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SBD Admiral
Joined: 19 Aug 2004 Posts: 1022
Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 3:36 am Post subject: Democratic Party Exposed by Schiavo Case |
Reprinted from NewsMax.com
Democratic Party Exposed by Schiavo Case
Steve Farrell
Friday, March 25, 2005
That the fate of one innocent individual, Terry Schiavo, could create such a legal and media hoopla is, I think, one in a series of signs – the gay marriage battle being another – signifying a monumental shift in political and moral attitudes in this country – for the better.
Terry's battle for life, supported intelligently and passionately by so many, is serving to illustrate that Christians, Jews and other people possessed of moral fiber and common sense will no longer let liberalism trample all over their rights, no longer let liberalism hide from our view the moral and religious foundations of the law in this country. Times are changing, and I think the day is not far distant that we will see more justices subject to up-or-down confidence votes, popular elections, referendum recalls, impeachments, peaceful defiance and, yes, the posting of their individual voting records on every court case all over the Internet, all over the new media, and all over every community as political activists take their records door to door to expose how immoral, how illogical, how un-American many of them have become.
Just you wait and see: Their ‘untouchable' status is nearing its end – because they've lost our trust and proved Jefferson correct, after all, as to the danger of having a system that creates unelected, lifelong judges.
What's also a blessing in disguise about this whole affair is that the political left, as it is being confronted by a new day of political and moral courage, can't help but reveal itself for what it is – a sometimes demonic, often out-of-touch, power-hungry party.
Think about it. By and large it is the Democrats and their liberal allies who have blocked the path to prevent the death of this young lady by starvation, just as they have blocked the path to save millions of babes within the womb, even as they promise to deliver a political strategy for 2006 that is more sensitive and loyal to the religious values of mainstream America.
How revealing. And how pathetic. This is going to cost them, not just before God, but in terms they understand come Election Day.
You see, these guys are still so dedicated to the revolution of Marx and Lenin that even when common political sense points the way to standing up for what is right, and even when, for the sake of political survival, they promise to themselves that they will stand up for what is right, they can't bring themselves to do it.
It is as if they do indeed suffer from what popular talk show host Michael Savage calls a ‘mental disorder.' It must be so. How else can one explain their endless moral inconsistencies?
Here is a party that claims there is such a right as choosing to murder innocent human beings, whether babies within the womb, handicapped individuals like Terry Schiavo, the elderly or others who suffer from debility – even while they vigorously defend the lives of fruit flies, rodents and junk fish.
Here is a party that values the life of ‘old growth' trees over the health of our economy and thus over the economic and emotional health of tens of thousands of families that – who can say? – may have suffered stress-related setbacks, even death, because of unemployment and underemployment.
Here is a party, not surprisingly, that is all for pro-choice when it comes to every sort of sexual choice, yet fights tooth and nail against those who would choose to promote chastity or fight against pornography.
Therefore, here is a party that thrives on promising victims and moral reprobates all kinds of rights that never before existed, but that nonetheless aggressively attacks the rights of the successful, the prosperous, the religious and the moral.
You get the idea. No wonder, then, that this liberal 'liberty' party is the party more partial to calling our boys 'occupiers' even as our boys risk their lives to liberate the captive millions from mass murderers.
It's the same old story. Democrats just can't seem to escape their reputation as the party of death and moral insensibility – something every moral, Christian and freedom-loving American ought to remember come 2006.
My guess is that when the Democrats employ their strategy to cry ‘Halleluiah!' in the next election, their opponents will be cry back, "Remember Terry Schiavo!"
NewsMax pundit Steve Farrell is associate professor of political economy at George Wythe College, press agent for Defend Marriage (a project of United Families International), and the author of the highly praised, inspirational novel "Dark Rose" (available at amazon.com).
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Barbie2004 Commander
Joined: 18 Sep 2004 Posts: 338
Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 9:21 am Post subject: |
Quote: | Times are changing, and I think the day is not far distant that we will see more justices subject to up-or-down confidence votes, popular elections, referendum recalls, impeachments, peaceful defiance and, yes, the posting of their individual voting records on every court case all over the Internet, all over the new media, and all over every community as political activists take their records door to door to expose how immoral, how illogical, how un-American many of them have become. |
I think there will be much fallout from this.
Quote: | Just you wait and see: Their ‘untouchable' status is nearing its end – because they've lost our trust and proved Jefferson correct, after all, as to the danger of having a system that creates unelected, lifelong judges. |
We need to get rid of "judicial immunity", also, among other things.
This is plain murder happening before our very eyes essentially by ONE judge, who has told the congress, president, & governor to "Go to hell!".
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GM Strong Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
Joined: 18 Sep 2004 Posts: 1579 Location: Penna
Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 1:30 pm Post subject: |
This would be the liberal, moral relativism type Democrats. There are Democrats, many who are ashamed of the leadership of the party and are at a loss to know what to do. They want to be loyal, but have to question why.
If anyone has not as yet read "Men in Black" by Mark Levin, do so. What he has said and predicted is happening. _________________ 8th Army Korea 68-69 |
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RogerRabbit Master Chief Petty Officer
Joined: 05 Sep 2004 Posts: 748 Location: Oregon
Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 2:04 pm Post subject: |
Quote: | We need to get rid of "judicial immunity", also, among other things. |
While we are at it lets do away with "tenure" in our schools _________________ "Si vis pacem, para bellum" |
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Barbie2004 Commander
Joined: 18 Sep 2004 Posts: 338
Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 2:33 pm Post subject: |
The MSM strikes again.
The MSM leads everyone to believe that tenure is "life-long" and unbreakable.
All tenure does is provide the "due process" protection before termination. That is, the school must provide these three things prior to termination:
1. Notice
2. Reasons
3. Forum for redress w/disinterested arbiter
As you can see from the Schiavo case, "due process" doesn't have to be fair, or proper, or have any particular outcome. Just that it happens.
"Bad teachers" remain teaching so that those that want to get rid of tenure can make "a case" for the media. To get the public to cry out that we must get rid of tenure due to that "bad result" of not being able to get rid of the "bad teacher" because of that bad thing called "tenure."
Who really wants to get rid of tenure?
The teacher labor unions. (NEA & AFT)
Why? So that they don't have to expend any effort or dues on protecting good teachers from losing their position for political reasons. (i.e. being against the union in any of its agenda items.) But of course, they will demand that billion dollar dues to continue (by the force of law I might add). It's the labor unions that are the problem, not tenure.
Without tenure, a teacher can be fired for any reason or no reason at any time with no recourse. Unfortunately, prior to tenure laws, teachers would lose their jobs for such reasons as an admistrator or board member wanted to hire a relative or friend. Also, teachers were at the political whims of the various powers that be. That is, do their bidding or they got fired.
Tenure has gotten a bad rap, and it is not anywhere near as "protective" as the MSM and lazy adminstrators would have the public believe.
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