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The full cultural legacy of Kerry and his VVAW
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 6:42 am    Post subject: Part 1: CONSCIENCE OF THE FAR LEFT Reply with quote


More on kerry’s legacy and the use of the “Vietnam playbook” by the left today:

In 9/02, “over 66,000” conscience-striken, anti-war lefties signed a statement (below) expressing their stand against America and the war in Iraq -- they published it as an ad in the New York Times.

Note that a similar “ad published in the NYT” was posted by the VVAW in 1967 by Jan Crumb (this is Kerry’s group before he joined)-- In the 1967 ad, the anti-war left says “..There is no military solution. ... true support for our buddies still in Vietnam is to demand that they be brought home..” (True to their anti-war movement then & now, the few (60 then, 66,000 now) always know what “America wants.”) The VVAW ad (transcribed below) can be found in the FBI Files at Section 01, p. 28, wintersoldier.com.

Transcription of PDF, p1 of the FBI report indicated above:
11/20/67: VIETNAM VETERANS AGAINST THE WAR -- INTERNAL SECURITY. Reference is made to my memorandum 11/19/67 advising that Sec’y. of Defense McNamara was very incensed at an advertisement appearing in “The New York Times” 11/19/67 containing an anti-Vietnam statement & allegedly signed by approx. 60 veterans of Vietnam. The advertisement was placed by the VVAW. Mr. William C. Hunt, Dir. of Security, Office of Secretary of Defense, was furnished an expedite name check on the organization & its coordinator Jan Crumb. Sec. McNamara planned to discuss this matter with the President on 11/20/67. On the morning of 11/20/67, Hunt again contacted Liaison & stated Sec. McNamara had an appt. with the President at about 3:00 p.m. 11/20/67. He requested expedite name checks on approx. 40 to 50 of the signers of the advertisement & sent available background data over by special courier. These are being handled on an expedite basis by the Name Check Section & the results being furnished Hunt.

Transcription of the ad (PDF above, p. 28):
We are veterans of the Viet-Nam War. We believe that this “conflict” in which our country is now engaged in Viet-Nam is wrong, unjustifiable & contrary to the principle of self-determination on which this nation was founded. We believe that the activities & objectives of our forces in Viet-Nam are directly contrary to the best interests of the Vietnamese people & of the people of the U.S. We believe that our policy in Viet-Nam supports tyranny & denies democracy. We believe this because of our experiences in Viet-Nam. We know, because we have been there, that the American public has not been told the truth about the war or about Viet-Nam.

--that Viet-Nam is one country--historically, culturally & as specified in the Geneva Accords of 1954.
--that this conflict is basically a civil war.
--that the gov’t. in Saigon, despite the recent “election”, is a military dictatorship--supported by a small feudal aristocracy, the ARVN (Saigon) officer corps & half a million American troops.
--that the majority of the people we are fighting in south Viet-Nam are south Vietnamese.
--that the basic problem in Viet-Nam is not military--but social, economic & political; not American--but Vietnamese. There is no military “solution.” There is no “American” solution.

We believe that if the American people realized this they would join the dissent of the millions of Americans already against this war.

We believe that true support for our buddies still in Viet-Nam is to demand that they be brought home (through whatever negotiation is necessary) before anyone else dies in a war the American people did not vote for & do not want.”

(signed by 60 -- see PDF for names).


The 2002 ad using the Vietnam model is titled “A Statement of Conscience” put out by NION. Below is (1) an article about the ad -- (2) followed by the ad -- and then (3) my OWN “name check” of some of the signers:

“Blaming America First” by James K. Fitzpatrick - 11/5/02: ... But that does not mean the “blame America first” crowd has left the stage. There are those who want us to stay out of Iraq for the same reasons that they wanted us out of West Berlin, South Korea & Vietnam; because they see the U.S. as a force for evil in the world. In Sept., the anti-war left published an ad in The New York Times that made that clear. It illustrated their belief that the U.S. is an imperialist power, ... They have a new crusade: Iraq is their new Vietnam. The ad in question, “A Statement of Conscience,” calls for “the people of the U.S. to resist” U.S. policy in Iraq, because of the “grave dangers to the people of the world.”.... It recommends that Americans refuse orders, resist a draft if instituted & support all “resisters” until the “machinery of war” has been stopped. ... The signatories of the ad? You probably guessed. ..Ed Asner, ..Susan Sarandon, .. convicted cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jumal, & the old Weather Underground member Bernadine Dohrn.....

“A Statement of Conscience”--NOT IN OUR NAME (9/02-NYT)
Let it not be said that people in the U.S. did nothing when their government declared a war without limit & instituted stark new measures of repression. The signers of this statement call on the people of the U.S. to resist the policies & overall political direction that have emerged since 9/11/01, & which pose grave dangers to the people of the world. .... Thus we call on all Americans to RESIST the war & repression that has been loosed on the world by the Bush administration. It is unjust, immoral, & illegitimate. We choose to make common cause with the people of the world. ... What kind of world will this become if the U.S. gov’t. has a blank check to drop commandos, assassins, & bombs wherever it wants?

...The gov’t. rounded up over 1,000 immigrants & detained them in secret & indefinitely. ... This smacks of the infamous concentration camps for Japanese-Americans in World War 2. ... The so-called Patriot Act ..gives police sweeping new powers of search & seizure, supervised if at all by secret proceedings before secret courts. ... We are confronting a new openly imperial policy towards the world & a domestic policy that manufactures & manipulates fear to curtail rights. ... Pres. Bush has declared: “you’re either with us or against us.” Here is our answer: We refuse to allow you to speak for all the American people. ... We extend a hand to those around the world suffering from these policies; we will show our solidarity in word & DEED.

We who sign this statement call on all Americans to join together to rise to this challenge. .... We also draw on the many examples of resistance & conscience from the past of the U.S.: from those who fought slavery with rebellions & the underground railroad, to those who defied the Vietnam war by refusing orders, resisting the draft, & standing in solidarity with resisters. Let us not allow the watching world today to despair of our silence & our failure to act. Instead, let the world hear our pledge: we will resist the machinery of war & repression & rally others to do everything possible to stop it.

MY NOTE: Here they have a partial list of what they say is “over 66,000 signers.” See the “Statement” link above for the list of names... I have pulled a few of the names out (bypassing the actors, labor unions & univ. professors) & included some data on each person and/or organization in order to expose some of the “background noise” in the “66,000” signers of this NION “Statement of Conscience.” (Please add info. on those I missed -- there are probably many more than I’ve listed here that could do with a little light shone on them...) (“Reviews” for books were pulled from various sources on the web) (abbrev./emphasis, mine):


---- ACUNA, Rudolfo -- Author of “Occupied America”. (REVIEW: “Occupied America: A History of Chicanos,” 7/16/03 5th Ed.: ...extensive discussion of the role of race in forming the Chicano identity.) -- “Mexican Anti-Americanism in America” by David Montgomery - 12/6/02: ... “Aztlan” is the name given to a section of the western U.S. ... that extremist Mexicans still dream of as their own. ... The bible of these classes is the best-selling Occupied America,” a book filled with anti-American vitriol, in which author Rodolfo Acuna offers up such poisonous theories as “Anglo control of Mexico's NW territory is an occupation” & “Chicanos are not able to obtain justice (in the U.S.) because they are controlled & living in captivity.”

---- BARROW, Rev. Willie T. -- Operation Push. Board member, Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow/PUSH Coalition.

---- BENJAMIN, Medea. “The Anti-American: Medea Benjamin,” by John Perazzo, 11/15/02: There is scarcely a calamity, an injustice, or an act of outright barbarism occurring anywhere on earth, that Leftists cannot somehow trace to the doorstep of the U.S. ... A leading proponent of this view is ... Medea Benjamin, who in 1988 founded the activist organization Global Exchange, & in 2000 was the Green Party candidate for US Sen. in CA. In her view, America’s war on terror is, itself, a form of terrorism. ... Many of the causes that Ms. Benjamin espouses are Communist in nature. ...

“Medea vs. The General” by Greg Yardley, 5/2/03: ... Medea Benjamin's support for oppression precedes Global Exchange - she got her start in the mid-80s, providing aid to the Communist Sandinista gov’t. of Nicaragua as a coordinator for the Institute for Food and Development Policy.

“Dissent or Sabotage in Wartime America?” by FP/Symposium-Part II, 12/9/03: ... Medea Benjamin, whom some of you may have seen on television & organized the SF demonstrations, lived in Cuba for 5 or 6 years. I've been on the radio with her. She's a communist. ... After the liberation of Iraq,.. when the American forces were under attack by Al-Qaida & by Saddam's Sunni base, she, Medea Benjamin, & Leslie Kagan, tried to organize the group to get American soldiers to defect. This is anti-American. ..and this is what is leading the peace movement. ...

---- BENNIS, Phyllis -- Institute for Policy Studies, New Internationalism Project. PROJECT from their website: “The New Internationalism: Middle East, United Nations & U.S. Interventions”: Since 1996, IPS has been working in the U.S. & in various int’l. venues towards the broad goal of crafting a new kind of UN-centered, democratic & people-based internationalism. The project's work is in 3 major areas: the fight for peace with justice in the Middle East, defense of the UN against U.S. domination, & the challenge to U.S. unilateralism & military interventionism, especially in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Directed by IPS Fellow Phyllis Bennis, the project works closely with a number of partner organizations both in the U.S. & abroad.

“Saddam’s American Propagandists” by David’s Blog, 8/8/02: ... Bennis is an employee of the Institute for Policy Studies, an organization that over the last 40 years has shilled for the Kremlin, for Castro, for Ho Chi Minh & Pol Pot, for the Sandinista & Salvadorean Communists, for Palestinian terrorists, for the Ayatollah Khomeini & now evidently for Saddam Hussein. IPS is the quintessential think tank of the American Fifth Column.

---- BLUM, William -- Author of “Rogue State”. REVIEW: “Rogue State: A Guide to the World’s Only Superpower,” 5/00: An indictment of a murderous U.S. foreign policy establishment that repeatedly violates int’l. law, overthrows democratically elected foreign governments, aids in the murder of millions of peasants & workers across the globe, perverts elections & other democratic processes, & ignores world opinion against its actions at the behest of the domestic corporate elite. Rather than presenting a sustained argument, the author presents numerous cases of U.S. malfeasance...

---- BOSSIE, Fr. Bob, SCJ, and the staff of 8th Day Center for Justice. “Confessions of a former Anti-Sanctions Activist” by Charles M. Brown, 8/4/03: One Voices founder, Bob Bossie.. "The biggest problem (Voices) face(s)..is Resolution 986." .. They abhorred the program because it improved the lot of ordinary Iraqis, & therefore, diminished U.S. culpability. To be perfectly frank, we were less concerned with the suffering of the Iraqi people than we were in maintaining our moral challenge to U.S. foreign policy. ... In the end, I concluded that the Voices (in the Wilderness) campaign against sanctions (in Iraq) was a case of misplaced radicalism. Voices had borrowed the concepts developed by the Berrigan brothers against the war in Vietnam & applied them to their agitation against the Iraq sanctions.

“Jihad Against U.S. High School Students,” by Lee Kaplan, 12/19/03: Voices in the Wilderness -- “a leftist front group created by the militant Islamists of the PLO allied with anti-globalists who seek the overthrow of the US government & capitalism.”

---- CAGAN, Leslie (also: KAGAN) -- Chair, Interim Pacifica Foundation Board. “America’s Fifth Column Goes to Iraq” by Ben Johnson, 7/28/03: ... long-time Communist Party member & pro-Castro spear carrier, Leslie Cagan. Cagan is the leader of the "moderate" wing of the peace movement, United for Peace and Justice, a brainchild of People for the American Way. Cagan maintained her membership in the Communist Party even after the fall of the Berlin Wall. As head of the anti-Semitic & pro-Communist Pacifica radio network, Cagan is a key promoter of the anti-American cause.

“Radio Intifada” by Greg Yardley, 8/1/03: In June, Pacifica Radio's LA station, KPFK-FM, hosted a 30-hour marathon of Dr. Kwaku Person-Lynn's anti-Semitic "Afrikan Mental Liberation Weekend." ... He's even allowed open calls for genocide on the air: When one caller suggested that "what's going to happen to them (the Jews) is going to make what Hitler did to them seem like a party," the CA State Univ. instructor let that slide by unchallenged, thanking the caller for his insights. ... Leslie Cagan, the chair of Pacifica's national board, who has a history of Communist Party membership dating back to the 1960s. In the early 1970s she was a member of the Venceremos Brigades, a group of American youth sent to Cuba for special political education & training. She remained a member of the CPUSA until at least the late 1980s; currently, she's a co-chair of the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism, a spin-off of the Communist Party created after the Soviet Union imploded. She also heads up one of the main coalitions opposed to national security, United for Peace and Justice, a re-hash of the People's Coalition for Peace and Justice, the Communist Party's anti-Vietnam front.

---- CHANG, Celia -- Chairperson, Wen Ho Lee Defense Fund Steering Committee. “The Manchurian Candidate,” by David Horowitz, 6/22/99: ...Wen Ho Lee, the man responsible for the most damaging espionage, is known to have downloaded millions of lines of computer code revealing the designs of our most advanced nuclear warheads. But Wen Ho Lee today is a free man. ... In explaining why it has not prosecuted Lee, the Clinton Justice Depart. claims that its evidence only shows that Lee downloaded the classified information onto a non-secure computer, from which others unknown may have picked it up. ...

“Spy Stories: The Wen Ho Lee Coverup,” by David Horowitz, 10/3/00: ...Is Wen Ho Lee guilty? Wen Ho Lee illegally removed 400,000 files from the nation’s top nuclear weapons lab during a period of years when he had repeated contacts with Chinese gov’t. scientists ... The zealous pursuit of Lee followed the release of the bi-partisan Cox report detailing the theft of America’s nuclear arsenal by the Chinese gov’t. ... The support for Wen Ho Lee & the view that he is an innocent victim of overzealous gov’t. security concerns is a familiar trope in American politics. The same attitude can be seen as a dominant feature of American liberalism in its approach to the Hiss case over half a century, & even to the Rosenbergs. ...

---- CHOMSKY, Noam. “The Sick Mind of Noam Chomsky” by David Horowitz, 9/26/01: For 40 years, Noam Chomsky has turned out book after book, pamphlet after pamphlet & speech after speech with one message, & one message alone: America is the Great Satan; it is the fount of evil in the world. In Chomsky’s demented universe, America is responsible not only for its own bad deeds, but for the bad deeds of others, including those of the terrorists who struck the World Trade Center & the Pentagon. In this attitude he is the medium for all those who now search the ruins of Manhattan not for the victims & the American dead, but for the "root causes" of the catastrophe that befell them.

---- CLARK, Ramsey. (attorney for Kerry/VVAW in 70s). “Big Brother for Peace” by Ryan O’Donnell, 3/12/03: ...The most influential member of ANSWER’s steering committee, Ramsey Clark’s pet project known as the International Action Center (IAC), is considered by many observers to be little more than a communist front organization for an obscure Stalinist organization known as the World Workers Party (WWP).

"A True War Hero Speaks on Kerry” by Col. George “Bud” Day, 9/1/04: ... I was a POW of the Vietnamese in Hanoi in 1971, & I am aware that the testimony of John Kerry, the actions of Jane Fonda & Tom Hayden, & the radical left; all caused the commies to conclude that if they hung on, they would win. ... Visits to Hanoi by Jane Fonda & Ramsey Clark gave them confidence to hold in the face of battlefield reverses...

“Ramsey Clark to Defend Saddam,” Aljazeera.Net, 12/29/04: Clark... had "honoured and inspired" the legal team by agreeing to help defend Saddam. ... The former top US justice official .. has become known as a left-wing lawyer & firm critic of US foreign policy since leaving office. He visited the ousted leader in Baghdad in February 2003 just before the US-lead invasion... Clark: "The special court in Iraq was created by the Iraqi governing council, which is nothing more than a creation of the US military occupation & has no authority in law as a criminal court," he said. ... Clark also said the US itself must be tried for the November assault on Falluja, destruction of houses, torture in prisons & its role in the deaths of thousands of Iraqis in the war.

---- DANAHER, Kevin -- Global Exchange. “Descent into Derangement” by Greg Yardley, 6/30/03: ...the angriest speaker of the event, Kevin Danaher of Global Exchange. Danaher opened by claiming that Pres. Bush had "stole Florida," and "isn't the constitutional Pres. of the U.S. - there is a coup d'etat in this story." .. Danaher then stressed the need for the protestors to become recruiters, mobilizing en masse to approach others on the bus, at work, & in other locations. Most disturbing of all, Danaher implied that the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon, ... was not a terrorist attack, but a U.S. gov’t-organized conspiracy. The crowd cheered. This exercise in anti-American paranoia was overseen by two masters of ceremonies, who led the crowd in chants between speeches. ... they were two of the Workers World Party's most prominent members, Richard Becker & Gloria La Riva - possibly the most powerful communists in the party to be excluded from its leading body, the 7-member Secretariat.

---- DAVIS, Angela. “Wake Up America--My Visit to Vanderbilt” by David Horowitz, 9/4/02: ...For example, when I spoke at Denison College in Ohio a few weeks before my Vanderbilt appearance, I had been preceded by Angela Davis, .... Davis is a lifelong Communist apparatchik who received a "Lenin Prize" from the East German police state during the Cold War, & remained a party member after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The official Denison website, on the other hand, describes her as “known internationally for her ongoing work to combat all forms of oppression in the U.S. & abroad.” The university closed its offices during her speech so that the entire campus could hear her reconstructed anti-America, Marxist views.

---- DIX, Carl -- Revolutionary Communist Party. “Nepal’s Maoist Insurgency” by Steven C. Baker, 7/25/03: ... If the Maoists of Nepal are to be judged by their American comrades, they must be a violent aberration, indeed. According to Dr. Waller, the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA is so extreme “even other Communists think (it) is off the charts.” The RCP’s national spokesman Carl Dix is a convict who “believes in world revolution.” He is also “a staunch supporter of the Maoist people’s wars in Peru, Nepal & the Philippines.”

---- DOHRN, Bernadine -- Director, Children & Family Justice Center. “Weatherman leader heads ABA panel” by Richard Miniter, 8/21/95: ...As one of the leaders of the Weatherman Underground, a Marxist terrorist group active from 1969 to 1977, Dohrn was linked to attempted murder, numerous bombings & armed robberies & multiple assaults. Today she is cochair of the Litigation Task Force on Children of the American Bar Association, or ABA. ...

“She Brought The War Home” by Alison Schwei, Campus News, 10/19/01: Bernardine Dohrn is a bona fide veteran of the FBI's Most Wanted list who spent years in hiding to avoid charges of inciting riots & conspiring to bomb police stations & other gov’t. buildings. She is also the head of the Legal Clinic's Children and Family Justice Center at Northwestern University....)

“Where in the World Are We? The Color Line, The Decline of Empire and Fireflies,” Pitzer College Commencement speech by Bernadine Dohrn, 5/16/04:
...You, the class of 2004 ... were raised in, soaked in, & shaped by an era of American triumphalism, empire, privilege... Yet you graduate today,..with that myopic world view in ashes. ... systematic & degrading detention without trial, torture & extrajudicial assassinations, & the establishment of ...new U.S. military bases across the Mideast & South Asia... One great challenge of the 21st century will be to face the prospect of a declining American empire, the end of U.S. hegemony, the emergence of a multi-polar world, & to face it with imagination & hope. ... Can we imagine such a future as an extension of human potential, an innovation, an opportunity, rather than an embattled, bitter decline? ... That will require, I caution, radical imagination. ... Young people move us toward justice. ... I wish for you just this: the courage to speak truth to power*, the grit to become a witness to persecution & suffering, the audacity to be a dissenting voice in all conflicts with authority. The Irish poet Seamus Heaney wrote:

“History says, don’t hope -- On this side of the grave
But then, once in a lifetime -- The longed-for tidal wave
Of justice can rise up
, -- And hope and history rhyme.”

May you students experience that longed-for moment, where hope and history rhyme.

*AN ASIDE /off track for a moment:

"SPEAKING TRUTH TO POWER" as used by Dohrn above -- a catchy phrase, assuming I guess that one does have: "THE TRUTH" -- I did a quick check & now I know why it sounded so familiar: JOHN KERRY/and cronies -- such a self-righteous, juvenile thing to say -- here are a few hits for the heck of it:

“Speech by John Kerry to NAACP Convention,” 7/15/04: ... the NAACP. For 95 years you have ... challenged this nation to live out the values that unite us ... But you have never flinched from speaking truth to power & you have never lost faith in the American Dream.

Teresa Heinz Kerry, Speech, 7/27/04: In America, the true patriots are those who dare speak truth to power. We only require a leader willing to draw again on the mystic chords of our national memory & remind us of all.. that we as a nation stand for.... I think I’ve found just the guy. I’m married to him.

"The World is a More Dangerous Place," Speech at NY Univ., by John Kerry, 9/20/04: ...It is never easy to discuss what has gone wrong while our troops are in constant danger... After serving in war, I returned home to offer my own personal voice of dissent. I did so because I believed strongly that we owed it those risking their lives to speak truth to power. We still do.

“For Kerry It’s Always Vietnam” by William Kristol, 9/20/04: ...John Kerry views the war in Iraq as unnecessary, as a mistake. When Kerry spoke "truth to power" 33 years ago, he famously asked, "how do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?" Wouldn't that same question govern his actions as president?

“Kerry’s Antiwar Slanders: “Speaking Truth to Power?” by David Limbaugh, 10/13/04: ..Bobby Muller: "..how can you be faulted for speaking truth to power?" ... They spoke truth to power, God bless them. They sure told off the American government, didn't they. Truth? ... Speaking truth to power would be for John Kerry to sign Form 180 to release his confidential records...

And for good measure:

Kerry Kennedy Cuomo (daughter of RFK & founder of the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Human Rights”), wrote a book titled, “Speak Truth to Power.”
Here’s an article in which she speaks “THE TRUTH” (“her” truth?) to the power:
“Rumsfeld’s Actions Speak Louder,” by Kerry Kennedy & Michael Posner, 5/15/04: The crimes at Abu Ghraib violate the UN's Convention against Torture & the Geneva Conventions ... ...US authorities at Abu Ghraib plainly crossed that universally recognized line, & Rumsfeld should say so. Rumsfeld's second failure is his fierce resistance to having legal norms constrain any of the US government’s activities in its "war against terrorism." Rumsfeld should further repeal interrogation guidelines ... which allow interrogators to take off prisoners' clothes during interrogations & to use sleep deprivation ... All these measures violate US & int’l. laws. ...

**END PART 1 of 3 --- continued below**

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 6:43 am    Post subject: Part 2: CONSCIENCE OF THE FAR LEFT Reply with quote


CONTINUED: Name Check on Partial list of signors, NION “A Statement of Conscience”:

---- DORF, Julie -- International Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission. At their website: IGLHRC.org FAQ: IGLHRC was founded by Russian & US activists in 1990, & incorporated as a US non-profit in 1991. The organization was founded in part by Julie Dorf, our first Exec. Director,... Julie conceived the idea for the organization while doing academic research in the USSR....

“Marxism’s Queer Harvest” by Richard J. Rosendall, 1/15/04: Surina Khan, former exec. dir. of the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission ... decries America’s military response to terrorist attacks, calling instead for "a response of solidarity & understanding" & substantially blaming the attacks on the resentment she says America has caused around the world. ... Former National Gay and Lesbian Task Force exec. dir. Urvashi Vaid, an avowed anarcho-syndicalist, is on the payroll of the leftist Ford Foundation, ... Vaid said that America "has taken off its ugly white hood to show its sexist, racist, anti-gay & capitalist face." When this was quoted to her, Vaid acknowledged having said it but accused her interlocutor of "McCarthyite red-baiting."

---- EISENBERG, Nora -- Author of “The War at Home”. REVIEW: “The War at Home”, a novel - 2002: Billed as a "memoir-novel," this book by Bronx native Eisenberg is a tenderly written yet harrowing portrayal of a family’s disintegration in the years after World War II. Lucy Lehman is just a child when her father returns from the war. ...he was once a sweet young man, but now he is angry & violent, his screaming rages most frequently directed at his children.

---- ELLSBERG, Daniel. Pentagon official who copied classified U.S. Vietnam policy documents & illegally delivered them to the NYT -- “The Pentagon Papers”. See: Kerry Camp 2004 < know the players: Part 1

---- ENTEEN, Riva -- National Lawyers Guild, San Francisco. (other NLG here: Fennerty, Lafferty & Siegel below). “NLG: The Legal Fifth Column” by Jesse Rigsby, 4/25/03: The National Lawyers Guild (NLG, also "the Guild") embraces every anti-America, anti-capitalist, anti-war, anti-Israel, & "anti-imperialist" cause in vogue among the far left & declares itself "dedicated to the need for basic change in the structure of our political & economic system." ... As the 1960s began, the Guild began to focus much of its efforts on fighting for civil rights for black Americans. .. (..one of the Guild’s black members was elected to Congress in 1964: John Conyers,..). The Guild... "helped" the U.S. war effort in Vietnam by encouraging young men to become draft evaders & then defending them. ... The Guild’s current modus operandi borrows much from its earlier history: attack laws & institutions that uphold order; promote mass civil disorder; support selected anti-American governments & terrorist movements abroad; & help violent "revolutionaries" operate domestically. ... In fact, the Guild actually partially controls the LA chapter of the notorious Workers World Party (WWP) front International ANSWER. Additionally, the Guild co-founded the anti-war group Not in Our Name with such other like-minded groups as the Revolutionary Communist Party, the All-African Peoples Revolutionary Party, Refuse and Resist!, & the International League of Peoples' Struggle. ...

...the Guild’s support of Palestinian terrorism has been particularly active ... The Guild, not content to merely express "solidarity" with terrorists abroad, works to make the U.S. a safer place—for terrorists. The Guild uniformly opposes anti-terrorism measures & laws, yet supports those who have engaged in terrorist or anti-law enforcement acts ... The Guild markets itself as a group of progressive "civil rights" lawyers interested in social justice & decries government abuse of authority, all while working for THE COMING REVOLUTION. The Guild’s motives should be regarded with the deepest suspicions. ... Though the Soviet Union is dead, the Guild marches on, continuing to embrace leftist extremists, press for disorder at home, & otherwise work against the interests of the U.S. & its allies abroad.

---- ESPADA, Martin. (See also: Hammad). “Celebration For Atomic Spies,” by Rosenberg Fund For Children, 6/10/03: On 6/19/03, the RFC will present “Celebrate the Children of Resistance” at NY's City Center, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the executions of Ethel & Julius Rosenberg. ... Performance by Susan Sarandon...Suheir Hammad. Music by Pete Seeger ... Special Appearance, Mumia’s son ... Poetry by Martin Espada ...

---- FENNERTY, James R. -- Pres., National Lawyers Guild, Chicago. (other NLG here: Enteen above, & Lafferty & Siegel below). “NLG: The Legal Fifth Column” by Jesse Rigsby, 4/25/03.

---- FONDA, Jane. See: Kerry Camp 2004 < know the players: Part 1.

---- GLICK (or, GILEK), Jeremy Matthew -- Co-editor of “Another World is Possible”.
REVIEW: “Another World is Possible: Conversations in a Time of Terror” by Eds. Jee Kim, Jeremy M. Gilek & Shaffy Moeel, 12/1/01: This anthology is a collection of writings that gives voice to the diverse perspectives that the American people did not have an opportunity to hear despite three days of commercial-free, 24 hour-a-day news coverage on all major networks following 9/11. Includes articles, artwork, poetry, e-mails, interviews, & personal essays in relation & reaction to 9/11 & the ensuing social, emotional, & political aftermath...

---- HAMMAD, Suheir. (See also: Martin Espada). “Celebration For Atomic Spies,” by Rosenberg Fund For Children, 6/10/03:
On 6/19/03, the RFC will present “Celebrate the Children of Resistance” at NY's City Center, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the executions of Ethel & Julius Rosenberg. ... Performance by Susan Sarandon...Suheir Hammad. Music by Pete Seeger ... Special Appearnce, Mumia’s son ... Poetry by Martin Espada ...

“The Poetry Center at Smith College”
26-year-old Palestinian-American poet & political activist ...poems, “Born Palestinian, ... Hammad has written & spoken out about issues such as the defense of Mumia Abu-Jamal, ..sexual abuse, racism, & homophobia...

“The Artist’s Network of Refuse & Resist!” Poems by Suheir Hammad:
(1) What a Difference A Day Makes,” 11/3/04: ..Does this mean the American people continue to mandate this Administration's policies, even as the coffins return home, & thousands are buried, ... What will happen to our American progressives & activists? What about Palestine, Sudan, North Korea? ... There are plans to make, & hopefully, plans to put in action. ... We must remember this country has always had a radical tradition of dissent. This will be the legacy we leave. We will be even louder. Write even better. ... Do not be depressed. Be aware. Be awake. Be resistant...
(2) New Poem,” 5/31/04: ... For 56 years Israel has ..Sanctioned violence in the name of a god, Who does not have enough love for us all, A god who chooses sides, A god who has favorites and chosen ones, A god who cuts deals and shuffles souls, The type of god who does not answer prayers, Who understands only one language, A god who does not worry his beautiful mind with, Such ugliness, I am told this is America's god....

---- HARDT, Michael -- Author of “Empire”. REVIEW: “Empire” by Michael Hardt & Antonio Negri, 7/1/01: In this study of globalization, two political philosophers apply the old term of empire to describe the transforming power relationships caused by the new world order. Concepts such as nations, borders, migrations, identities, etc. take on new meanings as the old imperialism of Europe gives way to the new imperialism, which draws some of its ideas--expansionism, multiple geopolitical identities--from American constitutionalism & history. ...

---- HAYDEN, Tom. See: Kerry Camp 2004 < know the players: Part 1.

---- IRELAND, Doug -- Contributing Editor, “In These Times”. “In These Times” is a leftist magazine. (Also writes for “The Nation” and “TomPaine.com”). See: Ideology Left -- Liberal Links.

---- JABARA, Abdeen -- Attorney, past Pres., American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee. “The Saudi Fifth Column on our Nation’s Campuses” by Lee Kaplan, 4/5/04: ... The Wahhabi Lobby & its allies ... Foremost on this front is Hussein Ibish, a non-academic leader of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, an organization created by a pro-Castro former congressman James Abourezk.

“The Insane Rubbish of Hussein Ibish,” by Erick Stakelbeck, 3/27/03.

“Not In Our Name and the World Wide Terrorism Web,” by Michael Tremoglie, 3/19/03: One of the members of NION’s Advisory Board, Abdeen Jabara, is a member of the legal advisory board for the American Muslim Council. He is a past president of the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee, a board member of William Kunstler's Center for Constitutional Rights, & a co-counsel with Lynne Stewart for Sheik Rahman.... The American Muslim Council is one of the current members of Al-Arian’s NCPPF... Leaders of the AMC have been quoted as praising Hamas & Hezbollah. ... Jabara is a member of the legal advisory board for the Council for Palestinian Restitution & Repatriation (CPRR) as well. ... Two members of the CPRR.. are members of the Islamic Action Front (IAF)-an Islamist party affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood & Hamas. Abdeen Jabara also works closely with another IFCO (The Interreligous Foundation for Community Organization) project called the Coalition Against the "Counter Terror" Act. ...

---- JACKSON, Rev. Jesse. “Jesse, Liberia and Blood Diamonds” by Kenneth R. Timmerman, 7/25/03: ...The mainstream media has resolutely ignored Jackson's involvement in the diamond wars of Liberia & Sierra Leone, & he never has been hauled before a congressional committee to account for this behavior...

“Jesse Jackson’s Latest Shakedown” by Kenneth R. Timmerman, 1/14/04: ...One thing Jackson has understood with the savvy of the former street operator he is: Corporate America is easily aroused to guilt, & is willing to pay big money to assuage it. In recent years, Jackson has focused on two industries & milked them for millions of dollars in contributions to his Citizenship Education Fund & Rainbow PUSH Coalition: the telecoms, & the consumer banking & brokerage industry.

---- ABU-JAMAL, Mumia. “Free Mumia?” by Paul Mulshine, 8/1/95: ...Those who worship in the cult of Mumia Abu-Jamal are allergic to the facts. ... Far better to restrict oneself to the experience of Jamal's cuddly image as an existential dreadlocked intellectual & of his voice,..familiar to listeners of NPR's “All Things Considered.”. ... Jamal regularly sends out from death row cassettes that teach the hands of the faithful in faraway places. ... I was at the hearing in August 1995 ... The evidence against Jamal at his trial was so conclusive that no one, ..doubts that Jamal shot police officer Daniel Faulkner.

Note: At National Lawyers Guild website, the Nat’l. Exec. Committee: Mumia is listed under “Co-Jailhouse Lawyer VPs”: nlg.org

---- JOHNSON, Chalmers -- Author of “Blowback”. REVIEW: “Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire,” 1/4/04 2nd Ed.: This highly critical report on America's foreign policy sounds a warning call that there may be a price to pay for what the author sees as a long-standing imperiousness by which the U.S. conducts itself among nations...

---- KINOY, Arthur -- Board Co-Chair, Center for Constitutional Rights.
“CCR: Fifth Column Law Factory” by John Perazzo, 7/31/02: ...more Americans need to be aware of the activities of an organization called the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), which was co-founded by the radical attorneys William Kuntsler & Arthur Kinoy. While deceptively describing itself as "a non-profit legal & educational organization dedicated to protecting & advancing the rights guaranteed by the US Constitution & the Universal Declaration of Human Rights," ... the Center is in fact a Fifth Column law factory, part of the same political Left that has spent decades portraying America as a racist, corrupt, arrogant violator of human rights both at home & abroad. ... Just as it supported the Communists during the Vietnam War, it has now swung into action with the aim of crippling America's effort to defend itself in the war on terror. ...

---- KINSEY, Bob -- Peace & Justice Taskforce, Rocky Mountain Conference “UCC” (United Church of Christ-Arvada). RockyMountainNews.com - Candidate Info:
Bob Kinsey: Green Party candidate. ..Have you ever been arrested?YES. in protest against the School of the Americas & Los Alamos but I wasn't booked for the latter & only received a ban & bar letter to Fort Benning for the former.” The Patriot Act is scheduled to expire in 2005. Should Congress renew it..:Let it expire & find ways of tracking & prohibiting terrorists that are more in tune with the Bill of Rights.”

“International Day of Protest -- Report from Buckley AFB” by Bob Kinsey, 10/13/01

CJPE.org - Candidate Responses (The Center for Justice, Peace & Environment):
“An Iraq Exit Strategy”--Candidate Responses. Bob Kinsey, Green: “... I would add that the US must immediately join the Int’l. Criminal Court & be willing to have our nationals be subject to its judgments-- ... I would also add that the US must require of Israel that it become part of a General Middle East disarmament --... And the USA must use its power to insist that Israel obey the UN resolutions regarding the occupied territory.”

---- KISSINGER, C. Clark -- Refuse & Resist! (NOTE: In 1987 Kissinger was an initiator of an organization called "Refuse and Resist!" – of whose National Council he remains a member. Like Kissinger, R&R squarely opposes any political or legislative measures intended to make the U.S. more secure.)

“Refuse & Resist Police State USA”, a PRESENTATION by C. Clark Kissinger at the Socialist Scholars Conference, 3/16/03: (excerpts):
...Two things should now be clear: 1st, the massive attack on civil liberties & the right to dissent in this country is situated in, and flows from .. Bush's War on the World. 2nd, we have to say that the architecture & mechanisms of a wartime police state are being put in place. ... we have to be aiming for society-wide resistance ... 3rd, we have to reach out to the whole breadth of people who are ..disturbed by .. the loss of fundamental rights, ... 4th, we have to unite with & fan the flames of the local gov’ts. ...who are adopting statements of opposition to the USA Patriot Act. ... 5th, we have to organize legal challenges to key new repressive measures. ... 6th, we have to promote & uphold new standards among popular movements that actually obstruct snitching, surveillance, & repression .... ..Finally, we need to foster a climate, a culture, & a community of resistance where the only honorable way to live is to refuse to take part in their jingoist orgy & to resist every effort to take away our liberties. ... The good news is that our rulers are not invincible. There is a cabal of very evil men in power in Washington, & people sense it. ... but we have also seen the beginnings of the resistance. There are truly great challenges before us, & the future is not yet written.

“Maoists For Peace” by John Perazzo, 2/28/03: ...The NION project was initiated by a man named C. Clark Kissinger, a longtime Maoist activist. Currently a member of the Revolutionary Communist Party (“RCP”) & a contributing writer for the socialist publication Revolutionary Worker, Kissinger began his public activism in the early 1960s when he was the nat’l. secretary of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), founded by Tom Hayden. ... Kissinger also worked closely with Fred Hampton & the Black Panther Party, .... Kissinger continues to enjoy strong support from the Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM), which, by its own words, "upholds the revolutionary communist ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism," & views the Chinese Cultural Revolution as "the farthest advance of communism in human history." MIM frankly declares that it can only achieve its ends "by building public opinion to seize power through armed struggle." Chief among its objectives is to foment "revolution (in) North America, as the (US) military becomes over-extended in the government’s attempts to maintain world hegemony." ... Such are the "peace-loving" roots of the lofty-sounding Communist front group, Not In Our Name.

“Not In Our Name and the World Wide Terrorism Web” by Michael Tremoglie, 3/19/03: ...As disturbing as NION’s relationships with IFCO & Muslim organizations are, just as disturbing is its relationship to the ..(RCP). Not In Our Name’s administration cadre comes from the RCP through such luminaries as C. Clark Kissinger & Mary Lou Greenberg, both of whom are Directors of NION & members of the (RCP). Clark Kissinger, co-director of NION & the RCP, was quoted as saying that when the RCP took over, “it would be necessary to shoot everyone who didn't agree with them."


**END PART 2 of 3 --- continued below**

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 6:45 am    Post subject: Part 3: CONSCIENCE OF THE FAR LEFT Reply with quote


CONTINUED: Name Check on Partial list of signors, NION “A Statement of Conscience”:

---- KORTEN, David -- Author of “When Corporations Rule the World”. REVIEW: “When Corporations Rule the World” by David C. Korten - 5/10/01: A noted social critic offers a practical, human-centered alternative to global capitalism run amok.

---- LAFFERTY, James -- Exec. Dir., National Lawyers Guild/L.A. (other NLG here: Enteen & Fennerty above, & Siegel below). “NLG: The Legal Fifth Column” by Jesse Rigsby, 4/25/03.

---- LaFOREST, Ray -- Haiti Support Network. “A Hate America Anniversary” by Anthony Gancarski, 3/22/04: ...“I thank you for bringing your bodies to defend peace,” said Ray Laforest.... “I'm here to stand with the Palestinian people, & to condemn the occupation of Iraq.”... the Haiti Support Network claims on its website that its purpose is “to raise material & political support for the National Popular Assembly (APN)”. ... Defending the long-suffering Haitian people, of course, is convenient shorthand for undermining U.S. policy toward the country,... the HSN is more interested in “visibility” – & hatred of the U.S. – than in helping Haiti.

---- LETWIN, Michael -- Co-Convenor, NYC Labor Against the War.
“Government Unions Put Security at Risk” by Thomas Wiloch, 2/26/03: ...In October, at a conference organized by New York City Labor Against War (NYCLAW), several AFSCME members spoke out. ...

Socialist Worker Online - 2/14/03:
... Michael Letwin is former president of UAW Local 2325/Association of Legal Aid Attorneys, co-convenor of New York City Labor Against the War (NYCLAW) & a founding member of USLAW. He talked to Socialist Worker about labor’s growing involvement in the antiwar movement: “... vets in the workforce have played a critical role to conveying working-class opposition to the war, because almost all Vietnam vets are working class, & many are active in their unions. Beyond that, Vietnam has a strong resonance among working-class people of all ages, & if Iraq looks & smells like Vietnam, people figure that this isn’t a good place for their sons & daughters in uniform. ... We have to make clear that it’s not Iraq that is the enemy of working people in the country. It’s our own government--just as, during Vietnam, Martin Luther King pointed out that this government is the biggest purveyor of violence in the world. ... Eventually, we can emulate the GI resistance during Vietnam...”

---- LOTTA, Raymond -- Author of “America in Decline”. “America in Decline: An Analysis of the Developments Towards War and Revolution, in the U.S. and Worldwide, in the 1980s” - by Raymond Lotta and Frank Shannon -- 1/84 and 4/84: NOTE: cannot find review -- however, did find: “Raymond Lotta and the Political Economy of Socialism” by Sunil Sen: “Maoist Economics and the Revolutionary Road to Communism: The Shanghai Textbook on Socialist Political Economy” Edited with an Introduction & Afterword by Raymond Lotta (Banner Press USA, 1994). *SOURCE*

(NOTE: Other references found about Raymond Lotta: He is a “Maoist political economist; a leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party (USA) and the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement).

1/1/02 - Statement From Raymond Lotta to the Forum on Human Rights and Bush’s War on Terror: ...Under the...so-called “war on terrorism,” the U.S. imperialists are carrying out interventions, waging wars, & launching reactionary plots throughout the world. ... Here in the U.S., progressives & revolutionaries face a major responsibility & challenge. We must develop broad resistance to the U.S. government’s juggernaut of war & repression. Actions & struggles must be built that let the people of the world know that “in the belly of the beast” there are millions who will not go along with this “war on the world.” I am participating in & supporting the growth of this kind of movement.

---- LUBIN, Barbara -- Middle East Childrens Alliance (“MECA”).
“Jihad Against U.S. High School Students” by Lee Kaplan, 12/19/03: ...Rounding out this tour’s sponsors is the Middle East Children’s Alliance in Berkeley, run by Barbara Lubin. Her group has yet to provide any aid to Middle East Israeli children maimed for life by suicide bombers & terrorist attacks. She plies her “charity” mainly in Gaza, Hamas country. ... Her group advocates the dismantling of Israel also & opposes US forces in Iraq.

---- MACKLER, Jeff -- “Socialist Action”. (“Socialist Action,” a newspaper). “Code Pinko” by Jean Pearce, 3/26/03: ... Unless you travel in Marxist circles or work for the FBI or CIA, the names of the Code Pink moms may not ring a bell with you, ... In addition to Code Pink, Benjamin’s SF-based human rights organization Global Exchange was the founding force for United for Peace and Justice coalition, the nexus of the anti-war protests. The United for Peace coalition, which includes Socialist Action & the Socialist Party USA, is also led by Leslie Cagan, who has a long history of activism with the American Communist Party...

---- MITTAL, Anuradha -- Co-Dir., Institute for Food and Development Policy/Food First. “New Communist International?” by Marc Morano, 9/16/03: ... Several anti-WTO protesters who gathered in Cancun praised the communist leaders Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin & China's Chairman Mao Zedong as "freedom fighters" for the "masses." .. Other groups that took part in demonstrations against the WTO were exuberant that the talks failed to achieve organizers' expectations. "This victory is for the working poor, family farmers, farm workers, the indigenous, the poor, & for immigrants all over the world. ... A better world is possible!" said Anuradha Mittal, co-director of Food First, a CA-based, non-profit food & agricultural advocacy group.

“Medea vs. The General” by Greg Yardley, 5/2/03: ...Medea Benjamin...got her start in the mid-80s, providing aid to the Communist Sandinista government of Nicaragua as a coordinator for the Institute for Food and Development Policy.

---- RATNER, Michael -- Pres., Center for Constitutional Rights. (see article at Kinoy above re “CCR”). “The Center for Constitutional Rights Has Germany Investigate America” by Stephen Brown, 12/2/04: In a blatant attempt to undermine the American war effort in Iraq & to damage & embarrass the U.S. in the eyes of the world, a leftist American legal organization filed a criminal complaint yesterday in a German court to have 10, high-ranking American military & political leaders put on trial in Germany for crimes against humanity & human rights violations committed at Baghdad’s Abu Ghraib prison. ... CCR President Michael Ratner, who has a long affiliation with radical causes, said at a news conference in Berlin yesterday that American military & political leaders from Donald Rumsfeld on down must be investigated & held accountable, ... However, Ratner’s greatest success came last summer when he got the Supreme Court to grant the terrorists held at Guantanamo Bay the right to contest their internment before U.S. courts.

---- REGAS, Rev. George -- Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace. “Leftists in Los Angeles Mobilize Against the War on Terrorism” by Edgar B. Anderson, 9/13/02: As America mourned those lost on 9/11, hundreds of left-wing "peace activists" gathered Tuesday evening at the First Baptist Church in LA to trumpet their opposition to the War on Terrorism. ... Rev. Dr. George F. Regas, retired Rector of Pasadena's large & wealthy All Saints (Episcopal) Church, told the crowd, "Religious communities must stop blessing war & violence. ...We refuse to accept violence as the necessary consequence of our tragic loss." ... (In the 1980s & early 1990s Regas was well known in So. Calif. for his opposition to Reagan-Bush policies. At that time his church had a club called "Friends of the Soviet Union." After the people of the USSR overthrew communism, the group was re-christened "Friends of the Former Soviet Union.")

“The Loony ‘Christian’ Left” by Bruce S. Thornton, 12/3/02: ... we seldom hear about the Christian left, whose positions on public issues have little to do with Christian doctrine or values & everything to do with the stale, anti-American fundamentalism of the sort that used to festoon the pages of Pravda & these days can be found in The Nation or the loony fantasies of Noam Chomsky. ... I have before me a perfect example, a flier put out by something called the Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace... "With impassioned and burning anguish we ... reject President Bush's calls for waging war against Iraq." ... "war does not address the root cause of the terrorists' desperate [sic!] acts," which are "poverty, injustice, and wrongheaded U.S. policies in the Middle East." .... a later proposal demands "U.S. disarmament."

---- ROTHSCHILD, Matthew -- Editor of “The Progressive”. (a magazine -- funded entirely by the Ford Foundation). “Put Out No Flags” by Rothschild, 7/2/04: On this July 4, I declare my independence. From patriotism. It's not that I'm unpatriotic. I'm anti-patriotic. I don't believe in patriotism. ... This superiority complex is particularly virulent in the U.S. And it has led one Pres. after another--from William McKinley in the Philippines to Lyndon Johnson in Vietnam to George W. Bush in Iraq--to wage brutal war. Patriotism is an illegitimate concept, one that is too toxic to toy with. And so I renounce it.

“Progressive Radio”: .. a weekly half-hour radio show hosted by Rothschild, Editor of The Progressive magazine .." ... Rothschild interviews activists, scholars, & artists who are making the world a better place.

“McCarthyism Watch” by Rothschild (various articles).

---- SALAS, Angelica -- Director, Campaign (Coalition) for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles.
“L.A. Community Rallies for Workers” by Mayron Payes & Angelica Salas, 5/1/02: Payes & Salas: More than 15,000 people marched in the streets of LA .. (International Workers’ Day) chanting "Legalization now!" ... In 1997, the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA), the Korean Immigrant Worker Advocates (KIWA), and Pilipino Workers Center (PWC) started working & supporting each other on different organizing efforts... Together we created a network known as MIWON, the Multi-ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network. ... formed as a vehicle to help multi-ethnic immigrant workers & organizations fight for legalization of the undocumented. ... MIWON will also continue to engage in leadership development, focusing on the many changes that are occurring around immigration, national security, & efforts to end globalization. (CHIRLA is a member group of the MIWON. Both groups have received grants from Resist.)

---- SANBRANO, Angela -- Exec. Dir., Central American Resource Center. Their website: CARECEN-Los Angeles: (founded 1983) is dedicated to the empowerment of Central Americans in LA; to the defense of their civil & human rights; & to build bridges between the Salvadoran community in the U.S. & the people of El Salvador.”

“The Next Peace Protest Will be Brought to You By a Castro Groupie,” by John Perazzo, 2/11/03: ...In February 1996 at Loyola Law School in LA, the National Network on Cuba (NNOC), of which Cagan was a national co-chair, sponsored a public forum that featured an address by Angela Sanbrano of the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES), which was affiliated with the Communist guerrilla movement in that country. ...

---- SCHELL, Jonathan -- Fellow of the Nation Institute. “See No Good” by Noemie Emery, 4/17/03: ..To date, few on the antiwar side has come out & actually wished that Iraq would actually defeat the U.S., though Jonathan Schell came very close in the April 14 Nation, where he praised game Iraqis for defending their country, & brave little Turkey for not being bullied into letting us invade from its turf. ...

“The Other Superpower” by Jonathan Schell, The Nation (4/14/03), article posted 3/27/03 -- Schell: “..the Internet, which has become the peace movement's principal organizing tool. Both are global--the U.S. seeks to demonstrate its self-avowed aim of global military supremacy, & the peace movement is equally determined to reject this ... the hearts & wills of the majority of the world's people. Its victories have been triumphs of civil courage, like the vote of the Turkish Parliament to turn down a multibillion-dollar bribe &, ... refuse the U.S. the use of Turkish bases in the war, or like the refusal of the six small, nonpermanent members of the UN Security Council to succumb to great-power browbeating & support its resolution for war. ... A new phenomenon of rolling demonstrations circled the world ... Kofi Annan expressed his chagrin ...Yet against all expectation, a global contest whose consequence far transcends the war in Iraq had arisen...”

---- SIEGEL, Robert J. -- Pres., Seattle National Lawyers Guild. (other NLG here: Enteen, Fennerty & Lafferty above). “Esposito: Apologist For Militant Islam” by Campus Watch, 9/3/02: In BIBLIO: “'Jihad' not Necessarily a Call to Religious war,” with Robert Siegel on All Things Considered, NPR, 5/18/94, 4:30 pm ET, Transcript # 1486-9.

“NLG: The Legal Fifth Column” by Jesse Rigsby, 4/25/03

---- SOLAY, Miles -- NION Project. (See also: “Kissinger” above re NION.) “Not In Our Name and the World Wide Terrorism Web” by Michael Tremoglie, 3/19/03: ...NION professes peace, yet it is involved - directly as well as indirectly - with terrorist organizations & anti-American propaganda campaigns headed by fanatical Communist & Muslim groups....

Miles Solay, youth organizer, presentation at United for Peace & Justice teach-in,” NYC, 5/31/03: Introduction by Phyllis Bennis: Miles Solay, a founding member of the Refuse & Resist! Youth Network...
SOLAY: “There is the future being shoved down our throats: one of endless war on the world & a police state at home. ... The other future can be seen in the resistance movement here & internationally... expressed in the phrase, "Another World IS Possible." ... "We believe that as people living in the U.S. it is our responsibility to resist the injustices done by our government, in our names.” That right there, that is the first stanza of the Not In Our Name Pledge of Resistance. ... King George II & his empire now OWN Iraq. With a military occupation of over 100,000 troops the U.S. is now in the process of making its newest colonial state. ... Today, Not In Our Name Students & Youth, of which I represent want to announce a new nat’l. campaign we are embarking on to stop the military recruiters. ...The goal is to get the recruiters off of the high schools, colleges, television and radio. ... Recently, Arundhati Roy said: "Empire's conquests are being carried out in your name & you have the right to refuse. You can refuse to fight. Refuse to move those missiles from the warehouses to the dock. Refuse to wave THAT FLAG. Refuse the victory parade. If you join the battle, not in your hundreds of thousands but in your millions, you will be greeted joyously by the rest of the world." ... It's on us, together with the rest of the 6 billion people on this planet who have no interest in this war on the world, to build an indomitable & irrepressible resistance movement.

---- WARDEN, Rob -- Exec. Dir., Center on Wrongful Convictions, Northwestern. Legal affairs journalist who, as editor & publisher of Chicago Lawyer magazine during the 1980's, exposed more than a score of wrongful convictions in Illinois. ..is the author or co-author of hundreds of articles & five books ... In 2004, he was inducted into the Chicago Journalism Hall of Fame.

Center on Wrongful Convictions website

---- WEISS, Cora -- Pres., Hague Appeal for Peace. “Red Queen of ‘Peace’” by Michael Tremoglie, 12/11/02: ...The Hague Appeal for Peace (HAP) is an int’l. network of peace & justice organizations dedicated to sowing the seeds for the abolition of war. ... Cora Weiss is the daughter of Faberge millionaire & Soviet-phile Samuel Rubin. She is the pres. of the Samuel Rubin Foundation, which finances a host of communist causes. ... During the Vietnam War, Weiss was a leader of the pro-North Viet Nam Women Strike for Peace (WSP). A Congressional study said the WSP “has enjoyed the complete support of the Communist Party.” As Co-Director (with David Dellinger) of the Committee for Liaison with the Families (COLIAFAM), Weiss attempted to coerce POW families to make pro communist propaganda by promising them contact with their loved ones in Hanoi. ... Obviously, Weiss’ activities transcended a concern for peace. She really was an advocate for a communist Viet Nam. ...

“The Christian Case Against Gun Control” by David Yeagley, 4/7/04: ...On the contrary, public disarmament is insulting to the very core of American ideologies of freedom & individual responsibility. Cora Weiss detests such American ideologies. Weiss, career peacenik of world renown, & pres. of the UN affiliate The Hague Appeal for Peace, said to the UN in June, 2000, “There are only three documents that you need…to be an informed, effective member of an organized civil society: ‘The Charter of the UN,’ the ‘International Declaration of Human Rights,’ & ‘The Hague Agenda for Peace & Justice’ for the 21st Century.” (Notice she doesn’t reference the Declaration of Independence, or the Constitution of the U.S.)

Horowitz: David’s Blog, 7/28/02: I am paying for my sins, so why don't my critics address their complaints to those who are not?: ...There were in fact thousands of New Leftists ... who met with & then actively collaborated with the Communist enemy. Among them were Tom Hayden, Fonda, .., Cora Weiss, Ronald Dellums, ..the leadership of SDS (who met with the Vietnamese Communists in Bratislava in 1968 to discuss how they could help the Communists' war effort), the leadership of Weatherman, the leadership of the Committees in Solidarity with El Salavador, Guatemala and Nicaragua...

---- ZINN, Howard. “Master of Deceit” by Dan Flynn, 6/3/03: ...What is considered vice by most historians—politically motivated inaccuracies, long-winded rants, convenient omissions, substituting partisanship for objectivity—is transformed into virtue by Zinn. ...in “A People’s History of the United States." Zinn’s lengthy 1980 tome... If you’ve read Marx, there’s no reason to read Howard Zinn. ...one finds greed motivating every major event ... Rather than the spark that lit the fire of freedom & self-government throughout much of the world, the American Founding is portrayed as a diabolically creative way to ensure oppression. ... Despite its scholarly pretensions, the book contains not a single source citation. ... “I wanted my writing of history ...to be a part of social struggle,” Howard Zinn candidly remarked in an interview...

Per David Horowitz, Foreward, “Howard Zinn’s Trash History,” 3/29/04: (article not found/cached link). ...At the American Historical Association Meeting in Boston this past week, Howard Zinn was celebrated above all American historians present with a dinner in his honor. ... Michael Kazin is himself a well-known leftist. This makes his critique of the Zinn monstrosity, which appears in the current issue of “Dissent”, noteworthy.. ..Readers should note that of the four historians whom Kazin recommends..at the end of his review.. (three) are (Communist/Marxist/Trostkyist). Keep that in mind when reading this review as a measure of just how bad Zinn’s book is & how far far to the left the comrades of the American Historical Association are ...

“Howard Zinn’s History Lessons” by Michael Kazin, Dissent Magazine, Spring 2004:
KAZIN: “Every work of history, according to Howard Zinn, is a political document. ... ‘With all its limitations, it is a history disrespectful of governments & respectful of people's movements of resistance.’ That judgment, Zinn proudly announces, sets his book apart from nearly every other account of their past that most Americans are likely to read. ... His failure is grounded in a premise better suited to a conspiracy-monger's Web site than to a work of scholarship. ... Zinn's conception of American elites is akin to the medieval church's image of the Devil. ... Zinn..regards the nation-state itself as a cunning device to lull ordinary folks with ‘the fanfare of patriotism and unity.’ ... For Zinn, ordinary Americans seem to live only to fight the rich & haughty &, inevitably, to be fooled by them. ... The fact that his text barely mentions either conservatism or Christianity is telling. ... ‘the people’ can never really win, unless & until they make a revolution. But they can comprehend the evil of this 400-year-old order, & that knowledge will, to an extent, set them free. ... He never mentions the Communist Party's lockstep praise of Stalin or the New Left's fantasy of guerilla warfare...”


Reference: Some articles related to this “Statement of Conscience”
and/or NION:

* “Not in Our Name -- Not in Your Life” by Michael Tremoglie, 10/8/02

* “The Peace Movement: A Front for the Anti-American Left” by Jamie Glazov, 2/7/03

* “The Next ‘Peace’ Protest Will Be Brought to You By a Castro Groupie,” by John Perazzo, 2/11/03

* “Not In Our Name Financed by Islamists,” by Charles, 2/23/03

* “Maoists For ‘Peace’” by John Perazzo, 2/28/03

* "Not In Our Name and the World Wide Terrorism Web," by Michael Tremoglie, 3/19/03

* “A Soldier’s Letter to NION,” by Stanley J. Wolczyk III, 3/20/03

* “Lobby for Terror,” Thomas Ryan, 4/28/04

* “A Peace Group’s War Plans” by Michael Tremoglie, 8/30/04

* “GI-Special” harmful to our troops (VVAW-AI) - NION

*** END OF 3-PART: "Conscience" of the FAR LEFT ***
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 7:13 pm    Post subject: Communist Party USA & 2004 elections.... Reply with quote

Info about the democrats and the Kerry campaign at the Communist Party USA website:

Just checking up on them and was surprised to see them offer up so much detail about their part in the 2004 election and their great and hopeful plans for the future. Kerry proved extremely useful to them - I think this is an important read: for those of us who want to fight this nefarious element and so need to know them -- and also perhaps as an education for those “moderate” democrats who scoff at Zell and don’t realize how they are being used by this very real and perhaps not so fringe coalition of groups using the rad-left driven Kerry/Kennedy democratic party for their own agenda ..... (I know at least one person I’m going to send this to -- ought to be interesting....)

“The Communist Party USA and the 2004 Elections: Build the party, Build the Coalitions”
** CPUSA Website: Report to the National Committee - 11/21/04 **

(excerpts; emphasis, mine)
..... Our banner for 2004 was “Build Unity – Defeat Bush and the Ultra-Right.” Our method was an all-out effort with the broad labor-led democratic front against extreme right-wing reaction; and within that all-out for a bigger, stronger Communist Party and YCL. Along with our allies, we can be very proud of great accomplishments that will carry us forth even in the dreaded and stormy waters of a second term for George W. Bush. ......

The correctness of the center-left coalition strategy soon became clear as a fantastic movement burst forth, activating many thousands of young people...... When this movement came so close but not close enough on election day, union after union and organization after organization immediately rejected Bush’s claim to mandate and pledged to stick together, to build on what was done, to learn and broaden out, even in an unwanted and dangerous terrain of struggle. Our strategy, and tactics adjusted to changing conditions, enabled our small Party to make a mighty contribution in this remarkable time. This year’s experience leaves us with new respect, new clubs in strategic locations, a growing grass-roots character, and hopefully somewhat better seasoned for the next phase of our country’s titanic battle. .....

Just about a year ago, at a meeting in Cleveland, OH with neighboring Communist Party districts, the concept of a national election concentration on the mid-west was developed. Two months later, on January 31, in this hall, we held an extraordinary national conference which established our framework for the 2004 elections. The conference was extraordinary because of the turnout of 250 plus multi-racial, multi-national activists from states large and small across our land. It was extraordinary because of the message of leaders from other organizations who came and called upon us, that our presence was much needed as Communists.

Remember the president of NY NOW telling us she wanted to see lots of red flags at the March for Women’s Lives. And the chair of ACORN and Working Families Party who called upon us as family to make our contribution known. Did we respond? YES, we responded! Across the country, we rolled up our sleeves, in swing states and so-called safe states. In voter registration drives, local races and Congressional battlegrounds. Walking precincts and working phone banks out of union halls. In presidential battleground states from Ohio, Missouri, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin to Minnesota and New Hampshire, our folks were quickly tapped to help lead the work. (B. note: one wonders who all was doing the "tapping"....)

The centerpiece of our effort was the Mid-West Project, under the leadership of Scott Marshall and John Rummel. We knew that between OH, MO and FL, Kerry had to win at least one to get elected. We singled out OH and MO for summer brigades. The comrades in those states did heroic work hosting, organizing, and meeting the needs of the 75 Party and YCLers who came for week-long visits from nine states and the national office in July and August. ......

In Missouri, comrades had the remarkable experience of teaming up with SEIU and Planned Parenthood to door-knock in the heat and humidity campaigning for John Bowman, and then go on to win. It felt like Mississippi Summer in the 1960's. .....

We developed a specific plan for election day, with national staff placed strategically in OH, FL, PA and WI, and regional efforts in AZ and NH. We helped bring voters to the polls, served as election protection observers, and just did whatever needed to be done. .... It must be brought out that Sam Webb took the summer and fall to travel continuously from battleground state to battleground state, meeting with districts and clubs, shoring up the Party, outreaching to friends and readers, and knocking on doors as a volunteer for the labor movement. In addition to mobilizing their members in the summer, the YCL staff worked on two campuses in Ohio to “Get Out the Vote.” .....

.....here are a few highlights that were sent in to me:

MO: State Rep. During the campaign to elect a worker as State Representative: A new club in St. Louis, with another in formation. ...

MI: A new club in Saginaw emerged from a national/district team that helped on a local campaign which elected a township trustee. ...

ILL: 27 new members and an increase in PWW/NM bundles to 2500 a week. This in the process of participating in the movement from Illinois to Wisconsin to put that state over the top for Kerry, participating in the historic election of Barak Obama to the US Senate, and the successful campaign of Melissa Bean, defeating incumbent Republican Congressman Philip Crane. ....

Of course, our work was not limited to the presidential battleground states. In every district, the Party organization was engaged in voter registration, and in key local and Congressional campaigns. We probably registered tens of thousands of voters. Some highlights sent in:

--In New York, the Party made a special contribution, participating with the Working Families Party campaign to elect Frank Barbaro to Congress. 120,000 people voted for John Kerry on the Working Families line; David Soares became the first African American elected to county wide office upstate, for Albany District Attorney; and Brian Higgins defeated a Republican incumbent for Congress in the Buffalo area.

--In Connecticut, a new club and door-to-door PWW (“People’s Weekly World”) route was formed in the 2nd Congressional District as part of a hard fought effort to defeat a Republican incumbent. 66 Working Families Party candidates won minor party ballot status in State Legislature and State Senate districts, including two who are here today.

--In New Jersey comrades campaigned with a candidate for Town Committee, located in an important swing Congressional District. She got 42% of the vote in a small Republican town where the Republican candidate was the Mayor. She has now been asked to run for School Board.

--In Florida, where Noel participated in the bus tour across the state to raise the minimum wage, and in Nevada, voters overwhelmingly favored a $1 increase to $6.15 an hour.

--In New Mexico, new friends in the labor movement work with the club, which helped initiate the Bush Out the Door campaign, and the election of a state legislator.

--In Kentucky, a new club was formed for the first time in many years.

In addition to the countless marches, rallies, meetings and events at the local level, our Party was represented in the swirl of national conferences and protests that took place in the months leading up to election day:

--March for Womens Lives
--Take Back America
--La Raza
--Union conventions including AFSCME, SEIU, Unity convention of UNITE HERE, NEA
--MoveOn house parties
--Events surrounding the Democrat and Republican conventions
--The World Says No to the Bush Agenda protest of half a million in NYC.

..... We published a body of election literature reflecting the tactical shifts as the campaign unfolded. ..... In addition, two pamphlets were published in October for circulation beyond the elections: “Medicare for All,” published by the Peoples Weekly World (B. note: do ya suppose Teddy has this in his pocket?); “People and Nature before Profits”; “Build the Party. Build the coalition.” .....

Out of our work to build this left-center coalition, we are becoming a grass roots Party and YCL. Clubs rooted in the grass roots have the potential to transform our Party into a large, mass organization able to mobilize and influence events on a large scale. ..... At a recent meeting Sam said, “If we were four times larger, imagine what we could have done in Ohio.” What the recruitment of new members in this campaign tells us is that with consistent attention and allocation of resources we can make such a breakthrough by the next presidential election. .... The 2005 municipal elections are already before us. Fielding candidates from labor and peoples organizations including our own will be important to resist the far-right agenda. ....

The broad movement is called upon to build pressure from the ground on Congress, working with the Progressive, Black and Hispanic caucuses, outreaching to moderate Republicans where possible to end the war and occupation of Iraq, and on every item from saving social security to tax and budget policy and judicial appointments. To the extent possible, movements around the bills we prioritized this year will continue: the Employee Free Choice Act; HR 676 Medicare for All; the SOLVE Act; Voter Accountability; and the investigation into Abu Graib HR 690.


At our conference in January, Jarvis Tyner said, “The fight for democracy and freedom is not a diversion from the fight for a new system. You can’t have one without the other. We are not hesitant when it comes to meeting today’s challenge.” The center-left coalition strategy to defeat the extreme right-wing is not a step back from the class struggle. It is A NECESSARY ALLIANCE if the working class is to protect its interests and achieve further gains.

Those who are joining our Party have come to understand that their problems cannot be solved within capitalism. They are both angry and hopeful. Coming up on our Convention, we have the opportunity and responsibility to capture and build on that potential which can turn our country around.

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I B Squidly
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 10:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tks Bea.

This bragadocio is at odds with the absolute failure of their effort. The losers they profess to join with:
--March for Womens Lives
--Take Back America
--La Raza
--Union conventions including AFSCME, SEIU, Unity convention of UNITE HERE, NEA
--MoveOn house parties
--Events surrounding the Democrat and Republican conventions
--The World Says No to the Bush Agenda protest of half a million in NYC.
cannot openly recognize their contribution.

I watched these cretins drag half-way house denizens and various adversly documented to my polling station in Arizona. For what purpose? The ballots were reviewed and uncounted.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 4:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I B Squidly wrote:
This bragadocio is at odds with the absolute failure of their effort. The losers they profess to join with: ... cannot openly recognize their contribution. I watched these cretins drag half-way house denizens and various adversly documented to my polling station in Arizona. For what purpose? The ballots were reviewed and uncounted.

I.B.: I agree regarding their braggadocio -- but is it indeed absolute failure? Per their lists of accomplishments, these are small things, minor inroads -- and if one measured by the size of their movement, we have a fringe here. The losers they join with are likewise small groups -- but some of these groups have a large financial & political backing (i.e., Take Back America -- “Campaign for America’s Future,” as indicated by my previous post in this thread, and MoveOn and the unions...). Sure, they are being used by others for their “organizing capabilities” -- “tapped” by certain organizations for this purpose. And in return, they are using the orgs that are using them -- sort of a definitive symbiosis. However, while they are being used, they are infiltrating, and this is their tactic it seems. I have no idea how one measures “success” for them in this regard. I have no idea if they have a future or not. When I first read your reply, I felt “whew” -- you’re right -- these are people are just fringe losers...

But then the shadows came back - the post-9/11 awareness. I recall in ’98 or whenever it was that I saw bin laden on TV in a press conference in which he stated, in essence, that it was “now okay to kill all Americans.” Initially I was concerned and shocked -- but when no alarms were raised by anyone, I wrote them off as just a bunch of lunatics - just a fringe. What I learned from that experience is to take people’s words, their intent, seriously -- no matter how big a group they are or how much power they do or do not have. The CPUSA and other groups are quite forthright in their agenda to destroy capitalism and create a goodness knows what alternative state system. World system, who the heck knows... but whatever it is they want, WE, the America we know and love, stands in their way. With that INTENT, they remain a concern to me and I cannot write them off. I do not trust their thinking. I do not trust they are responsible. I do not trust where they will draw the line in their affiliations with other groups if it will help their cause. I do not trust that they will not see the Jihadis as usable mercenaries down the road. I would feel better if what they are up to was more in the public’s awareness as I do have great faith in our population to destroy and stamp out these hopeful cadres of anti-Americans living in our midst. I guess I feel that in battle against them, exposure is one important method of attack.
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I B Squidly
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 5:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm not advocating complacence. But, direct confrontation gives them an argument they don't deserve while derision humilates and compels from them a louder pronouncement and a broader refutation in response. They're pinkos and dare not speak their name in daylight.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 5:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I B Squidly wrote:
...derision humilates and compels from them a louder pronouncement and a broader refutation in response. They're pinkos and dare not speak their name in daylight.

Well put! Yes.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 1:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

For the record: An article with more info on people/organizations previously mentioned in this thread:

"Anti-War Crowd Backs Notorious Dictators, Communists"
By Kathleen Rhodes - CNSNews.com Correspondent, 1/19/05

Insisting that they are "not criminals, they are patriots," an array of Bush-bashing protesters is making last-minute plans for their Inauguration Day demonstrations in Washington. However, the protesters have more in common than an aversion to war. They have a history of sympathizing with America's enemies including North Korea and Cuba, and they look to a former U.S. attorney general for guidance.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 12:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ms Beatrice;

You continue to astound me woman. *Kudos* and a great big hug too!
*tip of my hat* ma'am.
"Proud Member of the Freak Show"
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