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"The ongoing hilarity of Kerry-Edwards campaign"

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 5:47 pm    Post subject: "The ongoing hilarity of Kerry-Edwards campaign" Reply with quote

The ongoing hilarity of Kerry-Edwards campaign
by Les Kinsolving
WorldNetDaily Exclusive Commentary
July 20, 2004


The Times also reports:

Like Mr. Clinton in 1992, Mr. Kerry has recruited a Hollywood director – James Smoll, a documentary-maker recommended to Mr. Kerry by Steven Spielberg – to produce the film introducing him. He has enlisted a cast of characters from his life, from fellow Navy officers who rode Swift boats with him in Vietnam to his wife, to offer testimonials on stage, designed, as one of Mr. Kerry's advisers said, to "deepen their knowledge of John Kerry." Mr. Kerry went off the campaign trail for four days to review a half-dozen proposed acceptance speeches he solicited from various quarters.

Among those I strongly suspect as unsolicited by candidate Kerry were most of those with whom he served in Vietnam – who have organized Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.

Their founder, retired Rear Adm. Roy Hoffman, was contacted by telephone by Sen. Kerry earlier this year. Houston attorney John O'Niell, who debated veteran Kerry, told a May news conference in Washington that Kerry spent 45 minutes on the phone trying to discourage the admiral and a considerable number of other Swift Boat comrades from going public with their united sentiment that Kerry is unfit to be this nation's commander in chief. They deplored Kerry's association with "Hanoi Jane" Fonda; his denunciation of so many of his former comrades, and his throwing medals and ribbons over the Capitol Hill fence.

Will the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth be protesting in Boston? Possibly not. But possibly at the Republican convention, Texas Congressman Sam Johnson, a P.O.W. in the "Hanoi Hilton" will be given a chance to relate how his Vietnamese captors and torturers loudspeakered speeches to all prisoners – speeches made by Jane Fonda and John Kerry.


Les Kinsolving ( lkinsolving@worldnetdaily.com ) hosts a daily talk show for WCBM in Baltimore. His radio commentaries are syndicated nationally. He is White House correspondent for Talk Radio Network and WorldNetDaily. His show can be heard on the Internet at www.wcbm.com 8-10 p.m. Eastern each weekday. Before going into broadcasting, Kinsolving was a newspaper reporter and columnist – twice nominated for the Pulitzer Prize for his commentary.

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