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efuseakay Ensign
Joined: 16 Aug 2004 Posts: 64
Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:07 am Post subject: Idea for new ad... |
... requesting Senator Kerry to sign the SF-180 to release ALL of his service records, explaining to people that what Kerry has posted on his website is not a complete record... being spoonfed certain records that only the Kerry campaign wants us to see is quite insulting... What does everyone think? |
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kerrlied Ensign
Joined: 20 Aug 2004 Posts: 50 Location: Seattle
Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 1:50 pm Post subject: Graet Idea |
Can the Fredom of Information act be used to get the Record?
I do not think kerry will ever sing the 180
He Lied! |
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gkdechow Ensign
Joined: 13 Aug 2004 Posts: 67 Location: Kansas City
Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 2:23 pm Post subject: |
Maybe a "What's Kerry trying to hide?' ad.
George |
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Zogcong Seaman Recruit
Joined: 15 Aug 2004 Posts: 2
Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 5:03 pm Post subject: Idea for new ad |
Lets respond to Kerry's challenge to " Bring it On" .
The folowing is from an article published August 20th, 2004 by Inside Politics: Kerry: Bush lets attack ads do " dirty work"
Quote from article;
" Well, if he wants to have a debate about our service in Vietnam, heres my answer "Bring it On".
Lets respond ( SwiftVets) to that challenge and request that a debate on " our service in Vietnam" be held with in 7 days and that all the segments of the media cover both the request and the debate. Fox News could act as the moderator. I know I'm dreaming in NEVER, NEVER land, but it could be fun trying. Thanks for all the info _________________ Hartzogs 6th - 66
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mark696 Seaman Recruit
Joined: 19 Aug 2004 Posts: 1 Location: Greenville, NH
Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 2:56 pm Post subject: Debate |
In my humble opinion, John Kerry has no credability what-so-ever. It would be nice to see a debate between you guys and Kerry but I doubt it will ever happen. John Kerry has said volumes about your charges when he told an audience in Boston that The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth were "Republican Funded" and "They are anything but for turth". If I, or any other credable person, were accused of lying about any documented event, we wouldn't try answer the charges by attacking the accuser. I would simply submit documented proof of my story. The fact that the Kerry campaign and all major media sources have only reported the Swift Vets story by trying to assasinate their character tells the whole story. John Kerry will hanf himself over this story. I have donated to your cause and I hope you will not let up until November 3rd. God Bless All the men and women who fight for our country!
Mark Lamoureux _________________ Thank God for George W. Bush after 9/11 |
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Zogcong Seaman Recruit
Joined: 15 Aug 2004 Posts: 2
Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 6:13 pm Post subject: Idea for new ad |
I think we have just been given a golden opportunity to show the country ALL of the evidence and proof of what the SwiftVets for Truth have been saying. All we have to do is respond to Kerry's FEC complaint and enter into evidence all the documentation, findings, etc. as proof that we (SwiftVets) are and have been telling the truth. Kerry would have a VERY difficult time refuting the evidence. I believe all the evidence would become part of the record regarding the filed complaint. Of coursse FOX NEWS would be present and maybe some representatives from other medias might want to follow up on their headlines. I do not how the FEC could not let the charges be answered or prevent any evidence from being entered or submitted to refute the charges. Just an Idea. What do you think?
Keep up the GREAT work _________________ Hartzogs 6th - 66
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