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Call for Help: Plague of Moonbats at the Pentagon

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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 2:36 am    Post subject: Call for Help: Plague of Moonbats at the Pentagon Reply with quote

I pass on this call for help:

Plague of Moonbats at the Pentagon


December 28, 2004
Protestors At Pentagon Aim To Destroy Morale

I received an e-mail from an active-duty officer currently posted at the Pentagon, decrying the stupidity of the moonbats that congregate outside the entrances to the facility to protest the war. Usually, the protests involve a handful of disorganized and mostly quiet people. This morning's protest, however, got ugly very fast:

Captain Ed--
I'm a lieutenant colonel currently assigned to the Pentagon. The area around our Metro entrance is a popular location for moonbat protests; there's a nice lady who stands out there maybe once a week with a sign. Occasionally, there are others. Of course their signs accuse us Pentagon types of genocide, etc., but imbued in their citizenship is the right to be cluelessly ignorant. Those of us in queue to enter the building are instructed not to react. It's hard to comply, but the policy prevents escalation.

This morning, it took every ounce of professionalism not to react. For today, the moonbats were highly organized...about 50 of them. Two were arrested for getting out of line during just the 2 minutes I was out there. They had all the typical moonbat signs..."No Blood For Oil" and "Remember Fallujah" (this one held by a nice 70 year old lady...I do remember, ma'am, how the local residents strung up our contractors). The largest poster trumpeted a "There Are No Innocent Bystanders" theme.

I wish I had photos.

I've about had it with these intellectual midgets who don't understand we're at war. I wish I could compel each to read Hugh Hewitt's book "If It's Not Close..." as it explains our very real struggle in terms even a moonbat might comprehend. The constrast between this morning's protestors and the service of our troops in country could not be more stark. Even if the protestors were correct (and they're not), they're protesting the wrong building...we execute the President's orders. No more, no less. Go march in front of the White House, please.

Having said that, it's their right to protest. Bring it on. But I'm wondering if among your readers is someone in the D.C. area who could organize and execute a PEACEFUL pro-military demonstration at the Pentagon Metro entrance? You have no idea how much it would help morale.

I don't agree with my reader's assessment of the protest as some sort of mistake that wound up at the wrong building. I believe that the protestors intend on undermining morale among the fighting corps of this nation, weakening our military resolve to carry out the orders of the duly elected government which it serves. The protests aim at men and women like my reader (who asked me to withhold his name, for obvious reasons) to destroy their sense of purpose and duty. They want good and honorable people to leave military service so that the great evil they see -- American power -- crumbles, leaving us at the mercy of those who will destroy us.

For those who live in the DC area, I ask that some effort be made to counter the effects of these demoralizers. It won't take much. Men and women like this reader know that they have support, but when they don't see overt expressions of it once in a while and have to come to work every day to this nonsense, it grinds down the spirit. Certainly we have some patriots in the area who can organize a loose effort to simply stand at the entrance and thank those who protect us from our enemies?

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers! I want to point you to the About Me page to explain my nickname, as the post and (very kind) referral from Instapundit may leave people with the wrong impression.

Posted by Captain Ed at December 28, 2004 07:31 AM
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 2:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hopefully, there is a chapter of "Protest Warriors" locally who can take the time to go down there and counter these idiots.
The advantage they enjoy is due to the fact that most conservatives are gainfully employed and have family responsibilities, thus do not have the time to devote day after day to standing around holding signs.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 3:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Captain Ed has an encouraging follow-up...

December 29, 2004

Operation Pentagon Patriots Scheduled For Monday

After receiving and posting an e-mail from an active-duty career officer at the Pentagon regarding the demoralizing effects of walking past anti-military moonbats every day, I had hoped that a few readers in the DC area could put together a small demonstration of support. I'd hoped that even a few people could help keep spirits high among those working tirelessly for our security and freedom.

Am I happy to tell you how wrong I was to set my expectations so low!

Thanks to Pierre at the Pink Flamingo Bar & Grill blog and Kfir Alia at Protest Warrior, we may have started something that will not only perk up the people entering the Metro gate at the Pentagon but will show DC and the media just how much support America has for its fighting men and women. Kfir e-mailed me today with the good news:
    Operation Pentagon Patriots … is a go!
    Here’s the operation description:

    “Word is out that we have a group of angry lefties attacking our brave service men and women of the Pentagon at the Metro Station entrance. It is vital that ProtestWarriors are out there to show support for the job these men and women are doing everyday. Ever since 9/11 this special group of individuals have been working around the clock defending our way of life. The least we can do is get out there to show our support and say ‘Thank You’ for what they are doing. The libs have been out there every Monday morning, and we have been asked to come out and show them who’s boss in this town.

    So let’s meet at the Pentagon Metro station at 6:30 in the morning. Just show up before you head off to work or school (bring a Thank-You type support sign if possible) and let the true freedom fighters of our Republic know that the American people support their mission.”
If you can be in the DC area on Monday morning to attend the rally, go to Protest Warrior's site to join the DC chapter. If you've already joined the DC chapter , use this link to get the necessary information to sign up for this demonstration of support. It's important to work through Protest Warrior to make this demonstration a success. You don't have to join, but contact Josiah , the chapter leader, to let him know you're attending and to get the relevant information. They have the experience necessary to maintain message discipline and to ensure that everyone has a good, safe morning.

Big thanks to Kfir and Pierre (and Josiah!) for jumping up and taking this project from wish to reality. I'm hoping that CQ readers can send me a few pictures of the rally so I can post them here.

Posted by Captain Ed at 11:00 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (1)

Captain's Quarters

Last edited by Me#1You#10 on Fri Dec 31, 2004 4:05 am; edited 7 times in total
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 3:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hats off to the Protest Warriors!

DC freepers called to action too....
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 5:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

kate wrote:
Hats off to the Protest Warriors!

DC freepers called to action too....

God Bless America, and God Bless the Swiftees!
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 6:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

God Bless the Protest Warriors!
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 7:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you Protest Warriors & Freepers....!!

At protestwarrior.com, I just watched an amazing video. It’s from 3/20/04 called “Operation Wolverines” -- takes forever to load as it runs about an hour -- but if you get the chance, it is well worth the effort for an inside look at some of their work and at what we are all up against. I think it is important to watch. The PWs are courageously out there on the streets in direct facedown with the left -- You won’t see any of this on MSM that’s for sure!!! My goodness, frightful yet encouraging ... my respect and gratitude for all the PWs!

** Protest Warrior: OPERATION WOLVERINES **

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 3:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

After Action Report - Freepers

REPORT: Protest Warriors and D.C. Chapter Joint Operation Pentagon Patriots (1/03/05)

Answering a request posted on Captain's Quarters, several members of the Protest Warriors and the D.C. Chapter of Free Republic joined together yesterday morning at the Pentagon to counter-protest antiwar activists there and to show support for those defending our country.

The numbers on both sides were small: six antiwar protesters and two each from the Protest warriors and the D.C. Chapter. The interplay between the two groups was minimal. The response from those going to work at the Pentagon was overwhelming.

The antiwar protesters have been standing outside the Pentagon Metro station every Monday from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. for a long time. We responded to a plea for a morale boosting counter-protest.

We all arrived around 7 a.m. and stood about forty feet apart on a sidewalk where thousands of Pentagon workers pass by on their way in to work.

The two women with Protest Warriors held signs bearing the insignias of the service branches and a message that said, "My Heroes." I waved an American flag as a signal to let the workers know we were the good guys, Nina0113 wore a Support Our Troops t-shirt.

Those going to work passed by the antiwar protesters first. They didn't pay them much attention. When they got to us, the sight of someone waving Old Glory gave them pause to look closer and read the signs held by the Protest Warriors.

Invariably, those in uniform and civvies broke into warm smiles, waved or gave us the thumbs up. A couple people came over to shake hands with us.

One worker, in civilian dress, came over and snapped at us, "They're right, you're wrong!" Hopefully someone from DIA was taking notes.

A reporter from the New York Sun was assigned to cover the 'clash of the protesters.' Unfortunately, there was no trouble except when Pentagon security prevented him from using his camera phone to take some pictures of the demonstrators. They detained him for quite a while as they checked out his press credentials and reviewed the images on his phone to make sure he hadn't taken any pictures there (he hadn't, yet.)

The antiwar protesters broke ranks at 8 a.m., closing with a prayer circle. We stayed until 8:30 a.m., except for Nina who had to get to work.

We agreed to continue coming to the Pentagon on Monday mornings for the time being. Our presence was greatly appreciated and needed.

The DC Freepers had planned to do at at least this one counter-protest , now seems they will be continuing Wink
one of..... We The People
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 4:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

kate wrote:
After Action Report - Freepers
The DC Freepers had planned to do at at least this one counter-protest , now seems they will be continuing Wink

Thanks for the update! Very Happy It's encouraging to see what even a few can do to lend support and lift spirits!

Have you checked out their plans to anti-protest the inaugural? Sure wish I could be there.....

DC Freepers counter-protest

Protest Warriors - Operation Hail to the Chief

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 8:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

God Bless all the real patriotic protesters! It's good to know those anti-freedom, anti-American security protesters are getting a taste of their own medicine!
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