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Documents forged! So What even if true the prove nothing...

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Seaman Apprentice

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 9:05 pm    Post subject: Documents forged! So What even if true the prove nothing... Reply with quote

Even if true thes documents would not prove sixy minutes assertion that W or his dad had asked for favoritism orfavors.

In the armed services and corporate, on the career path, there are "angels". As "he gets all the good assignments because he has an angel in the Pentagon."

Knowing that GHW Bush was a congressman, a certain senior officer may have sought to score points with the congressman by being George's angel. It is unlikely that he would have made this known to either Bush.

He may have thought at some event he may have an opportunity to meet the congressman and mention what a fine young officer his son was. A blossoming political friendship and a rising young star pilot in his command could have boosted his career.

The is as likely as scenario as Congressman Bush asking for favors. It probably is more likely...

Even if the fraud had been successful, it would prove nothing about the President!
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 9:31 pm    Post subject: Re: Documents forged! So What even if true the prove nothing Reply with quote

vickie wrote:
Even if true thes documents would not prove sixy minutes assertion that W or his dad had asked for favoritism orfavors.

In the armed services and corporate, on the career path, there are "angels". As "he gets all the good assignments because he has an angel in the Pentagon."

Knowing that GHW Bush was a congressman, a certain senior officer may have sought to score points with the congressman by being George's angel. It is unlikely that he would have made this known to either Bush.

He may have thought at some event he may have an opportunity to meet the congressman and mention what a fine young officer his son was. A blossoming political friendship and a rising young star pilot in his command could have boosted his career.

The is as likely as scenario as Congressman Bush asking for favors. It probably is more likely...

Even if the fraud had been successful, it would prove nothing about the President!

I think, in this case, it isn't about proving Bush right but rather than proving the other case wrong. Think about the aftermath when the documents are finally announced to be forged and it turns out that someone in the Kerry campaign is behind them. Kerry's presidentail run is over and only shows wha tlengths they will go to, to destroy creditbility. In this case, it blew up in their faces.
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Joined: 11 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 9:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The main reason they want to present this is to show Bush has been lying about his service. They want to catch him in any lie, that is why they are attacking a flyer of his about being in the USAF.
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Wing Wiper
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 9:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

When they admit the documents are forged (and they will) it will do a lot of damage to CBS "news" and Dan Rather. They lose credibility, and since they're a major backer of the Democratic party, that damages Kerry's chances of force-feeding his propoganda to the voting public. It's a good thing for us. Very Happy
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Seaman Apprentice

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 10:52 pm    Post subject: And my point is Reply with quote

And my point is that even if the papers were real they do not prove Rather's assertion: That either W or his dad asked for favoritism.

Favortism given W may or may not have been requested. If it was not requested, and just given by some Col. currying favor there in nothing improper except the behavior of the Col.

Are you guys familiar with the "angel" concept? And how it works.
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Vice Admiral

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 11:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Are you guys familiar with the "angel" concept? And how it works.

Let me get this straight.

Some "angel" in the Pentagon decided to "guide" young Lt. Bush and "help him out" by keeping him "safe".

The "angel" did this by assigning him to a flight unit with a history dating back to WWI, and a long combat history including WWII and Korea. Further, this "angel" got him assigned to flight school, as a fighter jet pilot. Further, he gets him assigned to a century series interceptor flying over the Gulf of Mexico in a jet that was so hard to handle and difficult to fly that almost ONE-THIRD (259) of the total number of F-102A fighters built (875) *CRASHED*, killing an astounding 70 pilots in the process?

Ya know, with "angels" like that, you don't NEED devils.

There was NOTHING "cushy" about Bush's assignment.NOTHING. And certainly nothing indicating an "angel" intervened at all. Ever.

An "angel" would have had him flying a desk in intelligence. Or being an air controller.

Something SAFE.

Certainly NOT flying a widow maker like the F-102.
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Joined: 01 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 12:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sometimes I wish the RNC and the Bush Campaign would make a bigger deal about how dangerous flying a jet is. As a black shoe on a cruiser, I was lucky to go over to the carrier a few times and watch flight ops from vulture's row. After seeing what these guys do in these jets (and knowing several that made the ultimate sacrifice) I've always been in awe of anyone who flys military aircraft. To fly one with such a high fatality rate (someting I suspect many were not aware of - including yours truly) is quite impressive. Just one more reason my blood boils when Kerry and his camp try to denigrate the President's military service.

But then again - it is normally the case of those who served honorably and with distinction to downplay their contribution. Kind of like the guy (I believe it was LCol. Winters) at the end of Band of Brothers - who said something to the effect of - "I wasn't a hero, but I served among them". John Kerry, on the other hand, is a hero - and he will be the first to tell you so.

USN 1983-1992
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Seaman Apprentice

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 12:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I was only giving the pentagon "angel" as an example.

His "Angel" according to the memo was the Col ordering the sugar coat...
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