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Mayor of Salt Lake City anti-war rally and comments

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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 1:54 am    Post subject: Mayor of Salt Lake City anti-war rally and comments Reply with quote

As many of you probably know, the mayor of Salt Lake City, Rocky Anderson, used the occasion of the President's attendance at the VFW convention in SLC to invite war protesters to a rally, at which the mayor and others attacked the president and the war in Iraq. Following is the response I got from the mayor to an email I sent to him criticizing his use of his position as mayor and the VFW convention as a platform for his anti-war protest: First is my reply and then his email to me:

"Such eloquence! It does not, however, despite your high-sounding utterances, overcome the fact that you have used, and continue to use your official position and the assemblage of veterans in your city as a platform to attack the President and the policies of his administration. Had you not taken advantage of your position as mayor of Salt Lake City and the occasion of the President's visit to your city to address the VFW to call attention to your own personal political beliefs, no one would give a hoot in hell about what you have to say. As it is, you have embarrassed the city you proclaim to love, offended your guests, the VFW, and given great pause to other organizations which might want to consider using SLC as a convention site--at least, that is, until you are gone from office. Personally, I could care less that a few veterans chose to attend your so-called rally, and I am not impressed that a so-called business leader attended, wearing his Special Forces beret. As a former U.S. Army officer who served during the Vietnam War, I can tell you that your actions have offended many Vietnam Vets, who find your solicitation of support "for the troops" to be nothing more than reminiscent of the actions of anti-war protesters during the Vietnam War. We remember that the VVAW included some "Special Forces" soldiers, as well as decorated soldiers, upon whom had been bestowed medals from the disgraceful rain of medals by an Army desperate for support at home--support that was not forthcoming because of people like you--all of whom professed to "support the troops" when in fact they fostered the destruction of the morale our armed forces and caused Americans to curse and spit upon returning soldiers who were asking only that they be recognized for their service. I doubt you ever donned the uniform of our armed forces, else, I am sure, you would have included that in your "explanation" of your actions. I have young relatives and have friends whose sons and grandsons are serving in Iraq. I can tell you that these valiant soldiers are indeed affected by your comments, and regardless of the cheers you elicited from those who attended your rally when you asked for a show of support for the troops, they don't see it that way. What they do see is the undermining of the support at home for what they are doing in Iraq. They believe that you, sir, are a liar and a political opportunist who is using your own personal political agenda in Iraq to destroy their morale. You are indeed a fool if you believe you can say to them, "We support you--we just don't support what you are doing". They know ******** when they hear it.
My dearest friend in college, wounded in Vietnam, attempted suicide upon being released from duty. He did so, not because of the physical wounds he suffered but because of the emotional wounds inflicted upon him by other Americans--those who prevented him from wearing his uniform off post while he was recuperating in Oakland, CA because he was spat upon and called a "babykiller". He could never accept that Americans could so treat an American soldier. He didn't understand what we know now--that these were the acolytes of John Kerry and Jane Fonda--the political opportunists of the Winter Soldier movement--and I still hold them responsible for his present vegetative state. You, sir, are related to them in the minds of most veterans of the Vietnam War. To us, you can take your explanatory eloquence and stuff it where the sun don't shine. We will never set foot in Salt Lake City so long as you are mayor, and we will use such influence as we have to prevent others from doing so. Tell that to your Special Forces business leader. "

"----- Original Message -----
From: Mayor
To: azfoote@cox.net
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 9:24 AM
Subject: Pioneer Park Rally

I appreciate your writing or calling to express your opinion regarding my participation at the rally coinciding with President Bush’s visit to Salt Lake City last month. Strong feelings have been expressed about the issues addressed at the rally, and about the appropriateness of my involvement in the rally.

The rally was a peaceful, healthy, enthusiastic gathering of people who care deeply about our great nation – and who are genuinely concerned about the direction in which our nation is headed under the Administration of George W. Bush. Speaking out in this manner, particularly in a way that will most effectively be communicated to the rest of our nation, to the world, and to the President and Congress, is the way a democracy is supposed to work. For free speech to be restrained, for people to be afraid or made to feel ashamed to speak out, is more the sign of a tyranny than a free society.

Those who referred to my participation in the rally as “unpatriotic,” “rude,” or “inhospitable”, or those who disparaged the thousands of good people who participated in the rally as “nutcakes,” fail to distinguish between a theocracy and a democracy. President Bush works for us. He is answerable to us. In a healthy, open democracy, an insistence upon respect for the office of President can never trump the right and duty of all of us to speak out when we perceive that the President is abusing his power and taking our country on a destructive course.

Senator Hatch, certain members of the Salt Lake City Council, and the Deseret News editorial writers, as well as those who have written or called to question my “patriotism,” might gain a more profound sense of what patriotism really is from Theodore Roosevelt, who said, “To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”

Senator Hatch called those at the rally “nutcakes” – apparently a new word coined on the spot, combining the words “nutcase” and “fruitcakes”. To whom was he referring, in addition to Salt Lake City’s mayor? Over two thousand of Senator Hatch’s constituents took time during the middle of the day to participate in the rally, including several veterans (including one esteemed member of our business community who proudly wore the green beret from his service in the Special Forces), doctors, lawyers, architects, religious leaders (including a Jewish rabbi and a Unitarian minister), teachers, students, working people, and parents of young men who have recently died in Iraq. The dismissive use of a belittling term for these good people – people who care so deeply about our country and about our troops – is the opposite of what we should expect of a United States Senator – or of any leader. Let us debate the merits of the issues and refrain from petty name-calling. (Having said that, I must note that Senator Hatch has been a good, effective friend of Salt Lake City and of me personally in many respects.)

Although none of the media reported it, the large crowd at the rally cheered loudly when I called upon them to express our support for our troops and for veterans who have sacrificed so much for our remarkable freedoms. It is clear to those who attended the rally that our troops have been unnecessarily put in harm’s way by a President who failed to tell us the truth about why he was taking our country to war and a Congress that abrogated its constitutional responsibility by handing to the President its war-making powers. We now know that intelligence was manipulated to reach the result desired by the President Bush and his advisors – and that the factual assertions made by President Bush in justifying a war in Iraq were false. We want the truth – about why we are in Iraq, about how we are going to get our young men and women out of Iraq, and how the US is going to be better off, rather than be less safe and secure, because of President Bush’s war.

My remarks at the Pioneer Park rally addressed more than the tragic war in Iraq. I spoke about the total absence of fiscal responsibility by President Bush and the Republican Congress, who have frittered away the Clinton surplus of billions of dollars and built up enormous, historic deficits – all while members of President Bush’s ultra-wealthy class were given huge tax cuts, and Vice-President Cheney’s friends at Halliburton have ripped us off for billions of dollars.

I spoke about my love for our city – and of how furious I am at the President’s disdain for our cities and those who live in them. President Bush seeks to weaken, and in some instances destroy, long-time programs that have been of immense benefit to our cities, like the Community Development Block Grant Program, Community Oriented Police programs, and Local Law Enforcement Grant funding. Also, 120 fewer families in Salt Lake City will have access to Section 8 affordable housing thanks to recent Bush administration policies.

I spoke about President Bush’s demonstrated contempt for working people, reflected in his opposition to an increase in the minimum wage, which is lower in buying power today than the minimum wage in 1955. I also talked about the outsourcing of good jobs to other nations due to Bush’s trade policies, creating an even greater chasm between the very wealthy (i.e. George Bush and Dick Cheney’s classmates) and the middle class and poor in our country. As I said in my presentation, “Those of us who believe that government ought to be of the people, by the people, and for the people – and not just run by and for the benefit of Halliburton and the rest of the very wealthy – we’ve got a message here today: ‘We’re not going to take it any more!’”

Among the other issues addressed at the rally: The continued refusal by President Bush to join the rest of the industrialized world (except Australia) in the Kyoto Protocol to combat global warming. The status quo energy policy, perpetuating the dependence on foreign oil sources and ignoring the environmental devastation resulting from reliance upon fossil fuels. The storage of high-level nuclear waste at the Goshute Reservation near Salt Lake City and the transport of nuclear waste through our city to Yucca Mountain. The hostility to equal rights for gays and lesbians. The incursions on our civil liberties in the Patriot Act. The torture of prisoners in violation of Army regulations and international law.

So, according to a United States Senator, a newspaper editorial board, and a number of vocal critics of my participation in the rally, only support of the status quo or complacency is “patriotic.” Their view is that I should have had the decency to just keep quiet. That’s not going to happen. As Elie Weisel said, “There are times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.” As the Salt Lake Tribune said in this connection, we not only have the right to raise our voices; it is our duty.

Thanks again for writing or calling. Please join us for another, even larger, rally on September 24 at noon at the City & County Building (with some people gathering at 11 a.m. at Pioneer Park for an 11:30 march to the City & County Building). Be counted among the thousands of people in the Salt Lake City area who are deeply troubled about the direction in which our nation is headed and who exercise their citizenship, moral authority, and leadership in speaking up and acting on their deeply-held convictions.


Ross C. Anderson

Salt Lake City Mayor

Ph: (801) 535-7704
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 5:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for posting this. I was thinking about visiting SLC this winter to check it out (low-cost housing, paying jobs). Guess I'll stay in San Diego (bright red pimple on the blue state's butt).
DLI 78
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 9:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Maybe Rocky doesn't realize yet that he is up to his armpits in Islamic extremeists located all around his little corner of the world. At least five active cells at last count

Sorry Mayor Rocky but you don't understand the strategy in Iraq. Iraq is our flypaper for Islamic Jihad participants around the Middle East. Their local Imams get them all wound up in frenzy for Jihad and send them off to fight the evil American infidels in Iraq. The more that come to Iraq to be slaughtered the better. They are poorly trained, yet are highly motivated to die for which we stand ready to accommodate them daily. This is the most effective method to deal with terror without invading every country in the AOR.

So Mayor Rocky I suggest you consult with Bullwinkle J. Moose who I understand is a strong supporter of the President's efforts for us all.

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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 1:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Thanks for writing or calling" Rolling Eyes

Nothing like taking a little time to read what someone actually wrote...not. I honestly don't mind form letters from *really* busy people, as long as they actually talk about the subjects presented. I think he needs to have someone do a better job at screening what he is supposedly writing so that it can at least look like he read it.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 2:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Someone needs to point out to HisHonor the idiot that the people saying the President lied to get us into Iraq are the liars.
His basic premise for his protest is a lie. Which of course makes his whole argument null and void.
Show him this website to read and verify Saddam's involvement in not only 9/11 but terrorism in general against the U.S.

Or this one which shows the logical mind's approach to the Iraq war and exposes the true liars.
It's high time these untruths by the anti-war groups are exposed as just what they are, lies.

Left and Wrong are the opposite of Right!
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Uisguex Jack
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 2:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow Your mayor is a idiot. One can only wonder what makes these morons feel they are able to govern anything with nothing but ego and ignorance to fuel their shriveled little brains.

Mayor Moron Said:
Those who referred to my participation in the rally as “unpatriotic,” “rude,” or “inhospitable”, or those who disparaged the thousands of good people who participated in the rally as “nutcakes,” fail to distinguish between a theocracy and a democracy.

Let's think about this statement for a moment...... well no more than three seconds.

How damn stupid is this guy? I hope you don't ever have a crises along the lines of Katrina in New Orleans as this guy seems on equal footing with Mayor Nagin in his understanding of what the hell is going on.

A theocracy is what we are fighting. Al Queda is working overtime to create a Global Theocracy under the guise of a new Islamic Caliphate run by a very small extremist minority, the Wahabi's.

In Islam the Wahabi's are about as mainstream as Anabaptists/Amish are in Christianity. Actually this is incorrect, the Amish are much more true to what Christianity is than the Wahabi's are to Islam. Under this Caliphate there is no voting, zero rights for infidels..... well there are no infidels, one either converts or is murdered in cold blood, be it in Manhattan, Samara, or God Forbid Salt Lake City.

A Democracy is where the public at large votes on variant issues. The United States of America is a Democratic Republic, not a Democracy, not a Theocracy nor a Fascist Dictatorship. This guy don't got much a clue what the hells going on does he. You have my Sympathy.

Oh yeah, George Bush Got ellected as president of this Democratic republic....... twice.
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Senior Chief Petty Officer

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 2:51 pm    Post subject: The Mayor Reply with quote

Tax cuts have benefitted everyone. Trickle down theory applies.

Geneva Conventions don't apply to terrorists., etc.

Hitler didn't have WMD's.

He must be related to Blanko-Noggin of LA?

I can't decide if I want his email addie or not. Probably not, I ain't gonna learn anything from him.
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