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Franken feuds with T. Boone Pickens

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Joined: 18 May 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 7:29 pm    Post subject: Franken feuds with T. Boone Pickens Reply with quote

The newest clown in the Senate, Al Franken, was less than impressed with T. Boone Pickens and took the chance of meeting him to berate Pickens over his support for the Swift Boat Veterans For Truth in 2004.


Kerry was unable to attend the scheduled luncheon.
Clark County Conservative
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 9:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

anybody have that pic of Franken in diapers ???

anytime someone brings up the swiftvets role in bring down Kerry, I just smile & say to myself poor B****** still can't get over it.

"We are all Ghost now"
"But once we were men"

from an unsigned diary recovered from Cabanatuan Camp
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 5:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Swift Vets and POWs for Truth...the gift that keeps on giving.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 6:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall for this "feud."

Somehow, I don't think the Clown came out on top Laughing

Funny how Democrats have forgotten their support and reliance on Moveon.org, Code Pink, Daily KOS and other such far leftist movements.

I haven't heard of a Republican accosting any who supported those groups yet!

Then again, liberals seem to take everything personal if it foils them.
Clark County Conservative
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 10:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Swift Vets and POWs for Truth...the gift that keeps on giving.

Best group of people I ever had the pleasure of being a part of.
Most liberals will never have an experience like that, and that's why they're bitter. I wish I was wealthy, so I could have done more.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 12:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Keep in mind that Franken was selected and not elected. According to the official record in this state he won by a little over 300 votes, but that includes 2812 dead people. I am so disgusted with my home state and the idiot followers in it. Frankens is a carpet bagging liar and plant. He didn't live in MN for 30 yrs and only George Soro's money got him here.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 9:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Powerline's John Hinderaker recently commented on the Franken/Pickens spat...and, much to my delight, used the opportunity for tossing some snark John Kerry's way...

Franken Makes His Mark
August 1, 2009 Posted by John at 8:44 AM

The prospect of Al Franken as a United States Senator worried many, not only because he had no qualifications for the job but because he is temperamentally unsuited to high office. A bitter, angry man, Franken has a long history of confrontations and fisticuffs. He hasn't yet made much of an impression in Washington, but on Thursday his hostile, hyper-partisan temperament was on display.

The Senate Democrats invited Boone Pickens to address their weekly policy lunch on the subject of energy. With one exception, the Democrats treated their guests politely. The exception, of course, was Franken:

    According to a source, the wealthy oil and gas magnate and author of "The First Billion Is the Hardest" stepped up to introduce himself to Franken in a room just off the Senate Floor after the lunch ended

    Franken, who was seated talking to someone else, did not stand when Pickens said hello. Instead, Franken began to berate him about the billionaire's financing of the Swift Boat ads in 2004.

    According to a source, the confrontation grew heated.

    Said Franken spokeswoman Jess McIntosh: "It was a lively conversation."
Typical Franken: not just rude, but pointlessly so. And wrong; as we've pointed out here and elsewhere, the Vets did a great service by telling Americans what many did not know, and the media were happy to keep quiet: that John Kerry built his political career on the lie that his fellow servicemen in Vietnam were war criminals. Franken would do well to let the matter rest, but perhaps the Vets' exposure of Kerry's repeated lies about the Christmas he supposedly spent in Cambodia is seared--seared!--into Franken's memory.


As an added bonus, commenter "TwinCitiesJim" offered one of the more eloquent Kerry smackdowns that I've read in quite some time and certainly warrants a home in this forum. Well said "TwinCitiesJim"...

Dear Powerline:

Regarding Al Franken’s disrespect for T. Boon Pickens, because Pickens’ helped our heroic Swift Boat Veterans expose the lies of John Kerry’s brief “service” as a Swift Boat commander – so short some might call it an “internship”:

Please, in the future – and for whatever the main storyline may be – if you find it necessary to refer to Kerry, the hero of yesterday’s draft dodgers, make-believe veterans, and pot smokers from sea-to-shining sea, please do not capitalize the word "vet".

Over and above Kerry’s participation in defaming Vietnam Veterans and helping Hanoi Hannah’s efforts on the streets of America, Vet should be reserved for those who faithfully completed their tour of duty to their DEROS date, except when their wounds made it impossible for them to do so.

Whether it be a fictional character in Korea or a real one in Vietnam, no “Klinger” should be honored with the same respect as that given to those who fulfilled their assignment and completed their tour.

To include with all these Veterans, a junior officer who chose to pursue a little known and rarely used set of conditions – and under very questionable circumstances, including an apparently self-inflicted scratch on his arm that was treated with a band aid, so that he could gain an early trip home with less than 1/3 of his tour of duty complete – is an insult to the officers and enlisted men in his swift boat unit, and everyone else who served in Vietnam and who remained true to their oath, to their mission, and stayed to their DEROS date.

Franken may be too partisan, too close-minded, too Ivy League, or too ill-informed to see the similarities, but John Kerry’s story seems so reminiscent of Easy Company’s Lt. Dike, about whom the company’s top sergeant pleaded for some way to rid them of this selfish and derelict officer. (see: Band of Brothers)

Now, I don’t know Al Franken’s personal story. Maybe, like Bill Clinton, he was smoking pot on a student deferment, and never inhaled. Maybe he was on a Rhodes scholarship studying the history of pornographic humor, or doing independent research on the subject in the streets of Moscow.

Maybe, like Al Gore, he actually served a few months, and then with his daddy in high places, he got an early trip home so he could attend Theology school which he never finished, while the rest in his unit stayed behind to complete their tour.

Maybe Franken was busy inventing platitudes for his now late political hero – a man who seemed to believe a loud mouth Offense was the best Defense against discussing his own unassisted triple-play deferment: marital, parental, and more than half-a-dozen years as a full-time student. Meanwhile, as Wellstone was doing all these things, untold others served in his place. Rumor is he may even have finagled a medical in spite of his physical success as a Division I collegiate wrestler.

Oh, we shouldn’t deal in rumors, but circumstances suggest “Wellstone” left “no stone” unturned in his quest to avoid serving in uniform for his country, even as hundreds of American’s born the same day as Franken’s personal hero served in Wellstone’s place, and exactly ten of these gave their all in a service Wellstone somehow missed.

Or, maybe Franken was still at home sucking his thumb during the Vietnam War.

In any case, Franken – with his personal circle of Vietnam era “heroes” that includes the likes of Wellstone and Kerry and the rest – has no more standing to berate T. Boone Pickens and the real Swift Boat heroes of Vietnam, than Franken’s childhood memories of Perry Mason give him standing as a vital member of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

In short, Al Franken really is a joke. There will surely be more to follow. And there aren’t enough left coast storytellers or powder-milk biscuits to sweeten the sour taste buds America will soon experience, nor to counter the embarrassment that will be Minnesota’s before the curtain comes down on this comedy show.

If John Kerry ever fulfills the pledge he made on Meet The Press to release his military records, he would lift the fog on his Vietnam service, but he apparently believes it better to keep it all under lock and key.

Maybe, Kerry’s anti-war charades and phony medal tosses were his attempt to take the Offense in hopes he could misdirect any questions or challenges to his own service record. In any event, Kerry’s failed pledge doesn’t seem to bother his draft dodging and pot smoking supporters, nor the deep thinkers in the entertainment and comedy business, such as Al Franken.

Maybe it’s not proper decorum to challenge failed promises. Maybe it’s easier to continue pretending the officers and men from Kerry’s swift boat unit are liars, than it is to challenge what you wish were the facts.

Sadly, Kerry out-lasted Tim Russert. And, in the mean-time, untold numbers of Vietnam Veterans have also passed. But, no one who knows the difference would ever confuse Vets who selflessly served when their country called, including those Swift Boat Vets who completed their tour, with a “Klinger” from the Vietnam War.

But with the names of Kerry and Wellstone and others on his list of Vietnam era “heroes”, what would Al Franken know about it, anyway?

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 12:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Discovered this from 2007,

Outside of his PAC, Franken gave his pal John Kerry $2,000 for his 2004 presidential race. He also gave Kerry almost two whole chapters in The Truth explaining how the Swift Boat Veterans hosed the Massachusetts senator by “slinging their feces at Kerry like gorillas for months.”

The two are so in-sync that Franken took John Kerry’s sage advice to go to college and avoid the military before he even gave it last fall. Franken wrote, “During Vietnam, I was in college, enjoying my student deferment. The government wisely felt that in my case, military service was less important than completing my studies to prepare me for my chosen career: comedian.”

Since they both seem to value education over military service, if Al makes it to the Senate maybe he can rework Johnny’s one-liner about below-average students getting “stuck in Iraq” to be a little less “botchy.”

I Endorse Al Franken by Amanda Carpenter.

Don't let the title fool you Wink
Clark County Conservative
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