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Winter Soldier Syndrome

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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 11:42 am    Post subject: Winter Soldier Syndrome Reply with quote


Winter Soldier Syndrome
By Michelle Malkin

The tale of Army Private Scott Thomas Beauchamp, the discredited "Baghdad Diarist" for the discredited New Republic magazine, is an old tale:

Self-aggrandizing soldier recounts war atrocities. Media outlets disseminate soldier's tales uncritically. Military folks smell a rat and poke holes in tales too good (or rather, bad) to be true. Soldier's ideological sponsors blame the messengers for exposing anti-war fraud.

Beauchamp belongs in the same ward as John F. Kerry, the original infectious agent of the toxic American disease known as Winter Soldier Syndrome. The ward is filling up.

U.S. military investigators concluded this week that Beauchamp concocted allegations of troop misconduct in a series of essays for The New Republic. "The investigation is complete and the allegations from PVT Beauchamp are false," Major Steven Lamb, a spokesman for Multi National Division-Baghdad, told USA Today. The New Republic is standing by Beauchamp's work. But Michael Goldfarb, online editor and blogger at The Weekly Standard who first challenged Beauchamp's writing, reported Monday that Beauchamp had "signed a sworn statement admitting that all three articles he published in the New Republic were exaggerations and falsehoods -- fabrications containing only 'a smidgen of truth,' in the words of our source."

To illustrate the soul-deadening impact of war, Beauchamp had described sitting in a mess hall in Iraq mocking a female civilian contractor whose face had "melted" after an IED explosion. "I love chicks that have been intimate -- with IEDs," Pvt. Beauchamp claimed he said out loud in her earshot. "It really turns me on -- melted skin, missing limbs, plastic noses." Beauchamp recounted vividly: "My friend was practically falling out of his chair laughing. The disfigured woman slammed her cup down and ran out of the chow hall."

It wasn't true. After active-duty troops, veterans, embedded journalists and bloggers raised pointed questions about the veracity of the anecdote, Beauchamp confessed to The New Republic's meticulous fact-checkers that the mocking had taken place in Kuwait -- before he had set foot in Iraq to experience the soul-deadening impact of war.

Military officials in Kuwait tried to verify the incident and called it an "urban legend or myth." Beauchamp's essays are filled with similarly spun tales. How much of a bull-slinger was Beauchamp, an aspiring creative writer who crowed on his personal blog that he would "return to America an author" after serving (which he told friends and family would "add a legitimacy to EVERYTHING I do afterwards")? The very first line of his essay "Shock Troops," which opened with the melted-face mockery, was this: "I saw her nearly every time I went to dinner in the chow hall at my base in Iraq."

"Nearly every time." At "my base in Iraq." Complete and utter bull.

Defenders of The New Republic, a left-leaning magazine infamously duped by another young and ambitious fabulist, Stephen Glass, say the Beauchamp saga has been 1) blown out of proportion; 2) perpetuated by sloppy, rumor-mongering bloggers; 3) used as a distraction from the troubles in Iraq; and 4) exploited by "chickenhawks" who deny that war atrocities happen.

But the truth is, you won't find a single Bush Kool-Aid drinker among the military bloggers, embedded independent journalists and active-duty troops who prominently questioned the Beauchamp sham. They know it ain't all going swimmingly overseas. But unlike Pvt. Beauchamp, they're committed to telling the whole truth about the war, not just approximations and embellishments that will score easy magazine gigs and future book deals with elite New York City publishers. The doubters of Scott Thomas know atrocities when they see them. But, unlike the TNR editors, they know steaming bull dung when they smell it.

Ever since John Kerry sat in front of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and accused American soldiers of wantonly razing villages "in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan," the Left has embraced a small cadre of self-loathing soldiers and soldier wannabes willing to sell their deadened souls for the anti-war cause. Think Jimmy Massey, the unhinged Marine who falsely accused his unit of engaging in mass genocide against Iraqis. Think Jesse MacBeth and Micah Wright, anti-war Army Rangers who weren't Army Rangers.

Winter Soldier Syndrome will only be cured when the costs of slandering the troops outweigh the benefits. Exposing Scott Thomas Beauchamp and his brethren matters because the truth matters. The honor of the military matters. The credibility of the media matters. Think it doesn't make a difference? Imagine where Sen. John Kerry would be now if the Internet had been around in 1971.
"Millions For Defense, Not One Cent For Tribute" - Thomas Jefferson on paying ransom to Muslim corsairs (pirates).
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 1:09 pm    Post subject: Re: Winter Soldier Syndrome Reply with quote

Imagine where Sen. John Kerry would be now if the Internet had been around in 1971.

I can...quite easily...and I suppose I'll go to my grave still wondering about the chronic dimwittedness of Massachusetts voters.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 2:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Powerline makes note...

A Winter Soldier footnote
August 9, 2007

Earlier this week the Wall Street Journal published a powerful column by the former Romanian intelligence officer Ion Mihai Pacepa. The subject of Pacepa's column was the destructive effect of the left's intemperate attacks on the president. Buried in Pacepa's column is this intriguing paragraph:
    During the Vietnam War we spread vitriolic stories around the world, pretending that America's presidents sent Genghis Khan-style barbarian soldiers to Vietnam who raped at random, taped electrical wires to human genitals, cut off limbs, blew up bodies and razed entire villages. Those weren't facts. They were our tales, but some seven million Americans ended up being convinced their own president, not communism, was the enemy. As Yuri Andropov, who conceived this dezinformatsiya war against the U.S., used to tell me, people are more willing to believe smut than holiness.
The themes identified here by Pacepa were of course products of the "Winter Soldier investigation" in which John Kerry participated. Kerry featured each of the themes identified by Pacepa in his testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in April 1971. Pacepa's comments warrant attention.

I saw Kerry regurgitating his Foreign Relations Committee testimony when he appeared at Dartmouth on the second floor of the student center later that spring as head of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War. One of the students in the audience stood up to walk out on Kerry's speech and shouted to Kerry as he approached the steps to go down to the first floor: "You phony. You're just in this to promote your own career." Kerry was only momentarily flustered, bending down to the microphone and asking the guy to stay and talk after he'd already gone down the steps. At the time I couldn't believe the obtuseness of the student; I bought Kerry's act completely.

In her column yesterday, Michelle Malkin names the phenomenon represented by Kerry "Winter Soldier Syndrome." She diagnoses its current manifestation in Scott Thomas Beauchamp and the New Republic and concludes:
    Winter Soldier Syndrome will only be cured when the costs of slandering the troops outweigh the benefits. Exposing Scott Thomas Beauchamp and his brethren matters because the truth matters. The honor of the military matters. The credibility of the media matters.
And there are at least a few "editors" (if not readers) who profess to believe Beauchamp's bilge with less excuse than I had for believing Kerry's in 1971.


It is interesting that Powerline utilizes a "Winter Soldier" link to the "History News Network" as opposed to Malkin's link to Scott Swett's seminal "WinterSoldier.com". Why? I'm not sure.

Be that as it may, a "comment" to the HNN treatment is reproduced here in full and well worth the read...

Setting the record straight about John Kerry (#43960)
by phil martel on October 9, 2004 at 1:57 PM

Setting the record straight - John Kerry's Involvement at the Winter Soldier Investigation

My name is Phil Martel. I covered the Winter Solider Investigation as a student journalist on a local college newspaper in Detroit Michigan in January 1971. I was 19 years old at the time. I believe John Kerry was 27 years old at the time. I attended the Winter Soldier Investigation for the entire opening day of testimony.

John Kerry was sitting at the center of several white tablecloth covered banquet tables pushed together to look like one long table, elevated on a platform stage at the front of medium sized banquet room, with veterans sitting left and right of John Kerry, all of whom looked fairly enthusiastic considering what they were about to do, namely give testimony concerning alleged war crimes in Vietnam. John Kerry was the first to speak.

I distinctly remember John Kerry saying "My comments right now should be kept off the record." John Kerry went on to say "It would not be good for history" that he "was seen as running the investigation or being filmed sitting at the center of the table asking questions like a moderator" or "seen as a figure head". John Kerry then said "I am going to get up and move down to the end of the table."

John Kerry stood up and slowly moved to his left working his way behind the veterans who were still sitting, working his way to the end of the tables, out of view of the camera and sat down to the far right of the audience. The veterans could still see Kerry but the audience view of Kerry was obscured by the camera crew who had set up next to the end of the table where Kerry was now sitting. It now looked like Kerry was a member of the camera crew and not the panel of veterans.

As Kerry was moving down to the end of tables , most of the veterans sitting on the panel looked shocked as if somehow John Kerry was abandoning his post and bailing out of the Investigation.

Then when John Kerry sat down again, he looked back at the panel of veterans and said "I will sit down here and listen to the testimony and I will listen to everything that is said, giving you moral support. I'll be right here the entire time".

John Kerry went on to say "There is a good reason for me doing this and you will understand later, as something is going to happen in Washington after the Investigation that I can not talk about."

As a witness to this bizarre opening "off the record" statement, I was left with the immediate impression that John Kerry was attempting to tell the camera crew,
who had set up after the veterans had sat down, not to record Kerry or to reveal on film that he was even at the investigation. Maybe somehow this might wreck the format Kerry originally had planned for the show?

Directly after John Kerry made these mysterious comments, Kerry asked one of the veterans to start testifying "tell us your story" and the veteran did. As the day went on Kerry would motion either with his arm and pointed to a veteran to speak, or sometimes he would asked a veteran on the panel to start talking and the veteran would. Kerry would also ask questions relating to their testimony and veterans would answer. It went on like this the rest of the day.

John Kerry was now the director and "moderator" at the unseen and remote end of table, behind the camera crew directing the day's event but not participating? and not the figure head? and not the moderator? - safely out of view of the camera and possibly out of the public eye?

This event did not have major news coverage. I personally saw just a few reporters in the room. So what was this phantom moderator game that John Kerry was playing all about? Why did John Kerry suddenly disappear when the camera showed up and no longer out in front with the other veterans? The whole thing was bizarre to say the least!

It was only a few months later, when John Kerry appeared before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in Washington, that his "off the record" comments / antics at the Winter Soldier Investigation revealed what John Kerry really had planned all along. This well spoken, ivy league, and decorated Navy war veteran now was in the national spotlight exactly where he wanted to be. Emerging as the spokesmen of a small anti war group of veterans, who were claiming that American Soldiers were committing war crimes on a day to day basis in Vietnam, and that the war had to be stopped immediately because of it.

The following is an excerpt from John Kerry's testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in April of 1971 that wholly or in part seems very appropriate when considering John Kerry's bizarre behavior on the first day of The Winter Soldier Investigation.

"It is impossible to describe to you exactly what did happen in Detroit, the emotions in the room, the feelings of the men who were reliving their experiences in Vietnam, but they did. They relived the absolute horror of
what this country, in a sense, made them do."

In his testimony, John Kerry implies or infers that he was an observer at the Winter Soldier Investigation and not the self appointed leader of the proceedings, telling everyone what to do and when to do it.

The truth is that John Kerry knew what the speakers at the Winter Soldier Investigation were going to say before they said it and he clearly took advantage of this. Kerry was planning all along to take it to "Washington" where he would get the national coverage he needed.

When John Kerry quoted the Winter Soldier Investigation in his testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee he was selling something. Namely, attention to himself at the cost of dishonor to millions of American Soldiers who had so honorably served and fought in Vietnam. Unequivocally dragging their good names through the streets labeling them as baby killers, rapist, and murderers like no one has ever done before, or since. And while many of these brave Soldiers were still fighting and dieing, labeled by Kerry as dirt, John Kerry was sitting comfortably back at home in the directors chair, getting the press and attention he so desperately needed to further his political career.

As far as history is concerned John Kerry has never been up front and honest about his direct involvement at the Winter Soldier Investigation. And all these years Kerry has tried to hide it. Just as he did at the Winter Soldier Investigation back in 1971. Contrary to what many people believe, John Kerry ran the show as only a Hollywood film director could have. But at what cost to American Soldiers who fought with honor as only brave and courageous men can do?

In the public eye of many, John Kerry has no place among men of honor.

I ask you this John Kerry, was it worth it?

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