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LewWaters Admin
Joined: 18 May 2004 Posts: 4042 Location: Washington State
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 11:59 pm Post subject: Kerry to revisit Vietnam War before Obama trip |
Quote: | AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Before joining President Barack Obama on his first trip to Vietnam next month, Secretary of State John Kerry will take a day to reflect on his long and complicated history with the Asian country, first as a soldier and later as a war protester and statesman.
Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, documentary filmmaker Ken Burns and news anchor Dan Rather will also attend. Kerry, who fought with distinction in Vietnam before returning home to protest the war, is scheduled to sit down with Burns, who has been filming a 10-part series about the conflict.
"Vietnam is very personal for John Kerry," said Mark Updegrove, director of the LBJ library. "I can't imagine that he won't use this opportunity to talk about his experience not only on both sides of the war, over four decades ago, but also as secretary of state in forging better relations with the very country that he went to war" against. |
Read more at Yahoo News if you can stomach it _________________ Clark County Conservative |
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TEWSPilot Admiral
Joined: 26 Aug 2004 Posts: 1235 Location: Kansas (Transplanted Texan)
Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 3:33 pm Post subject: |
The Washington Post also wrote an article about Kerry's being the keynote speaker at the LBJ library shindig. I wrote to the author of that article. Here is what I wrote.
John F. Kerry and the Vietnam War continue to be intertwined
By Carol Morello
April 26 at 12:02 PM
Dear Ms Morello,
I read your article and felt compelled to write to offer some background and provide some sources for research in case you ever choose to write again about John F. Kerry. If nothing else, it might give a little insight into why so many veterans today still harbor ill feelings toward John F. Kerry...and Jane Fonda and the rest of the supporters of the Communists during the Vietnam war. For some perspective, I was one of the pilots Jane Fonda hoped her Communist gunners would shoot down when she posed for a photo series giggling while sitting in the gunner's seat of a North Vietnamese AAA gun in 1972. I arrived in South Vietnam a few months later to start my tour. I left a wife, a three year old daughter, and a two week old son behind in Texas.
They did shoot down Tony Shine a few days before I arrived at DaNang. Twenty four years later his daughter went to Vietnam and recovered his remains.
Daughter solves mystery of pilot's Vietnam death - CBS News
Read this article about eight of my comrades that the Communists shot down a couple of months later, less than a week after the "cease fire". Perhaps John Kerry and Jane Fonda and Tom Hayden would like to comment. Everyone called Joe Matejov "Kiwi" because of his immaculate spit shine on his boots and shoes.
Vietnam War airman's death re-examined after decades of controversy
By Travis J. Tritten
Stars and Stripes
Published: April 11, 2016
The true picture of John F. Kerry's involvement in the Vietnam war and his contribution to its disastrous aftermath has been airbrushed beyond all recognition. Benedict Arnold was also once regarded as a decorated, wounded American veteran. John Kerry has not changed at all since those days. Don't forget the public insulting and slandering of U.S. troops in Iraq that Kerry did, including his infamous, "If you work hard, and...but if you don't, you just might end up in Iraq" with the clear meaning that only stupid and lazy people are in the military and get sent to Iraq. As long as historians and journalists praise John Kerry and perpetuate the false narrative of Kerry's "honorable" service and "noble" anti-war protests, they do a great disservice to the American people and to the millions of honorable veterans slandered by Kerry and his "Vietnam Veterans Against the War" posers, deserters, and Communist infiltrators. Are you aware that they plotted to assassinate half a dozen U.S. Senators including one of my own Texas Senators while John Kerry was present at the meeting and voted?
November 12 - 15, 1971 -- the VVAW leadership meets in Kansas City. Fearing surveillance by authorities, the group relocates the meeting to another building. They debate, then vote down a plan to assassinate several pro-war U.S. Senators. Despite John Kerry's claim to have left the VVAW before this event, several witnesses, meeting minutes and FBI records eventually place Kerry at the Kansas City meeting.
Complete VVAW FBI Files
Perhaps you would like to read a copy of John Kerry's own infamous "The New Soldier" which was total theater and propaganda.
The absence of an honorable discharge certificate for a separated naval officer is a harsh and severe sanction and is, in fact, the treatment given officers who are dismissed after a general court-martial.
With the only discharge document cited by Mr. Kerry issued in 1978, three years after the last date it should have been issued, the absence of a certificate from 1975 leaves only two possibilities. Either Mr. Kerry received an "other than honorable" certificate that has been removed in a review purging it from his records, or even worse, he received no certificate at all. In both cases there would have been a loss of all of Mr. Kerry's medals and the suspension of all benefits of service.
Certainly something was wrong as early as 1973 when Mr. Kerry was applying to law school.
Mr. Kerry has said, "I applied to Harvard, Boston University, and Boston College. I was extremely late. Only BC would entertain a late application."
It is hard to see why Mr. Kerry had to file an "extremely late" application since he lost the congressional race in Lowell, Mass., the first week of November 1972 and was basically doing nothing until he entered law school the following September of 1973. A member of the Harvard Law School admissions committee recalled that the REAL reason Mr. Kerry was not admitted was because the committee was concerned that BECAUSE Mr. Kerry HAD RECEIVED a "less than honorable" discharge, they were not sure he could be admitted to any state bar.
If you want the documented truth about John F. Kerry as witnessed by his peers during his tour of duty, get the books, "Unfit for Command" and "To Set the Record Straight" and visit http://www.tosettherecordstraight.com/index.php and http://wintersoldier.com/ and http://www.swiftvets.com/index.php
Kerry supporters claimed that most of the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth did not serve ON Kerry's boat and were, therefore, not qualified "witnesses." They disregard the fact that the swiftboats operated in groups of several boats in close proximity, just as aircraft operated in formation. Asserting that the sailors on a boat a few yards away from Kerry's boat were not qualified witnesses to his actions is like saying other aircraft in a flight are not "witnesses" to the actions of each other because they are not in the same airplane. As one Swiftvet stated it, "You didn't have to ride on the back of Custer's horse to evaluate how he did at the Little Big Horn."
You can even read three chapters of "To Set the Record Straight" in ".pdf" format or download them here:
Read official government investigative reports about "atrocity" claims --- all debunked.
"Swiftboating" isn't the first term that has been perverted or coopted to change the meaning. Orwellian "newspeak" is in full vogue today. Here is the unofficial "official" definition of "Swiftboating" listed in "To Set the Record Straight: How Swift Boat Veterans, POWs, and the New Media Defeated John Kerry" by Scott Swett and Tim Ziegler from the Swiftvets and POWs for Truth movement in 2004:
Swiftboating: Exposing the lies, deceit and fraud of self-glorifying public officials or candidates for public office who exaggerate their military service by lying about feats of heroism or combat wounds.
Variations keeping the same basic core definition but applied to other classes of scoundrels would probably be acceptable....
You might note that John Kerry never proved a single claim of the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth to be incorrect...and to this day, he has not kept his promise to release his military records.
Those who served with honor should be honored, not slandered the way John F. Kerry and Jane Fonda and their band of bums the VVAW did so successfully. Liars, slanderers, and false "heroes" should not be honored or be chosen to give speeches at events honoring military veterans. The historical record should be corrected and reflect accurately the good and the bad of the Vietnam war. Texas Tech University has a wealth of information on the Vietnam war. Conduct outside the rules of engagement and errant artillery and bomb strikes and uncharacteristic behavior by U.S. personnel were so rare the U.S. media spent a great deal of effort publicizing the few that actually occurred. On the other hand, attrocities, murders, kidnappings, terrorism, and wholesale war crimes committed by the Communists were so common the U.S. media didn't even consider them newsworthy.
"The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive the Veterans of earlier wars to be treated and appreciated by their nation." - George Washington
"Any nation that does not honor its heroes will not long endure." - Abraham Lincoln
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." - George Santayana
"...just one moment, one explosion, or one bullet separates Veterans Day from Memorial Day." -- Pete Hegseth, VetsForFreedom.org
Very respectfully,
Bruce Obermeyer
Vietnam Veteran |
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