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"Examining The Myths of the Vietnam War"

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 7:21 pm    Post subject: "Examining The Myths of the Vietnam War" Reply with quote

The Dems aren't the only gathering in Boston...

Reality Check for Dems - Examining The Myths of the Vietnam War
Geoff Metcalf
Thursday, July 22, 2004

Notwithstanding the John Kerry posturing about how his veteran status somehow ingratiates him to the veteran community (he served in Vietnam you know?)…the cold reality is, MOST veterans revile Kerry. There is a deep-seated, unbridled antipathy that veterans (and especially Vietnam veterans) hold for the ‘man who would be commander in chief.’

If the mainstream media tries to ignore what will be happening during the week of the DNC, they will have a really hard time denying the liberal/democrat label facts in evidence suggest.
Story Continues Below

Swift Boat Veterans for Truth (www.swiftvets.com) were the first to come out noting their mission “is to provide solid factual information relating to Mr. Kerry’s abbreviated tour of duty as a member of Coastal Division 14 and Coast Division 11.” They added, “Since many who are involved with Swiftvets.com themselves had swift boat duty and knew Kohn Kerry personally, they are in a unique position to provide such information.”
There is a long list of veterans who have signed their name to the organizational mission www.swiftvets.com/index2.htm.

And they are not the Lone Ranger. For at least the past three months Stephen Sherman (the de-facto historian for VN-era Special Forces) has been putting together a conference including a significant list of Vietnam era luminaries.

From July 26th-29th (coincidentally concurrent with the Democratic National Convention in Boston), an unprecedented conference featuring Vietnam veterans who have authored books about the war and other scholars and educators will gather at Boston’s Simmons College, just down the road from the DNC Convention.

Sherman notes, “As Senator John Kerry is about to be nominated for President, in great part based on his Vietnam service, it is important for the American people to understand what ‘Vietnam’ was really about and to dispel some of the common misconceptions about why we went to war, what we did, and what went wrong, and why it mattered.”

Sherman has set up a website with most of the particulars: www.viet-myths.net and he can be reached by e-mail: sherman1@flash.net

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2004 6:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I just became aware that this conference is being streamed...live.

Click here to listen in.

Examining the Myths of the Vietnam War
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Joined: 07 May 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2004 6:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


I wish I could have heard BG Burkett's discussion, yesterday! Wahhhh! Sad

But, thanks for the links - there are other discussions that sound interesting to me, too.

Thank you for passing along the link. Maybe they'll make all the discussions available as feeds or transcripts after it's all done. Smile
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Theresa Alwood
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 3:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I just keep wondering why this is not being reported...but then this week I am boycotting all news sources, including my beloved Fox...as I just can not stand to see all those libs screaming and yelling! It is driving me nuts. Refused to watch Bill O'Reilly with having MM on this show. Just can not abide to see that mans face let alone listen to his mouth. By the end of this week I will be going bonkers from my news withdrawl...but just can not stomach all those liberal attacking us conservative. I just do not want understand how they can critize us but if we do then we are questing their patriostim. Just makes no sense...but then it shouldn't since we are talking about politics.
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