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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 4:27 pm    Post subject: We may lose a battle, but let’s not lose the war. Reply with quote

We must purge the republican ranks of the enemy within, also known as RINO’S (republican in name only). I see Clinton, Obama, and McCain as the enemy. If McCain wins it will take at least eight years to get a true conservative in office. If Clinton or Obama wins we could get the presidency back in four.

For now, my focus is on the state and local races. We can’t afford to give any of the potential presidents free reign with a liberal senate and house.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 4:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

coldwarvet wrote:
If McCain wins it will take at least eight years to get a true conservative in office.

The prospect of Clinton/Obama appointments to the Supreme Court is all I need to push the lever for whoever carries the GOP standard.

Your mileage may vary.

coldwarvet wrote:
We must purge the republican ranks of the enemy within, also known as RINO’S (republican in name only).

CWV, as I've stated several times here, what defines "Republican" appears to be evolving into an open-ended question and there also appears to be a liklihood that an upcoming GOP "platform" may be highly indigestable for many. Will that make US "RINOS"?
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 5:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Might just make a lot of us Independents.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 7:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I may be forced to cast a vote for McCain, but I'll surely lose my lunch afterwards.

I still feel his media spawned favorance is to give Hillary an easier shot into the White House.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 10:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'll be doing a write-in for Duncan or Fred.
Given a choice of evil, incompetent, crazy, or "the most liberal person in congress", I can't in good conscience vote for any of the current candidates.
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Theresa Alwood
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 12:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I with you...I am writing in Mitt Romney or Fred Thompson. I can NOT and will NOT vote for John McCain. How DARE he suggest we climb on board when he did all he could to hurt the republican base time after time siding with the democrats and being part of the "republican gang" and now I should forget that and support him. NO WAY IN HELL!!! I even heard that he was thinking of Joe Lieberman and VP...what a slap in the face to us conservatives.

I should not have to plug my nose or have to worry about throwing up after I vote just to make sure that a democrat does not get in the office. I dislike John McCain intensly and the more I learn about him the more I dislike and distrust him. He has done nothing but been a thorn in the republican party since he lost the GOP primary to President Bush. Senator McCain is a sore looser and a crybaby and I do not care what kind of frickin war record he has...that does NOT give him the right to be an arrogant ass and expect US to sit by and support him because he thinks we should.

I am tired of being expected to vote for him just because he is the GOP frontrunner and where in hell is my party?????? Everyone is calling him acts like he has not done anything wrong. I won't suck it up and vote for him.

And how about Huckabee....I think he should have stepped down and let Romney be the conservative voter's man...shows what a true man and republican Mitt Romney is by stepping down. Today I am mad as hell. Sick of all the BS and McCain expecting us now to jump on his bandwagon. Well I sure and the hell am NOT and I will write McCain and inform him of such.
Born to raise a little hell!
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 4:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Look, if you choose not to vote thats your business. Be aware though, there are no delegates for write in's......the Demo's took care of that one along with some RINO's. Otherwise, we'd have Ralph Nader as POTUS. Instead, make a difference local & state levels....do something to get rid of the same old same old thats been going on in DC.

It doesn't make a rats tail who we elect as POTUS. Electoral College will see to that. The Congress is in dire need of overhaul.....
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 9:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Me#1You#10 wrote:
coldwarvet wrote:
If McCain wins it will take at least eight years to get a true conservative in office.

The prospect of Clinton/Obama appointments to the Supreme Court is all I need to push the lever for whoever carries the GOP standard.

Your mileage may vary.

coldwarvet wrote:
We must purge the republican ranks of the enemy within, also known as RINO’S (republican in name only).

CWV, as I've stated several times here, what defines "Republican" appears to be evolving into an open-ended question and there also appears to be a liklihood that an upcoming GOP "platform" may be highly indigestable for many. Will that make US "RINOS"?

Bingo! We dare not let a Democrat appoint Supreme Court justices, so, that means I have to vote for McCain, as distasteful as it is. When Mitt dropped out, everything changed. Sad
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 3:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The prospect of Clinton/Obama appointments to the Supreme Court is all I need to push the lever for whoever carries the GOP standard.

Your mileage may vary.

I have little confidence that McCain's appointments will be much different then Clinton/Obama appointments.
Defender of the honor of those in harms way keeping us out of harms way.

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Last edited by coldwarvet on Sun Feb 10, 2008 1:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 5:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I want to preface this by saying...I respect everybody here. I want to remind you, all of you, what we went through in 04, together and how that binds us, no matter our differences...we care about our nation.

You know, I watched the democrats toss people like Joseph Lieberman out of the party. Purging the more moderate, etc., out of the party and allowing far left to take over leadership of it. They are still battling internally for control of the party....but the best they did was when they ran more centrist candidates in 06. But, lets talk about 06 for a min. If you want to talk about "purging" people from the party...perahps it might do well...to at least start with the people who have porked and fiddled their way through more national treasure than "ANY" congress ...ever and committed acts of personal debuachary so vile that you cannot even list them here descriptively without getting your post moderated? I won't mention the jail sentences handed out that took down more than a few. (including some of the leadership).

Why don't we start with that? Or..do we just not want to talk about that, when we speak about rebuiding a completely failed, adrift at sea republican party and congress? No? Or is it McCains fault? McCain is the enemy??? Come on. Did I catch a glmpse here of someone questioning McCains loyalty to his nation??? Traitor? What is this?? Even though this blog is not particularly political minded, but more purpose minded....I would just say...if the RNC no longer wants people like McCain in the party, then they don't want people like me in it either. Nor do they seek to keep in the party and under the tent, the vast majority of people who have voted to ensure his lock on the nomination of this party for president of the US. I simply do not understand it. If McCain is a liberal..what the hell is BUSH?? And what are "you"?

McCain is the guy who FOUGHT those over spending, bridge to nowhere building, hypocrits who turned their back on AND betrayed..every principal of conservativism (not to mention moral depravity) known to man!! And yet..."he" is the enemy? He has fought his fellow conservatives tooth and nail over that..and THATs why they don't like him. Because he's a "trouble maker" and was interferring with the business as usual way of lining their pockets, and back room deals that landed a heap of them in jail and, I might add, that has ruined this party and betrayed every principal it every stood for.

He gets in their way..and he doesn't go along. He doesn't vote for the tax cuts because it has enough pork in it for a pork roast and RNC members REFUSED to remove any or put any reductions in spending in it. For that..he's a "RINO", a trouble maker, a "tax and spend liberal"? Give me a break. I disagreed with McCain over any number of issues....but never felt that somehow made him "not a republican". Is BUSH not a republican either? Just how small you want to make that tent you plan on pitching? And how many elections or how much power to think you are going to have when you get done "purging" until you are only left with those who are in agreement that everybody there should stay?

It's up to the conservative gov to watch out for the dangers of unbridled liberalism. In the same way...it also good for the liberals to watch out for the unbridlged application of conservative gov. Either one, could potentially errode freedoms we hold dear. I believe it was M Styen who was talking about the "truthers", and his Canadian friend said...what's wrong with these people? You mean they "really" believe their own gov did 9/11 as an iside job..but all they have done about it is sit around sipping Lattes and blogging about it on the internet??? They toss words around like "fascists", "imperilist", etc., having never lived under such conditions. It's a sense of "entitlement", and living under the umbrella of the very freedom that people like some of you fought for...that "allows" them to do that. It's just a by product of being drunk on freedom basically. And it's one of the reasons, often cited, that Islamist salifist often cite as why "democracy" or such unbridled freedoms lead to Godlessness. I'm reminded of the American woman in SA who recently was arrested and beaten for sitting next to a man in a starbucks. They met out of the office to discuss business. To her..this was never an issue. It's only after you loose such freedoms that you recognize what they mean.

If there is anybody...who understands what that means, and how important it is...I think it would be John McCain. I support him. And I think it's time the RNC either get together behind him and form a new message. They have not only worn the old one out, but have flogged themselves hypocritically to death with it.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 11:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I see and hear a lot of angst and misplaced anger all over the net and the radio airwaves coming from conservatives. Some of it I can understand, and some of it (increasingly, it seems) is positively destructive. I'd like to address the misplaced anger with this posting...

John McCain is where he is because a lot of right of center voters voted for him. It wasn't RINOs that carried that overwhelming margin of vote. That's fact #1.

The mouth pieces of the conservative movement (I'm increasingly inclined to think of them as the "priesthood" - good job if you can get it; govern without being elected or having any responsibility) proffered up a number of "suitable" candidates, or hopefuls. George Allen was thought by many to be their man; he didn't even run. Then there were Tancredo, Hunter, and Thompson; all dropped out fairly early because they weren't receiving enough support with the voters.

Finally it came down to Romney, and he, too, concluded that he wasn't getting enough support to eventually win. (It had nothing to do with RINOs, BTW.)

Like many of you, my personal choice of the month/week/day changed as each of those people dropped out. McCain was about my last choice - but not because of ideology, but rather because of what I perceived as character problems. Whatever, he is now the man to stand against Clinton/Obama, and that's fact #2.

So the $64,000 question comes down to why didn't the majority of right-of-center voters not go for at least one of the annointed conservative candidates? I'll submit that there's only two possible answers to that question: 1) either conservatism is not "selling" at this time, or 2) conservatives have done a very poor job of getting their message out (i.e., winning the hearts and minds of the majority or right of center voters). That's fact #3. And that, my friends, is what conservatives should be focusing on finding the answer to, instead of lashing out at RINOs and the voters who don't share their ideology.

It takes 50+% to form a majority and to win a national election. And that's fact #4. Culling the Republican party to pure conservatives or alientating right of center real and potential voters is not going to achieve a 50+% majority - I don't care what the Conservative "priesthood" says.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 11:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Anker-Klanker wrote:
John McCain is where he is because a lot of right of center voters voted for him. It wasn't RINOs that carried that overwhelming margin of vote. That's fact #1.

First of all, "overwhelming", I'd venture, is hardly an appropriate word for describing McCain's margin of victory, no? (I'm talking raw votes here, not delegate awards)

Secondly, while I don't have the statistical data to prove it, I'd also venture that it was PRECISELY "RINO's" (or perhaps better "ReFPO's"...Republicans For Primaries Only) that gave McCain the margin he needed.

The outstanding question (it seems) is just WHAT does it mean to be a "Republican" with no qualifier? Exactly WHAT does this party stand for now? Are traditional Republican principles still holding sway within the party itself but losing their attraction to the electorate? I believe we're in the process of making that determination, and I'm not liking what I think I'm seeing.

Last edited by Me#1You#10 on Sat Feb 09, 2008 12:09 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 12:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Me #1: I'll concede that including "overwhelming" in that sentence was not necessary. He does have the margin, though.

Why? That's the question isn't it? If we want to "win the war" (subject of this thread), I think rather strongly that conservatives really need to fall back and quit casting blame outside their circle, and instead look within for the answers. It's pretty obvious - I think - to an objective observer that for whatever the reason conservatism as currently defined is just not selling, or else has not been sold - at least not with enough support to overcome RINOs/ReFPOs, or whatever else might prove to be distractions to the process. It's when we get around to facing what's really wrong with our ideology and/or message that we'll win with sufficient margin to prevail.
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 12:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Anker-Klanker wrote:
It's pretty obvious - I think - to an objective observer that for whatever the reason conservatism as currently defined is just not selling, or else has not been sold - at least not with enough support to overcome RINOs/ReFPOs, or whatever else might prove to be distractions to the process.

I'll come down on the side of flawed marketing...pure and simple.

That "marketing" is just not competing (nor is it even ALLOWED to compete) in the arena of our educationional and cultural institutions which conservatives surrendered to the left with barely a whimper in the early 50's.

We are paying the price for that short-sightedness and ambivalence today and I'm not confident that America as we knew it will survive that debacle.
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 12:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Me#1You#10 wrote:
Anker-Klanker wrote:
It's pretty obvious - I think - to an objective observer that for whatever the reason conservatism as currently defined is just not selling, or else has not been sold - at least not with enough support to overcome RINOs/ReFPOs, or whatever else might prove to be distractions to the process.

I'll come down on the side of flawed marketing...pure and simple.

That "marketing" is just not competing (nor is it even ALLOWED to compete) in the arena of our educationional and cultural institutions which conservatives surrendered to the left with barely a whimper in the early 50's.

We are paying the price for that short-sightedness and ambivalence today and I'm not confident that America as we knew it will survive that debacle.

I believe elitism and hubris also contributed to the decline of Conservatism. Reaganism, the Burke/Kirk wing of the Conservative movement had to fight tooth and nail as an outside movement to get the nomination. I think when all was said and done many within the Conservative movement looked at Reagan and his accomplishments and said "wasn't that nice" and went back to their old ways.

Mentioning elites, Bill Kristol of the Weekly Standard and his dismissal of McCain critics comes to mind.
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