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PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 6:08 pm    Post subject: Deception Reply with quote

Here's another blatant example of attempted deception by the news media.
Listening to and watching the reports on tv about the destruction that Israel is causing in Beriut you would think the whole city lies in ruins.
Well, the truth is something a little bit different.
Check it out at: Vital Perspective

Left and Wrong are the opposite of Right!

Last edited by dusty on Sat Jul 29, 2006 8:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 6:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Anyone with half a brain might expect Israel to limit their attacks to avoid civilian areas and just concentrate on the terrorists. They certainly have intelligence as to their location. The problem lies in the fact that if you took 50 members of the press and other MSM, they couldn't come up with half a brain collectively in the whole lot of 'um.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 7:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Very good point BJ.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 6:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pallywood..."According to Palestinian Sources", a short 2005 documentary/video film by Richard Landes...

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 2:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

becca1223 wrote:
Pallywood..."According to Palestinian Sources", a short 2005 documentary/video film by Richard Landes...

I hope everyone gets to see this - if you have a dialup connection, you might have to click the "Pause" button, let the whole video load, then click the "Play" button. And you might have to dink around with your firewall to get it to play. youtube just recently (and mysteriously!) began working for me.

We discussed this documentary right here on this board a couple of years ago, I think, but in light of what we're seeing from the media today, it bears repeating.

It's rare that anything on our media really is what it tells us it is.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 4:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

According to Little Green Footballs tonight, there is another Pallywood going on in Lebanon. Check out the blog, EU Referendum http://eureferendum.blogspot.com/2006/07/milking-it.html to see how they are manipulating photos of dead children.

It's disgusting.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Disgusting but quite effective if not exposed. This needs much more air play than just on the blogasphere.
Fox needs to pick up on this big time.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 5:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Was The Qana Massacre Staged By Hezbollah?
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 5:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Gathering from what I read on the 'Milking it' article referenced above, I'd have to say yes it was.
There may actually have been no civilians killed in that building. You can't trust these people to tell the truth. How can we ever know for sure?
I would not put it past them to be trucking bodies all around the country using them in multiple places to stage their propaganda.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 6:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

American Thinker

Who killed the children of Qana?
July 31st, 2006

The New York Times has announced that the entire world is outraged at Israel’s behavior in bombing Qana. So it must be true. Or is it?

Nothing is more heartrending than the suffering of children. Emotionally we all want to put the blame on the bombs, the bombers, and those who ordered the bombing. And yet that is obviously a twisted perversion of reality. Because it is the explicit policy of Islamist terror groups to hide behind children, shooting missiles at Israeli civilians all the time. The gains to the terrorists are enormous. Israelis inevitably feel guilty about the unwanted casualties, but they don’t know what else to do in the face of constant attacks on their own children at home. The Muslim masses are predictably outraged because they only hear one side of the story. And the Leftist media continue to lie—- there is no other word for it—- about who is choosing to expose children to danger.

So the seeds are planted from the beginning. The BBC and the New York Times have labeled the black hats and the white hats for years and years. We are seeing just another replay of Leftist propaganda since Stalin—- who was the innocent victim of Western aggression until decades after his death, when a few old Lefties sheepishly admitted his crimes. Communism killed some 100 million innocents in the 20th century, according to the authoritative Black Book of Communism (Livre Noire du Communism in the original French).

And yet, the most famous intellectuals of the 20th century served this murderous ideology. We are simply seeing a repeat today, with the usual suspects on the Left siding with Islamic fascism just as they took sides with the Leftist fascism of Stalin and Mao.

The Qana story is just a replay of Abu Ghraib, the myth that Saddam had no WMDs, the Wilson-Plame bedroom farce, and on and on. It has just become a kind of reflex of the Left: Israel and the United States are always wrong. Everything is set up for the same mendacious narrative.

Hezbollah killed the children of Qana, just as it killed the children of Haifa. Hezbollah is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his fellow criminals of the mullahcracy in Tehran, who created the Hezbo monster with malice aforethought to “wipe Israel off the map.” There’s no mystery here. They are dead serious about a second genocide against the Jews of Israel. There has never been any effort to lie about it on the part of the Khomeini cult in Tehran. So we know who is responsible.

And yet, the “liberal” media always blame the good guys. There is something twisted and perverse about the media narrative, some sense of delight in enabling the overt malice of the Islamofascists. Because the media know. They know what’s going on. They are just playing dumb, trying to turn their easily-led audiences against those they hate the most. The media take an almost sexual delight in facilitating the murderous malice of Nasrallah and Ahmadinejad. In the calculus of moral responsibility, the New York Times and its ilk must therefore be held to blame in equal measure with the aggressor. “If it bleeds, it leads,” is their working slogan, and it is hard to evade the thought that the biggest “journalists” and editors have learned to enjoy that game, that sense of importance, that arrogation of power. They are co-conspirators in the slaughter of innocents.

The Leftist media will now tell us who won in Lebanon. They know, because they make the rules. When they announce that Israel lost, a frisson of delight will shiver the Left around the world. Muslims will hand out candy in the streets. And the world will become much more dangerous.

Yet our permanent Ruling Class will cling to its power, sneering at time-serving politicians with undisguised contempt. When George Bush and Condi Rice are history, Pinch Sulzberger and the BBC think they will still be there, exercising their monopoly on permissible thinking in the world.

Yet everybody knows that if Hezbollah did not exist there would be a solid peace between Israel and Lebanon, just as there is between Israel and Jordan. Both countries would thrive on peace, just as both are suffering today.

There are only two obstacles to a true and lasting peace: Tehran and the worldwide Left. Both must be defeated, if children on all sides are to live and thrive, and enjoy normal lives in the Middle East.

James Lewis is a frequent contributor.

James Lewis
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 8:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

TY Becca...that was terrific.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 8:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You're welcome, Me#1.

Along the same lines, I just received this in an email...Newt Gingrich, Winning the Future:

Is Hezbollah Winning the Information War?

We also have another opportunity -- one we are currently squandering -- to go on the offensive against our enemies in the irreconcilable wing of Islam in the war for public opinion.

In the conflict between Israel and the terrorist group Hezbollah, we are witnessing an effective information offensive by Hezbollah and its allies that has us losing the war for the hearts and minds of the world.

Hezbollah refuses to follow the international rules of war. It consistently targets civilians in Israel and promotes civilian deaths in Lebanon by hiding amongst the Lebanese population. By design, Hezbollah is indistinguishable from the Lebanese civilian population because they dress like civilians -- and not like soldiers, as required by international law. And yet Hezbollah and its allies in the media and elsewhere have successfully portrayed any and all civilian casualties in this conflict as entirely Israel's fault.

Yesterday's accidental killing of innocent civilians in the Lebanese town of Qana is a case in point. Israel had information indicating that Hezbollah was using this area as a base of operations to fire rockets into Israel. And the Israel Defense Forces repeatedly leafleted this area urging civilians to leave. The civilian deaths there are a great tragedy -- one for which Israel has expressed its regret -- but they are a tragedy of Hezbollah's making, not Israel's. It would serve no strategic purpose for Israel to target civilians, but in the cruel and callous calculus of Hezbollah, these civilian deaths -- for which Hezbollah is responsible -- actually do serve Hezbollah's strategic purposes by encouraging the world to urge Israel to use more "restraint" while Hezbollah continues its missile attacks specifically targeted against Israeli civilians.

So my question is this: Where is the American strategic information campaign that educates our country and the world about Hezbollah's illegal tactics? Why haven't we and the Europeans proposed a resolution in the United Nations calling on Hezbollah to move out of civilian populated areas and demanding that they wear military uniforms to identify themselves as combatants and distinguish themselves from innocent civilians? We should use every opportunity to highlight Hezbollah's appalling encouragement of Lebanese civilian deaths in order to win the war for world opinion. Our mantra should be "disarm Hezbollah, evict the Syrians and Iranians, and return Lebanon to the Lebanese government's control."
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 9:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good article. Right on the money.
Good find Becca.

And Newt as usual is on target as well. The propaganda war is turning out to be, I think, more damaging than the bombs.
We better get on the ball and start getting the word out bigtime or we are going to lose this thing.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 9:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I found the following post here: Newt's Forums and thought it was worth sharing...

Topic: What the World needs now...

Posted by concepts2 7/21/2006 7:04:55 PM

Two hundred and thirty years have passed since the torch of Freedom was lit by humble, selfless men who looked back from whence they came and declared that tyrrany, the great evil of their time, should perish for all time. To Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, and many more, we owe our liberty and our birthright. Liberty and Justice, for All was for them a dream, but for us a destiny. It would have been easy for most of these men to do nothing. Most had comfortable lives, and some measure of status above those they wished to protect. They rose up against a corrupt king and the mightiest military the world had ever known, and by The Grace of God, they prevailed.

It would be ignoble to believe that men who were so selfless and farsighted would have only intended for "us" to be free of tyrrany.

Not quite one hundred years later, the words "all men are created equal" led us to yet another test of our faith, in yet another war, in yet another defense of another kind of freedom. And yet again, the Union stood, and freedom rang across the land. Those who gave "the last, full measure of devotion" believed in a cause greater than themselves. They fought to remove tyrrany from within, simultaneously preserving and extending Freedom and Justice for All.

In the century that followed, twice more came the call to defend Freedom from the agression of tyrrany and its brethren, fascism, communism and totalitarianism. Twice more Americans chose to stand for something greater than themselves, and twice more the world was humbled by the sacrifice of millions of men and women who shed their blood on foreign shores so that all peoples might taste Freedom to live, to worship, to be. Those people did not stand for tyrrany.

Sixty years later, totalitarianism and tyrrany again march against us, the free people of the world, mostly from abroad, but from within as well. Will we answer the call again? Do we have the strength, or have the joys of Freedom and the fruits of our labor made us too fat to move quickly, too soft to respond decisively, or too weak to respond at all?

What the world needs now is fewer partisans and more participants. If we must continue to defend Freedom, is it not worth all our effort? Can we not put aside our differences and agree that we shall never succumb to terrorism, the son of tyrrany?

If not us, who? If not now, when? Abraham Lincoln, in the Gettysburg Address, so eloquently stated "that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation under God shall have a new birth of Freedom." Is this not the same war? Is this not just an extension of that battle, only on a different front? The enemy may not wear a uniform, nor hail from a country or fly the flag of a state, but isn't the evil in the enemy's heart and the actions of his hands the same as slave owners, of King George, of Stalin, of Hitler and all the other despots buried by the torch of Freedom?

We need people with the intellectual honesty to call this evil by name, and kill it as if it were a snake.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 9:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

becca1223 wrote:
[quoting Newt].... So my question is this: Where is the American strategic information campaign that educates our country and the world about Hezbollah's illegal tactics? Why haven't we and the Europeans proposed a resolution in the United Nations calling on Hezbollah to move out of civilian populated areas and demanding that they wear military uniforms to identify themselves as combatants and distinguish themselves from innocent civilians? We should use every opportunity to highlight Hezbollah's appalling encouragement of Lebanese civilian deaths in order to win the war for world opinion. Our mantra should be "disarm Hezbollah, evict the Syrians and Iranians, and return Lebanon to the Lebanese government's control."

"Where is the American strategic information campaign that educates our country and the world about Hezbollah's illegal tactics?" That strategic information is out there but it's consciously suppressed by the mass media in this counry. (See the American Thinker piece above.)

"Why haven't we and the Europeans proposed a resolution in the United Nations calling on Hezbollah to move out of civilian populated areas and demanding that they wear military uniforms to identify themselves as combatants and distinguish themselves from innocent civilians?" The problem there is that the UN is a collection of 'sovereign states' of which Hezbollah isn't one nor, for that matter, are Al Qaida, the Taliban, or any other terrorist gangs. The Star Wars bar scene [credit: Rush] group of 'excellencies' in the UN are, to their great relief, off the hook in the area of dealing with terrorists. All they're able to do is caution Israel not to use disproportionality in defending themselves, or we'll 'condemn' something.

It's a world the UN did not contemplate would exist and they have not kept up with the times. They should close up shop and return to their home dictatorships and let the strong nations deal with deadly pests lke Hezbollah in their own way.


P.S. Newt's my guy for '08.
Capt, 8th U.S. Army, Korea '53 - '54
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