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How the Liberal Press Doomed the Left

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Adrian Spidle
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 7:21 pm    Post subject: How the Liberal Press Doomed the Left Reply with quote

How the Liberal Press doomed the Left - COMPETENT AMERICANS Part 2

The meltdown of Dan Rather and CBS is only the latest indication of this historical truth. Here’s a crazy wild-assed prediction: CBS will come over to the Right side and compete with FOX rather than ABC, NBC and CNN. It makes perfect sense doesn’t it? They’re last and sinking fast versus ABC and NBC and they are in serious legal jeopardy as a result of Rathergate.

As a more Republican-friendly network they would probably turn around and actually grow as well as buying some legal protection by punishing the Rathergate perpetrators and facilitating the uncovering of the Rathergate Kerry/DNC connection.

Now I’ll address the main reason that the practitioners of the Proletarian Ideology are about to disappear from the screen of significant political movements in the United States. The root cause of this phenomenon is the inability of the leftist intelligentsia to incorporate corrective feedback from past policy initiatives into new policy proposals.

In other words, they are blinded by their ideology and can’t see what the real world could teach them about their noble sounding ideas. In other words, as smart and highly “educated” as they may be – They can’t tell their asses from their elbows.

The elite media has always helped perpetuate this fatal flaw by denying them the knowledge of the real world effects of their schemes by refusing to cover any instances that might contradict their prejudices.

It is as if the point soldiers on a patrol would only tell their sergeant what they think he wants to hear. In war, this foolishness will get you killed pretty quickly. In politics it takes a little longer to pay the inevitable price of your self-selected blindness.

From its inception, the American experiment was a step forward in the evolution of human affairs. The eighteenth century monarchy of England was the most successful and HIGHLY EVOLVED nation on the face of the Earth and, in my humble opinion, represented the culmination of human cultural evolution to that time.

From that powerful cultural base, the Founding Fathers produced a Constitutional Democracy, designed from scratch by courageous and truly educated men to take advantage of the best aspects of human governance that had preceded them in the prior 2500 years or so.

This nation was designed from the beginning to be self correcting so that mistakes would be noticed and corrected shortly after they occurred. It was the takeover of the Academy and the Elite Media by practitioners of Proletarian Ideology that broke the self correcting feedback loop that a truly independent or balanced press had been at the center of.

In other words, our society was deprived of the data that made self correction possible.

To be continued -

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Patriotic Mom
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2004 1:40 am    Post subject: But How do we ensure the correct data? Reply with quote

You wrote: In other words, our society was deprived of the data that made self correction possible.

I agree with your hypothesis, but how do we ensure that the data will be available to all reasonable Americans? Even though we take enormous pleasure from the C-BS meltdown, there are reams of leftists within the rest of the media and academia to deal with.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2004 3:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I also agree with most of what you wrote, but am much more cynical about their ability to change their stripes.

"In other words, they are blinded by their ideology and can’t see what the real world could teach them about their noble sounding ideas. In other words, as smart and highly “educated” as they may be – They can’t tell their asses from their elbows"

My dad, USAF during Korea, had a term for them, "Educated Idiots." They are so immersed in their book learning that they have no common sense and no idea as to how to apply (or reject) what they have learned to real world situations. And they have no learning mechanism for understanding what common sense is unless it bites them on the nose.

While I really want our country to remember the common sense of the ages, I don't have a lot of hope that things will turn around at this point. Sadly, things haven't gotten bad enough yet for a large body of the population to know and understand what real hardship is, as opposed to what their perception of hardship is. They have no concept of what real freedom is because they've never had to fight for it, defend it, or do without it, so it means nothing to them other than it gives them the opportunity to be as hateful and odious as they please without reprecussion.

I guess my hope is that you are right and I am proven wrong. My fear is that I'm right, and things are going to have to get worse, much worse, before the liberal left wakes up and smells the stench that they have helped create.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2004 5:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Could be possible, Rush was talking about the chief exec at Viacom saying they were backing Bush because the Republican Party was good for Viacom. It makes great business sense, maybe use Hannity as the newsanchor.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2004 7:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

We seen a revolution these last few weeks. In a matter of hours a bunch of ordinary people who have no forensics background and no government position alerted to world to the fradulant nature of the memos and the man who said that experts had determined that they were authentic. This revolution was about more than memos, technology, and fradulant broadcasters. It was about giving power to the people, and nothing can take that power away as long as the internet continues to function.

Do we need data to fine-tune our government? It's on the internet. Do we need informaion about communitity events. It's on the the internet. Do we need weather informaion? It's on the internet. Do we want to know who the latest political crook is? It's on the internet. Granted, there is much misinformation on the internet, and we need to learn to filter out the inappropiate noise, but we're learning to do that, as evidenced by the success with the memo frauds. c-BS can do what they want to try and recover viewship, but for many people the televised newscast is becoming irrelevant.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2004 8:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

buffman wrote:
Could be possible, Rush was talking about the chief exec at Viacom saying they were backing Bush because the Republican Party was good for Viacom. It makes great business sense, maybe use Hannity as the newsanchor.

If the chief executive at Viacom is voting for Bush 'cause it's good for his company, why wouldn't he also be good for other businesses? (bill Gates is a Bush guy and so are several other big computer bosses...and that Jack Welch (?) - formerly of GE ) What does that tell people??????

If he is good for Viacom, why wouldn't he be good for the whole country?

He IS! The chief executive at Viacom isn't gonna trust his company to KERRY !!!! That's big news......
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2004 1:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

jimlarsen wrote:
We seen a revolution these last few weeks. In a matter of hours a bunch of ordinary people who have no forensics background and no government position alerted to world to the fraudulent nature of the memos and the man who said that experts had determined that they were authentic. This revolution was about more than memos, technology, and fraudulent broadcasters. It was about giving power to the people, and nothing can take that power away as long as the INTERNET continues to function.

Do we need data to fine-tune our government? It's on the INTERNET. Do we need information about community events. It's on the the INTERNET. Do we need weather information? It's on the INTERNET. Do we want to know who the latest political crook is? It's on the INTERNET. Granted, there is much misinformation on the INTERNET, and we need to learn to filter out the inappropriate noise, but we're learning to do that, as evidenced by the success with the memo frauds. c-BS can do what they want to try and recover viewship, but for many people the televised newscast is becoming irrelevant.

This is frigging prophetic. You are soo right here. The Mainstream Media no longer gate keeps what we see, and the internet is one reason, Fox news being independent of the other media opinions is another, albiet lesser reason. The internet is the future and the interface between information, politics, polling, and citizen involvement will evolve in the next ten years beyond what we can comprehend. That is for sure. Also for sure is that the infromation sources of 20 years ago, CBS, NBC, ABC, and their editors and anchormen, and the newspapers and their writers are nothing but a nostalgic moment in history.
I'ts over Danny boy, NYT, MSM, network news...
It is a new day, and truth will prevail on a new medium, and thank god.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2004 3:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A Kerry administration would look to put some kind of controls on the internet, something to squelch the criticism.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2004 9:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

buffman wrote:
A Kerry administration would look to put some kind of controls on the internet, something to squelch the criticism.

No kidding, and what else would they squelch?
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2004 9:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

doll wrote:
buffman wrote:
A Kerry administration would look to put some kind of controls on the internet, something to squelch the criticism.

No kidding, and what else would they squelch?

It would never happen, the internet is so vast and so ...hmm how should I put this .....screwed up! Shocked that they would never be able to do it. Look at how many times they have talked about "regualating the internet" Laughing Only to realize that the only way they could do it would be to rebuild it from scratch! And that pretty much shoots it down.

Nope I'm afraid the genie is out of the bottle and there's no way to put it back Mr. Green
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 10:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A couple of insightful reads are:

Shut up and Sing by Laura Ingraham


article by Dennis Prager:

I'm a Texan, and no one has ever accused me of speaking English.
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