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Ladies and Gentlemen, KNOW YOUR ENEMY

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 3:17 am    Post subject: Ladies and Gentlemen, KNOW YOUR ENEMY Reply with quote


Posted November 20, 2004

The Next Step - a letter from John Kerry

Dear Supporter,

I want to thank you personally for what you did in the election -- you rewrote the book on grassroots politics, taking control of campaigns away from big donors. No campaign will ever be the same.

You moved voters, helped hold George Bush accountable, and countered the attacks from big news organizations such as Fox, Sinclair Broadcasting, and conservative talk radio.

And your efforts count now more than ever. Despite the words of cooperation and moderate sounding promises, this administration is planning a right wing assault on values and ideals we hold most deeply. Healthy debate and diverse opinion are being eliminated from the State Department and CIA, and the cabinet is being remade to rubber stamp policies that will undermine Social Security, balloon the deficit, avoid real reforms in health care and education, weaken homeland security, and walk away from critical allies around the world.

Regardless of the outcome of this election, once all the votes are counted -- and they will be counted -- we will continue to challenge this administration. This is not a time for Democrats to retreat and accommodate extremists on critical principles -- it is a time to stand firm.

I will fight for a national standard for federal elections that has both transparency and accountability in our voting system. It's unacceptable in the United States that people still don't have full confidence in the integrity of the voting process.

I ask you to join me in this cause.

And we must fight not only against George Bush's extreme policies -- we must also uphold our own values. This is why on the first day Congress is in session next year, I will introduce a bill to provide every child in America with health insurance. And, with your help, that legislation will be accompanied by the support of hundreds of thousands of Americans.

There are more than eight million uninsured children in our nation.

That's eight million reasons for us to stay together and fight for a new direction. It is a disgrace that in the wealthiest nation on earth, eight million children go without health insurance.

Normally, a member of the Senate will first approach other senators and ask them to co-sponsor a bill before it is introduced -- instead, I am turning to you. Imagine the power of a bill co-sponsored by hundreds of thousands of Americans being presented on the floor of the United States Senate. You can make it happen. Sign our "Every Child Protected" pledge today and forward it to your family, friends, and neighbors:


This is the beginning of a second term effort to hold the Bush administration accountable and to stand up and fight for our principles and our values. They want you to disappear; they are counting on that. I'm confident you will prove them wrong, and you will rewrite history again.

Here is what I want you to know. I understand the strength, commitment, and passion that are at the core of what we built together -- and I am determined to make our collective energy and organization a force to be reckoned with in the weeks and months ahead.

Let's roll up our sleeves and get back to work for our country.

Thank you,

John Kerry
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 3:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


November 21st, 2004 1:23 am
US Troops Storm Baghdad Mosque; Open Fire on Worshippers

By Dahr Jamail / Inter Press Service

BAGHDAD - An eyewitness commentary to IPS through a U.S. raid on a Baghdad mosque Friday gives a vivid picture of what a 'successful raid' can be like.

U.S. soldiers raided the Abu Hanifa mosque in Baghdad during Friday prayers, killing at least four and wounding up to 20 worshippers.

At 12:30 pm local time, just after Imam Shaikh Muayid al-Adhami concluded his talk, about 50 U.S. soldiers with 20 Iraqi National Guardsmen (ING) entered the mosque, a witness reported.

”Everyone was there for Friday prayers, when five Humvees and several trucks carrying INGs entered,” Abu Talat told IPS on phone from within the mosque while the raid was in progress. ”Everyone starting yelling 'Allahu Akbar' (God is the greatest) because they were frightened. Then the soldiers started shooting the people praying!”

Talat said he was among a crowd of worshippers being held back at gunpoint by U.S. soldiers. Loud chanting of 'Allahu Akbar' could be heard in the background during his call. Women and children were sobbing, he said.

”They have just shot and killed at least four of the people praying,” he said in a panicked voice. ”At least 10 other people are wounded now. We are on our bellies and in a very bad situation.”

Talat gave his account over short phone calls. He said he was witnessing a horrific scene.

”We were here praying and now there are 50 here with their guns on us,” he said. ”They are holding our heads to the ground, and everyone is in chaos. This is the worst situation possible. They cannot see me talking to you. They are roughing up a blind man now.” He evidently could talk no further then.

The soldiers later released women and children along with men who were related to them. Abu Talat was released because a boy told him to pretend to be his father.

Other witnesses gave similar accounts outside the mosque. ”People were praying and the Americans invaded the mosque,” Abdulla Ra'ad Aziz from the al-Adhamiya district of Baghdad told IPS. He had been released along with his wife and children. ”Why are they killing people for praying?” He said that after the forces entered ”they went to the back doors and we heard so many bullets of the guns -- it was a gun bigger than a Kalashnikov. There were wounded and dead, I saw them myself.”

Some of the people who had been at prayer were ordered by soldiers to carry the dead and wounded out of the mosque, he said.

”One Iraqi National Guardsmen held his gun on people and yelled, 'I will kill you if you don't shut up',” said Rana Aziz, a mother who had been trapped in the mosque.. ”So they made everyone lie down, then people got quiet, and they took the women and children out.”

She said someone asked the soldiers if they would be made hostages. A soldier used foul language and asked everyone to shut up, she said. Suddenly, she laughed amid her tears. ”The Americans have learnt how to say shut up in Arabic, 'Inchev'.”

Soldiers denied Iraqi Red Crescent ambulances and medical teams access to the mosque. As doctors negotiated with U.S. soldiers outside, more gunfire was heard from inside.

About 30 men were led out with hoods over their heads and their hands tied behind them. Soldiers loaded them into a military vehicle and took them away around 3.15 pm.

A doctor with the Iraqi Red Crescent confirmed four dead and nine wounded worshippers. Pieces of brain were splattered on one of the walls inside the mosque while large blood stains covered carpets at several places.

A U.S. military spokesperson in Baghdad did not respond to requests for information on the raid.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 3:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

November 21st, 2004 3:53 pm
Activists United In Call To End Iraq War

By Ann Marie Somma / The Hartford Courant

NEW BRITAIN -- Empire-building. Occupation. Pre-emptive warfare.

The war in Iraq was called many things Saturday, but the goal of the 200 anti-war activists gathered at Central Connecticut State University was the same.

"End the Occupation of Iraq and Bring the Troops Home Now," was the message at a forum organized by CT United for Peace and hosted by the university's peace studies program.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which many participants said was one reason for America's war in Iraq, was also a subject of the forum.

"We [the United States] have been branded with the letter 'A' for 'aggression,'" said Bill Fletcher Jr., the forum's keynote speaker.

Fletcher, president of TransAfrica Forum, a nonprofit organization that serves as a research and educational institution for the African American community, said the war has isolated the United States from the world.

Fletcher called for a fight for a democratic foreign policy.

The daylong forum brought together various anti-war groups in the state, such as the International Socialist Organization, and national organizations, such as U.S. Labor Against the War and Iraq Veterans Against the War.

Saturday's goal was to unite the groups to continue to broaden the anti-war movement and bring the troops back from Iraq.

Panelists included Yale genetics Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh, a leader of the Connecticut chapter of Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition; and Rob Sarra, a 32-year-old former Marine from Chicago who joined Iraq Veterans Against the War after returning from Iraq and getting his honorable discharge.

Sarra, who served in Iraq with the 1st Marine Regiment from January to June 2003, said he joined the anti-war group after trying and failing to make sense of the war he had fought in.

"I had an epiphany when I came home confused about what I had seen and done," Sarra said. "The reasons our government told us we were fighting are wrong. There are no weapons of mass destruction and Iraq wasn't harboring terrorists. "

Marela Zacarias, a 25-year-old with Latinos Against the War, said the forum was a way to unite and strengthen the groups.

Her group educates high school students in the Hartford area about the alternatives to military service and how to think critically when confronted with a military recruiter.

"Military recruitment is really big in Hartford, but students should know there are alternatives," Zacarias said.

In the afternoon, workshops were held to discuss such topics as countering military recruitment in high schools, Israel's stake in the Iraq war, and how to practice civil disobedience in time of war.

The forum concluded with discussion of CT United for Peace's resolutions to mobilize a demonstration against President Bush's inauguration in Washington in January, and a statewide anti-war demonstration on March 5.

Sergio Barros, 22, a senior at CCSU, heard about the forum from a friend.

"It piqued my interest," Barros said. "I'm concerned about the war."
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 3:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

ANS_January 20 Counter-Inaugural
I will support the demonstration on the first day of the next administration - January 20, 2005 - in Washington DC either by attending or doing what I can to help.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 5:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Moore-on is reaching deep, as usual. Poor guy, he must be suffering, even in sleep...much deserved!
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 12:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

My question is: are women and children allowes at mosques? I thought that was a male only thing?

Second question: according to the news story I just read, the raid took place after the mid-day service, not during it.

I would think if there were people shot praying, that it would be all over the liberal news media.

Why isn't it?

Be not deceived, God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Gal. 6:7
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 4:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good question about the women and children, Maria. Interesting also that its not all over the media. Wonder what's up.

BTW stories about the Ohio recount are not all up in the media, either. Is there something rotten in Denmark with these stories not being reported? Like holding a few cards? Or is that paranoia?

I typed Ohio Presidential Election Update into Google's search.
This was on the first page


Lawsuit claims NYC protesters denied rights

http://www.bopnews.com/archives/002368.html (not home page)



then went to this link:
and found a link to this site:
I actually did enjoyed "The Depressed Democrats Guide to Recovery"
Read the bio. Columbia Graduate School of Journalism award.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 4:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

From Chuck Muth's News and Views

“There was an interesting little episode down in Chile over the
weekend. President Bush was entering a building where a dinner was held, when
his secret service agent was detained by over-zealous Chilean security
officials. When Bush realized what was happening, what did he do? Did
he just smile, wave and let the agent twist in the wind? Nope...the
most powerful man on Earth and the leader of the free world turned
around, and plunged right into the crowd. He grabbed Secret Service Agent
Nick Trotta, the #2 agent on his security detail, and pulled him out of
the fracas and into the dinner with him. The Chileans were
miffed...too bad.

“Now take just a second and compare these actions with those of (John
Kerry) on the campaign trail some months ago. Remember when one of his
Secret Service agents bumped into him while he was snowboarding and
John Kerry called him an S.O.B? Compare that little episode with Bush's
actions here. It's obvious that the president appreciates those that
risk their lives to protect him.”

- Talk show host Neal Boortz

“John Kerry's popular vote was also 12 percent above Al Gore's. But the
popular vote for Bush was up a stunning 20 percent. Before the
election, some liberal commentators were claiming that Bush would win no votes
he hadn't won in 2000. Not quite: He won 10 million more.”

- Columnist Michael Barone


“I don't jump pews, speak in tongues or kiss rattlesnakes on the mouth.
I don't chain myself to the doors of abortion clinics or write long,
scripture-laced letters to the editor categorizing the Satanic nature of
demon rum, demon lottery, demon Victoria's Secret or even demon new-car
smell. I think a tent revival is what you do to your tent when a
blizzard blows it over at 7,000 feet. I think a collection plate is the
strip of metal where the dust settles in my ‘Sharper Image’ air purifier.

“So imagine my surprise to learn -- according to the mainstream media,
Hollywood elitists, Manhattan literary darlings and the entire liberal
left -- that I am an ‘Evangelical.’ Indeed, since I voted for George
Bush, I am regarded by the lefties and their unthinking supplicants as a
cross between Cotton Mather, Jerry Falwell and Tammy Faye Bakker.

“...(I)f the liberal dogma is correct, I am a card-carrying,
fire-breathing religious fanatic who attends services a minimum of 12 times per
week, remains partially-clothed in the shower and refuses to watch Harry
Potter movies least I be infused with the teaching of Lucifer his own
bad self.

“Yup. I'm an ‘Evangelical.’ At least that's what the liberals and the
media would tell you. This, of course, is total nonsense. In an attempt
to put a spin on their crushing political losses, the Libs are doing
what they always do. . . . Rather than face the fact that most Americans
think they are utterly off-base, the Libs attribute their shellacking
to a rampaging horde of religious zealots.

“Rather than admit that the Democratic party is controlled by a lunatic
fringe of actors, Marxists, traitors, environmental nut-jobs and all
shape, size and color of deviants, bigots and vegetarian bi-polar power
freaks in hemp underwear, the lib leaders curse Middle America for their
own failure. . . . These vast numbers of rigid, Bible-wielding,
totalitarian Christian fundamentalists are non-existent save in the minds of
the liberal left, the network anchors and a goodly portion of newspaper

- Columnist Ron Marr
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