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phantom1 Seaman Recruit
Joined: 21 Aug 2004 Posts: 3
Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 4:47 pm Post subject: Ordered from B&N online & got book in 4 days |
I decided to order online at B&N and got the book in 4 days. It had been showing as 1 to 2 weeks shipping for several days, and when I checked back it was in stock. Their site now says ships within 2-3 days. |
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markasass Lt.Jg.
Joined: 22 Aug 2004 Posts: 131
Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 7:56 am Post subject: |
Quote: | (Whoever said they couldn't give them away is either a moron or lying.) |
In my hometown, three local bookstores all indicated they currently have tons of My Life in stock, as it was originally selling well, until the word got out about how "long-winded, boring, and poorly-written" it was. Now the book sits "in the front", deeply discounted, and begging to find a home. This, at least, according to some "liars and morons" I know at the stores.
Quote: | I know at my store we make a very conscious effort to balance political science books. |
This MAY be true at YOUR store. Not every large chain, nor sole proprietor, makes this conscious effort. Do you really believe that the Kerry-supporting Bezos was NOT influenced, by his political leanings, to have Amazon institute a biased and unfair-and-unbalanced policy of allowing ad hominem attacks against ONLY Unfit for Duty? You be the judge.
Quote: | Bush in his very nature as a neo-con is a devisive president. That will create a large base ripe for political writings. |
This may be true, but there are certainly just as many pro-Bush, anti-liberal books being published today, yet, like was mentioned in another post, you often have to hunt for these books among the stacks, instead of them being out-front within a prominent display. Why does one have to search so hard for books speaking out against the ACLU, the "old" mainstream media, the elitist, limousine-liberal, sophisticates of Hollywood and academia, the GLBT lobby, the secular humanists, the hedonists, and other members of the Kool-Aid drinking, leftist, loony fringe? I believe you know the answer, although it seems this is not the case at YOUR store, which is a good thing.
Quote: | But the biggest reason I have to entertain the notion of voting for Kerry, is knowing I'm on the side of people that think so irrationally about liberals and the "conspiracy" to put them down. |
When it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it probably is a duck. One would have to be irrational to think it's a horse, despite evidence to the contrary. If, however, you are going to make a decision based on whose "side" a group is on, I respectfully ask you to consider whose side the wackos, protesting in NYC at the RNC, are on. They are not for President Bush, that's for sure.
I do appreciate your thoughtful comments. I do, though, gently suggest you take a look at other bookstores, in other parts of the country, before making any broadbrush commentary about "neocons", "conspiracies", and "irrationality". FWIW. _________________
"Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. To all the people you can. As long as you ever can." - Wesley |
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expectingrain Seaman Recruit
Joined: 27 Aug 2004 Posts: 4
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 4:40 pm Post subject: |
First off, My Life is still a national best seller. Check the New York Times bestsellers, it's still at number 3 and was at number 2 last week for nonfiction. So like I said, it is still a very popular seller, although I would hazard a guess that we will be sending a fair amount back to the publisher, since we ordered SO many.
Amazon.com let a free-for-all review basis go for the book unfit for command. Here is something I touched on before, any time there is some special circumstance ever made, the most evil intention is always implied instead of a more logical one. Hanlon's Razor: "Never attribute to a malice that which can be accurately explained by stupidity." I am no representative of amazon.com, but I would guess that they decided to let a free for all happen because of a large number of posts on such a hot book. And what exactly is your problem with the review system for the book? I've been paging down and see tons of positive and anti-Kerry reviews.
Let me restate this, because apparantly you didn't understand it, we are a business, we want to make money. While I'm sure there may be displays in certain stores that might make one think of a conspiracy (and a few might be true) I've seen how some people make displays—grab some random books in the section that have catchy covers and toss them up. Once again there can be other causes for things that don't add up. Never underestimate the far reaching power of laziness.
Those are my specific responses to yours. But on a broader level I have to say I really wasn't expecting anybody to make a retort to my reply thinking that I had clearly explained why 99% of book stores want your money, not your vote. Some low-level employees may slip up and show who THEY are voting for, but it is by no way condoned by the store managers.
And no, my vote will not be decided by the extremists of either side. If I weren't writing but talking I'd be hoarse by now from saying that the booksellers want to sell anything they can. There have been many posts since my original one saying people who were on waiting lists have finally got their book as a few more scattered shipments have been recieved. It seems like Barnes and Noble's scam to suppress the most talked about book of the last 5 years has failed as they continue to sell out their stock.
When it looks like a business, acts like a business, and sells like a business, it would be irrational to think it's a political party.
Your friendly neighborhood bookseller,
Brett |
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markasass Lt.Jg.
Joined: 22 Aug 2004 Posts: 131
Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 10:48 am Post subject: |
Quote: | we will be sending a fair amount back to the publisher, since we ordered SO many. |
I realize My Life was still # 3 on the NYTBL; however, my point was that my local bookstores have been forced to "give them away". I suppose this is because they aren't selling as well as they originally were, perhaps?
Quote: | Hanlon's Razor: "Never attribute to a malice that which can be accurately explained by stupidity." |
Occam's Razor: "Never multiply causes without necessity". Bezos wanted ad hominem attacks against the Swiftees because he's liberally-biased. Period. Review system is fine if you don't mind wasting your time reading ad hominem attacks, which don't contribute to the conversation like genuine book reviews.
Quote: | Never underestimate the far reaching power of laziness. |
That's a real possibility, although I believe there is bias often on display, just like there is at publishing houses and at "old" liberal media sources such as the NYT. Compare-and-contrast the number of reviews for liberal v. conservative books.
Quote: | we are a business, we want to make money |
You would think so, wouldn't you, but there's no financially-sound explanation for so many "old" liberal media publishers refusing to touch books by many conservative authors.
Quote: | When it looks like a business, acts like a business, and sells like a business, it would be irrational to think it's a political party. |
Once again, you would think so, but when there is empirical, in addition to anecdotal, evidence to the contrary ... you have to wonder? I agree that 99% of the booksellers out of Unfit for Command were genuinely out-of-stock, due to the unexpected demand and the initial failure of the publisher to keep up. It's just that there's mucho cynicismo re: the "old" liberal media. That's why the "new" media has sprung up. Many of us seem to trust cable TV, talk radio, the blogoshere, and companies like American Compass more than CBS, NPR, the NYT, and Amazon.
When it behaves in a biased manner, makes pronouncements in a biased manner, and rejects alternative opinions in a biased manner, it would be irrational to think it's fair-and-balanced, objective, or strictly motivated by moolah.
Your friendly neighborhood blogger and defender of conservative values, principles, and causes,
Mark _________________
"Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. To all the people you can. As long as you ever can." - Wesley |
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RideAHarley Seaman Recruit
Joined: 11 Aug 2004 Posts: 48 Location: Arizona
Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 7:04 pm Post subject: Conspiracy ? |
I'm not saying there is (or is not) a conspiracy against Unfit, but.. it just seems awful suspicious that B/N (one of the biggest in the country) can not get the book and/or doesn't seem to really care (and believe me, the B/N stores I have been in, THEY COULD CARE LESS.
For anyone to think that the head (heads) of some companies can not, or would not try to squelch a book that goes against who they want to be president of the United States is as BOR says, "living in the land of oz". (remember Enron, Worldcom, Global Crossing.. AND, did you already forget what Martha S. did for a buck ?).
If they did want to squelch a book it would be very easy for them to do so. Since the publisher has to eat any books that don't sell, NOT B/N. And since B/N ships from a central corporate warehouse (as stated by the manager I talked to) all that would have to be done is for ONE phone call from the top to the warehouse to sit on or slow down the orders.
Now, since heads of large corporations like the CEO of Progressive Insurance gave over $15,000,000.00 to MoveOn.org, and the head of one of the big private universities in Arizona gave over $12,000,000.00 and Jane Fonda gave over $13,000,000.00 (you do remember that Ted Turner is a FLAMING Liberal and head of the largest communications companies in the world (divorced or not, they are still both out for the same cause), and.. not to forget the mother of all liberals, G. Soros's started Moveon.org with his $18,000,000.00. There are many more like them that only gave in the hundreds of thousands to million range. So, if you don't think just the above 4, that have donated an accumulated $60,000,000.00 (yes that is millions) would do anything (ANYTHING) to put a stop to a small group like the Swift Vets.. you are dead wrong.
Even in politics there is a demand for a "return on investment" and I would say that an investment of close to 60 million dollars to defeat Bush from just 4 people would demand a very LARGE return on their investment. Even the small fish that only gave $100,000 to $1,000,000 can pick up a phone and talk to just about anyone they want (probably on a private number), including Kerry, any time they want, or have we forgotten Clinton's - Lincoln Bedroom Hotel - so soon. Even the Chi-Coms stayed there and they got a lot more in return than the price of the room (like top secret missle guidance systems). Or have we forgotten the Mark Rich pardon, one of the most wanted man in America, now scott free. Or, OR.. Postal Al Gore at the Buddhist Monk Fund Raiser in California (Buddhist Monks are sworn to poverty you know) walking off with a cool $300,000.00 after lunch (oh, thats right I forgot, Al just happened to go get another glass of iced tea at the time someone slipped his top aid the 300 grand) or was that Wyn Ho Lee in disguise. ?
Money buys influence people. And $60,000,000.00 (don't forget, this is from just 4 people) buys a lot more than that, especially when there are NO deductions for it. If you don't think these numbers are real, visit these sites..
Click Here for Open Secrets.org
Click Here for The Center for Public Integrity
How much wealth does it take to donate $15 to $20,000,000.00 per, and, do you think they would let a little bump in the road (as they probably consider the Swift Vets) get in the way of their mission after investing all those millions in their efforts.
This might sound far fetched, but if you don't think this "could" happen, You Sirs are living in the land of Oz !!
Semper Fi
RideAHarley.com - Prescott, Arizona[/b] |
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expectingrain Seaman Recruit
Joined: 27 Aug 2004 Posts: 4
Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 1:09 am Post subject: |
You said you would agree that 99% of bookstores were genuinely out of stock. With 1% left, thats not much of a conspiracy.
And nobody should trust any cable news network over the average newspaper. Cable news breeds misunderstanding by its very soundbyte nature. I couldn't count the number of times I read a newspaper article complete with multiple angles showing the depth of the issue, only to see cable news condense the story beyond recognition and leave out key supplemental details.
One of the major problems with American culture is that we are obsessed with maximizing our time. We like our food fast, and our news even faster. We don't want to have to actually think about both sides of an issue, but rather get our news pre-package with our concieved slant built right in—CNN or FOX, you're just seeing what you want to see.
This of course is not to say that TV doesn't have its place and is always skewing stories, but its main concern is "breaking" the story, not giving balanced coverage.
And I'm sure I'm going to hear retorts about the liberal bias of newspapers like the nytimes and washington post and so forth. Yes, there will be biases anywhere you go for news, but at least with a newspaper there are editors and fact checkers who force writers to cover the different angles of the story. Who do you think is telling Bill O'Rielly that he isn't being fair?
But there isn't time for newspapers anymore. Hell there isn't much time for reading in general. Maybe the reason bookstores are left leaning is because its filled with people who aren't being inundated by the innaccuracy and fear of television.
Let's see you defend the idiot-box, the bane of western civilization, the destroyer of minds and purveyor of fear. TV is the reason why over half the nation wont vote in the next election. |
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markasass Lt.Jg.
Joined: 22 Aug 2004 Posts: 131
Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 2:18 am Post subject: |
Quote: | You said you would agree that 99% of bookstores were genuinely out of stock. With 1% left, thats not much of a conspiracy. |
If you read MY posts, I thought we were discussing My Life, the bias of Bezos's Amazon re: Unfit for Command policy, and the unfair-and-unbalanced treatment of conservative books by the "old" Leftstream Media, publishing houses, and bookstores?
Quote: | And nobody should trust any cable news network over the average newspaper. |
I would trust C-SPAN over the "old gray lady" any day of the week. Since most liberal papers mimic Raines, Blair, & Co., I would even prefer Fox News over most local newspapers. I can't count the number of times that a cable news network covered, in however brief a "soundbite", an important subject, which had been completely ignored by the NYT et al, "buried on Page 17", or completely misrepresented or distorted deliberately. See the WaPo's "not-to-scale" portrayal of Kerry's rescue of Rassman. This was premeditatively fraudulent and incomplete. It was not an accident that Kerry's boat was deliberately portrayed at not having fled the scene, leaving behind his "band of brothers", so far down the river. And you can't tell me "editors" and "fact checkers" have not been asleep at the switch, what with letting frauds off-the-hook because of political-correctness and partisan leanings. You cannot tell me, with a straight face, that the "old" Leftstream Media have covered Kerry's fraudulent portrayal of service with the same rigor they did GWB's service in the ANG. C'mon. Be serious.
Quote: | One of the major problems with American culture is that we are obsessed with maximizing our time. |
This may describe some, maybe even a majority of the population, but it does not accurately portray the many of us whom are voracious readers of books, webzines, and blogs.
Quote: | Who do you think is telling Bill O'Rielly that he isn't being fair? |
His Premium Members is who. After BOR compared the Swiftees with Michael "Mr. Creosote, would you like a wafer-thin mint?" Moore, his PMers have engaged in a relentless attack on his Feedback Zone. As a consequence, he is having John O'Neill on "The O'Reilly Factor" tomorrow night. This is "the folks" doing fact-checking and editorializing, not some limousine liberal discussing events with fellow self-described elitist, cosmopolitan, sophisticates.
Quote: | Maybe the reason bookstores are left leaning |
At least you've finally conceded my point.
Quote: | Let's see you defend the idiot-box, the bane of western civilization, the destroyer of minds |
I'll NEVER defend the idiot-box. I concur 100% that in many ways it is the bane of Western Civilization. I hardly watch it, except in a tiny corner of my computer monitor, and then it's usually only C-SPAN / C-SPAN 2, Fox News, Discovery, History, National Geographic, and sports.
Consequently, we can end our debate on a point we both agree on. _________________
"Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. To all the people you can. As long as you ever can." - Wesley |
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markasass Lt.Jg.
Joined: 22 Aug 2004 Posts: 131
Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 3:05 am Post subject: |
Quote: | The campaign source said that the book was not considered a "serious" problem for the campaign, because, "the media wouldn't have the nerve to come at us with this kind of stuff," says the source. "The senior staff believes the media is committed to seeing us win this thing, and that the convention inoculated us from these kinds of stories. The senior guys really think we don't have a problem here." |
The "media" being spoken of is the "old" Leftstream Media. Does anyone seriously believe the "old" Leftstream Media is fair-and-balanced, unbiased, non-partisan, objective, and an exerciser of journalistic professionalism and integrity? Obviously, the members of the Kerry Kool-Aid Kamp aka the K-K-K and his merry "Band of Brownshirts" don't believe so, otherwise they would be fearing a "Woodward & Bernstein" type of investigation. The arrogance of these microcephalic limousine-liberal elitists makes me want to vomit. _________________
"Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. To all the people you can. As long as you ever can." - Wesley |
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Lucky Dog Seaman Recruit
Joined: 10 Aug 2004 Posts: 2 Location: Baltimore, MD
Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 9:54 pm Post subject: Barnes & Noble in Maryland |
I have always been a fan of B&N until the UFC fiasco. Twice in the past week I have gone into three of the stores here in Baltimore to check the NYT Best-seller racks. In every case UFC was missing. But I was able to find several copies in the military non-fiction stacks each time! When I asked about the reason, I was told that they didn't know it was #1! Can you believe it? I don't, either. |
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kmf Seaman Recruit
Joined: 25 Aug 2004 Posts: 23
Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 4:04 am Post subject: |
Barnes and Noble can either be the worst place to get a book or the best place. It all depends on the store.
I am also in MA and I have been to several stores and have found very little parity between them. Even though they are a franchise they do not all carry the same inventory.
I bought my copy from Amazon and had it in 3 or 4 days. |
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markasass Lt.Jg.
Joined: 22 Aug 2004 Posts: 131
Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 6:48 am Post subject: |
It sure DOES seem to depend on the store. I had ordered originally from Amazon, but after they decided to implement their biased change of policy, allowing ad hominem reviews against ONLY Unfit for Command, and indicated they wouldn't be shipping Unfit for Command for a couple of months, I ordered from B & N and received Unfit for Command just three days after ordering. _________________
"Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. To all the people you can. As long as you ever can." - Wesley |
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Joined: 08 Aug 2004 Posts: 288 Location: Oklahoma City
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 5:14 pm Post subject: |
Quote: | When it looks like a business, acts like a business, and sells like a business, it would be irrational to think it's a political party. |
ABC looks like a business, acts like a business, and sells like a business
NBC looks like a business, acts like a business, and sells like a business
CBS looks like a business, acts like a business, and sells like a business
NYT looks like a business, acts like a business, and sells like a business
Boston Globe looks like a business, acts like a business, and sells like a business
Washington Post looks like a business, acts like a business, and sells like a business
CNN looks like a business, acts like a business, and sells like a business
B&N looks like a business, acts like a business, and sells like a business
Shall I go on? _________________ Remember United Flight 93, "Are you guys ready? Let's roll."
Duty Honor Country |
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Tilly Seaman Apprentice
Joined: 12 Aug 2004 Posts: 97
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 8:34 pm Post subject: |
Well, got my third copy from Amazon dot com, and went to donate it to our local library. The library has gotten the book, but accepted the donation.
Costo got their second shipment in, and the stack's smaller today than yesterday.
I also dropped by Barnes and Noble ... still no copies available! |
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Steve Z Rear Admiral
Joined: 20 Aug 2004 Posts: 687 Location: West Hartford CT
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 1:56 pm Post subject: UFC Book Availability |
I don't really know whether Barnes&Noble is trying not to sell "Unfit for Command" for political reasons, or whether it is a question of supply and demand, or poor distribution.
I had to go to a bookstore to buy a required book for my son's literature class in school, and found 60 unsold copies of "Unfit for Command" (discounted to $19.50) at the Barnes & Noble store in West Hartford, CT.
This may be only anecdotal evidence, but I suspect that UFC sells VERY well in "red" (Bush) states, moderately well in swing states, and poorly in "blue" (Gore/Kerry) states.
If any of you are struggling with shipping delays in getting UFC books to your friends before the election, send me 20 bucks and your address and I'll get them to you via the US Postal Service! (Postage will probably cost me more than 50 cents, but the difference will be a donation to the cause!)
My address: Steven Zell, 152 Ballard Drive, West Hartford CT 06119. _________________ The traitor will crater! |
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markasass Lt.Jg.
Joined: 22 Aug 2004 Posts: 131
Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 11:44 am Post subject: |
BC wrote: | Quote: | When it looks like a business, acts like a business, and sells like a business, it would be irrational to think it's a political party. |
ABC looks like a business, acts like a business, and sells like a business
NBC looks like a business, acts like a business, and sells like a business
CBS looks like a business, acts like a business, and sells like a business
NYT looks like a business, acts like a business, and sells like a business
Boston Globe looks like a business, acts like a business, and sells like a business
Washington Post looks like a business, acts like a business, and sells like a business
CNN looks like a business, acts like a business, and sells like a business
B&N looks like a business, acts like a business, and sells like a business
Shall I go on? |
Bravo! Well said! I haven't seen our old friend "expectingrain" around for a while. Maybe his expectation has been fulfilled and he's battling Ivan the Terrible? _________________
"Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. To all the people you can. As long as you ever can." - Wesley |
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