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Seaman Recruit

Joined: 20 Aug 2004
Posts: 19
Location: Italy

PostPosted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:09 am    Post subject: WHERE IS THE COURAGE TO DEFEND HONOR? Reply with quote

The below e-mail is another (of many) attempt on my part to get a response from Washington, one of the entire US Senate Members, Judicial Watch, FOX NEWS and the media in general ... with regards to 'legal action' against John Kerry (see below).

Seemingly (?), none of them have the courage to enter into the Grass Root Issue on Kerry! I do! And, I won't go away without getting the Right Job done! I witnessed a lot of suffering amongst 'us' in Nam; and I witnessed more back home ... thanks to Kerry's Political Game! These are 'Living Memories'! Once again, I fear how many will walk back into the halls of depression ... and open the door 'out' (in suicide): Thanks again to John Kerrys 'Political & Personal Gains Campaign'!

IF ANYONE OUT THERE CAN GET ME INFRONT OF THE MEDIA ... THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT... THE FRONT BATTLE LINES ... I have been there before with the Agent Orange & POW Issues ... and I am back and ready to 'Win' for all of us ... 'Together'! We are 'One'! It doesn't matter what military branch or unit or conflict/war or serving back home ... we participated in! We participated in America's Freedom and Ideals! And, I know that 'We' will never stop defending ... and fighting for these!


Thanks again for listening!
Gregg = minimar

Da: The Forever Project [mailto:theforeverproject@fastdigitel.com]
Inviato: giovedì 16 settembre 2004 9.39
A: 'info@judicialwatch.org'
Cc: 'hannity@foxnews.com'; 'cavuto@foxnews.com'
Oggetto: LAWSUIT against kerry
Priorità: Alta

Contact Information
FAX & E-MAIL (Copy) sent 16 September 2004 (09:17 Italy Time).
Judicial Watch can be contacted via phone, fax, or mail. Also, you can always send an e-mail to info@judicialwatch.org.

We can be contacted in the following locations:
Judicial Watch, Inc.
P.O. Box 96234
Washington, DC 20077-7480
Tel: 888-JW-ETHIC
Fax: 202-646-5199

Dear Sir / Madam:
Following-up on my e-mail (COPY BELOW); and as I have not yet received any response from US Governmental Justice Department Offices and/or the Entire List of US Senators (Democratic & Republican) to whom I have individually contacted several times with regards to my ‘Official Charges and Claims’ against John Kerry: I desire to enter into a law suit (open class-action / the support is coming steadily) against John Kerry, filing the same as soon as possible. I desire that the filing of this ‘suit’ be made open to the media and the American Public! I have no political connections, or affiliations! I believe in ‘One Creator’ … Whose Justice and Respect within Life has been violated by ‘War Crime Atrocities’ and the ‘Slander against myself and Family, and America’s Military … Combat Veterans or Not’ on the part of John Kerry. Thusly, John Kerry has caused a ‘Lifetime’ of damages (as stated below) to myself, my Family … and hundreds of thousands of other ‘Veterans and Americans’ on the National and International Scene. He has permanently and indelibly stained America’s Armed Forces, and the United States Government (with his slanderous ‘war crime policy’ claims) on a National and International basis; doing so to the Generations of Previous, Present and Future Wars and/or Conflicts! Your assistance and guidance is sincerely appreciated.

I was referred to your organization through the Swift Boat Vets forums*… reference below e-mail



Thank you… for your time!
Da: The Forever Project [mailto:theforeverproject@fastdigitel.com]
Inviato: venerdì 10 settembre 2004 12.12
A: 'Criminal.Division@usdoj.gov'
Cc: 'president@whitehouse.gov'; 'kerry@johnkerry.com'
Oggetto: Mr Christopher Wray - Assistant US Attorney General
Priorità: Alta

U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001
Office of the Attorney General

Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division: Request Date - the 10th Day of September 2004.
Christopher Wray

Dear Sir:
I desire, as a US Citizen and Vietnam Combat Veteran (6 years US Marine Corps, decorated with disability rating) to bring forth ‘formal charges’ against John Kerry (US Senator) and the Political Institution known as ‘The Democratic Party’’ for crimes and damages against my person, specifically:
• Intentional Criminal Defamation of My Personal Character for political and financial gains: through his/their generalized charges and insinuations against my personal honor and character as a Vietnam Combat War Veteran as being guilty of involvement in:
o War Crime violations of the Geneva Convention.
o Dereliction of My Duties as a ‘Non Commissioned Officer’ under Military Laws and Codes of Justice; and further, international laws under the guidelines of the Geneva Convention.
• Intentional Criminal Defamation of my Personal Honor as a decorated Combat Veteran and US Citizen:
o Through generalized charges and insinuations of ‘negligence in my duties’; as being knowledgeable of ‘War Crime Violations’, without taking official action and/or personal action to cease these acts and/or to bring to justice the Criminal Perpetrators of such acts.
• Doing so intentionally, for his/their personal political and monetary gains.

I formally charge John Kerry (now US Senator) as being responsible for intentional actions provoking damages to my Person, of the nature:
• Moral
• Emotional
• Psychological
• Physical
• Economical
• Extended damages to my Immediate Family Members and relationships:
o Moral
o Emotional
o Psychological
o Physical
o Economical
o And the like…

I personally desire no financial compensation, other than all and/or any costs, fees, legal fees, and the like that become necessary in the pursuit of American and International Justice in the case of John Kerry.

I herein officially, and sincerely, request immediate action on the part of the United States Department of Justice, and your Office, to proceed with all available legal resources into the processing of my charges against the abovementioned parties. I further officially request the opening of ‘investigations’ into John Kerry’s actual ‘Criminal War Activities’ (as confessed by him before the US Congress); and further, to the reasons behind the US Government’s failure to proceed with ‘War Crime’ charges against a ‘confessed war crimes violator’ before the American and World Communities in defense of America’s Honor under the ‘Geneva Convention’; the following permitting the above crimes and damages to be imposed upon me personally.

I personally hold right to the development of ‘Class Action Suit’ under these charges on behalf of (and part of) other US Armed Forces Personnel and/or Their Families who have been victimized and subjected to similar damages and/or claims by John Kerry and/or the Institution known as the ‘Democratic Party’. I will no longer be subjected to false charges of ‘War Crimes’ or those of other nature on the part of John Kerry and/or the ‘Democratic Party’! PLEASE DO NOT PERMIT SOMEONE TO SHUFFLE THIS ‘OFFICIAL CHARGE’ UNDER A DESK… Thank You!

Cordially, Sincerely, and Officially…
Frederick Gregory Meagher
Corso di Porta Vittoria, 10 - 20122 Milan (MI) Italy

Mobile: 339 2380481 / Contact Info: Tel. +39 035 853934 / Fax. +39 035 852623
E-mail: believinginself@hotmail.com

Personal Note

I would like to personally state, that no Citizen of the United States of America or other Nation must be placed in the subservient situation to be abused by any other citizen.

In this case (John Kerry) abused US Combat Veterans, War Heroes, Prisoners of War, and their Parents, Grandparents, Spouses and Children, Friends, have been so placed (humiliated, falsely judged and criminally accused, randomly disgraced and charged with the greatest moral atrocity of mankind ‘War Crime Atrocities’, and more) on the part of ‘someone’ who now, and for too long, represents the United States Senate and the American Political Image Nationally… and Worldwide.

I follow avidly, with wounds that were festering and now opening wide, John Kerry and the Democratic Party’s campaign of accusations and insinuations … for their political and personal gains. I am not into ‘politics’! I am into ‘Life’ and ‘Respect for God’s Life and Principles’! I, and no one else, has to accept John Kerry’s criminally generalized accusations! For they are in fact ‘individually targeted to each Vietnam Combat Veteran’! I am not … the ‘John Kerrys’ that old Governmental Administrations let walk-free! I am not a ‘baby killer’! I did not burn down the villages and homes of the innocent Vietnamese People! I did not cut-off ears for souvenirs or any other reason! I did not violate religious beliefs or destroy places of worship! I did not shoot in the back wounded, young (minor in age) Viet Cong or NVA Regular Army’ combatants trying to escape! I did not do … WHAT JOHN KERRY CONFESSED TO DOING! And, I will no longer accept his (or the Democratic Party’s) accusations, criminal insinuations, and so on … Against myself and My Country! No US Government ordered ‘War Criminals’ to commit atrocities like John Kerry confessed to! No Government ordered John Kerry to be ‘Derelict in his Duties’ by not stopping and/or taking military law action against the True Offenders … and himself! These ACTS are the individual ‘lack of character’ … of the individual who perpetrates them! Such as … John Kerry!

I personally find it offensive to the American People, that the US Government and Departments of Justice and Human Rights… did not in the early 70’s … AND HAVE NOT RECENTLY taken LEGAL ACTIONS into the indictments and investigations of ‘War Crimes’ committed by John Kerry (Confessed before Congress) and the apparent ‘list’ of names whom John Kerry confessed having knowledge of!

War Criminals are ‘War Criminals’ … in World Wars and Conflicts … in Times that ‘man’ eludes to comfortable ‘PEACE’ … in Iraq prisons … in Germany … in Vietnam!

Now, that John Kerry has raised-up from the ‘political dead and hidden files’ his great Vietnam Record as a ‘War Criminal’ and Naval Officer guilty of Dereliction of Duty while actively serving in the Vietnam Combat Zone … let’s do the RIGHT THING!

War Crimes do not have expiration dates! The Jewish Population knows that well! America and the Iraqi People know well Saddam Hussein’s earlier ‘war crimes’! JOHN KERRY (for his political and personal convenience and/or that of a Political Party) does not, and can not, have an expiration date on his confessed ‘war crime atrocities’!

Justice is ‘Justice’! And, I will not let this issue pass by again without United States Governmental Justice! What does our future ‘US Combat Veterans’ have to look forward to … with pride … when their Administration lets the future ‘John Kerrys’ commit and confess to ‘war crime atrocities’ … and successfully follow-up on a Senatorial Career to the Office of President and Commander in Chief of Armed Forces … accusing ‘Them’ of his crimes! Who wants to serve in times of ‘war’ and ‘conflict’ (or even peacetimes), with the shadow over their Uniform of blood taken through ‘war crime atrocities’; blood taken … without justice to the ‘taker’! What are we building as a guideline for our troops: Free License to ‘war crime atrocities’ … in Combat? What are we showing the ‘World’ that we are trying to unite with in justice and peace: that ‘Confessed War Criminals’ can be President of the United States too?

I am tired of the ‘political rhetoric and side-stepping’ that is going on in this Campaign! I am in Europe and the impact is a ‘winning one’ for those whom America opposes! THE REAL ISSUE is not service records… IT IS ‘war criminals’ and ‘officers who were derelict in their official duties’! IT IS … America’s Values and Honor in trying their ‘war criminals’! IT IS … a laughing matter for HANOI and OTHER NATIONS OF THE KIND, WHO CAN NOW HONESTLY STATE (around the World) that: America is a ‘War Criminal Nation’! IT IS … that ‘The Kerry War Criminal Issue’: justifies ‘Terrorism’! Or, should the CHARGES JUSTLY COME-OUT AGAINST HIM … a demonstration that America defends ‘Honor’, and ‘Human rights to dignity against ‘war crime atrocities’: … ALSO AT HOME!

I was spit-upon (in my Veteran's uniform) by an old school friend …thanks to John Kerry!
I was refused service in an airport restaurant (in my Veteran's uniform) … thanks to John Kerry!
I was accused of ‘John Kerry’s War Crimes and Atrocities’ … thanks to John Kerry!
I was disgraced! Dishonored! Humiliated! And damaged personally in every possible manner … thanks to John Kerry!
I was forced to witness the funerals (across the Country) of those whom fell to suicide over John Kerry’s Specific, and yet, generalized accusations condemning ‘Them’ of war crime atrocities!
The POWs who suffered under the Regime … thanks to John Kerry’s defamation of Amnerica’s Character and Honor!
The Pride, Honor, and Glory of My Uniform was indelibly stained (beyond the textiles and into my person and being) by John Kerry …
And Spiritually, all Whom I was (and held with Honor in the heaviest of Combat situations) and am … was, and is, not accepted by so many of those in the World Society… thanks to the ‘Crimes’ John Kerry confessed to committing … and placed upon me, and all of America’s Vietnam Combat Veterans with his defamation of my (Our) character! John Kerry defamed Our Nation! Our Country’s Government! Now, John Kerry must go on trial for ‘HIS CRIMES’ against the Vietnamese People… against America’s Combat Veterans and Heroes … against the United States Government … against the Geneva Convention … and against the International Society!

I will not rest until this happens!

Thank you for taking the time to read my personal comments and reflections…

Sincerely and Seriously!
F. Gregg Meagher

Mailing Address: Corso di Porta Vittoria, 10 - 20122 Milan (MI) Italy
Tel. +39 035 853934
Fax. +39 035 852623

E-mail: believinginself@hotmail.com; theforeverproject@fastdigitel.com

Mobile: 339 2380481
May 'man' someday unite with Wisdom beyond the human heart and mind to stop the insanities of war and abandonment of others.
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Seaman Recruit

Joined: 20 Aug 2004
Posts: 19
Location: Italy

PostPosted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 9:12 pm    Post subject: Today Reply with quote

Today I forwarded copies (e-mail) of my charges to each US Senator (individually) listed on the following link: http://dir.yahoo.com/Government/U_S__Government/Legislative_Branch/Senate/Senators/
And, I forwarded notification of this FACT to Hannity & Colmes on FOX NEWS...
May 'man' someday unite with Wisdom beyond the human heart and mind to stop the insanities of war and abandonment of others.
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