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SBD Admiral
Joined: 19 Aug 2004 Posts: 1022
Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 12:52 am Post subject: An email from Denmark |
From The American Thinker
Quote: | An email from Denmark
The signer’s name is withheld, as per request:
In these times of war and oppression, it is very heartening to read the news that a “Buy Danish”-campaign is rising in USA. I don’t know if you, living in an enormous country like USA, can imagine how it is to live in a small country like Denmark these days. It is easy to feel left alone with all of the muslim world against us. Furthermore, the half-hearted support from the European commision leaves us with the feeling that our dearly beloved freedom of speech and freedom of press is being butchered by islamic fanatics in the Middle East.
It all started with a debate in Denmark about these twelve cartoon drawings of Muhammed. There were much rumble about whether JyllandsPosten crossed the line by publishing them. One the other hand, the newspaper did it to raise a debate on self-censorship among Danish cartoonists. Many of those very afraid of assaults by muslims living here. The result was that no one dared make drawings for a children’s book on Muhammed’s life – a book by Kaare Bluitgen which was published recently with drawings made by an anonymous cartoonist. By how come Danish cartoonists were afraid of reprisals from Danish muslims? Was the danger of doing so only imaginary? Quite on the contrary. About half a year ago, a professor at the University of Copenhagen was beaten up by two or three young muslim men. The muslim men were furious that the professor had cited verses from the Koran in one of his lectures. The thing is that the professor had Islam and the Middle East as his field of study and were of course using the Koran as a pathway to understand the muslim culture.
So how is it living in Denmark today? Well, the daily is hardly changed except that the media is overflowing with news on burning flags and images, and new threats on the Danes working in the Middle East. Recently, two men working for the Danish milk company, ARLA, was attacked in the U.A.E., and as recent as today the editorial offices of the JyllandsPosten in both Copenhagen and Aarhus were evacuated due to bomb threats. It’s tough to see a more and more fanatic group of muslims challenge basic freedom rights of our country.
For several years now, Denmark and USA have been close friends and allies in the war on terror. Therefore, it warms the heart of the vast majority of Danes to see that we’re not forgotten and left alone.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you!
God bless America! God bless Denmark and the strong bonds between our nations..
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I B Squidly Vice Admiral
Joined: 26 Aug 2004 Posts: 879 Location: Cactus Patch
Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 1:06 am Post subject: |
Michell Malkin is revved with links and encouragemnt for the Buy Danish movement. I only hope our friend is not discouraged by the non-representitive crap spewed today by the US State Dept. _________________ "KILL ALL THE LAWYERS!"
-Wlm Shakespeare |
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Uisguex Jack Rear Admiral
Joined: 26 Jul 2004 Posts: 613
Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 1:45 am Post subject: |
There is an irony in the last two years or so which is driving me nuts.
First off, the Clintons, Mr+Bill, the Kerrys, john and Schill, the Dixie chicks now over the hill. All these folks tell us to be more 'European'.
To start with look at the rights offered up to the dutch wack job that likely knows something about the co'ed who dissapeared last year in the carabean.
Nothing like the bill of rights here in the states.
Now look at who the nice deciples of Islam are attacking.... the Danes, French, Dutch.... etc. Appariently..... in accordance with the lessons of history, occasionaly the 'liberal/enlightnend' view is not the wiseist. This comng from me.... a retired hippie of sorts.
I'd meant to post these earlier but ran short of time, Check it out.
Islamic images of Mohamad+ : |
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GM Strong Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
Joined: 18 Sep 2004 Posts: 1579 Location: Penna
Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 1:59 am Post subject: |
My ancestors came here to get away from Europe as did most immigrants from the rest of the world as well. On my dad's side they came and set up a country where they became Americans and it has been going on since. My children's grandparents came here to be Americans and that is what we all are no matter when the 'old folks' got here. We don't want to be European. Lurch can be French if he wants. That's his problem. _________________ 8th Army Korea 68-69 |
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blue9t3 Admiral
Joined: 23 Aug 2004 Posts: 1246 Location: oregon
Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 2:14 am Post subject: |
Lurch,metro sexual-with a Euro flair!  _________________ MOPAR-BUYER |
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I B Squidly Vice Admiral
Joined: 26 Aug 2004 Posts: 879 Location: Cactus Patch
Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 2:18 am Post subject: |
Damn, Whiskey, you're drunker than I am and I've gotta catch up. But, let's talk about this.
One, you've watched Gretta too much. I figure more girls went missing in Panama City and Ft Walton Beach last year and we've heard of none of them. Brought to trial they'ld have gone OJ. I still think 'Hue and Cry' is the proper venue for murder and rape but we live in such fractured communities I may have to rethink that. Murder is not mentioned in the constitution because it is not a crime against the state.
Don't conflate the admirable stance of European editors reprinting the 'cartoons' with the Vichy politicos that apologise for them. Kerry represents an infatuation with the later. Though he might tell us he led baby killing, father rapers he's not about to address Islamic beheaders with that story. Recognise these running dog, lacky apologists (love those commie phrasings) for what they are.
It's not irony when expressed by scat-cephallics; it's odiferous, noisesome bovine excreta. _________________ "KILL ALL THE LAWYERS!"
-Wlm Shakespeare |
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GenrXr Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
Joined: 05 Aug 2004 Posts: 1720 Location: Houston
Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 2:25 am Post subject: |
When I started gaming over the internet around 11 years ago communication between us hard core gamers consisted of IRC (internet relay chat) and a very primitive VOIP (voice over internet protocol) called roger wilco. About 5 years ago VOIP made huge strides in sound quality and connect stability with a program called and high powered servers such as which I use. With the ability to have 100 people talking in as many channels as we choose to create, a community is born online with people from all over the world. We can stay connected 24 hours a day and when we feel like it start up a chat. Long distance phone conversation charges from ma-bell were a thing of the past. For 30 bucks a month 100 people can talk 24 hours a day 7 days a week with people from all over the world. With such a technological breakthrough many friendships have been made with people from all over the world. One of those friendships is with a Belgium whose grandfather fought on the front lines against Guderain and Rommel (which he was not aware of until explained to him...another grandfather who didn't discuss his military service at length) at the start of WWII. He was an indoctrinated liberal, yet came from a conservative family and after September 11 started to change. His change has evolved from one of anger at the islamofacists to a feeling of despair and plans to flee. He actually told me recently that he plans on moving to Canada or the US if our country will take him as opposed to fighting for his own country. I said you must make a stand and fight for your countries institutions and traditions. Your way of life is worth fighting for, yet he told me his country was already lost and its surrender was only a matter of time and prudence dictates a plan for fleeing.
Can you imagine this way of thinking? Americans do not comprehend what is taking place in the world today.
Well 48 percent of them do not. And the others are mostly grudgingly supporting our way of life. _________________ "An activist is the person who cleans up the water, not the one claiming its dirty."
"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to stand by and do nothing." Edmund Burke (1729-1797), Founder of Conservative Philosophy |
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