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concernedgranny Seaman
Joined: 17 Sep 2004 Posts: 162 Location: Ohio
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 10:20 pm Post subject: Great fun in Ohio today |
Just wanted to let everyone know how it went for us in Ohio today. Although we never did meet up with SooZQ, myself, husband and Fastrock felt we had a lot of success today. SooZQ, let us know where you guys went. My husband and I went walking dorm to dorm and frat house to frat house. Fastrock walked along with people going to game, handing out flyers. People were pretty responsive. I know from my husband's and my point of view, we were impressed with the honesty of the students. Lots of frat houses with the big Bush/Cheney 04 signs hanging on the outside of them. They were not impressed with the star studded assault on them a couple of weekends ago. These kids are smart and don't like to be taken for granted and know when they are being used. They feel they are being used for an agenda by the political machine. It helped that we have a son in college and related our concern for them by telling them such and how we were upset that the left is going around and using scare tactics and then leave for their hollywood homes and could care less what happens to the college kids after election day. My husband and I had shirts on that said "Concerned College Mom" and "Dad". Even though we think we were the butt of some jokes, it was in a positive manner. One frat house even wanted their picture taken with us to mail to their parents. We feel that from the ones we talked to that they were overwhelmingly supportive of Bush. It was definitely a "target rich" enviroment. There were a lot of parents visiting with their kids before the game so we got to talk to parents too and they thanked us for what we were doing. I think that from what we saw, there were only a few kids, actually two, that had "OSU 4 Kerry" shirts on. Of course, most had game day shirts on, but still, it seemed very positive. Fastrock and us would meet up at 30 min. to 45 min. intervals, and he stated that he thought that Farenhype 911 and Celsius 41:11 were being shown on campus sometime next week. He said he probably handed out over 300 to 400 flyers and we did the same. We did not stay after the game got started as we knew that after the game we would be running into a lot of drinkers and did not want to confront that situation. We hit them before the game.
FastRock handed out flyers with info about the draft on one side and Swiftvets on the other side. We handed out stuff about education and the fact they were not going to lose their grants if they voted Bush. The left has been going around to campuses claiming that if they vote for Bush, they will be drafted and their pell grants will be cut and that Bush is to blame for their high costs of college. So Thursday night, I made the decision to address that issue with the kids, while the others like Fastrock handled the issues like the draft and swiftvets and Vietnam and Kerry's lying. All in all, I think it was positive and can't wait to hear from SooZQ too. Can't wait for next week and see where we go this time. Lots of fun guys and many campuses across the country to hit and especially in the swing states. |
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JannDallas Seaman
Joined: 26 Sep 2004 Posts: 166 Location: Dallas, TX
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 10:24 pm Post subject: |
Great Job. I applaud your efforts. |
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Navy_Navy_Navy Admin
Joined: 07 May 2004 Posts: 5777
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 10:26 pm Post subject: |
OH, terrific!!! I'm happy that you got to speak to so many young people. I have been paying attention to what they have to say on talk shows and blogs and I have a lot of hope for the future of the country.
That they understand that they are being used as pawns in the fear game is very encouraging!
I'm always so glad to hear these reports! Thank you for letting us know.
Now, SooZQ, where are YOU?  _________________ ~ Echo Juliet ~
Altering course to starboard - On Fire, Keep Clear
Navy woman, Navy wife, Navy mother |
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rparrott21 Master Chief Petty Officer
Joined: 19 Aug 2004 Posts: 760 Location: Mckinney, Texas
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 10:47 pm Post subject: |
Their future is on the line.....turn the USA into a battle zone or let Bush finish the job.... |
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GiveMeFreedom PO3
Joined: 23 Aug 2004 Posts: 279 Location: Wisconsin
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 11:28 pm Post subject: |
Great to hear this Concernedgranny!! You guys are AWESOME! I guess I missed the news on the "star-studded" assault. What was that about?
Wow, I am sooo glad to hear that college kids were friendly to you, and even open to what you had to say!
Thank you, your husband and FastRock from the bottom of my heart! It's people like you that will make the difference in this race! _________________ -------------------
Support our Soldiers!! |
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concernedgranny Seaman
Joined: 17 Sep 2004 Posts: 162 Location: Ohio
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 11:34 pm Post subject: |
Martin Sheen, Kevin Bacon, and their kin went around dorm to dorm a couple of weekends to register the kids and used their scare tactics. One central Ohio college that my son goes to had Springer giving a speech to about 600 students, along with MTV, Real World, and Road Rules cast talking to them. IT stinks, But like my son says, half of those just go to see these guys and probably won't vote at all. |
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Joined: 21 Aug 2004 Posts: 369 Location: Central Kentucky
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 2:31 am Post subject: |
Well, I am really encouraged to return home and find that three
more folks were out on OSU campus today doing a great job!
When I packed the rental car to leave yesterday, I wasn't sure
who would be at our rendezvous this morning. I knew that
fastrock would not be meeting up with us, and had a plan of his
own. And I knew concernedgranny had a schedule conflict and
would be in when she could. And Theresa Alwood had family
demands that she had to attend to as well.
But I didn't hear back from anyone
else who had said, "count me in".
When my son and I walked into the rendezvous spot this morning
at 7:30, I saw a man wearing a Cavalry hat, who turned out to
be JoeB from Richmond, KY. Then we were joined by a Columbus
couple and that was it. So at I was the only person at the rendezvous
from this forum in the flesh. Until I got home tonight and read this thread
I wasn't sure if anyone else had been able to come or not. Maybe
the other folks I had heard from are really for Kerry?
Anyway, we got the news that Columbus wouldn't give us permits
to put up our displays on public property as thought.
This was very discouraging on top of the fact that so many folks
were no shows! But JoeG talked to the manager of Kinko's on
15th st. and he allowed us to set up our signs there!
Problem solved.
The other couple went a couple of blocks away and set up their
display, because they had also applied for a vendor's license to
sell buttons and bumper stickers.
Joe and I were situated near the campus at the end of a block of
frat houses. There was a lot of foot traffic. I was suprised at the
number of young folks for Bush! Of course we had the detractors,
and a couple of childish displays, one with a young man trying to
shove over Joe's sign. But when my 6 foot, 210 lb. son stood up,
the little guy shot off like a bunny rabbit!
The highlight of the day for me was JoeB, a Brooklyn native,
1st Cavalry, Purple Heart, Vietnam Vet! I was honored to meet
him. His personality was an irresitible force to the young people!
Since I have to walk with a cane, I had planned to stay close to
my display and as it turned out our combined displays made
quite a show! Joe chatted it up with the guys and gals and I kept
dispensing bumper stickers and info sheets. We even had a couple
of Columbus cops leave their spot one at a time to come over and
get bumper stickers and handouts!
We started packing up once the game started at 12:10, just as a
car load of student demmycrats pulled up to show us up
with their handouts! But we had already taken care of handouts
for the day, and we were gone!
I want to thank everyone for their prayers for traveling mercy
and dry skies until we were gone. The front did slow down a
bit today, and we had good weather. Thank the Lord!

Last edited by SooZQ on Sun Oct 24, 2004 2:59 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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concernedgranny Seaman
Joined: 17 Sep 2004 Posts: 162 Location: Ohio
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 2:38 am Post subject: |
Great to hear from you SooZQ. Hope your trip was worth the time. It really was great to see so many intelligent students. These lefties think our kids are dumb. It gives me great joy to know that they have been raised right and just because they are college students, they shouldn't be underestimated. It was great meeting Fastrock. Wish I could have met you too. We'll get together and discuss next week and where we want to go. Where were you guys located today. I see the pictures at Kinkos but about where was it on campus. We were on High and Woodruff for today. Lot's of foot traffic but the front porches were really "target rich". Plus, it was homecoming for the school and a lot of alumni were back for the game. Sorry but we didn't have a camera with us. |
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bk_mo Lieutenant
Joined: 25 Sep 2004 Posts: 209 Location: Missouri
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 2:47 am Post subject: THANKS |
God Bless you both for getting out and spreading the word. I know your exhausted but I just wanted to offer a huge ((((((((((((((HUG))))))))))))))) and to say THANK YOU! _________________ BK |
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concernedgranny Seaman
Joined: 17 Sep 2004 Posts: 162 Location: Ohio
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 2:50 am Post subject: |
(((((((((((Hug)))))))))) accepted. But no thanks needed.We are glad to do it. It's nothing compared the swiftvets. |
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next generation Seaman Recruit
Joined: 09 Aug 2004 Posts: 46
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 2:54 am Post subject: |
I stopped into a local Bush/Cheney office today to pick up some yard signs, and was greeted by a college age young man, who was very enthusiastic. That was great! So encouraging to see that age group, traditionally Democrat, not being taken in by the lies of the Kerry campaign!
True confessions here, when I was that age and voting in my first presidential election, I voted for Michael Dukakis! Glad to see today's college students are a little smarter .
Also signed up to call registered Republicans in a get out the vote effort, something even a stay-at-home mom with young kids can do. We can do this, if everyone pitches in and does their part! |
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Navy_Navy_Navy Admin
Joined: 07 May 2004 Posts: 5777
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 4:17 am Post subject: |
Absolutely fabulous!
Thank you so much to all of you - you did us proud and I'm sure glad to "know" such fine people.
A little commitment, a little "oomph," and voila' - instant grassroots impact. Nuttin' like it!
BZ's on a terrific effort. _________________ ~ Echo Juliet ~
Altering course to starboard - On Fire, Keep Clear
Navy woman, Navy wife, Navy mother |
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MissouriVeteransDaughter Ensign
Joined: 09 Sep 2004 Posts: 59 Location: Springfield, Missouri, Bush Country!
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 4:47 am Post subject: |
next generation wrote: |
True confessions here, when I was that age and voting in my first presidential election, I voted for Michael Dukakis! Glad to see today's college students are a little smarter . |
I was equally as dumb, if not more so...I voted for the first time as a college freshman in 1976...for JIMMY CARTER! It sounds bad, I know, but Christian campuses like the one I attended were VERY supportive of Carter because he professed to be born again and pro life. I hope I've learned a thing or two about liberals since then...
Glad to hear that you all had such a great day! _________________ "Lord...Who may live on your holy hill? He whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from his heart and has no slander on his tongue, who does his neighbor no wrong and casts no slur on his fellowman" Ps15:1-3. |
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dmackto Rear Admiral
Joined: 03 Sep 2004 Posts: 719 Location: Florida
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 5:58 am Post subject: |
I confess I was dumber than all of you. I didn't vote at all until i was 38 years old when I voted for George W.
I'm so thankful to all of you who were out there today walking the walk and talking the talk.
Someone else said it and I agree. If we all do a little bit we will get this thing done. Your all an inspiration to me.
Now.. Who lives in Florida and wants to sit on a street corner with me next weekend? _________________ Deborah
This is no time for ease and comfort. It is the time to dare and endure.
- Winston Churchill |
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sround Commander
Joined: 27 Aug 2004 Posts: 328 Location: Stockbridge, GA
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 10:15 am Post subject: |
Re: sooZQ, concernedgranny, et al
You folks ROCK! I esp. enjoyed the photos.
Say, I had this weird and thought I'd share it.
StolenHonor has been made available as a free download.
It's a 12.3MB WMV file. Well, the pitch is this: how about burning
a few dozen and pass those out to your college students? In quantity,
a typical CD-ROM costs less than $.40...a good burner can burn
that size file in less than 20 secs....SO....don't you think the kids
would get more out of a video? One CD per Frat house?  _________________
Mission Accomplished!! |
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