SonTestedShelter Seaman Recruit
Joined: 04 Aug 2004 Posts: 46
Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 4:00 am Post subject: John Kerry's Military Service Does Not Qualify Him |
I'm tired of seeing all this talk, and especially from Vets favoring Kerry and maybe some here, who seem to think someone serving on the ground as John Kerry did in any way qualifies him as someone able to lead a country at war. Granted, I'm 17, but I play wargames consistantly that are very detailed and give views from the operational stand point of conflict. Currently I'm fighting the Commonwealth forces in North Africa (controlled by my dad) with Rommel and the Italians (commanded by yours truly), and I understand there are two very different sides to this coin. John Kerry, all war disputes aside, was experienced from a tactical standpoint, i.e. he had firsthand, on the ground, experience with enemy activity. That does NOT however, give him any qualifications whatsoever from an operational standpoint. He commanded a swift boat...ok, give him an entire infantry division...big difference eh?? This is just something that ticks me off because people say "Kerry has experience, he knows what hes doing in war, Bush/Cheney do not." Forgive me for being young and ignorant, but whos to say I'm not just as capable from an OPERATIONAL standpoint as John Kerry?? He has tactical, firsthand experience, but not operational.
BTW if you are interested in quality, very detailed and in depth wargames, check out The Gamers...their games are distributed at And their Tactical Combat Series (TCS) is being used by British Forces for training. They also have OCS-Operational Combat Series, along with Civil War series as well. Peace _________________