would have blunted the effectiveness of these attacks. While I’m quite certain that the Swift Vets would have attacked anyways, the chances of their efforts backfiring would be much greater.

So, why didn’t Kerry try this or something like it? I can see only one answer: he was too proud and too convinced of his own absolute superiority to do any such thing. The John Kerry of thirty-five years ago may have been a cynical opportunist who sought medals for the sake of a political future career and then, when that didn’t work, threw those medals over a fence and betrayed his “Band of Brothers” but the John Kerry of today is an idealistic opportunist: someone who, after three and a half decades, has bought into his own lies.

From what I’ve seen, the John Kerry of today is someone absolutely convinced of his personal and moral superiority. His preposterous claims that his four months in Vietnam qualify him for the Presidency are heartfelt. He’s seemingly someone who has never quite been able to break the bonds of his Vietnam experience and has, therefore, constructed his entire life around it.

As a result, anything that threatens Kerry’s version of what he did in Vietnam is a threat to Kerry himself: to his emotional and psychological well-being. Just like Mark Hacking apparently constructed a life narrative for himself which starred him as an aspiring Doctor, John Kerry has created a narrative that features him as both the greatest war hero and the greatest anti-war leader in American history (nay, the history of the world). When you threaten the internal world of a fabulist, well, lock your bedroom door before you go to sleep.

Nothing other than pure irrationality could explain what has been, frankly, a bizarre response to the Swift Vets on the part of the Kerry campaign. The campaign’s own obsession with them (along with that of the pro-Kerry media) has only served to turn what would have been an important story into the story of the month. Not only has it erased whatever traces of a bounce Kerry received from his convention, but it’s giving the President a running start heading into his. The new Los Angeles Times poll of registered voters shows Bush pulling ahead by three points (where it hadn’t shown him ahead all year). If you did the same poll of likely voters, well, the results would almost certainly give the President a five to seven point lead.

These charges work because they feed into the pre-existing impression created by tens of millions of dollars worth of paid Bush advertising: John Kerry can’t be trusted because he’ll say whatever he has to in order to win your support today and he’ll also say whatever he must to win the support of your neighbour as well.

At first I was dubious when I heard that Karl Rove had decided to make Kerry’s “flip-flops” the primary target of the negative side of the Bush campaign. Well, I’m a believer now. Though other types of spring advertisements might have had a more immediate effect on the polls, the ad barrage turned Kerry’s shifting positions on the issues into a sort of meta-issue which colours how people see everything else that John Kerry says. On a daily basis now I have people (non-political, non-Republican people) make comments about how Kerry can’t be trusted because, “he’s always changing his positions to please everyone.” Kerry, my friends, has been successfully branded by the Boy Genius.

The response of the Democrats now (as directed by Kerry) resembles nothing so much as a blind panic. Yesterday, for example, the Democrats tested out their new tactic of releasing personal information on their opponents and trying to imply that they’re murderers.

As reported by Crushkerry.com and verified by the New York Daily News, the Kerry campaign is passing around copies of a “Brown Book” with negative personal information on all of the Swift Vets. The first blow was launched against James Zumwalt, the son of the late Admiral Elmo Zumwalt, with claims that he attempted suicide after his ex-wife’s fiancé, who he’d once tried to run off the road with his car, was murdered. Hint-hint. You know one side is getting desperate when it tried to imply that one of its opponents once murdered a man a charge which, presumably, can be easily demonstrated to be false (I presume this because, had he been charged with the murder or convicted of it, presumably the Kerry team would have said as much).

While some Democrats are crowing about the optics of sending triple amputee Max Cleland and former Green Beret Jim Rassman to the President’s ranch in Crawford, Texas I think, quite frankly, that it was one of the silliest and most desperate political stunts I’ve ever seen in my life. It was, to put it mildly, a stunt worthy of a Michael Moore film and one which I think will be transparently seen as such.

It is, of course, much too early in the campaign to write off the Kerry candidacy altogether: an awful lot can happen in the next two months, especially these days. However, it now seems to be undeniable that the Swift Vets have drawn blood and will continue doing so unless an effective counter-attack can be mounted by the Kerry campaign. Already the feckless response to the initial charges had made this task more difficult and perhaps altogether impossible.

John Kerry’s turned his boat into the fire alright: and he’s had about as much success as that other JFK had when he turned his PT Boat in front of a Japanese Destroyer.
Adam Teiichi Yoshida
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 6:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Insightful observations, and a good read, thanks. I don't think the writer's solution for Kerry would have worked all that well, but certainly would have been a lot better than panic.
"And no pair has been more wrong, more loudly, more often, than the two Senators from Massachusetts, Ted Kennedy and John Kerry"

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 6:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

What really motivates these men, I think, was my opposition to the war after I came home and I understand and accept that as well.

Typical smoke and mirrors. If he believes that, why does he have his goons out digging every piece of dirt up they can find about the Swift vets, even if they have to manufacture or take it out of context?

His only salvation would have been to openly and fully release all of his records, something he still refuses to do.
Clark County Conservative
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 6:34 am    Post subject: Right on Reply with quote

I agree .With the msm spining for kerry 24/7.Thank goodness for Kerry,
being so panic stricken.Most people with common cense can see the canidate doing any and everything but directly answering the questions put to him by the book and the ads.
Calling on Bush to stop it,wheeling out disabled vets to ask Bush to stop.Getting his lawyers to try and stop the ads and the book with hollow threats.Anything but trying to set his record straight about events or metals in question.
Not all but some ,can see the media slant.Because they also are not setting the record straight.Fact is they cant.
Kerry has done more in the last week to hurt himself that Bush could have done if he had set out to.
He said "Bring it on" then yells "Call it off". Sounds like Kerry is waffleing again.And everyones watching.
Hold all media accountable,If you see or hear an untruth dont let it slide EMAIL them.let them know .When they figure out they are fooling noone and it goes to their credibility and enough people let them know.Maybe the slant wont be at such an angle.
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Rear Admiral

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 6:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Can Kerry be awarded a new purple heart for self-inflicted campaign wounds?

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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 7:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The MSM could end Kerry's campaign any day they wanted to, the necessary ammo is out there all over the place. They could talk about his relationship with Joe Bangert ( traitor) , Scot Camil ( would-be senator assasin) , or his traitorous talks with the communists in Paris while he was still in the naval reserves. His super-inflated military record is really just the tip of the iceberg. It is really fascinating to watch MSM try to keep his candidacy alive, like the crazy old lady who got her cat stuffed because she just can't let it go.

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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 7:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Typical smoke and mirrors. If he believes that, why does he have his goons out digging every piece of dirt up they can find about the Swift vets, even if they have to manufacture or take it out of context?

His only salvation would have been to openly and fully release all of his records, something he still refuses to do.

Oh, I don't think he believes that. I'm saying that if he'd come out and said it on August 1st or so, the media would have had a better chance of burying the story.

An apology now would probably have a negative effect: it would give additional credibility to the charges against him. After all, most people won't see 60 Minutes, they'd just hear that Kerry "apologized" which, frankly, is why he won't.

Of course, if he does, we can ask him why he said a week ago that he was "proud" of his treasonous behavior.
Adam Teiichi Yoshida
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 8:23 am    Post subject: Brown bag Reply with quote

If the kerry people go ahead with thier Brown Bag.And really go all out to
smear the swiftvets.Then his recent outrage will be seen for what it was.
And I think "All Bets Are Off" will apply with the msm.The backlash of smear attacks againist the vets.Will show their hipocracy.And attacking swiftvets directly will show they never believed that Bush was behind it.
I would think it would also draw out more people like Bob Dole whom were fed up with the media trying to discredit without addressing the vets claims.If could turn into a free-for-all.
My take is that most folks can see Kerry running away from the cliams The book and that ads make.Addressing the messenger but not the message.People will see these brown bag attacks as more of the same.
Again it will be Kerry doing harm to himself. Wink
Hold all media accountable,If you see or hear an untruth dont let it slide EMAIL them.let them know .When they figure out they are fooling noone and it goes to their credibility and enough people let them know.Maybe the slant wont be at such an angle.
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Seaman Apprentice

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 11:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

One of John F. Kerry’s supporters recently predicted that John Kerry would respond to the attacks by, as he supposedly did in Vietnam, “turning his boat into the fire.” Well, seemingly, he did just that. Unfortunately, in the world of politics, he appears to have turned his Swift Boat into the guns of an Iowa-class Battleship. Brave, perhaps, but also stupid

Laughing Laughing I couldnt help but laugh at that one for a bit

Yea Kerry knows how to end this but then he knows if he releases the information then hes been a liar this whole time, I think hes trying to wait it out hoping things will die down or the fire be turned on the SBVT or some huge 9/11 thing happens and the focus is off him.
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