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Bernard Cullen Seaman Recruit
Joined: 03 Sep 2004 Posts: 44
Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 1:39 am Post subject: Kerry's Standard Form 180 remains the Issue |
Now the post-mortems have started there is one glaring omission in the proferred explanations of the MSM: If John Kerry had signed his Standard Form 180 and if, and we know this is a huge if, there were no problems with his actual records, then the efforts of the SwiftVets would have likely been far less impactful: Unfit for Command would never have become the best seller. It behooves us therefore to keep up the drumbeat by simply pushing this explanantion for why John Kerry lost: He refused to sign his Standard Form 180. If he had simply shown his records he would be President. Basically daring him now to disclose his records.
The corollary of this is, of course, that if he had shown his actual records and they contain what Navy Chief and others, including me, believe they contain then, like Gore, he would not even have won his home state, Massachusetts. The records are important to drive home and underline what are already palpable facts - but dismissed and obscured by the passage of time. We should take a lesson from Simon Wiesenthal and get the evidence to prove that the unthinkable - we were about to elect a traitor - had in fact nearly happened.
The talking heads in the MSM will continue to focus on the "evangelical" vote and talk about "gay marriage" - both of which played important roles. However, the Vets know that it was honor, trust and integrity and Mr Kerry's lack thereof that played the central role in mobilizing and energizing huge numbers of Vets and their families. Kerry failed that fundamental litmus test. He had his chance, but hid his record in a camouflage of exagerrations, lies and denials.
We need to get the media to focus on this simple fact. No 180, no Presidency.
I am deeply grateful for the efforts of this group for helping prevent POTUS from again being demeaned and diminished by somebody unworthy to hold the Office. |
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Tom Poole Vice Admiral
Joined: 07 Aug 2004 Posts: 914 Location: America
Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 1:52 am Post subject: |
Bernard Cullen wrote: | ...it was honor, trust and integrity and Mr Kerry's lack thereof... |
Very well said with four additional comments. First, you're absolutely correct in your assessment of the primary issue. Secondly, if this issue, primarily through Form 180, is not pursued, we have greatly limted our mission. Thirdly, as recommended by someone else in this web site, legislation is needed that requires all levels of government to fully disclose all records on anyone seeking public office. Finally, anyone who seeks public office should be required to answer all questions of past performance, public or private, and refusals to answer should be ruled on by a neutral body of judges. If the House or Senate does not propose such a law, the Swiftees should. _________________ '58 Airedale HMR(L)-261 VMO-2 |
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angelnoel Seaman
Joined: 30 Oct 2004 Posts: 174 Location: Bradenton, Florida
Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 2:46 am Post subject: |
GET HIM!!! |
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Anker-Klanker Admiral
Joined: 04 Sep 2004 Posts: 1033 Location: Richardson, TX
Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 3:15 am Post subject: |
I sincerely want to finish this task, and want to encourage whatever efforts anyone thinks we should make. But we shouldn't kid ourselves: this ain't gonna be easy. If anything it might be harder now than it seemed to be a few months ago.
As soon as The Loser fades from the national spotlight, if he hasn't already, the national news media is going to lose interest in him. This is especially so since they've decided that it was the moral values issue that was his undoing. This should not be underestimated; it gives them an excuse to blame Kerry and his campaign without having any danger of dragging themselves (MSM) into the dirty picture.
One could hope, of course, that the Massachesetts newspapers and/or people would put pressure on him, but based on past performance, I'd not bet a dime on that.
So where, I wonder, is the leverage going to come from to get him to reveal his missing records? I don't have an answer to that, and I sure hope someone else does. Because without leverage, it's never going to happen. |
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jrwhite85 Seaman Recruit
Joined: 22 Oct 2004 Posts: 44
Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 3:25 am Post subject: |
Honor is the child of Jesus Christ, who created all things. Our venerable veterans were wronged, had their honor besmirched - and action was the order of the day, thanks to Swiftees properly identifying and marking the target!
Consider David, Joshua, or Gabriel. Bible-believers know a good fight when they see one, and they're generally in it. This "turn the other cheek" stuff is strictly for personal affairs. We do not turn our children's cheeks, nor are we empowered to turn the cheeks of other defenseless ones.
My God is a man of WAR.
Christ told his disciples to sell their garments and to buy swords.
You wanna know what got the evangelicals to the polls in the Shenandoah Valley? (you know, Stonewall Jackson's home -- these people today typically vote very sparsely - and we had no gay marriage ban amendments to consider) -- I'll tell you what I heard in the four churches I visited (we're new and were looking for a church home for the last two and a half months) ---
I'll tell you: Kerry's faithlessness to our armed forces - both those who fought in Vietnam, and those who fight in Iraq (there are 400+ Valley citizens in Afghanistan or Iraq with the Guard and Reserves) -- that was what did it. Oh yeah, he's a heathen -- but Christians know that God has made the military man the guarantor of right and justice. We know that the military man stands between the heathen and christendom. That may sound trite and counterintellectual to a lot of Europeans, but hey - they've largely decided to outsource national defense to us, haven't they?
Kerry's quotations of Scripture reminded me of the Scribes and Pharisees. Hypocrites!
Somebody has to have said this already; but I think the only chance for Kerry to grow any conviction will be when a judge hands him one.
Onward Christian Soldiers, marching as to war.
With the cross of Jesus, going on before!
Oh, did I tell you? In Rockingham County - where Harrisonburg is located, we voted 20,815 to 6,769 for the President and against JFK-- and we have James Madison University in the county! Can you say: vindication and repudiation? I was proud to display my homemade "ELECT NO TRAITORS" bumper sticker, along with my Veterans for Bush Cheney one(s). For good measure, I put two together and it said: "Annoy a Liberal; Support our Troops!", and "Give War a Chance!"
Deo vindice! _________________ JEFF WHITE |
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Marquis Lt.Jg.
Joined: 10 Aug 2004 Posts: 129 Location: Dallas, Texas
Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 4:50 am Post subject: |
GEEZ-Um, you folks write these posts like they are op ed pieces! No offence intended guys and gals, I may be wearing down and having some trouble reading large paragraphs!
Simple approach. The same approach that the President used to get JFngK to say that he would have voted to authorize the war, even knowing what he knows today.
Bait Kerry. Call him out. Is there a law that prohibits the SBVT from continuing to buy advertising to push their message? I think not. Bait him in his home state; he will take it; he is just stupid enough to do it, that has been proven!
OK, what if he doesn't take the bait? So what, his constituancy will go with another candidate, and he will be history!
Man, this was a really big post, I am so embarassed. Please forget that GEEZ-Um thing... |
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d19thdoc PO3
Joined: 17 May 2004 Posts: 280 Location: New Jersey Shore
Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 5:21 am Post subject: |
Here's my take on the 180 and my hope.
Kerry will never, ever, voluntarily reveal his old military record. He put too much effort over too many years into "cleaning it up" and will never willing admit to the cover-up, which is a total killer. Never mind the content.
Anyone who reveals what he knows about Kerry's record, from their own official duties dealing with the record or the events that created it, is subject to prosecution under the Privacy Act of 1974. Another dead end.
I've always argued that the thrust shoud have been simply to demand that Kerry give up his records, never mind the form 180, because Kerry obviously already has the old records as well as the new versions. He never would have gone as far as he did without verifying exactly what is in the record. So, copies exist outside the purveiw of Federal custody, and thus copies NOT subject to Privacy laws, which only impact governemt custodians of information. Additonally, there has to be at least a few other people who know what the facts are - people close to Kerry.
Somebody is going to give it up at some point, for whatever reason. But we are interested in soon - not "some day."
Maybe SVPT could offer a reward? There's a publicity grabbing tactic! _________________ For The Honor of the Fifty-Eight Thousand.
"He Can Lose, But He Can Not Hide" |
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Marquis Lt.Jg.
Joined: 10 Aug 2004 Posts: 129 Location: Dallas, Texas
Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 5:34 am Post subject: |
d19thdoc wrote: |
Maybe SVPT could offer a reward? There's a publicity grabbing tactic! |
You may be on to something! At the peak of the Clinton - Monica Lewinski scandal, Larry Flint offered a $1,000,000 reward for info on any republican that had an affair. Larry got what he wanted, Bob Livingston (R) of Louisiana, was forced to resign. Mr. Livingston's wife appealed to Larry to not publish the lurid details, and happy with a resignation and acknowlegment, Larry did not publisize the details.
Let's put a $1,000,000 bounty on Kerry's a**!
If I were a betting man, I would put my money on (Deleted By Admin) collecting the reward, but that is just my opinion... |
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tiptie Lt.Jg.
Joined: 19 Aug 2004 Posts: 138 Location: Colorado
Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 6:08 am Post subject: |
d19thdoc wrote: |
Anyone who reveals what he knows about Kerry's record, from their own official duties dealing with the record or the events that created it, is subject to prosecution under the Privacy Act of 1974. ..................
Maybe SVPT could offer a reward? There's a publicity grabbing tactic! |
What is the penelty for revealing (leaking) the facts?
How much of an reward would compensate an individual for doing his duty to America?
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm _________________ "A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can put on his shoes." Mark Twain
61-69 |
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Marquis Lt.Jg.
Joined: 10 Aug 2004 Posts: 129 Location: Dallas, Texas
Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 6:14 am Post subject: |
tiptie wrote: | d19thdoc wrote: |
Anyone who reveals what he knows about Kerry's record, from their own official duties dealing with the record or the events that created it, is subject to prosecution under the Privacy Act of 1974. ..................
Maybe SVPT could offer a reward? There's a publicity grabbing tactic! |
What is the penelty for revealing (leaking) the facts?
How much of an reward would compensate an individual for doing his duty to America?
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm |
The act is a MISDEMEANOR, punishable by a fine, NOT TO EXCEED $5,000.00. I will personally beat my way to the front of the line to pay the fine myself! And then, the beers are on me!!!
An alternative is for someone with access to just make a photocopy and leak the d*mn thing; that would be the democrat -ish thing to do, don't you think? |
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GoophyDog PO1
Joined: 10 Jun 2004 Posts: 480 Location: Washington - The Evergreen State
Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 8:39 am Post subject: |
No, the penalty is much more - one that the SBV & POW's know more than most:
H O N O R & I N T E G R I T Y
After all that's been said in this forum. After all of the things you've seen in the advertisements, and the documentaries can you actually think this is the wise course to follow?
You want men who have placed honor before comfort, integrity before health to fall to the same depths of gutter behavior that gave birth to this forum?
Shame on you. _________________ Why ask? Because it needs asking. |
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Redview Seaman Apprentice
Joined: 11 Aug 2004 Posts: 88 Location: indiana
Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 10:59 am Post subject: Just you wait |
When the Dems are finished with him, they will blow him
out of the water with the facts themselves.
No need for competition for Hillary in 2008.
Mark this, it will happen. |
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Wescoot2 Ensign
Joined: 05 Aug 2004 Posts: 62 Location: Park Ridge Il.
Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 1:21 pm Post subject: |
Sorry if I'm a little confused, but why would it even be necessary for Kerry at this point to sign a SF180, and more importantly why is it even necessary for us to find out what type of dischage he actually received......
In Kerry's own words, we have him meeting with the enemy, with the FBI Files we have him collaborating with the enemy........I would say, all we have to do is push the government to put Kerry on trial for information, which they already have..... _________________ If your Gonna Be One...Be a BIG RED ONE
No Mission To Difficult...No Sacrifice To Great...
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jrwhite85 Seaman Recruit
Joined: 22 Oct 2004 Posts: 44
Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 5:36 pm Post subject: |
We're missing something here.
If someone filed a suit against him for material harm his perjury did them when he made those statements in 1971, could not these records then be subpoena'd ? I wonder if Mr. O'Neil has considered suing Kerry?
Moreover, if you get these records, assuming they still exist, and then give them to someone else, and he releases thme, or if they are e-mailed around teh country - how could anyone prosecute you? Anonymity can be constructive. These records just need to be found out in a parking lot somewhere.
Another venue would be to publish them overseas, and then write in the domestic media about the foreign article. Demos use that technique all the time. Tabloids do have a purpose! _________________ JEFF WHITE |
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MSeeger Seaman
Joined: 01 Oct 2004 Posts: 174 Location: Katy, TX
Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 5:53 pm Post subject: |
I think that the Swift Boat Veterans for Truh should file a civil suit against John Kerry and the Democratic National Committee for slander. The group and its members have been vicously vilified in the news media as liars, aided and abetted by the Kery campaign and the DNC.
I think that is probably the best tactic to force Mr. Kerry's hand in my humble opinion, and now that the election is over, it would be the best time for such a move. I was disappointed that President Bush did not acknowledge the veterans and the military who helped him get elected. They were certainly as big a part, if not bigger than the evangelical vote...in fact, I dare to say that the veteran's groups were the most active in their efforts to defeat Senator Kerry.
Just my two cents worth.
Maria _________________ Be not deceived, God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Gal. 6:7 |
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