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Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 2:17 pm Post subject: TO:ALL CONCERNED AMERICANS |
Forward this to all your lists
Many of you felt the same need to barf that I did when I heard "Hanoi John" Kerry on TV say,"I would never lie to the American People". Kerry is a genetic, compulsive pathological liar who could not tell the truth about anything even if his life (Or campaign) depended on it. He has lied so many times about so many things he cannot even remember what the truth might have been!
In 1992, Kerry was the chairman of the Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA. He vowed to get the answers to the families andthe American people. In reality, his cousin Stewart Forbes had the commercial real estate franchise for all of Vietnam sewn upand large corporations seeking to do business in Nam were secretly lining John Kerry's pockets. Normalization of trade anddiplomatic status could not occur until the POW/MIA Issue was Resolved"(Read-terminated with extreme prejudice, swept under the rug for good). Kerry was the same "Fixer" as chairman of the committee that determined that the CIA never dealt in drugs in Central and South America (Please!)
The article below is a CYA document filed by a US Govt employee who is also a lawyer.
There was a particular document presented before the committee which was and is very highly classified. Suffice to say it proved the existence of live American POW/MIAs in Laos and Vietnam at the time(1992). This was something that Kerry and McCain simply did not want to ever see the light of day so they ordered all copies shredded. The memorandum is directed to the ViceChairman of the committee, Sen Bob Smith who did want to find info on Americans and get it to the families. Smith was the only good guy on the committee; the rest were all shills and Hanoi-lovers.
The attorney(Codhina) mentioned in the memorandum is from Boston and has kept Kerry out of jail on numerous occasions. Kerry has directed many lucrative jobs to Codhina including the one of Chief Legal Counsel for the committee. Codhina once threatened me with jail if I did not submit my income tax returns for the last 20 years to him. I told him to go to hell.Codhina and Kerry are equally beholden to each other in the same manner as LBJ and his Austin Lawyer from the 40's and 50'swho fixed the 1948 election and made monthly payments to his mistress and illegitimate son. Nothing like a good crooked lawyer when you need one.
From his anti-war days with Jane Fonda to his "Spiking" of the POW/MIA Issue, and even right up until today, Kerry has been afaithful servant of the communist rulers of North Vietnam in Hanoi. The war crimes museum has several pictures of Kerry, they are so enamored of him. There was a bill in the congress that was voted 435-0 in the House to make Hanoi respond to demands for human rights. Kerry killed it in the Senate.
Kerry has consistently voted against defense bills and pay raises for the military and more funding for VA hospitals. His
abandonment and betrayal of the POW/MIAs in Vietnam is in keeping with his hatred of the military and the lining of his pockets.If he becomes president, woe be the men and women in harm's way in Iraq. Kerry will no more care for them than he did thePOW/MIAs left behind in Vietnam.
This is one of several documents, and unlike the bogus National Guard documents on CBS, these are real and can be verified. The first paragraph is from one memo and the body is from another. Please read them and pass them on, especially to some idiot who has been sucked in by Kerry's BS and is considering voting for him.
Vice Chairman, Senate Select Committee on Prisoners of War and Missing in Action
From: John F. McCreary
Subject:Legal Misconduct and Possible Malpractice in the Select Committee
1. As a member of the Virginia State Bar, I am obliged by Disciplinary Rule DR-1-103(a) to report knowledge of misconduct by anattorney "To a tribunal or other authority empowered to investigate or act act upon such violations". Under Rule IV, Paragraph 13,of the rules for theintegration of the Virginia Sate Bar, this obligation follows me as a member of the Bar, regardless of the location of myemployment, for as long as I remain a member of the Virginia State Bar. Therefore, I am obliged, as a matter of law and under painof discipline by the Virginia State Bar, to report to you my knowledge of misconduct and possible prima face malpractice by attorneys on the Select Committee in ordering the destruction of Staff Documents containing Staff Intelligence Findings on 9 April1992 and in statements in meetings on 15 and 16 April to justify the destruction.
Body of the May 3rd, 1992 Document:
1. Continuing analysis of relevant laws and further review of the events between 8 April and 16 April 1992 connected with thedestruction of the investigators' intelligence briefing text strongly indicate that the order to destroy all copies of that briefing text on9 April and the actual destruction of copies of the briefing texts plus the purging of computer files might constitute violations ofTitle 18 USC, Section 2071, which imposes criminal penalties for unlawful document destruction. Even absent a finding of criminal misconduct, statements, actions, and failures to act by the senior Staff Attorneys following the 9 April briefing might constitute serious breaches of ethical standards of conduct for attorneys., in additioin to violations of Senate and Select Committee Rules.The potential consequences of these possible misdeeds are such that they should be brought to the attention of all members ofthe Select Committee, plus all designees and Staff members who were present at the 9 April Briefing.
2. The relevant section of Title 18, USC, states in pertinent part:Section 2071. Concealment, removal, or mutilation
generally(a)Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, withintent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document or other thing, filed or deposited withany clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with nay judicial or public officer of the UnitedStates, shall be fined not more than $2,000 or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.(June 25, 1948, ch.645, 62 Stat.795)
3. The facts as the undersigned and others present at the briefing recall them are presented in the attached Memorandum forRecord. A summary of those facts and others that have been established since that Memorandum was written follows.
a. On 8 April 1992, the investigators' intelligence Briefing Text was presented to Senior Staff members and designees for whomcopies were available prior to beginning the briefing. Objections to the text by the Designees prompted the Staff Director to orderall persons present to leave their copies of the briefing text in room SRB-78. Subsequent events indicated that two copies hadbeen removed without authorization.
b. On 9 April 1992, at the beginning of the meeting of the Select Committee and prior to the scheduled investigators' briefing,Senator McCain produced a copy of the Intelligence brieifing text, with whose contents he strongly disagreed. He charged that thebriefing text had already been leaked to POW/MIA activist, but was assured by the Chairman that such was not the case. Hereplied that he was certain it would be leaked. Wherupon, the Chairman(Kerry)assured Senator MCCain that there would be noleaks because all copies would be gathered and destroyed, and he gave orders to that effect. No senior staff member or attorneypresent cutioned against a possible violation of Title 18, USC, Section 2071, or of Senate or Select Committee Rules.
c. Following the briefing on 9 April, the Staff Director, Ms Frances Zwenig(Also an attorney and now working for the US-VietnamTrade Council)restated to the intelligence investigators the order to destroy the intelligence briefing text and took measures toensure execution of the destruction order.(See paragraph 3 of the attachment). During one telephone conversation with theundersigned, she stated that she was "Acting under orders".
d. The undersigned also was instructed to delete all computer files, which Mr. Barry Valentine witnessed on 9 April.
e. In a meeting on 15 April 1992,the Staff's Chief Counsel, J. William Codinha, was advised by intelligence investigators of theirconcerns about the possibility that they had committed a crime by participating in the destruction of the briefing text. Mr. Codinhaminimized the significance of the documents and of their destruction. He admonished the investigators for "Making a mountain outof a molehill".
f. When investigators repeated their concern that the order to destroy the documents might lead to criminal charges, Mr. Codinhareplied, "Who's the injured party?" He was told, the 2,494 families of the unaccounted for US Servicemen, among others". MrCodinha then said,"Who's gonna tell them; it's classified". At that point, the meeting erupted. The undersigned stated that themeasure of merit was the law and what's right, not avoidance of getting caught. To which Mr. Codhina made no reply. At no timeduring the meeting did Mr. Codinha give any indication that any copies of the intelligence briefing text existed.
g. Investigators therupon, repeatedly requested actions by the committee to clear them of any wrongdoing, such as provision oflegal counsel. Mr. Codinha admitted that he was not familiar with the law and promised to look into it. He invited a memorandumfrom the investigators stating what they wanted. Given Mr. Codinha's statements and reactions to the possibility of criminal liability, the investigators concluded they must request appointment of an independent counsel. A memorandum making such arequest and signed by all six intelligence investigators was delivered to Mr. Codinha on 16 April.
h.. At 2130 on 16 April, the Chairman of the Senate Select Committee(Kerry) convened a meeting witht he intelligence
investigators, who told him personally of their concern that they might have committed a crime by participating in the destructionof the briefing texts at the order of the Staff Director(Ms Zwenig) SENATOR KERRY STATED THAT HE GAVE THE ORDER TODESTROY THE DOCUMENTS, NOT THE STAFF DIRECTOR and that none of the Senators present at the meeting hadobjected(Usually just 2 Senators present out of 12).He also stated that the issue of document destruction was "Moot" because the original briefing text had been deposited with theOffice of Senate Security "All along". Both the Staff Director and the Chief Counsel supported this assertion by the Chairman.
i. Senator kerry's remarks prompted follow-up investigations(See paragraphs 4-9 of the attachment)((Classified)) and inquiries thatestablished that a copy of the text was not deposited in the Office of Senate Security until the afternoon of 16 April. The Staff Director has admitted that on the afternoon of 16 April, after receiving a memorandum from Senator Smith to Senator Kerry inwhich Senator Smith outlined his concerns about the destruction of documents, she obtained a copy of the intelligence briefingtext from the office of Senator McCain and took it to the Office of Senate Security. The access log maintained by the Office ofSenate Security establishes that at 1307 EDT on 16 April the Staff Director entered the Office of Senate Security. Office ofSenate Security personnel confirmed that the Staff Director gave them an envelope, marked "Eyes Only", to be placed in her personal file. The Staff Director has admitted that the envelope contained the copy of the intelligence briefing text that she had obtained from the office of senator Mccain.
3. The facts of the destruction of the intelligence brieifing text would seem to fall inside the prescriptions of the statute, Title 18USC, Section 2071, so as to justify their referral for investigation to a competent law enforcement authority. The applicability of that statute was debated in United States vs Poindexter(Admiral), DDC 1989, 725F, Supp13, in connection with the Iran-Contra Investigation. The District Court ruled, inter alia, that the National Security Council is a public office within the meaning of the statute and, thus, that its records and documents fell within the protection of the Statute. In light of that ruling, the Statute would seem to apply to this Senate Select Committee and its staff. The continued existence of a "Bootleg" copy of the intelligence briefing text-ie, a copy that is not one of those made by the investigators for the purpose of briefing the Select Committee-wouldseem to be irrelevant to the issues of intent to destroy and willfullness:as well as to the issue of responsibility for the order todestroy all copies of the briefing text, for the attempt to carry out that order, and for the destruction that actually was
accomplished in execution of that order.
4. As for the issue of misconduct by Staff Attorneys, all members of the Bar swear to uphold the law. That oath may be violated byacts of omission and commission. Even without a violation of the Federal criminal Statute, the actions and failures to act by senior Staff Attorneys in the sequence of events connected with the destruction of the brieifing text might constitute violations of ethicalstandards for members of the Bar and of both Senate and Select Committee Rules. The statements, actions and failures to actduring and after the meeting on 15 April, when the investigators gave notice of their concern about possible criminal liability fordocument destruction, would seem to reflect disregard for the law and for the rules of the United states Senate.
-John F. McCreary
Attachment: a/s
--------------------------------------- End of Document ------------------------
http://www.nationalalliance.org/mccreary/ |
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one more captins mast LCDR
Joined: 10 Aug 2004 Posts: 438 Location: Texas
Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 3:25 pm Post subject: Kerry's answer. |
I, found the MIA's before I lost them. _________________ the strange mr aj |
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Geano Lieutenant
Joined: 28 Aug 2004 Posts: 237 Location: Kentucky
Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 5:03 pm Post subject: To all concerned Americans |
Re: Staff Director Frances Zwenig
From Postumber 2....she is referenced again in Post Number 6
Quote: | Relating to the MIA/POW committee: Kerry as chairman was supposed to make sure certain documents were shredded to protect a couple of informants among other things. He apparently delegated that job to Frances Zwenig, an attorney and his Chief of Staff, who was also attached to the committee…copies of the documents wound up in places they shouldn’t have…scapegoat a the time at least is Ms. Zwenig.
As far as I know, this is where she is today:
Frances Zwenig
US-ASEAN Business Council
Tel (202) 289-1911 x 242
Fax (202) 289-0519
email: fzwenig@usasean.org
http://www.usvtc.org/People/Clinton/ct_report.htm |
Excerpts from the memos at
Memos of John F. McCreary April 27, 1992
Memorandum for: Vice Chairman, Senate Select Committee on Prisoners of War and Missing in Action
From: John F. McCreary
Subject: Legal Misconduct and Possible Malpractice in the Select Committee
d. On 16 April, the Chairman of the Senate Select Committee, Senator John Kerry, stated that he gave the order to destroy "extraneous copies of the documents" and that no one objected. Moreover, he stated that the issue was "moot" because the original remained in the Office of Senate Security "all along."
e. I subsequently learned that the Staff Director had deposited a copy of the intelligence briefing text in the Office of Senate Security at 1307 on 16 April.
3. The foregoing facts establish potentially a prima facie violation of criminal law and a pattern of violations of legal ethics by attorneys in acts of commission and omission.
4. I believe that the foregoing facts establish a pattern of grave legal misconduct - possibly including orders to commit a crime, followed by acts to justify and then to cover-up that crime. Even absent criminal liability, the behavioral pattern of the attorneys involved plays fast and loose with the Canons of Legal Ethics and establishes that one or more of the attorneys on the Select Committee are unfit to practice law. I am obliged to recommend that this report be filed with the appropriate disciplinary authorities of the State Bars in which these attorneys are members.
John F. McCreary, Esquire
May 3, 1992
Memorandum for:
Vice Chairman, Senate Select Committee on Prisoners of War and Missing in Action
From: John F. McCreary
Possible Violations of Title 18, U.S.C., Section 2071, by the Select Committee and Possible Ethical Misconduct by Staff Attorneys.
4. As for the issue of misconduct by Staff attorneys, all member of the Bar swear to uphold the law. That oath may be violated by acts of omission and commission. Even without a violation of the Federal criminal statute, the actions and failures to act by senior Staff attorneys in the sequence of events connected with the destruction of the briefing text might constitute violations of ethical standards for members of the Bar and of both Senate and Select Committee rules. The statements, actions and failures to act during and after the meeting on 15 April, when the investigators gave notice of their concern about possible criminal liability for document destruction, would seem to reflect disregard for the law and for the rules of the United States Senate.
John F. McCreary
October 30, 1992
Memorandum for the Record
From: John F. McCreary
Subject: Obstruction of the Investigation
9. An internal Department of Defense Memorandum identifies Frances Zwenig as the conduit to the Department of Defense for the acquisition of sensitive and restricted information from this Committee. Based on the above sequences of events, I must conclude that Frances Zwenig continues to leak all of my papers to the Defense Department. Her flagrant disregard of the rules of the Senate and her oath of office are now jeopardizing the livelihood, if not the safety, of Senate witnesses. In addition, the Department of Defense's continuing access to sensitive Committee Staff papers is resulting in obstruction of the investigations by the Senate Select Committee by various agencies of the Executive Branch.
John F. McCreary |
_________________ MSM Lead Nov 3 2004 "Kerry Oval Office Hopes killed by 10,000 Mice..."
Candidate had declared mice "only a nuisance".
States they "moved too Swiftly".... |
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Rdtf CNO
Joined: 13 May 2004 Posts: 2209 Location: BUSHville
Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 6:04 pm Post subject: |
I hope NavyChief sees this post |
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xeniadif Seaman Recruit
Joined: 21 Aug 2004 Posts: 24
Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 12:24 am Post subject: |
This is disgusting...my brother was a Raven in Laos during the war. I do not think any of the Laotian Pows have been returned as far as I know.
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shadowy Commander
Joined: 26 Aug 2004 Posts: 301 Location: St. Louis, MO
Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 1:38 am Post subject: |
Beyond disgusting.
makes me want to vote twice. |
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NavyChief Rear Admiral
Joined: 12 Aug 2004 Posts: 627 Location: Boise, Idaho
Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 5:29 am Post subject: |
oops. I started a different post in another area:
I'm working on it...
- Chief _________________ Working with Senator Kerry four years in the POW/MIA Office left me thinking -- when did the man ever do any work? |
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82nd_Airborne_Dad Seaman Recruit
Joined: 19 Oct 2004 Posts: 19 Location: Laramie, Wyoming
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 11:12 am Post subject: |
shadowy wrote: | Beyond disgusting.
makes me want to vote twice. |
Makes me want to vote twice too . . .
Kerry is a traitor, and so he shall be treated. That is a cry better than the POW's got from him . . . _________________
"The American Paratrooper exists to give the enemy soldier the best chance to die for his country." ~~ General George Patton. |
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