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Trying not to freak out!
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Joined: 21 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 9:07 pm    Post subject: Trying not to freak out! Reply with quote

I've been perusing other conservative boards and am reading stuff like this:

"...I really think we're going to have to get used to the sound of "President Kerry"...as much as the thought sickens me. As long as the Republicans hold on to the House and Senate he can't do too much damage, although if he withdraws from Iraq too soon, as he will get incredible pressure to do, even two years could be disastrous. Let's see him get a judicial nominee through a Republican controlled Senate."

My stomach is in knots over what a nightmare a sKerry presidency would be.
I suppose the only consolation is that Hillary won't have a chance after 4 years of hell.

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Joined: 23 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 9:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Go somewhere else for news. Close only counts in horseshoes and handgrenades, Kerry needs all the fake hype he can get. Wink
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Joined: 18 May 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 9:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

We have a moratorium on negativity here Laughing

Let others feel defeated before the fight is over, not us.
Clark County Conservative
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Seaman Apprentice

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 9:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cathy, let not your heart be troubled! Kerry's going down! Don't let the Kerrorists and their comrades in the media convince you otherwise. They want us to be demoralized. They want us to doubt. Don't fall for the trap! Very Happy
"If I must choose between righteousness and peace, I choose righteousness." -- Theodore Roosevelt
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 9:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think they are nervous, because the news is really all for Kerry. I have to believe that America is not that blinded. "Unfit for Command" is still in the top 10. This has to be a good sign. Stolen Honor is getting out, and it is powerful, even to the younger generation. This has made a lot of the younger generations talk to military that has served and is serving.
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Joined: 30 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 9:51 pm    Post subject: Oh ye of little faith Reply with quote

I know what you mean. I've run into a few of those myself. Up here it's usually some block head who thinks that Bush has deserted the conservative cause because he hasn't supported their bid to get their peculiar notions established as the "State Religion"
I ran into one the other day and after listening to his spiel for half an hour I let him have it: "SO WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? VOTE FOR THE ANTICHRIST KERRY OR SIT ON YOUR BUTT AND DO NOTHING SO THAT THE BASTARDS CAN WIN BY DEFAULT?"
That shut him up big time. Some time afterwards a friend of mine came up and told me that he'd wished he'd been able to say the same thing a number of times. God but I felt good. Very Happy
Hey swifty, I'm with you, Just watch you don't get "Kerry'd away in the propwash

Sgt. Maj. Seamus D.D. MacNemi R.M.C. Ret.
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Son of a VET
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 9:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Close only counts in horseshoes and handgrenades

Kerry knows all about that! Laughing

Stolen Honor
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Joined: 21 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 10:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What is all this doom and gloom for? Just went to Rassmusen and looked over the figures, Kerry has a much bigger battle to Win this Election. He has been losing ground in Michigan all week, Florida is looking like it will go for Bush, Bush is ahead in Ohio, etc...
Come on people, the Polls don't really mean much, they always slide on the weekends for Bush, and the only real Poll that matters is November 2nd!! Get out and Vote! Very Happy
U.S. Army 1983-1995, 11C1P/11H2P NBTDT
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Rear Admiral

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 10:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

President Bush will win.
Kerry will go down. Get busy getting the vote out. Send out 10 emails with the focus on Kerry's association with the communist and the treason activities. It makes you me feel good to get the word out. In the house with the tv on and I lose sight that there are true Americans that have not been taken in and are standing firm for America. Don't listen to the brainwashing. CTW

Never Ever Kerry
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Mary Ann Parker

Joined: 02 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 10:13 pm    Post subject: SATAN USED TO WALK UPRIGHT!!! -Be Patient-Be Busy Reply with quote

I really mean this.
It is scriptural that;
Nations and their rulers rise and fall at the behest of God.
If for any reason we do get that person in that office, it
will be because God allowed him there.

Remember, when you study your Bible, God used one sinful
culture to punish another many times.

I will just redouble my efforts, and work harder to get God
back into the social and economic dialogue in America.

I have already repented and asked God to change His mind if
that is what He plans.

Remember that Moses asked him while he was on the Mount to
receive the Ten Commandments not to wipe out Israel because of
their sin.

He asked God to blot him (Moses) out of the Book He had written
them in rather than Israel. God changed His mind..
We are just putting "feet" under our prayers here.

An example of God's own sacrifical Lamb, Jesus.

The work is already done. We have to do our part and Trust In Him.

Rember Satan goes fishing in "troubled waters'.

When I think of Kerry, I draw comfort in the fact that
Now he doesn't Very Happy

Find joy in every moment of every day.
We are blessed to live in a nation that allows us to e-mail, call,
write, complain, etc.
Mary Ann Parker
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Joined: 22 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 10:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Keep yer chin up, Mate! Very Happy

Let's get the vote out.

And pray - always.

"No greater love..."
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Joined: 15 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 11:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

There is no reason to be discouraged. We are winning. Has anyone taken into account that the polls are always wrong, every year? The only way Kerry can win is if it's a squeeker and he can pull off voter fraud and win through litigation. Kerry has no chance to win any southern state except Florida, and that's not looking likely anymore. Kerry has to win virtually every swing state and 2 of the big three (FL, PA, OH). Bush can lose every swing state and still win with FL and OH or PA, and even if he loses FL but wins OH & PA he only needs to win 1 more swing state. It's also possible that Bush could lose the big 3 and still win. It's not possible for Kerry.
Au revoir, Kerry.
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Vice Admiral

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 11:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

In 2002, Mason/Dixon was correct in 22/23 state polls in predicting the winner.

In 2002, Zogby was correct in 5/23 state polls in predicting the winner.
US Army Security Agency
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Joined: 22 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 11:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A little Mark Steyn to soothe the frayed nerves a bit.
Fantastic last paragraph.


Justifications for backing Kerry fall flat

October 31, 2004


Reading the media "endorsements" of John Kerry is like having lunch with a woman who wants to tell you about her great new boyfriend. She spends seven-eighths of the time b****ing about the old boyfriend -- cocky, hot-headed, insensitive, never wants to listen, never gonna change -- and in the remaining few minutes tries to come up with the new guy's good points:

"Mr. Kerry himself is not a compelling candidate. But this year he offers a --"


"-- a respite, a pause for reappraisal."

That's The Economist, pining for a quiet night in.

"What the Republicans tar as waffling strikes us as --"

Hmm. What is le mot juste?

"-- flexibility."

That's my Sun-Times colleagues, looking for a man they -- or, at any rate, Jacques Chirac and Kofi Annan -- can mold.

"According to the Almanac of American Politics, Kerry is 'more respectful of economic free markets' and more inclined to an expansionist foreign policy than --"

Than Ronald Reagan?

"-- than other liberal Democrats."

Oh, well. That's the Des Moines Register, arguing that he doesn't seem like a wimp and a loser if you put him in a room full of even bigger wimps and losers.

"We have misgivings about Kerry's ability to connect with ordinary people. We were frustrated by his long-winded explanations --"


"His zigs and zags reflect his digestion of new information and his arrival at new insights." Honestly, sighs the Virginian Pilot, he only comes over like a snooty windbag because he's so much smarter than us.

"Mr. Kerry's description of the war as a 'diversion' does not inspire confidence in his determination to see it through. But Mr. Kerry has repeatedly pledged not to cut and run from Iraq --"

You're right, says the Washington Post, he has a commitment problem, but we'll work that out after the wedding.

Meanwhile, Andrew Sullivan in the New Republic sounds like some blousy torch singer sitting atop the piano in a Jazz Age cabaret doing one of those laundry-list songs ruefully adumbrating her lover's faults: "His record is undistinguished, and where it stands out, mainly regrettable. He intuitively believes that if a problem exists, it is the government's job to fix it. He has far too much faith in international institutions, like the corrupt and feckless U.N., in the tasks of global management. He got the Cold War wrong. He got the first Gulf War wrong --"

If he were Jane Monheit on her excellent new CD, he'd conclude:

"I love him because he's --

I don't know --

Because he's just my Bill."

But, in this case, the point seems to be:

"I love him because he's --

I don't know --

Because he's just not Bush."

Sullivan's big idea is that the best way to force the Democrats to get serious about the war is to put them in charge of it. That's a helluva leap of faith -- and, in John Kerry's case, it's at odds with a 30-year track record of not being serious on the Cold War, Grenada, Central America, the first Gulf War, etc. As Dr. Laura would advise, you should never marry a man in hopes of reforming him.

In that respect, the Qaqaagate story is fascinating. What happened and when in Saddam's al-Qaqaa facility is somewhat murky. Had the shameless gang at "60 Minutes" had their way, the missing explosives story would have aired 36 hours before the polls opened, with no time for anybody to put the alternative to the Bush incompetence scenario -- i.e., that the stuff was moved to Syria before the war began. But never mind that. And never mind that the source for this story is a discredited U.N. official, Mohammed el-Baradei, on whose watch the IAEA not only missed entirely Libya's WMD program but has proved remarkably accommodating of Iran's.

Forget all that. The main problem with this story is that it makes no sense in terms of the Democrats' own narrative. For a year and a half, they've told us there were no WMD, Saddam wasn't a threat, and "BUSH LIED!!!!!!!!!" about it all. I happen to disagree with that, but there's no doubt that simply by hammering it home all day and night the Dems had some effect. Now they're saying whoa, let's back up, yes, as it happens, these non-existent weapons that Bush lied about the non-threatening Saddam having he did, in fact, have -- and that fool Bush let the non-existent weapons get away.

My version of this story -- they were smuggled out to Syria pre-invasion -- fits the Bush view of the war. But Kerry's version of this story undermines the Kerry view of the war -- or, at any rate, the most recent Kerry view of the war. That's the best clue as to the resolve he'd show as President: He has no internal conviction of his own, and so his campaign has run on incoherent reflex oppositionism, as, indeed, his Senate career has -- if America had followed the positions advocated by John Kerry, there would have been no Reagan arms build-up, and the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact would have lingered on, and their clients in Grenada would have destabilized the rest of the Caribbean, and Latin America would not have been democratized, and Saddam Hussein would still be in power and still controlling Kuwait. Kerry's lovebirds at the Washington Post et al. are dreaming of a transformation in their unlovely swain that would be at odds not just with his last three decades but with his last three weeks.

It's only a day or so now till the chad-dangling round of Campaign 2004 begins but, when the lawsuits are over and the bloodletting begins, serious Democrats need to confront the intellectual emptiness of their party, which Kerry's campaign embodies all too well. The Dems got a full tank from FDR, a top-up in the Civil Rights era, and they've been running on fumes for 30 years. Their last star, Bill Clinton, has no legacy because, deft as he was, his Democratic Party had no purpose other than as a vehicle for promoting his own indispensability. When he left, the Democrats became a party running on personality with no personalities to run. Hence, the Kerry candidacy. Despite the best efforts of American editorialists, there's no there there.

"No greater love..."
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 12:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

What a great article. The last paragraph SAYS IT ALL.

And if some flukephuq occurs and Kerry "wins" this, I personally vow to work my tail off every waking moment to make Kerry rue the day he stole the WH. I'll do everything I can to make him sorry he ever opened his yap about anything, going back to 1971. Maybe high school--I dunno. I haven't quite decided.

Since everyone is in to make predictions, here is mine: Bush will win handily.

If Kerry "wins", however, he will be the first sitting President to be impeached and REMOVED from office, and the scandal will be such that his bankrupt party will not recover for at least 12-16 years, perhaps for an entire generation. Last chance, Democrats: Get right, play fair, be honorable, or get gone.

Bring it on, Kerry?

We are bringing it, AH, we are bringing it. And when we finally deliver it, remember one thing: You Asked For It
The last refuge of scoundrels is not patriotism; it is finicky liberal humanitarianism.--Martin Paretz
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