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PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 1:00 pm    Post subject: DEZINFORMATSIA Reply with quote

This week's dual "Circling the Wagons" Awards: "I think the attack on CBS is an attack on mainstream media, an attack on the so-called 'liberal media'." --ABC's Peter Jennings ++ "What I think is highly inappropriate is what's going on across the Internet, a kind of political jihad against Dan Rather and CBS News that is quite outrageous." --Tom Brokaw

From the Leftmedia Psychosis Files: "John Kerry is in trouble because the Bush campaign has seized control of what psychologists call the 'frame' of this year's presidential contest. Bush, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, and company have framed the election starkly: Bush will keep us safe in a time of terror. He will put money in people's pockets by cutting our taxes, and somehow that will also be good for the economy." --Robert Kuttner, Boston Globe **Memo to Robert: Money in people's pockets IS good for the economy.

From the "Fifth Columnists of the Fourth Estate": "If George W. Bush is re-elected, we will have war without end. We never should have invaded Iraq. It will be a long time before we get our honor back. ... If Bush is re-elected, the draft will be reinstated, Social Security will be nearly eliminated, and there'll be more tax cuts for the rich." --Helen Thomas, evidently of the lurid belief that Bush's re-election would signal the return of the plagues

This week's "Propagandum Magnum" Award: "Nearly nine out of ten French people would back John Kerry if they could vote in the U.S. election, according to an opinion poll on Friday which showed deep distrust of President Bush since the Iraq war. The poll, published after Kerry and Bush battled over Iraq in a television debate, came as no surprise in the country which led opposition to the U.S.-led war..." --Reuters "news" service.

This week's "Keen Sense of the Obvious" Award: "Court: Don't drive drunk on frozen lakes" --Associated Press headline in Alaska
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