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From "The Enemy Within?" Department...

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 4:48 pm    Post subject: From "The Enemy Within?" Department... Reply with quote

Hugh Hewitt directs us to a blog I'm unfamiliar with ( "Blogotional" ) but I intend to rectify that oversight. Give this blog a hit and read it there where you'll also benefit from embedded hyperlinks...

Wait For It!

As if the death of American soldiers and the needless induction of fear, anxiety and frustration in the families of other soldiers in the same unit were not enough grief (HT:Blackfive), some schmucks that figure the lives of US soldiers are best used to serve their domestic political agendas, just cannot wait for bad news, and have to start the hammering before the facts are known. (HT: Dadmanly)

Last Thursday some soldiers were killed in a rocket attack. Upon further investigation, it appears something else, though what is not known just yet, may have been at play. Here is the bottom line from the CNN story

    "Upon further examination of the scene by explosive ordnance personnel, it was determined the blast pattern was inconsistent with a mortar attack," the document states.

    The Army is looking at a number of scenarios, including accidental death, attack by an intruder or infiltrator -- and fragging, which is the killing or wounding of a fellow soldier.

There are several points to be made right now
  1. The use of the term "fragging" is, I must assume, purposefully inflammatory on the part of CNN. Note that that term does not appear in the quotation of the Army report. That term, with its implied references to Vietnam, which it took the HuffPo idiot linked above all but minutes to capitalize on, serves no useful purpose. American-on-American violence, awful as it is, can happen for any number of reasons; morale problems as implied in the use of that term, being just one of them and at this juncture completely unsubstantiated.
  2. CNN uses that term amidst and number of other scenarios, but sets it off by the use of hyphens -- as if denying that the other scenarios hold any possibility of reality. Again, this belies an obvious bias on the part of CNN and serves only to degrade morale amongst our men and women serving. This is a classic case of the US press working purposefully to undermine our military objectives.
  3. When the only thing that is know at this juncture is that the blast damage is inconsistent with a mortar attack, what purpose is served by speculating what happened? Again, the only motive I can see is to attack the military and to undermine it. At this point, we do not know what happened!
It seems to me that the best course of action at this point is to SUPPORT the military. This single incident does not indicate a problem within our military, with its management, mission, or objectives. This single incident says only one thing -- someone over there is a criminal, maybe a sleeper agent, who knows? There is simply no evidence that there is a problem with the military and its actions in general. HuffPo, CNN, and all the others that jump on this need to be called into account. They need to be called into account for everything from speculation to bad vocabulary choices. If you are a blogger, please post about this. If not, please leave comments for the bloggers and reporters that get this so wrong.

Our military does not need this, and we should not allow it to happen to them.


And here's a followup reader comment that's exceptional (and whose name may ring a bell here)...we invite "John Boyle" to post the remainder of his comment right here (which was, apparently, truncated due to blog restrictions). Fine work Doc...

John Boyle wrote:
The current generation is now getting some idea of what we Vietnam Vets have been so outraged about for so long. I swore I'd never let happen to another generation of soldiers what happened to us - but it is happening. The "war crimes industry" has been replaced by the "torture and abuse industry," and it's cousin, the "military-out-of-control industry." It is the same paradigm and the same scam - isolated incidents generalized to an entire military establishment - to an entire government - and eventually to an entire nation and all of its people.

Thank God you have an alternative media that actually believes in truth. We were marginalized and voiceless.

I was in Washington last January 20th for the Inauguration, and saw first hand the adolescent marxist drones out in force in the streets. They even looked like the scum of 35 years ago - in need of a bath and a shave and a kick in the butt.

The marxist reeducation camps we call universities have been grinding exceeding thin for nearly two generations now, and the MSM is crawling with their product, as Terry Moran recently confirmed - as if it needed confirmation.

What you have to accept is that they really are working for our enemies, and stop being so surprised by it. And it is not just an inadvertent side-effect of their commitment to "speaking truth to power." They could care less about the truth. They have an agenda to advance. It is not any vast conspiracy, they just all agree - terrorists and our internal enemies - with the same basic premises about America. They hate this country. It is not Bush, it is not Republicans, it is not conservatives. It is America that is their enemy - the corporate capitalist system, strong defense, an active foreign policy, and traditional American values. They have been delegitimizing all of this for a long time now, and they don't care what tactics they have to use.

The contempt they spit on everything American has to be returned to them in equal kind.

The more they lose in this war for the consciousness of America, they more vicious they will become. You are seeing exactly that right now.

Al-Quaida has no worldwide propaganda arm. It does not need one. Think of the resources it saves having MSNBC and the NY Times, Amnesty International and the ACLU, and the rest of them carrying its message! The fascist war on us is basically psychological - that's what "terror" is - attempting to get a psychological effect. Why does the world hate us? Because of what it is told about us by guess whom?

They do not deserve any respect at all, any deference to credibility, any quarter. They are even more dangerous to our nation than a few thousand terrorists who kill the few thousands of us. They are out to take all of us down. Keep on telling the truth about them.

This war is not about oil, it is not about territory, it is not about Islam, it is not about markets, it is not about culture. It is about the idea and existence of America; and the only way t

John Boyle
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 8:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Excellent commentary, Doc!! Please give us the rest of it.
“I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. ‘Tis the business of little minds to shrink; but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death.” (Thomas Paine, 1776)
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 8:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

In a similar vein...here's a DOOZY of a rant...and from the Great White North as well...

Why It's Time to Deport Liberals
by J.B. Williams
Monday, June 13, 2005

During the run-up to the 2004 election, hundreds, if not thousands of liberals promised to leave America for good if Bush was re-elected. Best I can tell, not one of them kept their promise. Instead, they have only become more obnoxious in their efforts to dismantle America.

America’s liberal movement isn’t what it used to be. The old live and let live, make love not war liberal who just wanted to be left alone to pursue his often drug induced euphoric consequence free utopian existence has been replaced. I liked this old liberal. He did himself all kinds of harm, but generally speaking, he didn’t hurt anyone else. He was passive by nature, spending most of his time hanging out in his marijuana patch listening to the Beatles. I miss this old liberal.

The new liberal is a horse’s ass of an entirely different color. He is a bitter hate-filled America loathing Marxist, just as determined to bring the world’s most powerful nation to its knees as any foreign enemy in history.

The new liberal doesn’t just hate George W. Bush or Dick Cheney. As their newly elected Messiah so proudly pronounced — "they hate everything they stand for". Things like a strong military, a vibrant free capitalist economy, and a foreign policy that hinges on strength rather than weakness, real moral principles and true personal liberty. They hate it all.

America is the freest nation on earth (despite liberal demands for more government control of everything). We have the lowest unemployment rate of any nation on earth, the largest number of self-made millionaires, and the highest average standard of living anywhere, even the richest poor people on the planet. We are the most generous nation because we are the most powerful nation on earth. Liberals don’t like any of it and they can’t think of one good thing to say about the founding principles of the country they love to hate.

They don’t like gun toting heterosexual married people with children, the financially self-sufficient, people not hooked on drugs or alcohol, people of religion, unborn children or those who defend them, or anyone too smart to fall for their socialist spineless drivel. In short, they don’t like most Americans.

They spend all of their free time looking for new ways to undermine everything America has ever been or was ever intended to be. So why are they still here?

Today’s liberal sees nothing wrong with a million abortions a year. He sees nothing wrong with tyrannizing the most productive members of our society for benefit of those who contribute nothing to society. He sees nothing wrong with art in the form of pornography, but everything wrong with a public display of the Ten Commandments.

He sees nothing wrong with terrorists preaching death to Americans in Mosques and on street corners across this nation, but everything wrong with the pledge of allegiance or a morning peace prayer in our school houses.

He believes that if you work smart enough, hard enough and sacrifice long enough to become wealthy on your own, you owe a share of your spoils to those who won’t do the same - that his government owes it to him, to take those spoils from you against your will if need be.

He believes that all sexual perversions are just "alternative lifestyles" that must be tolerated in the name of creating an open society. He believes that those who don’t support such ideas are bigots.

He believes that all religions are deserving of equal status, including the not so peaceful religion of Islam, the always entertaining satanic cult, and the religion of no religion, atheism. To the modern day liberal, there is no real difference between religions.

He looks at terrorists firing upon American soldiers from behind the cover of female Muslim attire as victims of brutal American oppression. But he sees a terrorist prison camp where the American people pay for clean housing, three squares, a free Koran and a free prayer rug aimed at Mecca for every detainee as a Nazi Gulag.

He sees legal immigration and illegal immigration as the same thing. A chance to recruit another liberal voter in search of free stuff from America’s feeding trough.

He does not believe in self-governance or self-reliance, but rather in absolute government control over every aspect of American life. He doesn’t believe in a free market economy, but rather a government controlled economy designed to arbitrarily redistribute wealth.

He doesn’t believe in freedom, just free stuff. He does not believe in national sovereignty. In the United Nations run by thugs, thieves and third world tyrants, he trusts.

He looks at failing government controlled health care systems around the world and determines that America should do that too. He looks at the impending disaster of open societies in Europe and determines America should follow in their footsteps.

He looks at one self-proclaimed war hero who refuses to release his military records to support his hero status and sees a real honest to goodness war hero. But he looks at more than 200 confirmed war heros who claim the other is a fraud and a traitor, and sees more than 200 liars.

Now, it stands to reason that today’s liberal just might not be too bright, since there is quite literally no way to make sense of any of his logic. But it’s impossible to believe that anyone could actually be so foolish. So it is more likely that there is simply an agenda behind all this foolishness.

That agenda is the dismantling of everything American. They intend to continue to systematically replace our free market economy with a government controlled welfare state that will make every American equal, equally poor that is.

They intend to replace our One Nation under God with a Godless society dependent upon man made laws rather than morality based self-governance. The facts are simply indisputable.

They have already replaced our right to life endowed by our Creator with a government sanctioned right to murder our unborn and our physically or mentally challenged no longer of use to society. They have already replaced our right to free religious expression with a non-existent separation of church and state clause that effectively outlaws religious expression.

All of this is at odds with the vast majority of Americans, yet it continues. If America is to continue being America, the enemy within must be dealt with. The time for tolerance has passed.

We have tolerated far too much already. America’s survival depends entirely upon our ability to foster and nurture true American principles and ideals. Those who would undermine these ideals must be no more welcome in our country than those who seek to destroy America through more brutal means. Though the means are different, the threat is the same.

America can not be all things to all people. It can either be America, or it can be something much less. It is time to deport those who like nothing about the country that unwillingly feeds and provides protection for their ill conceived agenda.

Immigrants who seek to make America more like their homeland need to simply return to their homeland. If they won’t do it voluntarily, we should help them.

I don’t hate anyone. But I will no longer tolerate people intent upon destroying my country!

I hear France is looking for a few good socialists…

Canada Free Press
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 2:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

shawa wrote:
Excellent commentary, Doc!! Please give us the rest of it.

Seconded. Please DO give us the rest of it!!!! You have put into words what I've been wanting to say for a long time.
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