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JB Stone Guest
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 7:20 am Post subject: Kedwards Kampain Just Blowed Up REAL GUD....!!! |
Quote: | "We're not going to say he's an agent for Vietnamese communists, but it's the next thing to it," he said. "Whether he was consciously carrying out their direction or naively doing what they wanted, it amounted to the same thing -- he advanced their cause." |
Discovered papers: Hanoi directed Kerry
Recovered Vietnam documents are 'smoking gun' researchers claim
Posted: October 26, 2004
1:00 a.m. Eastern
By Art Moore
© 2004 WorldNetDaily.com
The first documentary evidence that Vietnamese communists were directly steering John Kerry's antiwar group Vietnam Veterans Against the War has been discovered in a U.S. archive, according to a researcher who spoke with WorldNetDaily.
John Kerry testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 1971.
One freshly unearthed document,
captured by the U.S. from Vietnamese communists in 1971 and later translated, indicates the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese delegations to the Paris peace talks that year were used as the communications link to direct the activities of Kerry and other antiwar activists who attended.
Kerry insists he attended the talks only because he happened to be in France on his honeymoon and maintains he met with both sides. But previously revealed records indicate the future senator made two, and possibly three, trips to Paris to meet with Viet Cong leader Madame Nguyen Thi Binh then promote her plan's demand for U.S. surrender.
Jerome Corsi, a specialist on the Vietnam era, told WND the new discoveries are the "most remarkable documents I've seen in the entire history of the antiwar movement."
"We're not going to say he's an agent for Vietnamese communists, but it's the next thing to it," he said. "Whether he was consciously carrying out their direction or naively doing what they wanted, it amounted to the same thing -- he advanced their cause."
Corsi, co-author of the Swift Boat Vets and POWs for Truth best-seller "Unfit for Command," and Scott Swett, who maintains the group's website, have posted a summary of the discovery on the website of Wintersoldier.com.
Corsi says the documents show how the North Vietnamese, the Viet Cong, the People's Coalition for Peace and Justice, the Communist Party of the USA and Kerry's VVAW worked closely together to achieve the Vietnamese communists' primary objective -- the defeat of the U.S. in Vietnam.
"I think what we've discovered is a smoking gun," Corsi said. "We knew when we wrote 'Unfit for Command' that Kerry had met with Madame Binh and then promoted her peace plan.
"This document enables us to connect the dots," he emphasized. "We now have evidence Madame Binh was directing the antiwar movement ... and the person who implemented her strategy was John Kerry."
July 22, 1971, Kerry called on President Nixon to accept the plan at a press conference in which he surrounded himself with the families of POWs, a strategy outlined in the first document.
The two documents also connect the dots between the Vietnamese communists and the radical U.S. group People's Coalition for Peace and Justice through the person of Al Hubbard, a coordinating member of PCPJ and the executive director of VVAW while Kerry was its national spokesman.
"Al Hubbard and John Kerry were carrying out the predetermined agenda of the enemy in a coordinated fashion," Corsi said. "It's a level of collaboration that exceeded anything we had imagined."
'Return the medals'
The second document,
captured by U.S. military forces in South Vietnam May 12, 1972, urges Vietnamese officials to promote the antiwar activities in the United States.
Significantly, the fifth paragraph makes it clear the Vietnamese communists were using, for propaganda purposes, a protest described as taking place April 19-22, 1971.
Kerry led Vietnam veterans in 1971 medal-toss protest.
This coincides with the well-known "Dewey Canyon III" protest in Washington, D.C., highlighted by Kerry's Senate Foreign Relations testimony charging American soldiers with war crimes.
The document's description of the protest includes the "return the medals" event in which Kerry and other VVAW members threw their war decorations toward the steps of the Capitol.
Why now?
Corsi told WND the documents have been authenticated with "100 percent certainty."
But why were they unearthed now, just one week before the Nov. 2 election?
Corsi insisted the timing was unintentional.
"It's truly one of those accidents of how things develop in research," he said. "We did not spring any surprise, we just found these documents, and even the archivist didn't know they were there."
Swift Boat Vets and POWs for Truth dispatched two researchers to Texas Tech University's Vietnam-era archive in Lubbock, which has more than 2 million documents, to "see if there was anything there," Corsi said.
Many of the documents are in Vietnamese and have not been translated yet.
The two documents were found in boxes containing papers from antiwar activities during 1971-72, but they also turned out to be posted in an Internet database, which enabled further verification, Corsi said.
First document
The first document is a "circular" outlining the Vietnamese regime's strategies to coordinate its propaganda effort with its orchestration of U.S. antiwar group activities.
The spontaneous antiwar movements in the US have received assistance and guidance from the friendly ((VC/NVN)) delegations at the Paris Peace Talks.
The phrases in double parentheses were added by U.S. translators for clarification. "VC" refers to the Viet Cong, while "NVN" is the North Vietnamese government.
Corsi and Swett point out that FBI files show Kerry returned to Paris to meet with the North Vietnamese delegation in August 1971 and planned a third trip in November.
Corsi emphasizes that before the discovery of this document, he and other researchers had no direct evidence that Hanoi actually was directing the antiwar movement to implement the regime's goals, although they assumed it to be the case based on other indications.
In her meeting with Kerry in Paris, Madame Binh instructed him on how he and the VVAW could "serve as Hanoi's surrogates in the United States," Corsi and Swett say. This included advancement of her seven-point peace plan forcing President Nixon to set a date to end the war and withdraw troops.
Hanoi cleverly constructed the plan so that the only barrier to release of American POWs was Nixon's unwillingness to set a withdrawal date.
But as Corsi and Swett emphasize, the plan amounted to a virtual surrender that included payment of reparations and an admission the U.S. was the aggressor in an immoral war against the communists.
The circular underscores the impact of the peace plan on U.S. activists, stating:
"The seven-point peace proposal ((of the SVN Provisional Revolutionary Government)) not only solved problems concerning the release of US prisoners but also motivated the people of all walks of life and even relatives of US pilots detained in NVN to participate in the antiwar movement.
Another section of the circular, again highlighting the interconnectedness of the Vietnamese communists, the U.S. antiwar movement and politics in the U.S. and South Vietnam, says Nixon and South Vietnamese leader Thieu are "very embarrassed because the seven-point peace proposal is supported by the [South Vietnamese] people's ((political struggle)) movement and the antiwar movements in the US. "
Therefore, the circular says, "all local areas, units, and branches must widely disseminate the seven-point peace proposal, step up the people's ((political struggle)) movements both in cities and rural areas, taking advantage of disturbances and dissensions in the enemy's forthcoming (RVN) Congressional and Presidential elections. They must coordinate more successfully with the antiwar movements in the US so as to isolate the Nixon-Thieu clique."
Second document
In addition to tying activities surrounding Kerry's 1971 protest to the direction of Vietnamese communists, the second document reveals the degree to which Hanoi worked with and through the People's Coalition for Peace and Justice.
Of the U.S. antiwar movements, the two most important ones are: The PCPJ ((the People's Committee for Peace and Justice)) and the NPAC ((National Peace Action Committee)). These two movements have gathered much strength and staged many demonstrations. The PCPJ is the most important. It maintains relations with us.
Corsi and Swett note the House Internal Securities Committee in its 1971 Annual Report described the PCPJ as an organization strongly controlled by U.S. communists.
"There is no question but what members of the Communist Party have provided a very strong degree of influence, even a guiding influence, in the evolution and formation of policies of the People's Coalition for Peace and Justice."
Corsi cites recently released FBI surveillance reports that establish a strong link between Kerry, Hubbard, the VVAW, the PCPJ and their trips to Paris to meet with Madame Binh.
Kerry shared the stage with Hubbard -- who recruited Kerry into the group -- during the Dewey Canyon III protest, and they appeared together on NBC's Meet the Press April 18, 1971. Hubbard's claimed to have been a transport pilot wounded in combat, but the Department of Defense released documents showing he was neither a pilot nor an officer and had never served in Vietnam.
An FBI field surveillance report stamped Nov. 11, 1971,
showed Kerry and Hubbard were planning to travel to Paris later that month to engage in talks with Vietnamese communist delegations. Other FBI reports clearly show the Communist Party of the USA was paying for Hubbard's trips to Paris, Corsi notes.
Another FBI report, dated Nov. 24, 1971,
gives details of Hubbard's presentation to a VVAW meeting of the Executive and Steering committees in Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 12-15, 1971.
At that meeting, the VVAW considered and then rejected a plan to assassinate several pro-war U.S. Senators. Kerry is listed as present.
The FBI document shows communist coordination in Hubbard's trip to Paris.
[BLACK OUT] advised that Hubbard gave the following information regarding his Paris trip:
Two foreign groups, which are Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV) and Peoples Republic Government (PRG) (phonetic), invited representatives of the VVAW, Communist Party USA (CP USA), and a Left Wing group in Paris, to attend meeting of the above inviting groups in Paris. Hubbard advised he was elected to represent the VVAW. An unknown male was invited to represent the CP USA and an unknown individual was elected to represent the Left Wing group from Paris. He advised at the meeting that his trip was financed by CP USA.
Corsi and Swett cite an appeal letter written by Hubbard April 20, 1971,
demonstrating the strong coordination between Vietnam Veterans Against the War and People's Coalition for Peace and Justice.
Addressed from the offices of the VVAW in Washington, D.C., the letter asks VVAW members to provide assistance to the PCPJ. It discusses several ways in which the two organizations have worked closely together:
This is an appeal for help for the Peoples Coalition for Peace and Justice. Over the past months the Peoples Coalition has supported the Vietnam Vets Against the War in many ways. The Coalition has made office space available at no charge, and permitted the use of all necessary office equipment such as mimeograph machines, stencil-making machines, folders and typewriters. They have loaned us cars, bullhorns, and public address equipment. Their staff has taken messages for us and joined fraternally in building our progress. Now we can return this support.
Saturday, April 24, the Coalition needs help collecting money and selling buttons at the great march and rally. Collectors and sellers must be energetic and determined. There will be security problems in taking large amounts of money to banks. The Coalition needs people power, hundreds of workers.
I earnestly hope that you will come forward to support our friends in this emergency.
Two days after Hubbard's letter was written, Kerry told Sen. William Fulbright's Foreign Relations Committee that American military in Vietnam were committing war crimes in the manner of Genghis Khan.
The event mentioned in the letter was PCPJ's massive April 24 demonstration in Washington that followed the VVAW's Dewey Canyon III protest.
Quote: | "This document enables us to connect the dots," he emphasized. "We now have evidence Madame Binh was directing the antiwar movement ... and the person who implemented her strategy was John Kerry." |
May I SUGGEST that you forward THIS item to EVERY news outlet you can reach....!!!!
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PhantomSgt Vice Admiral
Joined: 10 Sep 2004 Posts: 972 Location: GUAM, USA
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 7:54 am Post subject: Now let's see who reports it JB. |
It may take a full page ad buy with major newspapers to get this out JB.
Put the original documents next to the translated ones for all to see. _________________ Retired AF E-8
Independent that leans right of center. |
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PhantomSgt Vice Admiral
Joined: 10 Sep 2004 Posts: 972 Location: GUAM, USA
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 7:57 am Post subject: Treason? |
This is the one that could nail Kerry's prosecution for treason. This guy should be in the 30th year of a life sentence not running for our highest office. _________________ Retired AF E-8
Independent that leans right of center. |
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JB Stone Guest
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 8:04 am Post subject: |
SOMEONE here MAY influence the outcome....SEND the item out ASAP...!!!
J.B. Stone
USN 1967-70
ETN-2, Project SHAD, USS Granville S. Hall, 1969
All I know is that I'm sending it to EVERYBODY....!!!
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CNN, Robert Novak, robert.novak@turner.com
CNN, Soledad O'Brien comment, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form4.html?15
CNN, Tom Hannon (Political Director), tom.hannon@cnn.com
CNN, Tucker Carlson, crossfire@cnn.com
CNN, War in Iraq comment, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form1.html?19
CNN, Weekend American Morning, wam@cnn.com
CNN, Wolf Blitzer comment, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form4.html?2
CNN, Wolf Blitzer, wolf@cnn.com
CNN, Wolf Blitzer, wolf@cnn.com
Coast To Coast AM, George Noory, george@coasttocoastam.com
Common Ground, Common Ground, info@commongroundradio.org
Copley News Service, Finlay Lewis, finlay.lewis@copleydc.com
Copley News Service, George Condon, george.condon@copleydc.com
Cox Newspapers, Bob Deans, bobdeans@coxnews.com
Cox Newspapers, Chuck Lindell, clindell@coxnews.com
Cox Newspapers, George Edmondson, gedmonson@coxnews.com
Cox Newspapers, Larry Lipman, llipman@coxnews.com
Cox Newspapers, Mei-Ling Hopgood, mhopgood@coxnews.com
Cox Newspapers, Melanie Eversley, meversley@coxnews.com
Daily Kos, Kos, kos@dailykos.com
Dallas Morning News, Letters to the Editor, http://www.dallasnews.com/cgi-bin/lettertoed.cgi
Daytona Beach News-Journal, Letters to the Editor, http://www.news-journalonline.com/03LettersIndex.htm#fo...
Democracy Now, Democracy Now, mail@democracynow.org
Don Imus, Don Imus, imusshow@yahoo.com
Doug Basham, Doug Basham, bashamradio@yahoo.com
Economist, Letters to the Editor, letters@economist.com
Ed Schultz Show, Ed Schultz, ed@kfgo.com
Ed Schultz Show, overall show content, wendy@edschultzshow.com
Ed Schultz Show, producer, james@edschultzshow.com
FAIR, Deborah Thomas (Extra! Publisher), dthomas@fair.org
FAIR, general, fair@fair.org
FAIR, Janine Jackson (Program Director), jjackson@fair.org
FAIR, Jim Naureckas (Extra! Editor), jnaureckas@fair.org
FAIR, Julie Hollar (Communications Director), jhollar@fair.org
FAIR, Peter Hart, (Media Activism & Administration), phart@fair.org
FAIR, Sanford Hohauser (Shipping/Sales), shohauser@fair.org
FAIR, Steve Rendall (Senior Analyst), srendall@fair.org
Financial Times, Amity Shlaes (Senior Columnist - Political Economy), amity.shlaes@ft.com
Financial Times, Letters to the Editor, letters.editor@ft.com
Financial Times, Martin Wolf (Associate Editor and Chief Economics Commentator), martin.wolf@ft.com
Financial Times, Philip Stephens (Associate Editor and Senior Commentator), philip.stephens@ft.com
Financial Times, Quentin Peel (International Affairs Editor), quentin.peel@ft.com
Fort Myers News-Press, Gail Palmer, gpalmer@news-press.com
Fox News, After Hours, afterhours@foxnews.com
Fox News, At Large with Geraldo Rivera, atlarge@foxnews.com
Fox News, Brian Wilson, brian.wilson@foxnews.com
Fox News, Brit Hume, brit.hume@foxnews.com
Fox News, Bulls & Bears, bullsandbears@foxnews.com
Fox News, Cashin'In, cash@foxnews.com
Fox News, Cavuto on Business, cavuto@foxnews.com
Fox News, Collins Spencer, collins.spencer@foxnews.com
Fox News, Comments, comments@foxnews.com
Fox News, DaySide with Linda Vester, dayside@foxnews.com
Fox News, Forbes on FOX, forbes@foxnews.com
Fox News, FOX & Friends, friends@foxnews.com
Fox News, FOX Magazine, foxmagazine@foxnews.com
Fox News, FOX News Live, feedback@foxnews.com
Fox News, FOX News Sunday, fns@foxnews.com
Fox News, FOX News Watch, newswatch@foxnews.com
Fox News, FOX Report with Shepard Smith, foxreport@foxnews.com
Fox News, Hannity & Colmes (Alan Colmes), Colmes@foxnews.com
Fox News, Hannity & Colmes (Sean Hannity), Hannity@foxnews.com
Fox News, Heartland w/ John Kasich, heartland@foxnews.com
Fox News, James Rosen, james.rosen@foxnews.com
Fox News, Jim Angle, jim.angle@foxnews.com
Fox News, Major Garrett, major.garrett@foxnews.com
Fox News, Molly Henneberg, molly.henneberg@foxnews.com
Fox News, On the Record with Greta, ontherecord@foxnews.com
Fox News, On the Record with Greta, ontherecord@foxnews.com
Fox News, Special Report with Brit Hume, special@foxnews.com
Fox News, Studio B with Shepard Smith, studiob@foxnews.com
Fox News, The Beltway Boys, beltway@foxnews.com
Fox News, The Big Story with John Gibson, myword@foxnews.com
Fox News, The O'Reilly Factor, oreilly@foxnews.com
Fox News, Viewer Services, viewerservices@foxnews.com
Fox News, War Stories, warstories@foxnews.com
Fox News, Wendell Goler, wendell.goler@foxnews.com
Fox News, Your World with Neil Cavuto, cavuto@foxnews.com
Ft. Worth Star-Telegram, Letters to the Editor, letters@star-telegram.com
Gannett News Service, Ana Radelat, aradelat@gns.gannett.com
Gannett News Service, Billy House, billy.house@arizonarepublic.com
Gannett News Service, Carl Weiser, cweiser@gns.gannett.com
Gannett News Service, Dick DePledge, ddepledge@gns.gannett.com
Gannett News Service, Doug Abrahms, dabrahms@gns.gannett.com
Gannett News Service, Erin Kelly, ekelly@gns.gannett.com
Gannett News Service, Faith Bremner, fbremner@gns.gannett.com
Gannett News Service, James Carroll, jcarroll@gns.gannett.com
Gannett News Service, Jane Norman, jnorman@dmreg.com
Gannett News Service, John Hanchette, jhanchet@gns.gannett.com
Gannett News Service, Jon Frandsen, jfrandsen@gns.gannett.com
Gannett News Service, Katherine Scott, kscott@gns.gannett.com
Gannett News Service, Larry Bivins, lbivins@gns.gannett.com
Gannett News Service, Maureen Groppe, mgroppe@gns.gannett.com
Gannett News Service, Mike Madden, mmadden@gns.gannett.com
Gannett News Service, Pam Brogan, pbrogan@gns.gannett.com
Gannett News Service, Raju Chebium, rchebium@gns.gannett.com
Gannett News Service, Susan Roth, sroth@gns.gannett.com
GreenWave Radio, GreenWave Radio, cmulholland@greenwave.com
Ground Zero Radio, Clyde Lewis, clyde@clydelewis.com
Guy James, Guy James, guyjames@theguyjamesshow.com
Hearst News Service, Charles Pope, charliepope@seattlepi.com
Hearst News Service, Helen Thomas, helent@hearstdc.com
Hearst News Service, Stewart Powell, stewart@hearstdc.com
Houston Chronicle, Letters to the Editor, viewpoints@chron.com
Houston Chronicle, News tips/Editor, citydesk@chron.com
Howard Stern Show, Howard Stern Show, sternshow@howardstern.com
International Herald Tribune, Letters to the Editor, letters@iht.com
Investor's Business Daily, IBD Editorial Department, ibdnews@investors.com
Jim Hightower Jim Hightower info@jimhightower.com
Kansas City Star, Editorial Page Editor, letters@kcstar.com
Kansas City Star, Steve Kraske, skraske@kcstar.com
Kansas City Star, Steve Shirk, sshirk@kcstar.com
KCRW-FM, Left Right & Center, sarah.spitz@kcrw.org
KDKA (Pittsburgh), Mike Pintek, pintek@kdka.com
KFI-AM (Los Angeles), John and Ken Show, johnandken@johnandkenshow.com
KGO 810 AM (San Francisco), Bernie Ward, bernieward2@yahoo.com
KGO 810 AM (San Francisco), Ray Taliaferro, raytaliaferro2@yahoo.com
KGO 810 AM (San Francisco), Ronn Owens, EmailRonn@aol.com
KHOW (Denver), Peter Boyles, peterboyles@clearchannel.com
KIRO (Seattle), Mike Webb, mike@mikewebb.org
KKOB (Albuquerque), Jim Villanucci, jim@radiojim.com
KMOX (St. Louis), Charlie Brennan, cwbrennan@cbs.com
Knight-Ridder Newspapers, Alan Bjerga (Washington Correspondent), abjerga@krwashington.com
Knight-Ridder Newspapers, Charles Hurt (Washington Correspondent), churt@charlotteobserver.com
Knight-Ridder Newspapers, David Goldstein (Washington Correspondent), dgoldstein@krwashington.com
Knight-Ridder Newspapers, Frank Davies (Washington Correspondent), fdavies@krwashington.com
Knight-Ridder Newspapers, Jim Puzzanghera (Washington Correspondent), jpuzzangherra@krwashington.com
Knight-Ridder Newspapers, Lauren Markoe (Washington Correspondent), lmarkoe@krwashington.com
Knight-Ridder Newspapers, Maria Recio (Washington Correspondent), mrecio@krwashington.com
Knight-Ridder Newspapers, Matt Stearns, mstearns@krwashington.com
Knight-Ridder Newspapers, Peter Nicholas (Washington Correspondent), pnicholas@phillynews.com
Knight-Ridder Newspapers, Ron Hutcheson (Washington Correspondent), rhutcheson@krwashington.com
Knight-Ridder Newspapers, Ruby Bailey (Washington Correspondent), rbailey@krwashington.com
Knight-Ridder Newspapers, Steve Goldstein (Washington Correspondent), slgoldstein@krwashington.com
Knight-Ridder Newspapers, Tom Webb (Washington Correspondent), twebb@pioneerpress.com
KQED-FM, Forum with Michael Krasny, forum@kqed.org
KSTP-AM, Joe Soucheray, gljoe@am1500.com
KTSA (San Antonio), Jack Riccardi, jack@ktsa.com
Lionel Show, Lionel, Lionel@LionelOnline.com
Los Angeles Times, Aaron Zitner, aaron.zitner@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Alan Miller, alan.miller@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Barbara Serrano, barbara.serrano@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Barry Siegel, barry.siegel@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Bill Rempel, bill.rempel@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Bob Drogin, bob.drogin@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Bob Ourlian, bob.ourlian@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Chuck Neubauer, chuck.neubauer@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Davan Maharaj, davan.maharaj@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, David Johnson, david.johnson@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, David Kelly, david.kelly@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, David Lamb, david.lamb@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, David Savage, david.savage@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, David Willman, david.willman@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, David Zucchino, david.zucchino@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Deborah Nelson, deborah.nelson@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Don Frederick, don.frederick@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Don Woutat, don.woutat@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Doyle McManus, doyle.mcmanus@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Ed Chen, ed.chen@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Eddie Sanders, eddie.sanders@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Ellen Barry, ellen.barry@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Esther Schrader, esther.schrader@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Faye Fiore, faye.fiore@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Glenn Bunting, glenn.bunting@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Greg Miller, greg.miller@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Janet Hook, janet.hook@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Jim Rainey, jim.rainey@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Joan Springhetti, joan.springhetti@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Joel Havemann, joel.havemann@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Johanna Neuman, johanna.neuman@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, John Glionna, john.glionna@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, John Goldman, john.goldman@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, John Hendren, john.hendren@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, John Stewart, john.stewart@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, John-Thor Dahlburg, johnthor.dahlburg@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Jonathan Peterson, jonathan.peterson@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Josh Getlin, josh.getlin@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Josh Meyer, josh.meyer@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Judy Pasternak, judy.pasternak@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Julie Bowles, julie.bowles@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Karin Howard, karin.howard@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Ken Silverstein, ken.silverstein@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Kevin Sack, kevin.sack@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Leslie Hoffecker, leslie.hoffecker@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Letters to the Editor, letters@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Linda Finestone, linda.finestone@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Lisa Getter, lisa.getter@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Maggie Farley, maggie.farley@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Maria La Ganga, maria.laganga@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Marjorie Miller, marjorie.miller@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Mark Barabak, mark.barabak@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Mark Mazzetti, mark.mazzetti@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Mark Porubcansky, mark.porubcansky@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Mary Ann Meek, maryann.meek@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Mary Braswell, mary.braswell@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Mary Curtius, mary.curtius@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Matea Gold, matea.gold@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Maura Reynolds, maura.reynolds@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Max Boot, max.boot@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Michael Finnegan, michael.finnegan@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Michael Kinsley, michael.kinsley@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Michael Muskal, michael.muskal@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Millie Quan, millie.quan@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, National News Comment, http://www.latimes.com/services/site/la-comment-dcburea...
Los Angeles Times, Nick Anderson, nick.anderson@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Opinion/Editorials Comment, http://www.latimes.com/services/site/la-comment-oped,0,...
Los Angeles Times, Patrick McDonnell, patrick.mcdonnell@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Patt Morrison, patt.morrison@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Paul Feldman, paul.feldman@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Pete King, pete.king@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Peter Wallsten, peter.wallsten@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, PJ Huffstutter, pj.huffstutter@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Ralph Vartabedian, ralph.vartabedia@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Readers' Representative, readers.rep@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Richard Cooper, richard.cooper@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Richard E. Meyer, richard.meyer@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Richard Schmitt, richard.schmitt@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Richard Simon, richard.simon@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Robert Scheer, robert.scheer@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Robin Abcarian, robin.abcarian@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Roger Ainsley, roger.ainsley@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Ron Brownstein, ron.brownstein@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Scott Gold, scott.gold@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Scott Kraft, scott.kraft@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Sonni Efron, sonni.efrom@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Stephanie Simon, stephanie.simon@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Steve Braun, steve.braun@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Tom Furlong, tom.furlong@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Tom Hamburger, tom.hamburger@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Tom McCarthy, tom.mccarthy@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Tomas Alex Tizon tomasalex.tizon@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Vicki Kemper, vicki.kemper@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Walter Roche, walter.roche@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, World News Comment, http://www.latimes.com/services/site/la-comment-foreign...
Los Angleles Times, Elizabeth Mehren, elizabeth mehren@latimes.com
Marc Bernier, Mark Bernier, marc@marcberniershow.com
Mark Levine, Mark Levine, offair@radioinsidescoop.com
McClatchy Newspapers, Greg Gordon, ggordon@startribune.com
McClatchy Newspapers, John Wagner, jwagner@mcclatchydc.com
McClatchy Newspapers, Kevin Diaz, kdiaz@mcclatchydc.com
McClatchy Newspapers, Liz Ruskin, lruskin@mcclatchydc.com
McClatchy Newspapers, Rob Hotakainen, rhotakainen@mcclatchydc.com
Media General News Service, John Hall, jhall@media-general.com
Media General News Service, Keith Epstein, kepstein@mediageneral.com
Media General News Service, Kevin Begos, kbegos@media-general.com
Media General News Service, Kirsten Mitchell, kmitchell@media-general.com
Media General News Service, Peter Hardin, phardin@mediageneral.com
Media Matters for America, News Tips, mm-tips@mediamatters.org
Miami Daily Business Review, David Lyons, dlyons@floridabiz.com
Miami Herald, Letters to the Editor, HeraldEd@herald.com
Miami New Times, Letters to the Editor, feedback@miaminewtimes.com
Miami Today, Letters to the Editor, http://www.miamitodaynews.com/media/contact.shtml
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Alan Borsuk (MPS/education issues reporter), aborsuk@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Annysa Johnson (Milwaukee County suburbs reporter), anjohnson@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Barbara Dembski (Crossroads Editor), bdembski@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Bruce Murphy (General assignment reporter), bmurphy@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Cary Spivak (Columnist), cspivak@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Christine McNeal (Deputy Managing Editor - Weekend News and Presentation), cmcneal@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Crocker Stephenson (Snapshots/general assignment reporter), cstephenson@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Dan Bice (Columnist), dbice@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Dan Egan (General assignment reporter), degan@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Dave Umhoefer (County government reporter), dumhoefer@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Ernst-Ulrich Franzen (Deputy Editorial Page Editor ), efranzen@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Eugene Kane (Columnist), ekane@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Felicia Thomas-Lynn (Urban affairs reporter), fthomas-lynn@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Gary Markstein (Editorial cartoonist), gmarkste@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, General/Letters to editor, jsedit@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, George Stanley (Managing Editor and Vice President), gstanley@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Georgia Pabst (Milwaukee County/Hispanic affairs reporter), gpabst@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Gerry Hinkley (Deputy Managing Editor - Local News), ghinkley@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Graeme Zielinski (General assignment reporter), gzielinski@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Greg Borowski (Milwaukee City Hall reporter), gborowski@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Gregory Stanford (Editorial writer, columnist), gstanford@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Jamaal Abdul-Alim (Suburban education reporter), jabdul-alim@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Jerry Resler (Editorial writer), jresler@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Jesse Garza (General assignment reporter), jgarza@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Jim Stingl (Columnist), jstingl@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, John Diedrich (Police reporter), jdiedrich@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Katie Boulden (Assistant Opinion Page Editor), jsedit@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Kelly Megna (Administrative assistant), kmegna@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Kelly Wells (Police reporter), kwells@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Lee Bergquist (Environment reporter), lbergquist@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Leonard Sykes (Urban affairs reporter), lsykes@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Linda Spice (Milwaukee County suburbs reporter), lspice@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Marie Rohde (Milwaukee County suburbs/MMSD reporter), mrohde@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Marilyn Krause (Senior Editor - Administration), mkrause@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Mark Johnson (General assignment reporter), markjohnson@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Martin Kaiser (Editor and Senior Vice President), mkaiser@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Mary Zahn (General assignment reporter), mzahn@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Meg Jones (General assignment reporter), mjones@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Meg Kissinger (General assignment reporter), mkissinger@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Michael Juley (Racine County editor), mjuley@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, National/Washington DC Bureau, jsnational@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Ozaukee/Washington County Bureau, jsozwa@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Rachel McCormick (General assignment reporter), rmccormick@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Ricardo Pimentel (Vice President-Editorial Page Editor), rpimentel@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Richard Foster (Editorial writer columnist), (rfoster@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Sarah Carr (MPS reporter), scarr@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Steve Schultze (General assignment reporter), sschultze@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Steve Walters (Madison Bureau chief), swalters@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Stuart Carlson Editorial cartoonist), scarlson@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Tim Cuprisin (TV and radio columnist), tcuprisin@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Waukesha County Bureau, jswauk@journalsentinel.com
Mitch Albom Show, Mitch Albom, mitch@albom.com
Mother Jones, Editorial, backtalk@motherjones.com
MoveOn.org, Press Office, http://www.moveon.org/feedback/press /
MPR, Prairie Home Companion, phc@mpr.org
MSNBC, Alison Stewart, world@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Amy Robach, world@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Bob Kur, robert.kur@nbc.com
MSNBC, Chris Jansing, world@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Chris Matthews, hardball@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Contessa Brewer, world@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Countdown with Keith Olbermann, countdown@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Dan Abrams, abramsreport@msnbc.com
MSNBC, David Schuster, dshuster@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Deborah Norville, norville@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Deborah Norville, norville@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Dennis Sullivan (Executive Editor - Campaign Coverage), dennis.sullivan@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Don Imus, imus@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Don Imus, imus@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Hardball with Chris Matthews, hardball@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Imus in the Morning, Imus@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Joe Scarborough, joe@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Joe Trippi, jtrippi@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Keith Olbermann, countdown@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Lester Holt Live, Lesterholt@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Lester Holt, lester.holt@msnbc.com
MSNBC, MSNBC Investigates, msnbcinvestigates@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Randy Meier, world@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Richard Kaplan (President), feedback@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Ron Reagan, rreagan@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Scarborough Country, joe@msnbc.com
MSNBC, The Abrams Report, abramsreport@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Viewer Services, viewerservices@msnbc.com
Naples Daily News, Letters to the Editor, letters@naplesnews.com
National Enquirer, Editor, letters@nationalenquirer.com
Navy Times, Judy McCoy (Associate Publisher), jmccoy@atpco.com
Navy Times, Tobias Naegele (Executive Editor), tnaegele@atpco.com
NBC News, Dateline, dateline@nbc.com
NBC News, Meet The Press (Tim Russert), mtp@nbc.com
NBC News, Nightly News with Tom Brokaw, nightly@nbc.com
NBC News, Today Show, today@nbc.com
New Jersey 101.5, Jim Gearhart, gearhart@nj1015.com
New Republic, Editors, online@tnr.com
New York Times, Adam Liptak (National Legal Correspondent), liptaka@nytimes.com
New York Times, Bob Herbert, bobherb@nytimes.com
New York Times, Cory Reiss (Washington Correspondent), reissc@nytimes.com
New York Times, Daniel Okrent (Public Editor/Readers' Representative), public@nytimes.com
New York Times, David Brooks, dabrooks@nytimes.com
New York Times, David Colburn (National Desk), colburn@nytimes.com
New York Times, David Kirkpatrick (National Correspodent), dakirk@nytimes.com
New York Times, David Sanger (White House Correspondent Economics), dasang@nytimes.com
New York Times, Don Van Natta Jr., (Reporter - Washington), vannatta@nytimes.com
New York Times, Editorial Page Editor, editorial@nytimes.com
New York Times, Eric Schmitt (Washington Correspondent), erschm@nytimes.com
New York Times, Executive Editor, executive-editor@nytimes.com
New York Times, Felicity Barringer (Reporter - Washington), febarr@nytimes.com
New York Times, Foreign News, foreign@nytimes.com
New York Times, Glen Justice (Reporter - Washington Bureau), justice@nytimes.com
New York Times, Jo Thomas (Reporter - National), jothomas@nytimes.com
New York Times, John Fisher Burns (Chief Foreign Correspondent), burns@nytimes.com
New York Times, John H. Cushman Jr. (Washington Correspondent - Environment), cushman@nytimes.com
New York Times, John Markoff (West Coast Correspondent), markoff@nytimes.com
New York Times, Judith Miller (Senior Writer), miller@nytimes.com
New York Times, Letters to the Editor, letters@nytimes.com
New York Times, Linda Greenhouse (Washington Correspondent - Supreme Court), ligree@nytimes.com
New York Times, Managine Editor, managing-editor@nytimes.com
New York Times, Maureen Dowd, liberties@nytimes.com
New York Times, Michael Moss (Reporter Investigative), mossm@nytimes.com
New York Times, National News, national@nytimes.com
New York Times, News Coverage Comments and Suggestions, nytnews@nytimes.com
New York Times, News Tips, news-tips@nytimes.com
New York Times, Nicholas Kristof, nicholas@nytimes.com
New York Times, Paul Krugman, krugman@nytimes.com
New York Times, Peter Kilborn (National Correspondent), pekilb@nytimes.com
New York Times, Robert Pear (Reporter - Washington Bureau), ropear@nytimes.com
New York Times, Robin Toner, (Reporter - Washington), rotone@nytimes.com
New York Times, Sheryl Stolberg (Congressional Correspondent), stolberg@nytimes.com
New York Times, Stephen Labaton (Washington Correspondent), slabaton@nytimes.com
New York Times, Steven Weisman, (Correspondent - Washington), weisman@nytimes.com
New York Times, Tamar Lewin (National Correspondent), lewin@nytimes.com
New York Times, Tim Weiner, (Correspondent - Washington), tiwein@nytimes.com
New York Times, Todd Purdum (Chief Diplomatic Correspondent), topurd@nytimes.com
New York Times, Washington News, washington@nytimes.com
New York Times, William Safire, safire@nytimes.com
New Yorker Magazine, Jane Mayer, jane_mayer@newyorker.com
New Yorker Magazine, Joe Klein, joe_klein@newyorker.com
New Yorker Magazine, Nicholas Lemann, nick_lemann@newyorker.com
New Yorker Magazine, Seymour Hersch, themail@newyorker.com
Newhouse News Service, Bill Cahir (Pennsylvania and New Jersey Newspapers), Bill.Cahir@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Bill Walsh (The Times-Picayune), Bill.Walsh@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Bill Walsh, bill.walsh@newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Brett Lieberman (The Patriot-News), Brett.Lieberman@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Brett Lieberman, blieberman@patriot-news.com
Newhouse News Service, Bruce Alpert (The Times-Picayune), Bruce.Alpert@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Bruce Alpert, balpert431@aol.com
Newhouse News Service, David Wood (National security reporter), David.Wood@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Deborah Howell (Bureau Chief), Deborah.Howell@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Delia M. Rios (History reporter), Delia.Rios@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Dru Sefton (National Correspondent), Dru.Sefton@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Jim Barnett (The Oregonian), Jim.Barnett@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Jim Barnett, jim.barnett@newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Jim Nesbitt (American Scene reporter), Jim.Nesbitt@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Jo-Ann Moriarty (Springfield Union-News), Joann.Moriarty@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, John McQuaid (The Times-Picayune), John.McQuaid@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, John Membrino (News service news editor), John.Membrino@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Jonathan Tilove (Race reporter), Jonathan.Tilove@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Jonesetta Lassiter (Regional news editor), Jonesetta.Lassiter@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Linda Fibich (National editor), Linda.Fibich@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Mark Libbon, mark.libbon@newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Mary Orndorff (The Birmingham News), Mary.Orndorff@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Mary Orndorff, mary.orndorff@newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Mike Magner (Booth Newspapers), Mike.Magner@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Miles Benson (Political reporter), Miles.Benson@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Pat Henry (Night news editor), Pat.Henry@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Rick Beaudette (Executive news editor), Rick.Beaudette@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Robert Cohen (The Star-Ledger), Robert.Cohen@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Robert Cohen, robert.cohen@newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Sam Hodges (Mobile Register), Sam.Hodges@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Sarah Kellogg (Booth Newspapers), Sarah.Kellogg@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Scott Orr (The Star-Ledger), Scott.Orr@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Scott Orr, scott.orr@newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Sean Reilly (Mobile Register), Sean.Reilly@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Sean Reilly, sean.reilly@newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Terence Kivlan (Staten Island Advance), Terence.Kivlan@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Terence Kivlan, terence.kivlan@newhouse.com
Newsday, Deborah Barfield Berry, deborah.barfield@newsday.com
Newsday, Kenneth Fireman, ken.fireman@newsday.com
Newsweek International Editions, Letters to the Editor, Editors@newsweek.com
Newsweek, Howard Fineman, howardfineman@aol.com
Newsweek, Letters to the Editor, Letters@newsweek.com
NewsWorld International TV, contact form, nwifeedback@indtvholdings.com
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NPR, Brenda Wilson, bwilson@npr.org
NPR, Brian Naylor, bnaylor@npr.org
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NPR, Comments on NPR Coverage, ombudsman@npr.org
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NPR, Diane Rehn, drshow@wamu.org
NPR, Dick Gordon, connectionweb@wbur.bu.edu
NPR, Don Gonyea, dgonyea@npr.org
NPR, Ellen McDonnell (Executive Producer - Morning Edition), emcdonnell@npr.org
NPR, Jacki Lyden, jlyden@npr.org
NPR, Jean Cochran, jcochran@npr.org
NPR, Juan Williams, jwilliams@npr.org
NPR, Ken Rudin (Political Editor), krudin@npr.org
NPR, Liane Hansen, lhansen@npr.org
NPR, Linda Wertheimer, ombudsman@npr.org
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NPR, Morning Edition, morning@npr.org
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NPR, Pam Fessler, pfessler@npr.org
NPR, Paul Brown, ombudsman@npr.org
NPR, Peter Breslow (Senior Producer - Weekend Edition Saturday), pbreslow@npr.org
NPR, Renee Montagne, morning@npr.org
NPR, Robert Siegel, rsiegel@npr.org
NPR, Ron Elving, ombudsman@npr.org
NPR, Steve Inskeep, sinskeep@npr.org
NPR, Susan Stamberg, sstamberg@npr.org
NPR, Talk Of The Nation, totn@npr.org
NPR, Tavis Smiley, tavis@npr.org
NPR, Terry Gross, freshair@whyy.org
NPR, Weekend All Things Considered, watc@npr.org
NPR, Weekend Edition Saturday, wesat@npr.org
NPR, Weekend Edition Sunday, wesun@npr.org
Orlando Business Journal, Letters to the Editor, orlando@bizjournals.com
Orlando Sentinel, John C. Bersia, jbersia@orlandosentinel.com
Orlando Times, Letters to the Editor, news@orlando-times.com
Orlando Weekly, Letters to the Editor, bwhitby@orlandoweekly.com
Pacific News Service, Andrew Lam, lam@pacificnews.org
Pacific News Service, Brian Shott, brian@pacificnews.org
Pacifica, Flashpoints Radio, editorial@flashpoints.net
PBS, NOW with Bill Moyers, now@thirteen.org
PBS, The Charlie Rose Show, charlierose@pbs.org
PBS, The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, newshour@pbs.org
Phil Hendrie Show, staff, phs@philhendrieshow.com
Philadelphia Inquirer, Amanda Bennett (Editor), abennett@phillynews.com
Philadelphia Inquirer, Anne Gordon (Managing Editor), agordon@phillynews.com
Philadelphia Inquirer, Carrie Budoff (Politics), cbudoff@phillynews.com
Philadelphia Inquirer, Chris Hepp (City Editor), chepp@phillynews.com
Philadelphia Inquirer, Chris Mondics (Washington Correspondent), cmondics@krwashington.com
Philadelphia Inquirer, Chris Satullo (Editorial Page Editor), csatullo@phillynews.com
Philadelphia Inquirer, Deidre Childress (Deputy City Editor), dchildress@phillynews.com
Philadelphia Inquirer, Deputy Managing Editor/News, clavin@phillynews.com
Philadelphia Inquirer, Feedback, http://www.philly.com/mld/philly/contact_us/feedback_np...
Philadelphia Inquirer, Letters to the Editor, Inquirer.Letters@phillynews.com
Philadelphia Inquirer, Marlene Slowik (Newsroom Manager/Editorial Assistant), mslowik@phillynews.com
Philadelphia Inquirer, Ned Warwick (National/Foreign Editor), nwarwick@phillynews.com
Philadelphia Inquirer, Steve Goldstein (Washington Correspondent), slgoldstein@krwashington.com
Philadelphia Inquirer, Tom McNamara (Deputy Managing Editor - Sunday), tmcnamara@phillynews.com
PRI, Capitol Hill Bureau, news@capitolhillbureau.org
PRI, The World, theworld@pri.org
Propaganda Matrix, news tips, newstips@propagandamatrix.com
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Radio Left.com, Rick Vanderslice and David Taffet, mail@radioleft.com
Reuters America, Arshad Mohammed, arshad.mohammed@reuters.com
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Reuters America, Patricia Wilson, patricia.wilson@reuters.com
Reuters America, Randall Mikkelsen, randall.mikkelsen@reuters.com
Reuters America, Steve Holland, steve.holland@reuters.com
Reuters News Service, Editorial Contact Form, http://aboutreuters.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/aboutreuters.c...
Reuters, Feedback - Contact a Reuters Editor, http://www.reuters.com/-helpSection.jhtml?p=contactUs
Reuters, John Whitesides (Political Correspondent), john.whitesides@reuters.com
Reuters, Robert Doherty (Washington Bureau Chief), rob.doherty@reuters.com
Richmond Times-Dispatch, Letters to the Editor, letters@timesdispatch.com
Roll Call, Josh Kurtz (Politics Editor), letters@rollcall.com
Roll Call, Letters to the Editor, http://www.rollcall.com/cgi-bin/udt/fdc.collector?clien...
Roll Call, Morton Kondracke (Executive Editor and Political Columnist), mmk@rollcall.com
Roll Call, Norman Ornstein (Contributing Writer), letters@rollcall.com
Roll Call, Stuart Rothenberg (Rothenberg Political Report), srpolitics@aol.com
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Rollye James, Rollye James, rollye@rollye.net
Salon, David Talbot (Founder - Editor in Chief and Chief Executive Officer), talbotd@salon.com
Salon, Eric Boehlert (Senior Writer), boehlert@salon.com
Salon, Geraldine Sealey (Senior Editor), gsealey@salon.com
Salon, Jake Tapper, jtapper@salon.com
Salon, King Kaufman (Senior Writer), kaufman@salon.com
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Salon, Michelle Goldberg (Senior Writer), michelle@salon.com
Salon, Sidney Blumenthal (Senior Vice President of Editorial Development/Washington Bureau Chief), edit@salon.com
Salon, Tim Grieve (Senior Writer), tgrieve@salon.com
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San Francisco Bay Guardian, Tim Redmond, tredmond@sfbg.com
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Scripps-Howard News Service, Jennifer Sergent (Washington Correspondent), sergentj@shns.com
Scripps-Howard News Service, Tom Hargrove (Washington Correspondent), hargrovet@shns.com
Sirius Left, Alex Bennett, alexbennett@alexbennett.com
Sirius Left, Doug Stephan, doug@dougstephan.com
Sirius Left, Ed Schultz Show, james@edschultzshow.com
Sirius Left, Lynn Samuels, maillynnsamuels@hotmail.com
Sirius Left, Peter B. Collins, peterbsf@yahoo.com
Sirius Left, The Young Turks, theyoungturk@yahoo.com
Sirius Left, Thom Hartmann, thom@thomhartmann.com
Slate, Article submission, letters@slate.com
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Slate, Letters to the Editor, letters@slate.com
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Stephens Media Group, Tony Batt, tbatt@stephensmedia.com
Syndicated News International, Elizabeth Rabin, lrabin@sni-news.com
Talk Radio News Service, Adam Sharon, letters@talkradionews.com
Talk Radio News Service, Gareth Schweltzer, letters@talkradionews.com
Talking Points Memo, Josh Marshall, talk@talkingpointsmemo.com
Tallahassee Democrat, Letters to the Editor, letters@tallahassee.com
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The Hill, Josh Marshall, jmarshall@thehill.com
The Hill, Klaus Marre, kmarre@thehill.com
The Hill, Lauren Shepherd, laurens@thehill.com
The Hill, Letters to the Editor, http://www.hillnews.com/forms/frm_feedback.shtm
The Hill, Lynn Sweet, lsweet3022@aol.com
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The Hill, Peter Savodnik, psavodnik@thehill.com
The Hill, Sarah Bouchard, sbouchard@thehill.com
The Nation, David Corn (Washington Editor), dcorn@thenation.com
The Nation, John Nichols, info@thenation.com
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The Nation, letters to the editor, http://www.thenation.com/contact/lett
The Nation, Richard Lingeman (Senior Editor), info@thenation.com
The Nation, Victor Navasky (Publisher and Editorial Director), info@thenation.com
The Nation, William Greider (National Affairs Correspondent), info@thenation.com
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Time, Norman Pearlstein (Editor-in-Chief), letters@time.com
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Tony Trupiano Show, Tony Trupiano Show, tony@thetonyshow.com
U.S. News and World Report, Brian Duffy (Executive Editor), bduffy@usnews.com
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U.S. News and World Report, http://www.usnews.com/usnews/usinfo/infomain.htm
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USA Today, Unsolicited Opinion Pieces, theforum@usatoday.com
USA Today, Walter Shapiro (Columnist - Politics), wshapiro@usatoday.com
Village Voice, James Ridgeway, jridgeway@villagevoice.com
Wall Street Journal, Greg Hitt, greg.hitt@wsj.com
Wall Street Journal, Jeanne Cummings, jeanne.cummings@awsj.com
Washington Post, Full List of Writers, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/interact/longterm/...
Washington Post, George Will, georgewill@washpost.com
Washington Post, Jim Hoagland, jimhoagland@washpost.com
Washington Post, Letters, letters@washpost.com
Washington Post, Michael Getler (Ombudsman), ombudsman@washpost.com
Washington Times, Editorial Page Editor, letters@washingtontimes.com
Washington Times, Greg Pierce, gpierce@washingtontimes.com
Washington Times, John McCaslin, jmccaslin@washingtontimes.com
WBT (Charlotte), Keith Larson, klarson@wbt.com
WBZ (Boston), David Brudnoy, brudnoy@boston.cbs.com
WCBM (Baltimore), Les Kinsolving, les@leskinsolving.com
WDBZ (Cincinnati), Lincoln Ware, lware@radio-one.com
WGN (Chicago), Spike O'Dell, spikeodell@wgnradio.com
WHJJ-AM (Providence, RI), John DePetro, john@depetro.com
WJR (Detroit), Paul W. Smith, paul.w.smith@abc.com
WLS (Chicago), Roe Conn, roe@wlsam.com
WMAL, Chris Core, chriscore@630wmal.com
WOL (Baltimore), Joe Madison, beagle980@aol.com
WOR, Bob Grant, bobgrant@wor710.com
WOR, Joey Reynolds, jreynolds@wor710.com
World Link TV, contact form, contact@LinkTV.org
WorldNet Daily, Les Kinsolving, les@wcbm.com
WPTF (Raleigh, NC), Jerry Agar, jerry@wpftmail.com
WQAM (Miami), Neil Rogers, neil@neilrogers.com
WRIF-FM (Detroit), Peter Werbe, mnightcall@wrif.com
WVLY (Wheeling), Howard Monroe, hmonroe@stratuswave.net
Your Call, Farai Chideya, farainyc@earthlink.net
Your Call, Laura Flanders, lfsrfc@yahoo.com |
Wouldn't HURT if I weren't the ONLY one....HINT, HINT....!!!
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JB Stone Guest
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 2:29 pm Post subject: UPDATE... |
Ya know....I'm beginning to enjoy THIS election cycle....
A simple TIME LINE may explain some things:
Quote: | Early April, 1969 -- U.S. Naval Lieutenant John Kerry leaves Vietnam and is soon reassigned as a personal aide and flag lieutenant to Rear Admiral Walter F. Schlech, Jr. with the Military Sea Transportation Service based in Brooklyn, New York.
November 22, 1969 -- During a fund-raising tour for GI deserters, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, and the Black Panthers, Jane Fonda is quoted in the Detroit Free Press as saying, "I would think that if you understood what communism was, you would hope, you would pray on your knees that we would someday become communist," and "The peace proposal of the Viet Cong is the only honorable, just, possible way to achieve peace in Vietnam."
February 13, 1970 -- Candidate Kerry tells the Harvard Crimson, "I'm an internationalist. I'd like to see our troops dispersed through the world only at the directive of the United Nations," and that he wants "to almost eliminate CIA activity."
Late May or early June, 1970 -- John and Julia Kerry travel to Paris on a private trip. Kerry meets with Madam Win Thi Binh, the Foreign Minister of the Provisional Revolutionary Government of Vietnam (PRG) -- the political wing of the Vietcong -- and with representatives of Hanoi who were in Paris for the peace talks.
May 3, 1971 -- VVAW members throw bags of cow manure on the steps of the Mall Entrance to the Pentagon, then offer to clean up the mess in return for an audience with an assistant Secretary of Defense. This offer is rejected, and 28 people are arrested and charged with disorderly conduct.
July 24, 1971 -- the Daily World features a photograph of John Kerry speaking in support of the Provisional Revolutionary Government (Vietcong) Seven Point Plan.
November 12-15, 1971 -- the VVAW leadership meets in Kansas City. Fearing surveillance by authorities, the group relocates the meeting to another building. They debate, then vote down a plan to assassinate several pro-war U.S. Senators. Several witnesses, meeting minutes and FBI records eventually place John Kerry at this meeting.
January 11, 1972 -- John Kerry represents the VVAW at Dartmouth College.
January 25, 1972 -- John Kerry represents the VVAW at the "People's State of the Union" in Washington, D.C.
February, 1972 -- A VVAW delegation attends a World Assembly for Peace and Independence of the People of Indochina in Versailles, France.
April 22, 1972 -- John Kerry represents the VVAW at the "Emergency March for Peace" in Bryant Park in New York City.
September 18, 1972 -- John Kerry's brother Cameron and Vietnam veteran Thomas Vallely are arrested in Lowell, Massachusetts in the basement of a building that houses both Kerry's campaign headquarters and those of opposing candidate Tony DiFruscia. Cameron Kerry and Vallely are charged with breaking and entering with the intent to commit larceny. Kerry will win the Democratic nomination for a Massachusetts congressional seat the next day, but lose in the general election to Republican Paul Cronin. Thomas Vallely will later become director of the Vietnam Program at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.
Late 1972 -- The U.S Congress votes to eliminate funding for military operations in Indochina.
February and March, 1973 -- American prisoners of war are released by North Vietnam. They report having been starved, beaten and tortured by their captors, in an effort to make them sign documents in which they admitted to committing war crimes.
April, 1973 -- Jane Fonda calls the freed American prisoners "hypocrites and pawns," insisting that, "Tortured men do not march smartly off planes, salute the flag, and kiss their wives. They are liars. I also want to say that these men are not heroes."
Fall, 1974 -- North Vietnam initiates minor probing attacks into South Vietnam, in violation of the Paris treaty. There is no military response by the United States.
Early 1975 -- North Vietnam launches a massive invasion of South Vietnam.
April 30, 1975 -- Saigon falls.
1975 - 1979 -- Communist regimes in southeast Asia murder an estimated two million Cambodians, as well as tens of thousands of South Vietnamese. One million South Vietnamese are imprisoned in "re-education camps," and hundreds of thousands die there. An additional two million flee the country, with many drowning in the attempt. |
Quote: | Hanoi Approved of Role Played By Anti-War Vets
BY THOMAS LIPSCOMB - Special to the Sun
October 26, 2004
URL: http://www.nysun.com/article/3756
The communist regime in Hanoi monitored closely and looked favorably upon the activities of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War during the period Senator Kerry served most actively as the group's spokesman and a member of its executive committee, two captured Viet Cong documents suggest.
The documents - one dubbed a "circular" and the other a "directive" - were captured in 1971 and are part of a trove of material from the war currently stored at the Vietnam Archive at Texas Tech University at Lubbock. Originally organized by Douglas Pike, a major scholar who is now deceased, the archive contains more than 20 million documents. Many are available online at the Virtual Vietnam Archive and, as the election has heated up, have been the focus of a scramble for insights into Mr. Kerry's anti-war activities. The Circular and the Directive are listed as items numbered 2150901039b and 2150901041 respectively. Their authenticity was confirmed by Stephen Maxner, archivist at the Vietnam Archive.
The two documents provide a glimpse of the favorable way the Viet Cong viewed the activities in which Mr. Kerry was involved. They are from many documents of a kind that were ordinarily sent to a unit called the Captured Document Exploitation Center at the United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, which was headquartered in Saigon. Documents like these that were sent to the center were immediately translated into English and processed for battlefield intelligence for targeting or operations as required, or filed.
The CDEC cover sheet of the "Directive" indicates it was "acquired" on May 12, 1971. The cover sheet itself is dated June 30, 1971, and is entitled "VC Efforts to Back Antiwar Demonstrations in the United States." It shows a detailed knowledge of such VVAW activities as the Dewey Canyon demonstration on the Mall in Washington in April 1971, mentioning the "return of their medals." And the Saigon American military intelligence cover sheet dates the information in that document as being assembled in Vietnam only a week after the Washington VVAW demonstration had taken place.
The CDEC Viet Cong document titled "Circular on Antiwar Movements in the US" notes, "The spontaneous antiwar movements in the US have received assistance and guidance from the friendly (VC/NVN) delegations at the Paris Peace Talks." It also notes that "The seven-point peace proposal (of the SVN Provisional Revolutionary Government) [the Viet Cong proposal advanced by one of its envoys, Madame Binh, operating out of Paris] not only solved problems concerning the release of US prisoners but also motivated the people of all walks of life and even relatives of US pilots detained in NVN to participate in the antiwar movement."
The significance of the documents lies in the way they dovetail with activities of the young Mr. Kerry as he led the VVAW anti-war movement in the spring of 1971.
It was in April that he gave his testimony to the Senate, in which he accused American GIs of having committed war crimes and belittled the idea that there was a communist threat to America. Mr. Kerry had already had, in June of 1970, a meeting in Paris with enemy diplomats, ostensibly, he has indicated, to get a sense of how American prisoners held in Hanoi might be freed. Two historians believe Mr. Kerry made a second trip to Paris in the summer of 1971 and held further talks with the North Vietnamese. The Kerry campaign has denied this.
FBI surveillance and Mr. Kerry's own statements have established his two visits to Paris to meet with the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong delegations to the Paris Peace Talks as taking place in June of 1970 and August of 1971.
An FBI surveillance report dated November 11, 1971, has also established that Mr. Kerry and Al Hubbard, the executive director of the VVAW who had brought Mr. Kerry into the organization, planned to return to meet with them again in Paris on November 15, 1971.
A November 24, 1971, FBI surveillance report disclosed that Mr. Hubbard had also had meetings on his own with the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong delegations in Paris. It noted that he had reported at a national meeting of the VVAW in Kansas City that the Communist Party of the United States had paid his expenses for the most recent one.
The purpose of these meetings by the two top VVAW members, Messrs. Hubbard and Kerry, has always been assumed to be informational. But the documents in the Texas archive suggest another possibility. On July 23, 1971, The New York Times reported that Mr. Kerry held a demonstration in Washington in support of the "seven-point peace proposal" and, according to the Times, "Mr. Kerry, who is 27 years, introduced wives, parents and sisters of prisoners to plead for support."
The Times's dispatch stated that Mr. Kerry charged "...the latest Vietcong peace offer in Paris, which promises the release of prisoners as American troops are withdrawn, is being ignored by Mr. Nixon..."
The circular in the Texas archive states, "The antiwar movements in the US are trying to find means to cooperate... They are also trying by all means to support the seven-point peace proposal (of the PRG) [Viet Cong] and oppose the distorted interpretation made by the White House, the Pentagon and CIA." |
Quote: | "What the heck is this? I told you guys: No Records!!"
*** BREAKING ***
Two newly discovered Vietnamese communist documents captured in 1971 show that the Vietnamese communists guided the American antiwar movement via meetings between the communist delegations to the Paris Peace talks and American antiwar activists. John Kerry and the VVAW were working toward the exact goals set forth in the communist directives. Read the whole story in John Kerry and the VVAW: Hanoi's American Puppets? by Dr. Jerome Corsi and Scott Swett.
http://ice.he.net/~freepnet/kerry/ |
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JB Stone Guest
Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 1:54 am Post subject: |
'Stolen Honor' Tenders Truth
October 18, 2004
By James L. Hirsen, J.D., Ph.D.
contributor to Newsmax.com
"A censor is a man who knows more than he thinks you ought to."
- Laurence Peter
"Stop Sinclair" the headline blares.
This is the way lefty Web site Common Dreams characterizes Sinclair Broadcasting's recent decision to air on its 62 television stations the film "Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never Heal."
Common Dreams contends that the company's decision has nothing to do with political discourse but has been made for greed, indicating that "Sinclair's mission is clear: sway the election in favor of an administration that lets companies like Sinclair get even bigger. It's great for Sinclair's bottom line - terrible for our democracy."
In an e-call to arms, the site declares, "This is not about 'liberal' or 'conservative.' It's about corruption, the threat to democratic discourse, and the manipulation of elections. Together, we can stop them."
Cyber-leftists the web over are aggressively encouraging e-mails be sent to Sinclair, its sponsors and, of course, the FCC.
One site is using an automated advocacy system in its effort to get readers to contact Sinclair's advertisers. "All it takes from this new site is TWO SECONDS," the site crows, adding that "it automatically emails ALL advertisers at once!"
The site also claims that "over 50 Sinclair advertisers have already pulled out and Sinclair's stock is sinking. It works!"
Through his Web site, David Brock has penned a letter to Sinclair, asking the company to halt its televising of the film. Brock calls Sinclair's broadcast decision "an abuse of the public airwaves for what appears to be partisan political purposes."
Columnist Molly Ivins asserts that by broadcasting a program that includes "Stolen Honor," Sinclair is engaging in "creeping fascism, state propaganda, Big Brother and brainwashing," affixing the tagline, "What, me hyperbole?" In addition, she dismisses the film as "just a very long Swift Boat Liars ad."
Spokesperson for the Kerry campaign Mark Nevins states that the veterans who appear in the documentary are "the poor, distant cousin of the Swift Boat Veterans for Bush. It's comprised of people with questionable backgrounds whose sole mission in life is to smear John Kerry." The Boston Globe in a house editorial entitled "Sinclair's Slander" refers to the film as an "anti-Kerry attack ad masquerading as a documentary." The paper also maintains that the movie is "a slur against John Kerry."
Eighteen Dems, including Ted Kennedy, Dianne Feinstein and Patty Murray, have been hard at work trying to stop the Sinclair showing by filing formal complaints with the FEC and the FCC. And in the event that all movie squelching attempts fail, Kerry's campaign has formally requested equal time to respond.
Many are wondering, Why such an uproar over the 45-minute piece? With this question in mind I watched the film and give you my take.
(A note about the film's producer Carlton Sherwood. He's a Pulitzer Prize and Peabody Award-winning journalist as well as a multi-Emmy Award recipient. He has worked as a hard news reporter for the Gannett News Service, CNN and the Washington Times. He's also a decorated Marine Corps Vietnam combat veteran.)
The film is direct in its presentation. Its content is factual and details are delivered primarily through eye-witness accounts.
Vietnam POWs tell their stories in their own words. They remind us all of the suffering they had to endure; suffering that, in connection with anti-war protests, propaganda and a would-be politician's ambitions, ended up being extended in length and breadth. They tell, too, of the shameful treatment they received upon their return, which was delayed as the result of the testimony of one man. One of their own. One who holds the highest of governmental aspirations - John Kerry.
The distinguished decorated veterans, including two Medal of Honor winners who were prisoners of war in North Vietnam, describe the intolerable torture they had to bear at the hands of the North Vietnamese and the additional suffering they were subjected to because of the testimony given by Kerry at the 1971 Fulbright Hearing.
At the hearing, fellow officer Kerry claimed that American forces were guilty of widespread war crimes, and he spoke of his own participation.
While Kerry was offering testimony, "Stolen Honor" veterans were being tortured, held in solitary confinement and experiencing severe psychological and physical maltreatment.
Retired Colonel Leo K. Thorsness is the holder of a Medal of Honor, Silver Star, six Distinguished Flying Crosses, 10 Air Medals, two Purple Hearts and the Good Conduct Medal. He sets forth in the movie the connection between Kerry's deeds and his own personal anguish.
Thorsness spent over five years imprisoned by the North Vienamese communists and shares how he and others "were held captives longer, because of the antiwar people, from the Kerrys to Fonda and Hayden...[who] encouraged the enemy to hang on."
Retired Captain James H. Warner is a Marine and the holder of a Legion of Merit, two Bronze Stars, two Purple Hearts, 11 Air Medals and a Navy Commendation Medal. Warner, who was also held as a prisoner for more than five years, recounts how the North Vietnamese coerced him to read Kerry's 1971 testimony and tried to use it to browbeat a confession of war crimes out of him.
He explains in personal terms the horror of solitary confinement and the realization that the dank facility was intended not only for incarceration purposes but for intense and barbaric punishment as well. "We were constantly fed propaganda, and the propaganda from home was always about the antiwar movement," Warner remembers. He recalls that "after we had talked for quite some time, the interrogator showed me a transcript of testimony that my mother had given at something called the Winter Soldier hearings. I had no idea what these were. I read her testimony and it wasn't damning, but then I saw some of the other stuff that had gone on at this Winter Soldier hearing, I wondered 'how did somebody get my mother persuaded to appear at something like this?'"
Warner then describes the use of Kerry's testimony by his captors. He says, "Shortly thereafter he [his captor] showed me some statements from John Kerry. He said that John Kerry had helped organize the Winter Soldier hearings because he was so motivated because he had been an American officer, served in the U.S. Navy. And then he started reading some of the statements that John Kerry had made. I'm sorry I can't quote them, but essentially he [Kerry] accused all of us in Vietnam of being criminals, that everything we had done was criminal.
"The North Vietnamese had told us from the time that they got their hands on us that we were criminals, that we were not covered by the Geneva Convention, so it was okay for them to do whatever they wanted to do to us. And they told us that they were going to put us on trial and some of us would be executed."
Warner's summation is terse and damning. "[John Kerry] abandoned his comrades. He burned up his band of brothers membership card when he did that," he says.
Kerry's testimony gave wings to his political career. But it also blighted the reputation and integrity of 2.5 million Vietnam veterans by marking them as war criminals and baby killers, labels that would result in aspersion, distress, and yes, stolen honor.
The way I see it, Kerry operatives are now trying to suppress the broadcast presentation because of its powerful conveyance of "inconvenient" truths.
If you're like me, when you view the movie you'll cringe at the thought that our soldiers were ever treated in the horrific manner they were abroad, upon their return and by a fellow soldier. You'll work to somehow compensate for our failure to extend the proper acknowledgement and gratitude at their homecoming. And you'll salute them once again for their enormous courage and continued service.
When the veterans who appear in "Stolen Honor" were held at the Hanoi Hilton, the oppressive silence would only be broken by the cries of pain.
The silence on John Kerry's role in the prolonging of the torture of his fellow soldiers and the shameful treatment of our Vietnam vets must be broken to assuage the still-festering wounds of heart and spirit.
Thanks go out to Sinclair for its willingness to tender the truth.
You DO have FRIENDS out there in the HEARTLAND....!!!!
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JB Stone Guest
Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:10 pm Post subject: |
Quote: |
Let's SEE....If I were King of the Forrrrrreeeessssttttttt........ |
Too bad the Wizard couldn't give him a CONSCIENCE...!!!
Sorry, couldn't resist....  |
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one more captins mast LCDR
Joined: 10 Aug 2004 Posts: 438 Location: Texas
Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 1:58 pm Post subject: thinking, thinking, thinking, |
I get it he has a mirror in his own mind, he holds the mirror up
with his one mind, and the other takes a photo of him with say,
the united nations "leaders" and then he truns the mirror around
and the other side of his mind sees and belives the photo and
evidence shown.
Something like that, could be he taught it to Dr. Phil when they
talked. _________________ the strange mr aj |
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JB Stone Guest
Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 8:38 pm Post subject: |
I had THIS printed on the Editorial Page of the Daily Inter Lake, Kalispell, MT today....
Quote: | John Kerry, Setting America Adrift
Listen to John Kerry at any one moment and you will never sense the whole. Let him talk about himself long enough and he will indict himself every time.
John Kerry signed a six-year contract to enlist in the Naval Reserve [not the USN] as an OCS Candidate on 2/18/66. However, he did so only after his request for a deferral to study in Paris for an additional year was refused. His Reserve Unit was called up. By his own admission, "When I signed up for the swift boats, they had very little to do with the war. They were engaged in coastal patrolling and that's what I thought I was going to be doing." He requested an early discharge from his Admiral on the grounds of “conscientious objection” to the ongoing conflict. You might say, “John Kerry voted against the military before he voted for it, and then voted against it.” Often criticized for flip-flopping, it’s his consistency and alliances I find most chilling.
A 2/18/70 Harvard Crimson article describes his first bid for the U.S. Congress, campaigning while he was still on Active Duty in the Navy. In “John Kerry: A Navy Dove Runs for Congress”, he states, "I'm an internationalist. I'd like to see our troops dispersed through the world only at the directive of the United Nations." A political career was born. Debating George Bush thirty-four years later he said, “you have to do it in a way that passes … the global test … and you can prove to the world that you did it for legitimate reasons.”
Kerry was soundly rejected in the Democratic Primary. In June, 1970, still in the Navy Reserve, he had joined the Vietnam Veterans Against the War and was making headlines by year’s end. From 1/31 - 2/2/71 Kerry collected “evidence of…"war crimes … committed or witnessed"” at the VVAW’s Winter Soldier Investigation, which he later used in his testimony before the Senate. Many of the “witnesses” he quoted had never actually been in Vietnam or in combat. So, while he may have repeated accurately what he heard to the Senate in April, it was not entirely truthful.
On 4/18/71, he stated to “Meet the Press”, “There are all kinds of atrocities, and I would have to say that, yes, yes, I committed the same kind of atrocities as thousands of other soldiers have committed in that I took part in shootings in free fire zones. I conducted harassment and interdiction fire. I used 50 calibre machine guns, which we were granted and ordered to use, which were our only weapon against people. I took part in search and destroy missions, in the burning of villages. All of this is contrary to the laws of warfare, all of this is contrary to the Geneva Conventions…” Five days later, he threw some of his ribbons, not his medals, over a fence in D.C.
In July of 1971, Kerry appeared on the “Dick Cavett Show”, accusing American Servicemen of War Crimes. Kerry admitted that he'd never actually seen some of the atrocities he testified about, saying, "I personally didn't see personal atrocities in the sense I saw somebody cut a head off or something like that. However, I did take part in free-fire zones, I did take part in harassment and interdiction fire, I did take part in search-and-destroy missions in which the houses of noncombatants were burned to the ground…And all of these acts… are contrary to the Hague and Geneva conventions and to the laws of warfare. So in that sense, anybody who took part in those, if you carry out the application of the Nuremberg Principles, is in fact guilty."
On 2/19/04, he told CNN, "No, I was accusing American leaders…it's the leaders who are responsible, not the soldiers. I never said that." John Kerry now claims to be an American leader. Was he an “American Leader” when he ordered those who served under him to commit what he himself considers to be War Crimes?
John Kerry refuses to release any of his Military Records from 1/3/70 – 7/1/72, during which time he was a Ready Reserve officer and also at the height of his VVAW activities and meeting with the North Vietnamese in Paris. Under oath during the question and answer period following his televised testimony before the U.S. Senate, Kerry said: “I have been to Paris. I have talked to … the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the Provisional Revolutionary Government [both Communist Regimes] and… if the United States were to set a date for withdrawal the prisoners of war would be returned.”
By negotiating for a date certain for our withdrawal while still an Officer in the Naval Reserve, John Kerry created a huge Constitutional dilemma for himself. Title 10, Section 904 of the United States Code [UCMJ] provides: “Any person who… without proper authority, knowingly… communicates or corresponds with or holds any intercourse with the enemy, either directly or indirectly, shall suffer death or such other punishment as a court-martial or military commission may direct.” Given Title 10, Section 904 and Title 18, Section 953, intercourse with the enemy and intercourse with a foreign government with intent to “defeat the measures of” the United States constitute federal crimes. He collaborated with enemy combatants during the war, "adhering to them and giving them aid." The evidence for this is in his own words, covered by another law, The Constitution of the United States, Article III, Section 3.
Kerry’s official Web site features an official Navy document describing his "Honorable Discharge from the Reserves.” This document is dated 2/16/78, a full six years after his original enlistment contract expired. It describes his discharge as being subsequent to the review of "a board of officers,” citing "Title 10, U.S. Code Section 1162 and 1163,” which refers to the grounds for involuntary separation from the service. No ordinary honorable discharge action in the Navy requires a review by a board of officers. The "board of officers" is even more noteworthy because it came about "by direction of the President,” Jimmy Carter. No normal honorable discharge requires the direction of the president.
Less than an hour after his Inauguration, Mr. Carter signed Executive Order 4483 empowering a general amnesty for draft dodgers and other war protesters. It was expanded in March 1977 to include other offenders who may have had general, bad conduct, dishonorable discharges, and any other discharge or sentence with negative effect on military records. In those cases the directive outlined a procedure for appeal on a case by case basis before a board of officers. A satisfactory appeal would result in an improvement of discharge status or an honorable discharge.
Senator Kerry has repeatedly refused to sign Standard Form 180, allowing the release of his complete military records. The Naval Personnel Office confirms that they are still withholding some 100 pages of files.
There's MORE to this than InterNet chatter.....  |
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Navy_Navy_Navy Admin
Joined: 07 May 2004 Posts: 5777
Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 12:09 am Post subject: |
Good letter, JB! I hope people will read it and take heed.
Kerry's consistencies scare me a hell of a lot more than his inconsistencies.
His penchant for taking any side but America's on any given question is chilling. _________________ ~ Echo Juliet ~
Altering course to starboard - On Fire, Keep Clear
Navy woman, Navy wife, Navy mother |
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JB Stone Guest
Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 2:09 am Post subject: Kerry is Screwing Himself Every DAY.... |
His "campaign" is IMPLODING....
MOST folks have ALREADY made up their minds.....MONTHS ago.
There's this MYTH that they will be swayed at the last moment by some 'BRILLIANT' political maneuver.
Yes, SOME of the lightweights out there WERE swung by the "debates".
But, the REALITY is that they generally ALL have rather short memories.
And, Kerry, building a NEW campaign every couple of days....is going to DEFEAT him.
It's not the "flip flopping" per se.
If YOU tried the "Olympics" game the RNC had up for a while, you will recally just HOW difficult it is to remember what the HELL Kerry's "plan" is...or what he "stands for".
However, no matter WHAT you "think" you know about the man....he will COUNTER it within the last three days....
And, even those that THOUGHT they had made up their minds will SEE his indecision...no matter WHAT position he takes....he CANNOT "match it" to ANYTHING he said last month....because first of all, there WAS NO "core value" appeal...only HATE BUSH, VOTE FOR ME.
And, EVERYONE wants to feel that their vote "counts"....but the vast majority of the electorate will NOT be able to enunciate WHY they should vote FOR Kerry....
NOt even in the depths of their most PRIVATE thoughts will they find ANY consistency to his message.
It's as if he's set out to have an opinion on EVERYTHING......claiming that Bush is WRONG on all accounts.....
Hell, even a BROKEN CLOCK is right twice a day.
So, the SPECIOUSNESS of his "arguments" begins to wear thin....
And then the average voter will TRY in utter frustration to square his latest remarks with what the voter THOUGHT he wanted to hear...and the message WON'T be there.
NOBODY can talk THAT fast.
Kerry can be on both sides of EVERY issue....sequentially, but NOT simultaneously.
What's that HONEST ABE SAID...???
OH, yeah.
"You can fool all of the people SOME of the time..and you can fool some of the people ALL of the time...but...
And, I do think the guy was RIGHT.
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JB Stone Guest
Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 3:52 am Post subject: |
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JB Stone Guest
Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 6:32 pm Post subject: |
The Seams Have SPLIT Wide Open....Backers Bailing by the Bundle...
Quote: | Kerrey to Kerry: Apologize to Vietnam Vets
Vietnam veteran and major Kerry backer former Senator Bob Kerrey said Sunday that the presidential candidate should apologize to his fellow Vietnam veterans for accusing them of committing war crimes.
Asked whether Kerry should "apologize" for his 1971 admission that he committed "the same kind of atrocities as thousands of other soldiers," the Nebraska Democrat told NBC's "Meet the Press", "I think he shou . . ," before stopping in mid-word.
Kerrey then explained:
"This is what I think he should say: 'I tried to end this war, along with lots of other veterans . . . But what I said I know hurt people. It know it hurt veterans out there. It made it difficult for them.'"
Kerrey urged Kerry: "I think he needs to acknowledge that he hurt people. I think it would go a long way towards defusing some of the pain that Vietnam veterans feel."
http://www.newsmax.com/archives/ic/2004/10/31/112514.shtml |
OH, and I got a packet of Campaign Brochures in the mail from the local Republican Central Committee....with a hand-written scrawl on the back,
"You Rock, J.B.!"
I guess those letters to the editor are WORKING....!!!! |
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JB Stone Guest
Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 12:41 pm Post subject: Kedwards Kampain Kontinues to Kollapse.... |
Quote: | Posted on Mon, Nov. 01, 2004
Kerry can't shake title
I'm terrible with predictions. Ask any of my friends and they'll vouch for that. Super Bowl championships, World Series games, baseball manager changes and the list goes on; I've not gotten many right.
And so it goes with the presidential race. Like other political contests, there are so many variables. Now that America is within hours of selecting the man to serve the next four years let me give you my two cents worth.
I really start studying polls around the first week of September, just after Labor Day. Bush has been in command anywhere from 1 to 8 points depending on the week, the poll and the issues. But I'll toss the tracking polls aside for my analysis.
When I look at the race for the White House, I really attempt to put on a pair of glasses that let's me see this objectively, not through my emotions and partisanship. That's hard for some to swallow, but it's the truth. I was very realistic in the 1996 race when I knew Bill Clinton, mojo and all, would defeat Bob Dole. He did it without capturing 50 percent of the vote. Dole was glib and - a senator. Yes, I said senator. You're asking what does that have to do with anything, right?
Now, 2004, beyond war, terrorism, economics, education, WMDs, hunting for geese and all the labels that have been pinned on Sen. John Kerry are labels like liberal, tax-and-spend Democrat. More than anything else the label that will defeat him, however, will be: Senator.
What? I know it sounds crazy. Humor me. I read an article on the ABC news Website recently, and it followed my way of thinking on this election. It was written by Terry Michael, former Democratic National Committee press secretary. As Michael points out, only three presidents have been selected from the sitting legislative branch: James Garfield in 1880, Warren Harding in 1920, and John Kennedy in 1960. Sad to say, all died in office.
Only three presidents out of 43 is no historical fluke. Here's what is amazing. Campaigners, political parties and the candidates themselves ignore the history of it all. My former political teacher, James Barfield, taught me this in the 10th grade. For this reason alone, I believe Bush will get any conflicted voters on Nov. 2.
Any of you ambivalent at this late date? Remember Bob Dole tried to shake the Senate in 1996 by resigning his position five months before the election. Dole couldn't cleanse himself from all that policy and all those fine-tuned positions. If you watched the debates, you know exactly what I mean. Kerry knows policy. He's got that Senate-itis (not a Bush word; I came up with that gem).
Voters will consider that Bush is a former chief executive of a state - not just any state but Texas. And now he's a sitting president. The nation has seen him console the hurting, cry (like most Americans) after 9/11, stand-up to terrorism and take the tough jolts of criticism from the opposing party.
Although his opponent "has a plan" and has announced that this president has been a colossal failure, he doesn't inspire. African-American voters aren't energized by Kerry and may not turn out vigorously. Jewish voters appear to distrust Kerry and are leaning toward Bush. And guess what? Evangelicals will probably win Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania for the president. That's because they're concerned about the gay marriage issue which is on the ballots in Ohio and Michigan.
It looks like Kerry may even talk about his Catholic background long enough that it actually hurts him in the states mentioned above.
One other point. A recent poll by MWR Strategies indicates expectations by the electorate is that Bush will win, which is a good sign for the W camp.
When asked about who voters think will win, respondents gave the president a 23-point advantage. But the question I've not seen show up in polling is about the title of senator.
Will Kerry join others in history? Wannabes who couldn't shake that congressional blah? We'll find out soon. My prediction: Bush 51.5 percent.
Kenny Burgamy is co-host of the Kenny B, Jami G morning talk show on WMAC. |
"In times of peace the people look most to their representatives; but in war, to the executive solely." – Thomas Jefferson
Quote: | Vice president invokes Pearl Harbor in attacking Kerry as weak
PETE YOST, Associated Press Writer
Monday, November 1, 2004
(11-01) 02:04 PST HONOLULU (AP) --
Invoking memories of the attack on Pearl Harbor, Vice President Dick Cheney told a late-night campaign rally Sunday that rival John Kerry neither understands nor has a plan to win today's war on terror.
In a 3,225-mile detour from the mainland battleground states, the vice president made the most of a surprise visit to traditionally Democratic Hawaii by ripping into Kerry in the final hours of the campaign.
"We are standing just a few miles from Pearl Harbor, the site of a sudden attack ... Three years ago, America faced another sudden attack," Cheney told a crowd estimated by his aides at 9,000, the vice president's biggest crowd at a campaign event.
Cheney said that "the clearest, most important difference in this campaign is simple to state: President Bush understands the war on terror and has a strategy for winning it. John Kerry does not."
Though it seems a huge task for Bush to actually win a state that has been a Democratic stronghold, Cheney's overnight trip is aimed at fueling the perception the president's re-election is assured.
Nationally, however, the latest national polls show the race to be extremely tight.
Outside the convention center where Cheney spoke, some 80 people gathered across the street carrying anti-war and Kerry-Edwards signs in support of Kerry and running mate John Edwards. Several demonstrators inside the convention center briefly interrupted Cheney's remarks, but they were drowned out by audience chants of "four more years."
The vice president's remarks on national security paralleled the basic campaign speech he has been giving for months, with the added punch of tying together the sneak attack that began U.S. involvement in World War II with the attacks of Sept. 11.
The Kerry campaign says the senator has spent the better part of his career working on behalf of the military and that he has been concerned about the consequences of giving the president a blank check in Iraq. "We're seeing the consequences of that in Iraq. It's a tragedy," Kerry campaign spokesman Phil Singer said Sunday.
Kerry has said his combat experience during the Vietnam War shows he is not the weakling that Cheney, who received deferments to avoid military service, portrays him to be. Kerry says he will fight the terrorists "with all of the intensity with which I went at it, and I went at it, and the guys who were on my boats will tell you how we went at it. We fought."
Cheney told the cheering crowd in Honolulu, "Now in the final days of this campaign, John Kerry is running around talking tough. He's trying every which way to cover up his record of weakness on national defense. But he can't do it. It won't work."
The vice president then delivered what he tells crowds is his favorite line: "As we like to say in Wyoming, you can put all the lipstick you want on a pig, but at the end of the day, it'll still be a pig!" The line draw such a roar that Cheney, as he sometimes does, asked if the crowd wanted to hear it again. They did, and he repeated it.
"If you want a president who will keep his word, and stand behind our military 100 percent of the time, send George W. Bush back for four more years," the vice president said, framing the battle against Osama bin Laden's terrorists as the most important issue facing the nation.
It has been 44 years since a major party candidate on a national ticket made a campaign stop in Hawaii and it is unprecedented this close to Election Day.
Only Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan among Republicans have won Hawaii since it became a state, but recent polls have shown Bush and Kerry in a close race. |
"We are standing just a few miles from Pearl Harbor, the site of a sudden attack ... Three years ago, America faced another sudden attack," Cheney told a crowd estimated by his aides at 9,000, the vice president's biggest crowd at a campaign event.
Cheney said that "the clearest, most important difference in this campaign is simple to state: President Bush understands the war on terror and has a strategy for winning it. John Kerry does not."
Which Brought this response from the Kedwards Kampain:
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