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"Swift-boat chiefs on Farah show"

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 5:13 pm    Post subject: "Swift-boat chiefs on Farah show" Reply with quote

For those who might like to try to tune in, Sirius Radio has a free 3 day trial account that you can sign up for. Click on the "Subscribers can listen FREE" icon to get there. I've already used mine. Crying or Very sad

Swift-boat chiefs on Farah show
1 guest preceded Kerry as commander, the other succeeded him
Posted: July 21, 2004
11:22 a.m. Eastern

© 2004 WorldNetDaily.com

The two men who preceded and succeeded John Kerry as commander of his swift boat in Vietnam will be Joseph Farah's guest today on his nationally syndicated radio talk show.

Both John O'Neill and Tedd Peck will appear simultaneously on the show, the only program to host both veterans together.

O'Neill, an attorney, is head of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, an organization opposing John Kerry's candidacy for president. As WorldNetDaily reported, O'Neill's organization stated last month Kerry was a "loose cannon" in Vietnam and is unfit to be commander in chief.

After Kerry requested an early dismissal from Vietnam, O'Neill took over command of his boat. Peck served in that role before Kerry.

Swift Boat Veterans for Truth includes the entire chain of command above Kerry during his tenure in Southeast Asia, as well as enlisted men.

Peck has criticized Kerry for politicking to receive his first of three Purple Hearts.

You can listen to "Joseph Farah's WorldNetDaily RadioActive" live on more than 80 stations from coast to coast or listen on a live-stream signal on the Internet. The program is broadcast daily from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern. It also is available via the Sirius satellite radio network on the Sirius Patriot channel from 5 to 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. Eastern.

If you would like to know the affiliates closest to your area, here's the e-mail address for inquiries: listeners@radioamerica.org

If you'd like to call in to the show, dial 1-800-510-TALK. Every day, callers who get through and contribute to the program are given free copies of WND Books – including new books and some best sellers.

If you are a radio station general manager or program director interested in the show, here's the e-mail address: gmsandpds@radioamerica.org

Farah is enlisting supporters of his radio show to help it grow and have an even greater impact. Here's how:

  • Listen to the show and get others hooked. There are options available to practically everyone on the planet to hear the show live or on a refeed.

  • If you have a business that could profit from exposure before this well-targeted market of freedom-loving Americans, consider sponsorship of the program. You can email advertising director Jane Silk at jsilk@radioamerica.org or Farah himself at jfarah@wnd.com for rates and information.

  • Make tax-deductible contributions earmarked for Joseph Farah's WorldNetDaily Radioactive. And, a new program allows you to donate merchandise such as cars, trucks, planes, boats, etc., which is turned into cash for the show and a tax-deduction for the donor.

"If you really want the truth to get out, if you really want to spread the message of freedom from coast to coast, if you really want to change the political culture of America, there are innumerable ways to get involved and support the work that is already under way," says Farah.


Last edited by Me#1You#10 on Thu Jul 22, 2004 2:46 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 8:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good interview. Mr. Peck and Mr. ONeil did a good job.

Can't say the same for the host - he does not appear nearly as polished as other talk show hosts I've heard.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 9:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

GoophyDog wrote:
Good interview. Mr. Peck and Mr. ONeil did a good job.

Can't say the same for the host - he does not appear nearly as polished as other talk show hosts I've heard.

Anything revelatory Goophy?
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 10:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Not that hasn't already been mentioned here. Other than Mr. Peck mentioning Kerry coming to visit him in a hospital (?). Kerry was still on active duty and approached him to join VVAW. I found that one enlightening because it supported my own theory that Kerry violated his oath and the UCMJ with his conduct upon returning to the states.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 3:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hannity has the founder of www.vietnamveteransagainstjohnkerry.com on his show, today - just go to hannity.com and click on "listen now" and choose your format. Interesting - and the guest will be back during Boston's convention.

(Also Colin Powell is on this show, which makes it a great one! Smile )
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