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Aristotle The Hun PO1
Joined: 18 Aug 2004 Posts: 488 Location: Naples FL
Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 5:05 am Post subject: Kerry “I’m smarter” myth debunked! |
Kerry “I’m smarter” myth debunked!
A reporter for a major press syndicate has been interviewing me, and a sneak preview of the story is at http://www.vdare.com/sailer/kerry_iq_lower.htm
Some of you were not in on the hush-hush that led up to this. I didn’t want to make an announcement until it had been documented and nailed down like Florida plywood in September. I didn’t want to look like CBS.
When I had completed my research I contacted a national reporter who enthusiastically began independently validating my work. While he was gathering quotes from IQ experts and writing the story I needed to keep things quiet. We don’t need to keep it secret anymore.
Many people assumed Bush was stupid because he spoke with a regional dialect and exhibited a personable, “down home” demeanor. Likewise many people thought Kerry was smart because he had an East Coast (Boston) accent and a patrician demeanor. Surprisingly, even many of my fellow Mensans share this bias with the general population. Most Mensans think Kerry is smart and Bush is stupid.
I am an Iowa farm boy, and have lived with the bigotry of city people who just assume that a country boy is stupid. The most obvious example of this regional bigotry in America is that many blue state people think the red state people are stupid.
I also serve as Gifted Child Coordinator. In that position I have come to see many gifted children who were also learning disabled in some area. I am a math idiot, but I still belong to Mensa. I am reminded of a brilliant young MENSA Scholarship winner who stumbled painfully reading his written “thank you” at the awards banquet. Over the years I have become sensitive to the cruel stereotypes which imply that gifted children are stupid. I endured this myself as a child. So did many of you. Let’s just say I am sensitized to the issue of calling people stupid because of personal habits or eccentricities.
Being personally irritated with this cultural prejudice, I started to do some research of my own.
Here is what the research shows:
Linda Gottfredson, co-director of the University of Delaware-Johns Hopkins Project for the Study of Intelligence and Society, told United Press International: "I recently converted Bush's SAT score to an IQ using the high school norms available for his age cohort. Educational Testing Service happened to have done a study of representative high school students within a year or so of when he took the test. I derived an IQ of 125, which is the 95th percentile." In other words, only one out of 20 people would score higher.
Another IQ expert, Charles Murray of the American Enterprise Institute, the co-author of the bestseller "The Bell Curve," came up with a similar result when asked by UPI. Noting that everybody except high school dropouts takes the PSAT when they are sophomores, Murray calculated from PSAT scores that "I think you're safe in saying that Dubya's IQ, based on his SAT score, is in excess of 120, which puts him in the top 10 percent of the distribution, but I wouldn't try to be more precise than that." By Steve Sailer - UPI National Correspondent http://www.isteve.com/
I am somewhat disappointed with these results because what I wanted to be able to say is that Bush could join Mensa but Kerry could not. As it turns out, neither candidate can join Mensa.
How do I know that Kerry could not join Mensa? I already had Kerry’s Navy records re his IQ. They are posted on the Kerry campaign website in a document called Officers Qualification Test. http://www.johnkerry.com/about/john_kerry/military_records.html
I am comfortable with the accuracy of saying Kerry has an IQ of 115 to 118 as compared to Bush having an IQ of 125 to 128. While this is not as dramatic a story as I hoped, I still think this will be a slack-jawed surprise to most people, except for the “good old boys”. Yep, you guessed it, some red state people think blue state people are stupid.
Conclusion # 1: George Bush is a man with superior intelligence who is portrayed as stupid, because of the cultural bigotry of others.
Conclusion # 2: Kerry isn’t stupid either. A 115 IQ will do the trick. John Kennedy’s IQ was 117. But no matter how one looks at it Bush is smarter than Kerry.
I know that really goes down hard for the Bush is stupid folks. Well, if “W” is stupid, Kerry is stupider!
Sam Sewell
Above130 Very superior 2.2
120-129 Superior 6.7
110-119 Bright normal 16.1
90-109 Average 50.0
80-89 Dull normal 16.1
70-79 Borderline 6.7
Below 70 Defective 2.2
Sam Sewell
Mensa Member # 1061487 _________________ Deportè Monsieur Kerrè
Last edited by Aristotle The Hun on Sun Oct 24, 2004 12:55 am; edited 1 time in total |
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Stevie Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
Joined: 25 Aug 2004 Posts: 1451 Location: Queen Creek, Arizona
Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 5:43 am Post subject: Re: Kerry “I’m smarter” myth debunked! |
Aristotle The Hun wrote: | Kerry “I’m smarter” myth debunked!
A reporter for a major press syndicate has been interviewing me, and a sneak preview of the story is at http://www.vdare.com/sailer/kerry_iq_lower.htm
Some of you were not in on the hush-hush that led up to this. I didn’t want to make an announcement until it had been documented and nailed down like Florida plywood in September. I didn’t want to look like CBS.
this is great - better make the msm ! I knew you were up to this.... saw posting where you were seeking info on Bush.... I was so excited! It
just ticked me off to no end when people said stuff like that about Bush- I knew he wasn't stupid! and as far as he 'speaking' I too atributed alot of it to geographical area and down home living ! but it also upset me because what people were saying directly affects people with speech problems - I have one! my words trip over my tongue more often than not!!!! so just because someone has a little trouble, he's LABELED stupid??? or can't run for an office? what does that tell Mel Tillis? or lots of others.....
I loved Bushs' response about his 'swagger' ! 'we call that 'walking'' ! love it! I sent a friend of mine on email about it...her boyfriend is member of Mensa ! I can't wait to forward this post to her!
thanks for your great research and article ! be sure to post when it comes out for all to see!  _________________ Stevie
Congressmen who willfully take actions during wartime that damage
morale and undermine the military are saboteurs and should
be arrested, exiled or hanged. |
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Joined: 13 Sep 2004 Posts: 66
Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 5:45 am Post subject: |
I am very glad you posted this. I have thought all along that President Bush is not stupid, but rather smart, with possibly some learning disability as per some words he has trouble with. My son is gifted with a learning disability (I had him tested twice, once before 1st grade, and again at the end of 2nd grade) and many times adults (and his peers) would get the impression he wasn't smart because he had trouble with puzzles, or trouble with oral directions (not written)--BUT then he'd blown them away with something he'd say--he's very strong verbally. I take it very personally when someone tells me that President Bush is dumb. I quickly point out that it is reprehensible to say that about him when there is no way a "dumb" person could get to the level he is at--no matter what one may think about his views. He may have a completely different ideology that one may find repulsive, but that does NOT mean he is stupid. A "stupid" person wouldn't have the ability to accomplish all he does each day. It is just absurd to say these things and I think it shows a lack of intelligence on the part of the one who is insulting the president. I have also lived long enough to know that there are many kinds of intelligence and that there are people who are amazing at what they do as adults, but perhaps didn't like school and did just enough to get by. Intelligence is important, but without motivation, the value is lost. Thank you again for your post and article. |
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Navy_Navy_Navy Admin
Joined: 07 May 2004 Posts: 5777
Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 5:50 am Post subject: |
Thanks, Sam - that's great!
I'm so sick of hearing of Kerry's nuanced <retch> and superior intellect.
BZ's! _________________ ~ Echo Juliet ~
Altering course to starboard - On Fire, Keep Clear
Navy woman, Navy wife, Navy mother |
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SWVTsupporter Ensign
Joined: 20 Aug 2004 Posts: 51
Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 6:18 am Post subject: |
I can't find the info in the link you provided as to Kerry's IQ or lack thereof. Help! |
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Aristotle The Hun PO1
Joined: 18 Aug 2004 Posts: 488 Location: Naples FL
Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 6:28 am Post subject: |
SWVTsupporter wrote: | I can't find the info in the link you provided as to Kerry's IQ or lack thereof. Help! |
I just tried the link and it worked fine.
Sam _________________ Deportè Monsieur Kerrè |
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BenDeR Lt.Jg.
Joined: 01 Sep 2004 Posts: 103
Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 6:54 am Post subject: |
Quote: | Well, if “W” is stupid, Kerry is stupider! |
Perfect conclusion.  _________________ USMC res 3rd ANGLICO
1986 - 1988
"Retreat hell! We just got here!"
Capt. Lloyd Williams, USMC |
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fr11 Seaman
Joined: 20 Aug 2004 Posts: 154
Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 9:46 am Post subject: |
A reporter for a major press syndicate has been interviewing me
Wow - I hope this story breaks BIG TIME! I'm so fed up with the MSM ignoring any story that hurts Kerry. Do you have any doubt that they would run this story on the front page of every newspaper if your report showed that Kerry had a higher IQ than Bush??? |
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WebTalk Lt.Jg.
Joined: 21 Aug 2004 Posts: 147
Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 9:54 am Post subject: |
AH, that's quite a long read, but I liked the article, thanks.
Headline: BUSH Outscores Kerry in IQ, SAT...and soon in Electoral Vote
_________________ America voted for solid LEADERSHIP and gave "W" a mandate to carry on.
God Blessed America! Again! |
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srmorton PO2
Joined: 07 Aug 2004 Posts: 383 Location: Jacksonville, NC
Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 10:02 am Post subject: |
This is great. I love it. Of course, I know that Bush is intelligent.
You do not get an MBA from Harvard Business School if you are
"brain dead" (to quote a famous Senator from Delaware who was
dumb enough to present someone else's ideas as his own and get
caught doing it). It is obvious how much more political savvy he
has than Kerry. If the MSM had been doing their job in reporting
the truth about Kerry and if Bush had not had to survive an onslaught
of negative information from the MSM and the 527s, he would be
10 points ahead in the national polls and there would be no
battleground states because he would be comfortably ahead in
all of them. _________________ Susan R. Morton |
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jataylor11 Vice Admiral
Joined: 10 Aug 2004 Posts: 856 Location: Woodbridge, Virginia
Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 11:47 am Post subject: |
As a true egotist and very superior person IM(less than)HO a high IQ while helpful tells you nothing about the heart of a person ... nothing about their character, nothing about dependability, reliability, honesty, integrity (integrity, integrity)....
According to this analysis Bush's estimated IQ of 120+ exceeds Kerry's IQ of 117 by at least 3 points...
But IMHO -- President Bush's EQ (Emotional Quotient) and CQ (Character Quotient) exceed Kerry's by immeasurable standards. |
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USAF66-70 Lt.Jg.
Joined: 26 Aug 2004 Posts: 136
Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 1:23 pm Post subject: |
I don’t understand what the big fuss is. I mean isn’t it obvious that it takes more brains to fly a plane than to float a boat? Not that I want to offend any of the Navy folk. |
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Steve Z Rear Admiral
Joined: 20 Aug 2004 Posts: 687 Location: West Hartford CT
Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 2:07 pm Post subject: Dubya the Smart Cowboy |
Eureka! Aristotle the Hun has got it!
I've read a few dozen transcripts of President Bush's speeches, and have always found them to be VERY well-thought-out, showing both a firm grasp of details and an ability to synthesize ideas into a coherent message. Bush does sometimes "freeze up" in front of a TV audience, as he did during the first debate, but he can sometimes stun audiences with his keen appreciation of facts, especially when audiences have been told over and over how "stupid" he is.
Some people with high IQ's lack common sense. Former President Jimmy Carter is a very intelligent man, but he lacked "common sense" in understanding people, economy, nations, and wars, and ended up as one of America's worst presidents, although he could have been a true hero if he had stuck to Habitat for Humanity, and not meddled in foreign affairs, where he was outfoxed by every bloody dictator of the late 1970's.
Kerry vs. Bush is a battle between snooty Northeastern elite intellectualism and down-home Texan common sense. I have witnessed this first-hand, because I'm from the Northeast and have lived in Texas. My liberal intellectual parents (from New York state) taught me that people from that part of the world were smarter than everyone else, until I moved to Houston and got taken to the intellectual woodshed several times by soft-spoken understated Texans with steel-trap minds who taught me about wisdom and reality with a drawl and a twang.
When President Bush says that he is "misunderestimated", it's really a stroke of genius. Whoever underestimates him makes a big MIStake!
President Bush also says that he asks God for wisdom--in the secret of his prayers, like King Solomon of old, maybe God gives him some!
"Aristotle the Hun" is on to something!!! If this gets media coverage, that Bush actually has a higher IQ than Kerry, it could blow the "dumb cowboy" myth out of the water, and Kerry's "boat" wouldn't look so "swift".
Didn't they also say that Ronald Reagan was a dumb cowboy? _________________ The traitor will crater! |
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Aristotle The Hun PO1
Joined: 18 Aug 2004 Posts: 488 Location: Naples FL
Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 2:09 pm Post subject: |
USAF66-70 wrote: | I don’t understand what the big fuss is. I mean isn’t it obvious that it takes more brains to fly a plane than to float a boat? Not that I want to offend any of the Navy folk. |
I would like to see an AF fly boy land on a carrier. No, they're to bright for that.
Sam _________________ Deportè Monsieur Kerrè |
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Aristotle The Hun PO1
Joined: 18 Aug 2004 Posts: 488 Location: Naples FL
Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 2:11 pm Post subject: |
jataylor11 wrote: | As a true egotist and very superior person IM(less than)HO a high IQ while helpful tells you nothing about the heart of a person ... nothing about their character, nothing about dependability, reliability, honesty, integrity (integrity, integrity)....
According to this analysis Bush's estimated IQ of 120+ exceeds Kerry's IQ of 117 by at least 3 points...
But IMHO -- President Bush's EQ (Emotional Quotient) and CQ (Character Quotient) exceed Kerry's by immeasurable standards. |
You are so right. EQ is a much reliabe predictor of success in life that IQ. Kerry is deficient in both IQ and EQ when compared to Bush.
Sam _________________ Deportè Monsieur Kerrè |
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