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Kincaid: "Traitors in the Media"

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 6:11 pm    Post subject: Kincaid: "Traitors in the Media" Reply with quote

In the 60's and early 70's, this voice (and THOUSANDS like it) would not have been heard. The MSM will simply not be allowed to Kerry Iraq as they did Vietnam...

Traitors in the Media
By Cliff Kincaid | December 1, 2005

Inset: My visit to a local gun show found one booth full of photos from Iraq that were described as being censored by the U.S. news media. They show American soldiers assisting the Iraqi people, especially children.

Congressman John Murtha, the veteran who turned against the Iraq War, has become a household name. But odds are you haven't heard of Thomas L. Bock. He's a veteran who is critical of media coverage of the war. He says controversial things like "Today's media-hungry war-protest movement is an anti-freedom movement."

Actually, Bock is more than a veteran; he's National Commander of the American Legion, the largest veterans organization. Bock is also a Blue Star dad. His son, Adam, is an Army CH-47 helicopter pilot currently serving in Iraq.

In an editorial appearing in the December issue of the American Legion magazine, Bock writes that "The call to prematurely withdraw U.S. troops from the war on terrorism will quite likely—as public opposition to the Vietnam War showed us—have the unintended consequence of prolonging the fight. Ho Chi Minh described the antiwar movement in the 1960s as a second front in his march to relieve South Vietnam of its freedoms."

Last summer, Bock noted, the Legion adopted Resolution 169, urging veterans to speak out for freedom and "counter a movement that discredits those now serving in harm's way."

A strong voice against the Murtha position comes from Col. Brett Wyrick, a surgeon deployed in Iraq. He says, "I wish there was not a war, and I wish our young people did not have to fight and die. But I cannot wish away evil men like bin Laden and al-Zarqawi…The last thing we need here in Iraq is an exit strategy or some damn time table for withdrawal. Thank God there was no timetable for withdrawal after the Battle of the Bulge or Iwo Jima. Thank God there was no exit strategy at Valley Forge. Freedom is not easy, and it comes with a terrible price."

Our media enjoy that freedom. They use it to run phony Koran-in-the-toilet stories that kill people and make it harder for our troops to win.

My visit to a local gun show found one booth full of photos from Iraq that were described as being censored by the U.S. news media. They show American soldiers assisting the Iraqi people, especially children. You can view them at the site of KCEN-TV of central Texas. The sponsor of the booth said he had five members of his family in the Armed Forces, including two sons in Iraq. The sign over the photos said, "The traitors in the media and Congress want to repeat Vietnam. Don't allow it."

Judging by the number of people viewing the exhibit, there is public interest in what the media are not telling us.

Another message posted on the exhibit said, "The media want Hillary elected. They want you to think the war is bad so you will turn against President Bush."

I purchased a bumper sticker at the booth. It said, "Freedom of the press does not mean the right to lie." Perhaps the public can help stop the lies.

Cliff Kincaid is the Editor of the AIM Report and can be reached at cliff.kincaid@aim.org

Accuracy In Media
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 8:38 pm    Post subject: Re: Kincaid: "Traitors in the Media" Reply with quote

Me#1You#10 wrote:
In the 60's and early 70's, this voice (and THOUSANDS like it) would not have been heard. The MSM will simply not be allowed to Kerry Iraq as they did Vietnam...

I can vouch for the 40's as well. As a California teenager during WWII, I remember clearly that the press was an unwavering cheerleader for the President, for the troops, and for victory all the way. There was no CNN/MSNBC, etc., no television at all. Just the old floor model Philco radio reporting straight news.

Now in Huntsville, essentially a conservative town, our one and only paper is 100% liberal, printing only the juiciest AP pseudo-news and the usual lineup of national lib columnists. At the local Republican Men's Club, we emphasize the writing of letters to the editor, exposing the lies the paper has printed. It seems to be having a beneficial effect. We do what we can.

Capt, 8th U.S. Army, Korea '53 - '54
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 1:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Way to go Schadow.
Our only chance is to scream loud and long to counter thier lies.
The only reason the Pres. has these terrible poll numbers is the lies the Commiecrats and the MSM have propagated about him.

Say the lie over and over long enough and the people will begin to believe it.
And that's what they've done.

Keep up the fight, your voice has got to be heard.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 3:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great article, Me#1.
Reminded me of this OP-ED in the Washington Times yesterday.
It can be expected that politicians will distort facts in order to gain political advantage, that's the game they play. But the fact that the media never calls them on the distortions and instead feeds outright lies to the public and the world beyond our shores is nothing short of downright TREACHERY!
War, Lies And The Media On The Left
By Douglas MacKinnon
Published November 30, 2005

Politics is politics and ratings are ratings. But at what point does the non-stop antiwar Iraq rhetoric by many Democrats and many in the media cross the line and morph into outright falsehoods, personal vendettas against the president, and become utterly demoralizing to our troops on the ground in Iraq? I would submit that that line was deliberately and gleefully crossed quite a while ago.

Why? If you are a liberal in the Democratic Party or in the media, there are several reasons why you would twist the facts, try to rewrite history and privately state that "the end justifies the means." First, and maybe still most importantly, for many on the left, they have never considered George W. Bush a legitimate president. They have an irrational hatred for him and wrongfully feel, in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, that Mr. Bush somehow stole the 2000 election.

Second, many don't really care if the Bush administration is right or wrong about Iraq. Because of the constant, pointed and shaded attacks against this president and "his" war, they see his presidency as a wounded animal looking for a place to hide and heal. Because there are important elections coming up in 2006 and 2008, they have no intention of giving up the chase. They mean to kill the animal before it recovers and can fight back. Lastly, and most troubling, is that many liberals in the Democratic Party or the media have an ingrained contempt for our military and the role it must play in the world.

What is most disturbing in this game by the Democrats to cripple this presidency and enhance their chances in the 2006 and 2008 elections is the suspect role some in the media are willing and most anxious to play.

Politics is politics and it's no surprise that some Democrats are shading the truth to influence the American people. Some Republicans are no better and, as we get closer to the elections, they will shame themselves and our party as well. But in the meantime, journalists are paid to be unbiased reporters of fact. Not to carry water for the Democrats or to insert their own personal bias.

Not only do they incessantly pound the American people with negative story after negative story on the war in Iraq, but when their unfair coverage reaches a crescendo, they themselves "poll" the American people to ask them if they support Mr. Bush and "his" war in Iraq.

They do this and conveniently forget some of that history that they and some of the Democrats are trying to rewrite. History, for instance, that states that in 1998, Congress passed, and President Clinton signed, the Iraq Liberation Act, an act that stated, "It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq, and to promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime." In December 1998, after ordering military action in response to Saddam Hussein's decision to expel the U.N. weapon inspectors, Mr. Clinton said, "Other countries possess weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles. With Saddam, there is one big difference; he has used them... The international community had little doubt then, and I have no doubt today, that left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will use these terrible weapons again."

Leaving the words of Mr. Clinton aside, many in the media seem to have completely or deliberately forgotten about U.N. Resolution 1441 -- a resolution that was unanimously passed by the Security Council and ordered Saddam Hussein to make a "full accounting of his WMD program and to cooperate with inspectors." Further, the resolution warned that there would be no more tolerance for concealment or obstruction -- something David Kay, head of the Iraq Survey Group, found Saddam was doing on a regular basis.

OK, if some in the media will turn their backs on this verifiable history, then I have no doubt that they will also seek to squash or ignore the testimony of those who would remind the American people of the valid reasons for going to war in Iraq -- even testimony by Democrats.

How many in the media who oppose this war will report the words of Sen. Joseph Lieberman, Connecticut Democrat, when, in speaking recently in opposition to a date certain for withdrawal, said: "It is no surprise to my colleagues that I strongly supported the war in Iraq... we had in our national interest to remove Saddam Hussein from power... He was a ticking time bomb that if we did not remove him, I am convinced would have blown up, metaphorically speaking, in America's face... The international intelligence community believed Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction."

Politics is politics, ratings are ratings, but lies are lies. While some Democrats may twist the truth to win the upcoming elections, the media has a solemn obligation to report the facts. And it is on that score that some have failed themselves, our nation, our troops, and the people of Iraq.

Douglas MacKinnon served as press secretary to former Sen. Bob Dole. He is also a former White House and Pentagon official, and an author.

“I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. ‘Tis the business of little minds to shrink; but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death.” (Thomas Paine, 1776)
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 4:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

dusty wrote:

The only reason the Pres. has these terrible poll numbers is the lies the Commiecrats and the MSM have propagated about him.

Say the lie over and over long enough and the people will begin to believe it. And that's what they've done.

Tommy Franks said essentially that to Alan Colmes' face tonight on Fox, when Alan asked him about the polls .
When Gen Franks laid it right in the lap of of the LSM , Colmes didnt have a rebuttal...LOL
one of..... We The People
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 5:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I wish I'd of seen that. I love it when Colmes is speechless. And Tommy Franks is just the one to do it to him.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 5:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have gotten to the point where I don't believe them so I read what the actual "boots on the ground" report. Here is an awesome Marine who tells it like it is. This is about reporters, Ramadi, etc. that will infuriate you! This writer, Capt B, has written some incredible pieces.


Also, read the commentary by Mona Charen on the Insight Magazine site about the soldier and the embedded reporter. It will raise an eyebrow or two!

Another site is the Fourth Rail blog by Bill Roggio who is in Iraq now.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 9:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Navy wife wrote:
I have gotten to the point where I don't believe them so I read what the actual "boots on the ground" report. Here is an awesome Marine who tells it like it is. This is about reporters, Ramadi, etc. that will infuriate you! This writer, Capt B, has written some incredible pieces.


Also, read the commentary by Mona Charen on the Insight Magazine site about the soldier and the embedded reporter. It will raise an eyebrow or two!

Another site is the Fourth Rail blog by Bill Roggio who is in Iraq now.

Thanks Navy wife,

Really enjoy reading Capt. B's posts.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 2:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This thread should get 'promoted' as it 'defines' the issue: "Censorship by US Media" to keep the facts away from the public, as opposed to what is expected by 'most' Americans that the Media provide facts to the public. An excellent example of this continuing theme is the press censoring of the Tet Offensive...

America's Dien Bien Phu ( as published in the North Vietnamese press in late '67 or early '68, I've seen the english translation of the newspaper, but don't remember the date) was to have been Khe San (many of you are intimately familiar with this). The Defense Dept knew this, and set up a magnificent defense position.

Long story short, after the successful defense with outstanding results (15,000 NVA Dead, <200 Marines died defending Khe San), on April 24, Johnson spoke to the troops. His message (as George Bush's message when 'speaking to the troops') died on the Media Vine [read censorship]: The north vietnam finally were shown "the utter futility of their attempt to win a Military Victory in the South". So in a complete rout of the NVA, who suffered 25% desertion rate by their 2 divisions, the American Dien Bien Phu turned into the NVA Dien Bien Phu....censored by the American Media, and essentially reported in the opposite to the American Public...as the successful NVA Tet Offensive. Today if you google keywords, you get nothing in that era by our media (or history books, etc) to show that message. A very few sites mention Johnsons message, usually with a Tagline claiming NVA Victory (see below)!

some lines from thevietnam-war.com (a Yahoo site) timeline are:

April 8 - The siege of Khe Sanh ends with the withdrawal of NVA troops from the area as a result of intensive American bombing and the reopening of Route 9. NVA losses during the siege are estimated up to 15,000. U.S. Marines suffered 199 killed and 830 wounded. 1st Cavalry suffered 92 killed and 629 wounded reopening Route 9. The U.S. command then secretly shuts down the Khe Sanh air base and withdraws the Marines. Commenting on the heroism of U.S. troops that defended Khe Sanh, President Johnson states "...they vividly demonstrated to the enemy the utter futility of his attempts to win a military victory in the South." A North Vietnamese official labels the closing of Khe Sanh air base as America's "gravest defeat" so far.

April 11 - Defense Secretary Clifford announces Gen. Westmoreland's request for 206,000 additional soldiers will not be granted.

My Apologies to any who are more intimately familiar with the above, unlike those of us who 'compartmentalized' our Vietnam experience and just opened the door again last year, so are learning all this 30 year old news just in the last few days!
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