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CBS falls for Kerry campaign's fake memo

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 10:23 am    Post subject: CBS falls for Kerry campaign's fake memo Reply with quote

CBS falls for Kerry campaign's fake memo


A few weeks ago, Thomas Oliphant of the Boston Globe was on PBS' ''Newshour'' explaining why the hundreds of swift boat veterans' allegations against John Kerry's conduct in Vietnam was unworthy of his attention. "The standard of clear and convincing evidence," he said, talking to Swiftvet John O'Neill as if he were a backward fourth-grader, ''is what keeps this story in the tabloids -- because it does not meet basic standards.''

Last week, we got a good idea of what Thomas Oliphant's ''basic standards'' are. Dan Rather and the elderly gentlemen at ''60 Minutes'' were all atwitter because they'd come into possession of some hitherto undiscovered memos relating to whether George W. Bush failed to show up for his physical in the War of 1812. The media had been flogging this dead horse all spring, but these newly ''discovered'' memos had jump-started the old nag just enough to get him on his knees long enough for the media to flog him all over again.

Unfortunately for CBS, Dan Rather's hairdresser sucks up so much of the budget that there was nothing left for any fact-checking, so the ''60 Minutes'' crew rushed on air with a damning National Guard memo conveniently called ''CYA'' that Bush's commanding officer had written to himself 32 years ago. ''This was too hot not to push,'' one producer told the American Spectator. Hundreds of living Swiftvets who've signed affidavits and are prepared to testify on camera -- that's way too cold to push; we'd want to fact-check that one thoroughly, till, say, midway through John Kerry's second term. But a handful of memos by one dead guy slipped to us by a Kerry campaign operative -- that meets ''basic standards'' and we gotta get it out there right away.

The only problem was the memo. Amazingly, this guy at the Air National Guard base, Lt. Col. Killian, had the only typewriter in Texas in 1973 using a prototype version of the default letter writing program of Microsoft Word, complete with the tiny little superscript thingy that automatically changes July 4th to July 4th. To do that on most 1973 typewriters, you had to unscrew the keys, grab a hammer and give them a couple of thwacks to make the ''t'' and ''h'' squish up all tiny, and even think it looked a bit wonky. You'd think having such a unique typewriter Killian would have used a less easily traceable model for his devastating ''CYA'' memo. Also, he might have chosen a font other than Times New Roman, designed for the Times of London in the 1930s and not licensed to Microsoft by Rupert Murdoch (the Times' owner) until the 1980s.

Killian is no longer around to confirm his extraordinary Magic Typewriter, but his son denied the stuff was written by his dad, and his widow said her late husband never typed. So, on the one hand, we have hundreds of living veterans with chapter and verse on Kerry's fantasy Christmas in Cambodia, and, on the other hand, we have a guy who's been dead 20 years but is still capable of operating Windows XP. It took the savvy chappies at the Powerline Web site and Charles Johnson of ''Little Green Footballs'' about 20 minutes to spot the eerily 2004 look of the 1972 memo, and various Internet wallahs spent the rest of the day tracking down the country's leading typewriter identification experts.

Bombarded with accusations that CBS had fallen for an obvious hoax, Dan turned to his trusty Smith-Corona and bashed out a few e-mails: ''For the umpteenth time,'' he said angrily, ''this is the kind of sleaze I had to put up with when they scoffed at 'What's the frequency, Kenneth?' "

Are Dan Rather and ''60 Minutes'' a bunch of patsies suckered by the Kerry campaign? Not exactly. According to the American Spectator, ''The CBS producer said that some alarm bells went off last week when the signatures and initials of Killian on the documents in hand did not match up with other documents available on the public record, but producers chose to move ahead with the story.''

Hey, why not? Who's gonna spot it? If CBS says it's so, that's good enough for Thomas Oliphant's Boston Globe, the New York Times and the Washington Post, all of whom rushed the story onto their front pages because it met their ''basic standards.'' On Friday morning, Paul Krugman, the New York Times' excitable economist, filed a column called, ''The Dishonesty Thing,'' and for one moment I thought he was about to upbraid CBS for rushing on air with their laughably fake memos. But no, he was droning on about how the National Guard story demonstrated George W. Bush's ''pattern of lies: his assertions that he fulfilled his obligations when he obviously didn't ..."

The tragedy for Rather, Oliphant, Krugman and Co. is that even if the memos were authentic nobody would care. Their boy Kerry had a crummy August not because he didn't hammer Bush for being AWOL in the Spanish-American War but because the senator's AWOL in the present war. Big Media are trashing their own reputations in service to a man who can never win.

After the 2002 election, I wrote, ''Remind me never to complain about 'liberal media bias' again. Right now, liberal media bias is conspiring to assist the Democrats to sleepwalk over the cliff.''

The media and the Democrats sustain each other's make-believe land. Dan Rather tells his staff, ''Kerry's told me there's nothing to this Swiftvet thing.'' Kerry tells his, ''Rather's assured me this Swiftvet story's going nowhere.''

George W. Bush ought to wake up every morning and thank the Lord the media aren't on his side.

Remember the Hitler Diaries? They turned up in the '80s. Only problem is they weren't by Hitler. But by then various prestige publications had paid a fortune to serialize them. Among them was the Sunday Times of London, owned by Murdoch, who wasn't happy. He called the editor, Frank Giles, into his office, and said, ''Frank, I'm promoting you to editor emeritus.''

''I've always wondered,'' murmured Frank, ''what 'editor emeritus' means.''

''The 'e-' means you've been given the elbow and the '-meritus' means you bloody deserve it,'' said Murdoch.

I have a feeling after November CBS News will be promoting Dan Rather to editor emeritus.

Either that, or next week's ''60 Minutes'' -- ''Exclusive! Handwriting Expert Says Bush Wrote The Hitler Diaries!'' -- will have much better fact-checking.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 10:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bravo. Thanks for posting.
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Son of a VET
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 10:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I love it! I realy liked:
George W. Bush ought to wake up every morning and thank the Lord the media aren't on his side.

Very Happy
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 10:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just saw this on Drudge.

Saturday, another retired Air National Guard officer came forward to attack CBSNEWS credibility. Retired Maj. Gen. Bobby W. Hodges, who was cited by a senior CBS official on Thursday as the network's "trump card" in verifying the documents, said in an interview that he was "misled" by CBS and believed the documents to be forgeries.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 11:22 am    Post subject: Re: CBS falls for Kerry campaign's fake memo Reply with quote

SBD wrote:
CBS falls for Kerry campaign's fake memo

..."The standard of clear and convincing evidence," [Thomas Oliphant] said, talking to Swiftvet John O'Neill as if he were a backward fourth-grader, ''is what keeps this story in the tabloids -- because it does not meet basic standards.''...

The result: Those attacking Kerry are held to the highest of evidentiary standards. Standards the SwiftBoat Vets have made in any court in the land (except maybe the California courts), while those supporting Kerry's version of events are not even cross examined on their recollections, nor questioned about facts that may bring into question their creditability, i.e. - payments by the Kerry campaign.

...Hundreds of living Swiftvets who've signed affidavits and are prepared to testify on camera -- that's way too cold to push; we'd want to fact-check that one thoroughly, till, say, midway through John Kerry's second term. But a handful of memos by one dead guy slipped to us by a Kerry campaign operative -- that meets ''basic standards'' and we gotta get it out there right away.

[Has anyone even begun to fact-check the Swiftvets? Hasn't the MSM, including Dobbs or just repeated the unsubstantiated words of Kerry supporters as evidence against the SwiftVets.]

... So, on the one hand, we have hundreds of living veterans with chapter and verse on Kerry's fantasy Christmas in Cambodia [Plus every other fantasy from the Kerry camp] , and, on the other hand, we have a guy who's been dead 20 years but is still capable of operating Windows XP. .... It took ... 20 minutes to spot the eerily 2004 look of the 1972 memo...

.. Dan Rather and ''60 Minutes'' a[re] bunch of patsies suckered by the Kerry campaign ...[knowing the story had problems CBS] chose to move ahead with the story...' Why?

Big Media are trashing their own reputations in service to a man who can never win.

Right now, liberal media bias is conspiring to assist the Democrats to sleepwalk over the cliff. [So now the MSM is a conspiracy to hurt the DNC?]

The media and the Democrats sustain each other's make-believe land. Dan Rather tells his staff, ''Kerry's told me there's nothing to this Swiftvet thing.'' Kerry tells his, ''Rather's assured me this Swiftvet story's going nowhere.''
Exactly, and not just Rather, but the NYT, CBS,

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 11:24 am    Post subject: Re: CBS falls for Kerry campaign's fake memo Reply with quote

SBD wrote:
CBS falls for Kerry campaign's fake memo

..."The standard of clear and convincing evidence," [Thomas Oliphant] said, talking to Swiftvet John O'Neill as if he were a backward fourth-grader, ''is what keeps this story in the tabloids -- because it does not meet basic standards.''...

The result: Those attacking Kerry are held to the highest of evidentiary standards. Standards the SwiftBoat Vets have made in any court in the land (except maybe the California courts), while those supporting Kerry's version of events are not even cross examined on their recollections, nor questioned about facts that may bring into question their creditability, i.e. - payments by the Kerry campaign.

...Hundreds of living Swiftvets who've signed affidavits and are prepared to testify on camera -- that's way too cold to push; we'd want to fact-check that one thoroughly, till, say, midway through John Kerry's second term. But a handful of memos by one dead guy slipped to us by a Kerry campaign operative -- that meets ''basic standards'' and we gotta get it out there right away.

[Has anyone even begun to fact-check the Swiftvets? Hasn't the MSM, including Dobbs or just repeated the unsubstantiated words of Kerry supporters as evidence against the SwiftVets.]

... So, on the one hand, we have hundreds of living veterans with chapter and verse on Kerry's fantasy Christmas in Cambodia [Plus every other fantasy from the Kerry camp] , and, on the other hand, we have a guy who's been dead 20 years but is still capable of operating Windows XP. .... It took ... 20 minutes to spot the eerily 2004 look of the 1972 memo...

.. Dan Rather and ''60 Minutes'' a[re] bunch of patsies suckered by the Kerry campaign ...[knowing the story had problems CBS] chose to move ahead with the story...' Why?

Big Media are trashing their own reputations in service to a man who can never win.

Right now, liberal media bias is conspiring to assist the Democrats to sleepwalk over the cliff. [So now the MSM is a conspiracy to hurt the DNC?]

The media and the Democrats sustain each other's make-believe land. Dan Rather tells his staff, ''Kerry's told me there's nothing to this Swiftvet thing.'' Kerry tells his, ''Rather's assured me this Swiftvet story's going nowhere.''
Exactly, and not just Rather, but the NYT, CBS,

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 12:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here is a few choice "journalistic standards" bits from Oliphant during a PBS Lehrer interview with O'Neill and Oliphant, For the whole thing, see (http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/politics/july-dec04/vietnam_8-19.html)

Lehrer: What can you... what light can you shed on what Mr. O'Neill just said about that specific incident?

TOM OLIPHANT: Well, that's illustrative because I think this is an allegation that has a credibility problem that I believe I can address on journalistic as opposed to political grounds.

One of the things we look for, I mean, there is nothing new about a dispute over a war record with many of us in journalism that have been through many, many times. We look to see if somebody said something at the time.

That's a problem for Mr. O'Neill's group because no one appears to have made an issue of this when it was actually happening. We look... we do look at political support.

And when Mr. O'Neill first surfaced in politics in 1971 after Kerry's anti-war demonstration, it was very hard for many of us covering him to figure out where the Nixon White House ended and he began.

Now, as to what happened on that particular day which earned Kerry the Bronze Star, you look at what's your best evidence: Eyewitness accounts, people in the boat.

You look at the eyewitness account of the fellow who was picked up out of the water who says there was fire coming from both sides of the river.

And then one of the things you also do when evaluating credibility is you want the accusers to keep their story straight.

And there is a problem with one of the accusers, a man named Thurlow whose account in this book and in this television commercial is contradicted by the official record of his own Bronze Star citation, which refers specifically to enemy fire.

I don't mean to say that I know exactly what happened that day. I believe that Mr. O'Neill, like anybody making a personal attack in politics, has to shoulder the burden of proof.

It never leaves his shoulders until he satisfies it. And on this story, they haven't even gotten to first base.


JOHN O'NEILL: Oh, no, he didn't intentionally wound himself. He threw grenades, in one case fired and in another case threw a grenade.

They were very close to him and he wounded himself with his own grenade. He didn't mean to.

JIM LEHRER: All right. Let's stop here --

Tom OliphantTOM OLIPHANT: Again, the credibility problem, which is what keeps this thing in the tabloids primarily and on cable television where there are different standards.

Almost conclusive doesn't cut it in the world's parts of journalism where I live, John. You have a burden here. And almost conclusive is nowhere near what I'm looking for.

There are eyewitness accounts actually on all sides of this story. The closer you get to Kerry, the more one-sided in favor of Kerry these accounts tend to be.

There is a problem that one of your people, this Mr. Thurlow, has made an allegation about there being no combat fire coming that day that is contradicted by the citation of his own Bronze Star.

Now, you can then say, well, that was all made up and that Kerry lied and produced that, for which you provide no evidence.

And we keep going in this endless cycle of, see, I put this out there, I made this accusation, I made this charge, but held to a higher standard, I'm not saying your... that this didn't happen or that something did happen, I'm saying that you haven't come within a country mile of meeting first-grade journalistic standards for accuracy.

if you aren't either disgusted or laughing out loud yet,

TOM OLIPHANT: The navy secretary, the second navy secretary for the Nixon administration was an elegant gentleman from Virginia by the name of John Warner. Today he is the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and he has a view of this that is quite similar to Sen. McCain's. And it was his department that reviewed the documentary and other evidence at the time. Nixon was desperate to get this guy.

This has happened before in Sen. Kerry's political campaigns: in '84, in '90, in '96. It comes and it goes with regularity.

But the standard of clear and convincing evidence-- and it's easy when you leave out the exculpatory stuff-- is what keeps this story in the tabloids because it does not meet basic standards.

And now, the coup de grace:

JIM LEHRER: Finally, before we go, you think the story is in your book? If somebody wants to know about this, they can get your book.

If somebody wants to know the complete story from your perspective, in other words fill in the gaps you claim that are in this book, where do they go?

Tom Oliphant and John O'NeillTOM OLIPHANT: Well, you would want to read that one and you want to read Doug Brinkley's account of Sen. Kerry's youth, including a full account also of his service in Vietnam. And that will get you started.

JIM LEHRER: So the information is available.

TOM OLIPHANT: Absolutely. It has been for a long time.

JOHN O'NEILL: Jim, one other thing, they can look at swiftvets.com, which is the web site that has a great deal of information on it.

JIM LEHRER: Is there a web site that's comparable to that? I'm sure the Kerry --

TOM OLIPHANT: Yes, it's called the daily press, which is the most difficult thing for these guys to deal with.

JIM LEHRER: All right. Thank you both very much.

JOHN O'NEILL: Thank you very much.

I wonder what Mr. Oliphant has to say now about his sacred "journalistic standards?" The Boston Globe, his paper, is one of the ones on the side of CBS and still defending the indefensible.

I bet his panties are in quite a bind.
Everytime he had a choice, Kerry chose to side with communists rather than the United States.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 1:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 1:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


That was a gooder.
MACV '64...65
Thu Thua, Long An

I actually won the election before I lost it.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 3:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I just emailed Thomas Oliphant, oliphant@globe.com--


I always enjoy your commentary as a guest on Jim Leher News Hour.

However, thanks to the SBVT, who’s evidence you claimed did not meet “basic standards,” we now know, among other things, that Kerry’s seared Cambodia memory is fantasy, and that Kerry falsely accused his fellow vets of “all kinds of atrocities,” claiming that he himself committed the “same kind of atrocities,” and then threw his medals/ribbons away.

Meanwhile, your “reputable organs of the national press,” e.g. CBS, along with other reputable organs and the Dems, seem to be the ones not meeting “basic standards,” as they “cast doubt” on Bush’s Vietnam era service, even though the evidence doesn’t “pass the smell test.” And the primary reason we now know this? Because of “cable TV,” and your so-called “decline in standards.”

Any chance you’ll be issuing a retraction?
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 3:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Another nail in the CBS News coffin:

"They're forged as hell," said Earl W. Lively, 76, who during the era in question was director of Texas Air National Guard operations in Austin.

Mr. Lively said he had proof that Col. Walter "Buck" Staudt — who supposedly forced an underling to favorably alter reports on Mr. Bush's activities as a member of the Guard in the early 1970s — had been honorably discharged nearly 18 months before the date of the memos, purportedly written by Lt. Col. Jerry Killian.

And it turns out that the CBS expert that Rather presented in his defense is a handwriting expert, not a documents expert, and he verified only one of the documents based on the signature. And that document was photocopied! How can you authenticate a photocopied signature? Anyone with even basic computer skills can scan a real signature, paste it onto a document, and photocopy it. Something like that would be laughed out of court if provided as evidence.

And these are the journalistic standards of Oliphant's reputable organs of the national media?
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 5:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If Kerry had a brain (and the slightest bit of integrity):

He would publicly denounce the forged memos, hidden sources, shoddy research, and lack of integrity of this debaucle of journalism. He could then say that although there are still open questions about Bush service, it is totally against everything he stands for to use these fradulant techniques to sway an election. Blah blah focus on issues blah blah

Taking the high road on this one and telling Terry M and his buddies to shut up could pick up a few points in the polls.

Luckily for us, there is no chance of that happeining because he lacks the two traits I mentioned above.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 6:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Clickable picture of Rather and his Band of Brothers:

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