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Another day, another beheading

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Frank B

Joined: 10 Aug 2004
Posts: 58
Location: Montana

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 9:46 pm    Post subject: Another day, another beheading Reply with quote

Once again, the revolting, barbaric act of a beheading of one of our citizens has occurred in Iraq. The perpetrators who do this to humans are not humane or HUMAN.....they are nothing but heartless butchers totally devoid of conscience, feeling or mercy.

If there is one thing certain we have all come to learn about the Internet is that the common folk, the pajama crowd, now has a voice like no other before. With that in mind, it's about time that our voices be heard in the media, by our government and the Islamic governments who claim to be our friends, that we can no longer sit by and watch these vermin take lives in such a barbaric fashion while nothing, absolutely nothing, is being done to stop it. Token condemnation by Islamic government officials is being mouthed while they watch the murders on Al Jazeera as they sip their tea and send more money to the terrorists.

I will be emailing my Senator and Congressman, the Saudi, Kuwaiti, Jordan and Egyptian governments to express my revulsion over these continued beheadings and demand they all take action and use their considerable influence in the Islamic world to stop them. We all need to demand that our government consider sanctions, blockades and seizure of funds to get the attention of those Islamic governments who are just giving lip service to the fight against terrorism. Wherever possible, we have to boycott anything associated with Islamic governments or businesses in this country, including motels, hotels, casinos, etc., until we see some positive action on their part.

Something has to be done about this barbarism and we need to kick this around here and at other websites to how best to accomplish this. All comments welcome....
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 10:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Please post your comments to the duplicate thread here:



Bye bye, Boston Straggler!
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