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Vets for Kerry, very scary

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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 3:49 pm    Post subject: Vets for Kerry, very scary Reply with quote

I've met and held discussions (read heated arguments) with members of the Vets for Kerry.
This is one very scary and treasonous group of idiots.

Unless you have actually met these guys, you are probably deluded into thinking they are a bunch of "wanna bees" and 4-F fools, you could not be more wrong.

These traitors mostly are real vets, I've met Rangers and Marines with actual combat experience, yet they are supporting Kerry? This is far worse than anyone has ever let the rest of us know about.

I have been having very heated arguments with these awful men. They believe that Kerry and Jane Fonda were heroes that ended the war sooner and saved thousands of lives. Incredible, isn't it? That America is only interested in world domination and killing our innocent brown brothers around the world.

If anyone would be interested in "communicating" with these traitors, I would be happy to supply you with contact information.

I have email addresses and the phone number for the spokesman for the Colorado division of treason supporters.
Let me know, I'm tired of battling these idiots alone......
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 4:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Our Vietnam experience's are as varied as were the men who served there. Several came home disillusioned facing severe condemnation from the public. Some have never gotten past it and fell in with the anti-war crowd, either in deed or attitude.

War effects everyone involved, changing us forever. Since Vietnam, we have been faced with nothing but movies and other "information" depicting us as either hapless victims or walking time bombs with hair triggers. Many have fallen in step with that perception.

I've watched the movies, documentaries and read the books and have spent a couple decades trying to figure out why I wasn't as "screwed up" as they depict us and say we are supposed to be. It finally dawned on me that it wasn't me that was wrong, it is those who have depicted us a malcontents and misfits forever damaged by our experiences.

It appears you have been talking with the group that hasn't yet figured out the bill of goods they were sold.

Sad, isn't it?
Clark County Conservative
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 4:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This only proves everyone has an opinion. Like you, I can't fathom how anyone, especially a combat veteran, can believe John Kerry could be better for our country than George Bush.

...but it's their right, and they've earned it, to be as wrong as they want, just like we (in their eyes) have a right to be as wrong as we want.

I had a mother come into my office a couple days ago. She mentioned how her son was a Vietnam vet and how he and she were voting for Kerry as they just couldn't stand voting for Bush. In my position, it was simply not appropriate to argue with her or try to change her mind. So I stood there silently (as hard as it was), with a chagrined look on my face, letting her vent.

I still believe a lot of people are going to step into the voting booth on Tuesday, and will unconsciously vote for Bush and the security he'll provide them and their family. They may express one opinion publicly, but it'll be another thing when they're in the privacy of the voting booth and visions of 9/11 flash through their minds.

BTW, don't resort to the mud-slinging and name-calling (traitors?) that seems to be a Democratic staple these days. It only lowers you to their level.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 4:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

While I sypathize with your views I wouldnt call these guys "traitors". They "are" veterans and they "did" serve their country honorably. But theres a "third type" of which Kerry and his gaggle of pals belong to. The "type" that would use what happened in that war as a vehicle for self-promotion and self-service.

That is the single thing that bothers me the most about Kerry, almost everything else I could live with tho I'd never vote for him. He used that war to selfishly promote himself , while riding whatever political wave was in vouge at the time. If the war had been popular he'd have been dancing the streets with a flag wrapped around himself , singing the Star Spangled Banner, instead of hobb-knobbing around Paris with the commies,or, spinning that ridiculous winter soldier crap.

Well.....the tape now goes foward to 2003/2004 and Kerry knows hes wide open on this. So he recruits enough old boat buddies to take the heat off him. Not a bad days work eh? Get flown around the country for rallys, and a few sits in front of news cam's, and in payment recieve a huge I.O.U. from an American President?

Well........maybe I was wrong. Maybe they actually ARE traitors...............Rich
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 4:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have a hard time trying to play nice with people who desire the defeat of our nation at the hands of our enemies.
Lenin called them "useful idiots", those who believe themselves well intentioned, but who serve the purposes of the agenda driven.

Giving aid and comfort to the enemy during time of war, that is called treason. You may choose to parse the words and put a happy face on that, but that is exactly the essence of treason.

This is how a nation is defeated from within. When men cannot stand up for truth, they will fall for lies.

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John Kerry is on record "For a man to die under the flag of our sovereign nation(The United States) would not be honorable, but to die under the flag of the UN would be honorable' do you fell that way too? To me, that reeks of Anti-Americanism.

When John Kerry as a Naval officer went to Paris France to negotiate with the North Vietnamese communist, that is precisely the definition of treason. But according to you, I should not notice or infer that men who support that position are in fact supporters of treason?

When would you suggest that well call treason, treason, after our nation is destroyed from within and lost?
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 6:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I didn't say Kerry wasn't a traitor. I said everyone needed to lower the rhetoric when they're calling all veteran Kerry supporters traitors. That kind of virulent language only puts veterans against veterans, and doesn't convince anyone of the righteousness of your argument.

Here's the letter to the editor I wrote a few weeks ago...

"In 1971 John Kerry was a U.S Naval officer who had not yet completed his enlistment contract. Holding a Navy ID, drawing Navy pay, and obligated to report to official requests for training, Kerry was bound by the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

In 1971 Kerry met with the Communist delegation in Paris. His actions resulted in additional torture being inflicted on American POW’s, and reportedly extended the war, helping cause hundreds of additional names to be added to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

National sources are reporting Kerry probably received a dishonorable discharge from the Navy for his illegal anti-war activities, which would have resulted in the revocation of pay, benefits and allowances, and all medals and honors.

In 1977 Jimmy Carter was elected President. His first act as president was a general amnesty for draft dodgers and other war protesters. The amnesty was eventually expanded to include other offenders who may have had a discharge or sentence with negative effect on their military records. A procedure was put in place for appeal on a case by case basis before a board of officers.

In 1978, six years after his commitment to the U.S. Navy would have ended, Kerry’s case was heard by a board of officers and he received an “honorable” discharge.

In 1985, five months after Kerry joined the U.S. Senate, all of his “lost” medals were reissued.

There may have been an amnesty and Kerry may now profess his “war hero” status but, to a good many veterans of Vietnam and other conflicts, John Kerry is nothing but a self-serving, arrogant, war-criminal and traitor, who received a more than deserved dishonorable discharge.

Presidential material? I don’t think we want a person with Kerry’s credentials running the dog pound."

I kept it under the 250 word maximum, trying to keep it as clear and succinct as possible. Unfortunately, it'll never see the light of day, as my weekly newspaper editor said he received it too late for others to respond to it before election day, and the editor of the area's daily paper wrote "I’ve not been able to find any credible evidence that Kerry was dishonorably discharged. If you have some sources to cite, send them along and I will reconsider your letter."

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 7:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I didn't say Kerry wasn't a traitor. I said everyone needed to lower the rhetoric when they're calling all veteran Kerry supporters traitors. That kind of virulent language only puts veterans against veterans, and doesn't convince anyone of the righteousness of your argument.

I think you're absolutely right.

There are individuals (misguided, in my opinion) who believe that John Kerry's anti-war movement helped end the war sooner, despite a growing mountain of evidence to the contrary.

All those "People's Peace" groups allowed to get their hands into the mix and provided opportunity for the disruption and constant interruption of the peace talks and progress.

We are only recently becoming aware of just how much this "intervention" impeded progress, so the word isn't out to everyone, yet. The histories of the Vietnam war are still being written, today, but until recently, the anti-war vets were cast in the heroes' roles.

It's going to absolutely turn some of these peoples' worlds upside down as the truth of Vietnam is exposed and they are no longer leaders and heroes in a noble effort, but pawns for the communists agenda in SE Asia.

These people may be unaware of the fact that John Kerry met with the enemy and brought their 7-point Peace Plan back home and presented it to our own Congress as his personal opinion.

They may be unaware that far from Kerry's estimate that we might have to evacuate a few thousand for political reasons, that millions died in the slaughters of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.

The domino theory that Kerry dismissed as a pro-war propagandist "bogeyman."

We need to educate as many of these as are willing to listen, but in the end, everyone is entitled to their opinion and those who will not see, we have to let them remain "on the dark side."

Just some musings from a peacetime sailor... I was 15 when the last troops left Vietnam... too young to stand with you Vietnam vets, back then.

Doing my best to stand with you, now.
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Jim Peterson
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 8:13 pm    Post subject: Political Positions Reply with quote

I have to disagree with most points here.

I think Vets for Kerry were Vets for Gore were Vets for Clinton but they didn't state it as such.

Some people are Democrats and vote for the democrat no matter who is running. Some people are Republicans and vote for the republican no matter who is running.

The democrats, as a party, never have been big on patting vets on the back and waving a flag. Look at Clinton vs Dole. Military service did not count.

But now, post 9-11, military service is the center piece of the democratic attack on the president. Now its "cool" to be a vet in the democratic party. Now they are patting the vet on the back and he is lovin' it. He's the man. He's needed.

The sad part is the dem's don't mean it and after the election the vet will be thrown into the back of the election closit to be forgotten until he's needed again.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 8:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have had several "conversations" with people representing themselves as "veterans for Kerry." I have yet to meet one in person that served in Viet Nam, although I have bantered with some representing themselves as Viet vets on various forums. Most of the ones that I have actually spoken to or seen sporting bumper stickers of veterans for Kerry are in the under 30 crowd.

Outside of the rabid liberals and socialist of the 60's led by people like Haden and Kerry, I have never encountered a Viet vet that had anything but respect and admiration for our efforts there and those that served. Yes, many Viet vets were disillusioned by the way we fought the war (politics), but in my opinion, there is a difference between dissent of opinion and collusion and support of the enemy. Kerry was not a dissenter. He was a communist collusionist and a traitor. So were Hayden and his future wife Jane.

Those that represent themselves as veterans and choose to support Kerry in the face of the overwhelming record and evidence reflecting his actions and his past concerning Viet Nam, are either delusional or purposely choosing to ignore reality and the facts in order to support personal aberrant liberal beliefs.

There was a song out several years ago that had a tag line which said, "you have to stand for something, or you will fall for anything." In my opinion, when you encounter someone that represents themselves as a vet that supports Kerry, ask yourself what they actually stand for? Not just their current presidential choice, but how they represent themselves in other aspects of their lives. Better yet, what have they allowed themselves to fall for?

Yes, they may have served in the military then or now and they may have served their country on the surface, but in my opinion, they were serving themselves then and now more than any degree of service that they tendered to their country. All you have to do is look at the interviews of some that have served since the war in Iraq and listen to their complaints and pleas where they openly state that the only reason they joined the military was to get college benefits. They had no desire and no intention of ever being called upon to be soldiers, sailors, airmen or Marines. Their sole purpose was to use the system available in order to better themselves. Their participation is not about commitment or sacrifice, theirs is squarely rooted in personal enrichment.

When the chips are down these people are for self not country and you see that in their representations and their choices for political leadership.

Yes we have those that will support the party regardless of the candidate, but when it comes to veterans, look close at the individual and the answer to the question of why is pretty clear in my opinion.
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