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The liberals' creed
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Joined: 18 May 2004
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Location: Washington State

PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2004 8:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh Craig, sweet as ever, I see. I hope Soros is paying you well Laughing

Since the subject is liberal Democrats, here is a lighthearted comment written by someone else describing an exchange between a father and his liberal daughter;

A young woman was about to finish her first year of college. She considered herself to be a very liberal Democrat, but her father was a staunch Republican.

One day she was challenging her father on his beliefs and his opposition to high taxes and welfare programs. He stopped her and asked how she was doing in school. She answered that she had a 4.0 GPA, but it was really tough.

She had to study all the time and never had time to go out and party. She didn't have time for a boyfriend and didn't really have many college friends because of spending all her time studying. On top of that, the part-time job her father insisted she keep left absolutely no time for anything else.

He asked, "How is your friend Mary?"

She replied that Mary was barely getting by. She had a 2.0 GPA, never studied, but was very popular on campus, didn't have a job, and went to all the parties. She was always complaining about not having any money, but didn't want to work. Why, she often didn't show up for classes because she was hung over.

Dad then asked his daughter why she didn't go to the Dean's office and request that 1.0 be taken off her 4.0 and given to her friend who only had a 2.0. That way they would both have a respectable 3.0 GPA. Then, she could also give her friend half the money she'd earned from her job so that her friend would no longer be broke.

The daughter angrily fired back, "That wouldn't be fair. I worked really hard for my grades and money, and Mary just loafs. Why should her laziness and irresponsibility be rewarded with half of what I've worked for?"

The father slowly smiled and said, "Welcome to the Republican Party."

In addition, We also have;

Things You Have to Believe to Be a Democrat Today

1. Drug addiction is a disease that should be treated with compassion and understanding...unless the addict is a Conservative talk show host.
2. The United States should be subservient to the United Nations. Our highest authority is not God and the U.S. Constitution, but a collective of tinpot dictators (and their appeasers) and the U.N. charter.
3. Government should relax drug laws regardless of the potential for abuse, but should pass new and unConstitutional anti-gun laws because of the potential for abuse.
4. Calls for increased security after a terrorist attack are "political opportunism," but calls for more gun control after a criminal's spree killing is "a logical solution."
5. "It Takes a Village" means everything you want it to mean...except creeping socialist government involvement in the nuclear family.
6. Disarming innocent, law-abiding citizens helps protect them from evil, lawless terrorists and other thugs.
7. Slowly killing an unborn innocent by tearing it apart limb from limb is good. Slowly killing an innocent disabled woman by starving her to death is good. Quickly killing terrorists, convicted murderers and rapists is BAD.
8. Every religion should be respected and promoted in public schools the name of diversity, so long as that religion isn't Christianity.
9. The best way to support our troops is to criticize their every move. This will let them know they're thought of often.
10. Sexual harassment, groping and drug use are degenerate if you're the governor of California, but it's okay if you're the former President of the United States.
11. Sex education should be required so that teens can make informed choices about sex, but gun education should be banned because it will turn those same teens into maniacal mass-murderers.
12. Minorities are blameless for the hatred of the racist; women are blameless for the hatred of the rapist; but America is entirely at fault for the hatred of Islamofascists.
13. Poverty is the cause of all terrorism...which is why the leaders of al Qaeda are typically U.S.-educated and were raised in wealth and luxury.
14. The Patriot Act is a horrific compromise of Constitutional rights, but anti-Second Amendment laws and Franklin Roosevelt's Presidential Order 9066 must be regarded "reasonable precautions."
15. We should unquestioningly honor the wishes of our age-old allies, even when said allies no longer act like our allies and have vested economic interests in propping up our enemies.
16. Socialized medicine is the ideal. Nevermind all those people who spend every dime they have to get to the United States so they can get quality medical care...that their nation's socialized medical community can't provide.
17. Michael Moore, Noam Chomsky and Natalie Maines are perfectly qualified to criticize our leadership, but Arnold Schwarzenegger, Charlton Heston, and Dennis Miller are just ignorant political hacks.
18. John Lott's research on how gun ownership reduces crime is junk science, but Michael Bellesiles is still an authority on why gun control is good (even though he was forced to resign from Emory due to research misconduct over his book "Arming America").
19. Bush's toppling the Saddam regime was a "diversion," but Clinton's lobbing a couple of cruise missiles at Iraq in the thick of the Lewinsky sex scandal was "sending a message."
20. A president who lies under oath is okay, but a president who references sixteen words from an allies' intelligence report should be dragged through the streets naked.
21. Government should limit itself to the powers named in the Constitution, which include banning Second Amendment rights and shopping the courts for judges sympathetic to causes that wouldn't pass in any legislature.
22. "The People" in the First Amendment means The People; "the People" in the Fourth Amendment means The People; "the People" in the Ninth Amendment means The People; "the People" in the Tenth Amendment means The People; but "the People" in the Second Amendment (ratified in 1791) means the National Guard (created by an Act of Congress in 1903).
23. You support a woman's "right to choose" to kill her unborn child, but don't believe that same woman is competent enough to homeschool the children she bears.
24. Proven draft-dodging is irrelevant, but baseless claims of AWOL status is crucial to national security.
25. Threatening to boycott Dr. Laura's and Rush Limbaugh's advertisers is exercising Freedom of Speech, but threatening to boycott CBS's "The Reagans" and Liberal actors over their asinine anti-American remarks is censorship and McCarthyist blacklisting.
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PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2004 4:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

LewWaters wrote:
Oh Craig, sweet as ever, I see. I hope Soros is paying you well Laughing

Gotta love the spurious accusation. I guess I could hope that your mother is paid well for services rendered if I want to join in the spirit of such petty attempt at insults.

One could write an equal pile of crap about Republicans - but you can go sell your crap somewhere else.
I am not a Democrat.
You can ascribe any amount of crap to whoever you wish but it does not necessarily mean anything.
Even of the ultra liberal extreme nutcases don't all subscribe to all the same views of issues - not any more than do the ultra conservative extreme nutcases, such as your self, subscribe down the line to all the same views.
I am not going to respond line by line to your list of crap - but one can serve as example well enough. Myself would advocate that such as Limbaugh be subject to same treatment that he has advocated for others in similar circumstance.
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Seaman Recruit

Joined: 29 May 2004
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PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2004 4:34 pm    Post subject: bye bye Craig Reply with quote

No Craig you're not a Democrat. Even Democrats have some semblance of group think intelligence. You however are nothing more than a vacuous twit and should be banned for this site if not from the world. Why don't you just moveon.org.

Thanks for the entertainment! This is the last time I'll ever respond to a post from you. I suggest other members adopt the same tactic.

Main Entry: vac·u·ous Pronunciation Guide
Pronunciation: vakyws
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin vacuus
1 : emptied of or lacking content (as of air or gas) <vacuous spaces>
2 : marked by or indicative of mental vacuity or lack of ideas or intelligence : lacking substance : thin in intellectual content : DULL, STUPID, INANE <a vacuous mind> <a vacuous expression> <a vacuous play>
3 : devoid of serious occupation : spent in inanities or frivolity : IDLE
4 : containing no element, point, or member : NULL -- used of a class in mathematics or logic
synonym see EMPTY

Bye Bye
"History tells us that appeasement does not lead to peace. It invites an aggressor to test the will of a nation unprepared to meet that test." --Ronald Reagan
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PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2004 6:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Democrats have some semblance of group think intelligence"

You're misusing the term "group think." You're way off the mark on that.
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2004 7:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jeremy Eaton wrote:
Very Happy
Now it's my turn to laugh.
Confused This emoticon was supposed to be sarcasm for comic effect. I was illustrating the point.
I guess I didn't make the joke obvious enough. (It's not funny if you have to explain it to them)
You were right though, I did screw up! Although, not about the generalization, that was intentional.
I didn't read the link in the first post!
I just posted my thoughts. I assumed it was from a right winger, but it's not! It's from an actual liberal. The moral of the story is to read the links. You might learn something...Or maybe it's avoid thinking of things in an us versus them mentality. It can lead to poor assumptions and rash judgements.

My apologies. The emoticon you used is labeled "confused". I added the "wink" emoticon because I thought you might have intended irony, so I wanted to soften the comment. It was meant as a joke, not as an attack.
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Seaman Recruit

Joined: 29 May 2004
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PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2004 8:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

sparky wrote:
"Democrats have some semblance of group think intelligence"

You're misusing the term "group think." You're way off the mark on that.

Here's the definition Sparkles.

Groupthink is a term coined by psychologist Irving Janis in 1972 to describe one process by which a group can make bad or irrational decisions. In a groupthink situation, each member of the group attempts to conform his or her opinions to what they believe to be the consensus of the group. This results in a situation in which the group ultimately agrees on an action which each member might normally consider to be unwise.

Janis's original definition of the term was "a mode of thinking that people engage in when they are deeply involved in a cohesive in-group, when the members' strivings for unanimity override their motivation to realistically appraise alternative courses of action." The word groupthink itself is intentionally reminiscent of George Orwell's coinages (such as doublethink and duckspeak) from the fictional language Newspeak, which he portrayed in his ideological novel Nineteen Eighty-Four.

I think it fits the model of socialistic/communistic thought which is the core philosophy of the Democratic Party.
"History tells us that appeasement does not lead to peace. It invites an aggressor to test the will of a nation unprepared to meet that test." --Ronald Reagan
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