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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 1:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

scorch wrote:
Here is another point. I thought the swift boats never worked alone. They always worked with another boat... Did Kerry's Swift boat work alone?

Good question, and even if they did, were they random patrols where the skipper was free to wander wherever he chose to, like maybe a Christmas Eve high speed run up the Mekong to Cambodia. Somehow I doubt it.

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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 1:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Unfortunately, Gardner was not on that boat that day when Kerry "won" the Bronze Star.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 1:45 pm    Post subject: A more sensitive approach Reply with quote

Kerry testified before the Senate committe about ALL the atroscities that we as Vietnam Veterans committed while in country, and having met Many vietnamese here in the United States, who are very greatful for our efforts......my thinking is as follows......

Kerry, words being flashed upon the screen, as he sits before the Senate Committe........listing all of the atroscities that we were supposed to be committing........and at the same time........Vietnamese civilians now located in the United States.....Thanking the vietnam Vets for their service to them as a greatful people......
If your Gonna Be One...Be a BIG RED ONE

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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 6:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I would agree that an ad emphasizing that Kerry has admitted to having commited war crimes. Not what I think most would consider presidential material.

Also, an idea that the swiftvets may want to approach is an ad highlighting the ways in which they're currently being targeted by kerry and his surrogates. The attempts to silence them when they've earned the right more than anyone to have their voices heard. This both serves the purpose of showing how kerry is attempting to hide from the truth while also showing how he continues to treat those who have served this country.
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 9:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Since Kerry now has the "Fear and Smear" ads going against the Bush campaign, I am afraid some independent voters may lean back towards Kerry so I think we need the SBVT need to have an ad regarding this stating they are not doing this for BUSH but for them and then have some of the swifties comment on who they voted for in the past; ie Gore, Clinton, etc.
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Seaman Apprentice

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:38 am    Post subject: Ad: A picture or collage of all SBV4T Reply with quote

Rolling down the screen:
2nd L jg Kerry please tell the truth:

You have called us liars. No, not you personally, but you have sent your operatives to do your dirty work.

They were not there. We were there. You were there. Now is the time for the Truth.

Speak it and back it up by releasing ALL your records and your journal?

We are not going away.
Vote early. Vote often. The Democrate way...
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 1:18 am    Post subject: Compare/Contrast records Reply with quote

This may be an exercise in bookeeping, but how about listing the combined military service and medal counts of the swift boat vets in implicit contrast with that of Kerry and those vets on his side.

i.e. The Swift Boat Vets have a combined total of 289 years of military service, 35 of them in Vietnam. They have 27 Silver Stars, 49 Bronze Stars, etc. These men have earned the right to be heard...

And then get on with whatever message you want to have in the spot!
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Joined: 05 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 2:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A GREAT fifth ad would juxtapose Kerry's tossing his US medals and his having been recognized by the DRV (Giap's statment, picture in their museum and the medal I read he was awarded by them). Exclamation
Retired USN Capt.; Market Time vicinity ChuLai 6/67-2/68; Maddox 8/64 Tonkin Gulf; NGFS I Corps 6-12/65; Saigon evac. 4/75.
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 3:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The creativity of the ads are declining.

And I thought "Gunner" was the worst of them ... I am tempted to claim the blogosphere will agree.

#1 - Sellout - BEST - Five Stars<br>
#2 - Any Questions<br>
#3 - Gunner<br>
#4 - Medals<br>

The "Medals" ad in focuses on minutia ... I can hear them say it now "well once again the swifites are wrong as they were someone elses ribbons well actually medals" ... as a veteran I don't see how either the general public or other veterans will latch on to this

How about Kerry claiming there will be no "Bloodbath" followed by footage of boat people, piles of skulls, with voice over by Vietnamese-American woman providing the audible for the skull piles & boat people???

How about "Christmas in Cambodia" to the tune of I'm dreaming of a white christmas (maybe jingle bells sounds better but I digress)

How about cataloging "Swiftee Success" thus far:
1) Cambodia retraction
2) First Purple Heart retraction
3) No man left behind retraction
... via comparison ... Kerry CAMPAIGN says .... Swiftees Say ... ending with Kerry silent ... ask for Kerry to sign the Form 180
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 11:05 pm    Post subject: another ad idea Reply with quote

John Kerry and his campaign demand that he be recognized as a war hero........

Swiftboat Veterans for Truth would like to tell the nation:
John Kerry IS a war hero!

In Saigon, in the Vietnamese Communist Remnant War Museum is a room dedicated to those who advanced the cause of the North Vietnamese. A framed picture of John Kerry hangs on the wall along with a citation honoring his service.

John Kerry IS a war hero....... but not for OUR side.
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 11:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Have some kids working on a research paper that will point out "in Kerry's own words"

1. His request for a deferment
2. His enlistment in the Naval Reserves with details about being activated
3. His tour on the Gridley "in Vietnam"
4. His reasons for requesting Swift Boat duty
5 Getting home asap
6 How he got to be an admiral's aide
8. His request for an early out

I get so tired of hearing all these glowing statements that do not reflect the truth!
Proud Wife of a Vietnam Vet
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 12:16 am    Post subject: Kerry Bashing Reply with quote

The swift boats always worked in groups, 3 or better, just like combat partrols, there is always a back up, but with the swift boats they were closer, like 50 feet or less. We could all come up with ads we would like to put to the public, but I think the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth are doing a great job, as they are going after the true facts, not just what we think or would like others to think about Kerry.
His medals are up for question, but his actions against his fellow saliors, and soldiers, not just this nation, but other nations is open for full debate. He betrayed all soldiers of all nations with his statement at the committie hearings.
As his picture in Vietanm as a hero, I would like to see proof of that. Now that would make a great ad, but I don't think that is true.
We all have the choice to server our country as we see fit. I joined in the Army after JFK was shot, I helped a young just married soldier get out of going to Vietnam who was in my unit. Do I hold it against him because he got married because he didn't want to go. No. It was his decision. I went to Vietnam Jan 66 and came home in Dec 66 and seperated. I later enlisted in 72 and retired 20 years later, but I can say I did not protest, my fellow soldiers and cause the death of 1,5000,000 men, women and chlidren in Vietnam and Cambodia as his statements help lead demonstration against the war in Vietnam, which ending up of us leaving and the death of inoccents.
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 11:12 am    Post subject: Picture in Vietnam Reply with quote

In reply to:

As his picture in Vietanm as a hero, I would like to see proof of that. Now that would make a great ad, but I don't think that is true.

I found this information at www.Wintersoldier.com. Has it been disproved or discredited? I think it is powerful evidence of the true role JK served during the war.
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Seaman Apprentice

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 12:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Band of Brothers Lie

1. "Remember at the convention..."
b/w image of Kerry and Rassmann at convention with text "No Man Left Behind" below and LIE superimposed in big red letters all across the screen, with sound "all the boats left and Kerry was the only one that came back to save Rassmann".

2. "Why are are you lying?"

3. Have some quote from eyewitnesses there about what happened, like
"my boat was mined"
"all the other boats stayed to help PCF-3, except Kerry"
"I was 15 feet from picking up Rassmann"

4. Even one of Kerry's "Band of Brothers" acknowledges this. Show a quote or sound of Mr. Sandusky acknowledging this with a picture of Kerry shaking hands with Mr. Sandusky at the convention.

5. "America deserves the truth". Challenge him to sign Form-180.
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 3:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is the info I was trying to find when I started this thread

I found the quote and commentary here: http://hughhewitt.com/#postid855

Now if we only had a tape of Kerry saying what is in bold below it would make an awesome ad.

"Senator AIKEN. I think your answer is ahead of my question. I was going to ask you next what the attitude of the Saigon government would be if we announced that we were going to withdraw our troops, say, by October lst, and be completely out of there -- air, sea, land -- leaving them on their own. What do you think would be the attitude of the Saigon government under those circumstances?

Mr. KERRY. Well, I think if we were to replace the Thieu-Ky-Khiem regime and offer these men sanctuary somewhere, which I think this Government has an obligation to do since we created that government and supported it all along. I think there would not be any problems. The number two man at the Saigon talks to Ambassador Lam was asked by the Concerned Laymen, who visited with them in Paris last month, how long they felt they could survive if the United States would pull out and his answer was 1 week. So I think clearly we do have to face this question. But I think, having done what we have done to that country, we have an obligation to offer sanctuary to the perhaps 2,000, 3,000 people who might face, and obviously they would, we understand that, might face politic al assassination or something else. But my feeling is that those 3,000 who may have to leave that country --

Senator AIKEN. I think your 3,000 estimate might be a little low because we had to help 800,000 find sanctuary from North Vietnam aFter the French lost at Dienbienphu. But assuming that we resettle the members of the Saigon government, who would undoubtedly be in danger, in some other area, what do you think would be the attitude, of the large, well-armed South Vietnamese army and the South Vietnamese people? Would they be happy to have us withdraw or what?

Mr. KERRY. Well, Senator, this, obviously is the most difficult question of all, but I think that at this point the United States is not really in a position to consider the happiness of those people as pertains to the army in our withdrawal. We have to consider the happiness of the people as pertains to the life which they will be able to lead in the next few years.

If we don't withdraw, if we maintain a Korean-type presence in South Vietnam, say 50,000 troops or something, with strategic bombing raids from Guam and from Japan and from Thailand dropping these 15,000 pound fragmentation bombs on them, et cetera, in the next few years, then what you will have is a people who are continually oppressed, who are continually at warfare, and whose problems will not at all be solved because they will not have any kind of representation.

The war will continue. So what I am saying is that yes, there will be some recrimination but far, far less than the 200,000 a year who are murdered by the United States of America, and we can't go around -- President Kennedy said this, many times. He said that the United States simply can't right every wrong, that we can't solve the problems of the other 94 percent of mankind. We didn't go into East Pakistan; we didn't go into Czechoslovakia. Why then should we feel that we now have the power to solve the internal political struggles of this country?

We have to let them solve their problems while we solve ours and help other people in an altruistic fashion commensurate with our capability. But we have extended that capacity; we have exhausted that capacity, Senator. So I think the question is really moot."

Of course, there were at least 160,000 South Vietnamese who fled by boat --not 2,000 or 3,000-- and more than 500,000 southeast Asians became refugees. Between two and three million were murdered by Pol Pot's regime in Cambodia, and hundreds of thousands went into prison camps, and the regime's human rights record remains terrible.
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