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FlyLow Seaman Apprentice
Joined: 09 Aug 2004 Posts: 99 Location: Texas...where many of us are NOT rich Republicans...but many of us are CONSERVATIVES!
Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 10:19 pm Post subject: FORMER GREEN BERET TACKLES KERRY AGAIN! |
Thank you, John Kerry, for helping make us Vietnam veterans war heroes now, but you also were the primary reason that the American public grabbed sturdy unbending brooms of judgment and swept us into the closet of silence and shame for so many years. Now, with your latest unreported insanity, you are getting ready for our society to grab those same stiff brooms and sweep our brave, noble young men and women fighting against the War on Terror in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere, into that cold, dark cell of heartbreak and betrayal, like we Vietnam veterans had to endure in silent dignity. I cannot and will not watch this country go through that again.
The hardcore America-hating, Israel-hating, jihad-spouting Muslim clerics in the mideast are very excited and passing around a front page newspaper story from the very anti-American TEHRAN TIMES in Iran. In the country that is home of the world’s toughest theocratic dictatorship, an e-mail from Democratic Presidential nominee, you, John Forbes Kerry, sent to the paper by your campaign committee, although they deny sending it, was printed word-for-word on the front page of Iran’s main newspaper. Your message states emphatically that, if elected President, you, John Kerry plan to travel to the mideast and elsewhere and apologize for our actions and the actions of President Bush in the War on Terror. You are already apologizing. It says that you plan to apologize to friends and foes alike. That is right, folks. John Kerry will say he is “sorry,” and in his mind, all those jihad extremists, who have vowed to kill all Americans wherever we are, will simply forgive us, hold hands with Kerry, start singing “Kumbaya,” and all will be right in the world. This is insane! You have also made statements you will do these actions within 100 days of becoming President.
Senior writer Kenneth R. Timmerman in the March 1st edition of INSIGHT, tells about the massive campaign contributions to the Kerry-for-President campaign by three Iranian businessmen living in the US, who are lobbying for the US lifting of sanctions on Iran and accepting the anti-Christian, anti-Jewish, anti-American Tehran regime and the close ties of one to the chairman of Mobil Oil.
“Pro-democracy dissidents” in Iran are shocked and appalled at your remarks, and have reported that in Iran and other Mideastern countries, that all the extremists and anti-west mullahs who strongly supported the attacks on the World Trade Center, Pentagon, USS Cole, Marine Barracks, and anyplace Americans congregate, want you to become our President, but they are scared to death of George W. Bush. Just think, The Democratic candidate for President, you, John Forbes Kerry, is endorsed by the Al Q’Aida, Hezbollah, PLF, and Hamas.
But on February 27, 2004, in a speech at UCLA , you, while trying to talk tough, despite voting against all major weapons systems for the past 18 years, stated that you will continue the War on Terror, but would use our police forces, and especially those in foreign countries, and you would also put our troops back under the powder blue flag of the United Nations. You recently made comments about Bush making troops fight without Kevlar vests, but you, Senator Kerry, voted against buying them while you were in the Senate. Senate Bill 1689. Passed 87-12. You were one of the 12. Remember?
Like the Kama Sutra, Senator, you change positions constantly. You’re not going to end the War on Terror, but instead use police to handcuff terrorists and read them their rights; then a week later, you are going to end the War on Terrorism and apologize to everyone we have offended, such as Iran. What is it going be next week, John Kerry? You flip-flop more than a beached tuna on steroids.
You convinced TV reporters Chris Wallace on Fox and NBC’s Tim Russert that a photograph circulating the web and news showing you a few rows away from Jane Fonda at a September, 1970 Anti-War Rally at Valley Forge, was simply a coincidence and that you and Hanoi Jane barely knew each other. But, in fact, Senator, there were only 8 speakers that day, including Fonda, Donald Southerland, and Bella Abzug, and Hanoi Jane funded that rally, and the keynote speaker was you, John Forbes Kerry, executive committee member of Vietnam Veterans Against the War.
We must be Americans first, and think about our political parties after that. Sometimes we lose sight of that. I have six grown children and two are democrats. I voted for Jimmy Carter. This is not about politics. It is about standing up to the ultimate playground bully, and not simply cowering and kissing his shoes.
I left it “all on the field” in the jungles back there when I was medevaced out of Vietnam in March of 1969 and sent back to hospitals in “The World.” Although You, Mr. Kerry, painted all of us Vietnam veterans with the yellow brush of My Lai, most of us, draftees and lifers alike, actually poured our hearts out in the tropical rain forests and in the rice paddies, thoroughly gave it our all, and acted as warriors who had honor. I have a son earning his green beret at Fort Bragg right now and a daughter-in-law who was on orders for Iraq but is making me a grandpa again. I am not going to stand by and watch them go through the same treatment we did, because some of our well-meaning fellow Americans choose to wear blinders and believe things just because they heard it on the network news or simply not care enough to get involved.
I am not a “baby-killer, torturer, or murderer,” John Kerry. I am a Vietnam veteran and an American who will not soon forget, or ever want to see again, any more jets loaded with fuel and screaming, innocent Americans slamming into our buildings on our very own soil. I have shed enough tears for ten lifetimes. We all have. I will never again let my fellow countrymen get away with making American veterans feel like bastard step-children.
Santayana said, “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
John Kerry, I now call on my “Band of Brothers,” those who have heard the sound of guns and cries of orphaned children, those who hate war more than anyone who has not been there, to join me in this difficult battle ahead. Republicans, democrats, independents, and the apolitical, I call on the 25,000,000 veterans of this country to help me confront this evil facing our great nation, not with guns and bombs, but with our voices, our votes, our computers, and with all our fighting spirit.
My fellow veterans, your families, survivors, and neighbors: God bless you and God bless America.
You want proof of all I have to say. Here are the references:
Want more proof? Read the very exposing February 27, 2004 article, on page 8, of the NY Sun by Thomas Lipscomb, founder of Time Books and publisher of Admiral Elmo Zumwalt’s best-selling book. “ON WATCH ”. Also read what the man who pinned the Silver Star on John Kerry had to say about him. The article is entitled “Setting Straight Kerry’s War Record “
Don Bendell is a former green beret captain, who served in Vietnam on an A-Team and in the Top Secret Phoenix program in 1968 and 1969, as well as in three other Special Forces Groups. He is a best-selling author of 21 books, with over 1,500,000 copies of his books in print worldwide, and a seventh degree black belt master in four martial arts, who was inducted into the International Karate Hall of Fame in 1995 and Martial Arts Museum of America in 1996. e-mail: don@donbendell.com _________________ EX-Helicopter driver & accomplished liar.
Wars fought, revolutions started, uprisings quelled, revivals organized,
assassinations plotted, governments overthrown, lead gospel singing,
tigers tamed, bars emptied, virgins converted, orgies organized. |
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Ordie_rat Seaman Recruit
Joined: 09 Aug 2004 Posts: 14 Location: Fallon, Nevada
Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 3:22 am Post subject: I am with you brother! |
Great article and this brother nails it on the head. John Kerry would be worse than Bill Clinton was for America, and Clinton was plenty bad.
My vote is for Bush and against Kerry.
Like my heroes Thomas Jefferson and Samuel Adams said -
"I have sworn eternal hostility before the altar of God against every form of tyranny over man." "Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God!" - Thomas Jefferson.
"If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of slavery more than the animating contest for freedom, go in peace. We seek neither your arms, nor your counsel. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams. _________________ USN Retired Vet, Gulf War, Vietnam era. Proud to serve.
"The mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs, nor a favored few booted and spurred, ready to ride them legitimately, by the grace of God." - Thomas Jefferson |
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Navy_Navy_Navy Admin
Joined: 07 May 2004 Posts: 5777
Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 5:08 am Post subject: |
BIG Don Bendell fan, here.
All of his columns are very good and he provided a source for an article I did where I suspected something but couldn't find proof.
Great guy and very trustworthy, IMO. _________________ ~ Echo Juliet ~
Altering course to starboard - On Fire, Keep Clear
Navy woman, Navy wife, Navy mother |
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Robert Cooper Lt.Jg.
Joined: 06 Aug 2004 Posts: 134 Location: Tulsa, OK
Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 11:49 am Post subject: Bravo! FlyLow - Good post with Don Bendell's Statements |
I cut and pasted this one.
"I call on the 25,000,000 veterans of this country to help me confront this evil facing our great nation, not with guns and bombs, but with our voices, our votes, our computers, and with all our fighting spirit."
A Call to Action: Here is a letter I wrote to my Congressmen:
Find and Contact your Senator: www.senate.gov
While it is certainly obvious that most of the SwiftVets did not serve specifically on Kerry's boat (with the exception of Steve Gardner who served directly under Kerry) - however, Kerry did not serve on any of their boats either - yet, in 1971, Congress and the Media didn't restrict his testimony to his own activities and those of his boat. Rather, they gave him ear as he testified of the alleged activities of those beyond his immediate boat experiences and further allowed him to include testimony based on heresay relating to the activities of all the members of our Armed Forces in Vietnam!
Therefore the standard for hearing testimonials has already been established by Congress, the Media, and John Kerry himself in 1971 - Hence, America's sense of jurisprudence mandates that the testimonies of the SwiftVets should also be allowed the same courtesy by Congress and the Media in regards to their testimonies directly relating to the activities of John Kerry, regardless of whether or not he succeeds to the position of President and Commander In Chief of the U.S. It is a matter of evenhandedness and fairness which sets our Judicial system apart from other other systems in the world. The careless congressional allowance of 1971 is directly responsible for creating the deepest resentment and distrust of practically every veteran of this era, and it is an unwarranted and cruel to refuse to do something , congressionally, that will finally exonerate our Vietnam War Veterans and peel that baseless label "War Criminal" off their foreheads. This has been an ongoing issue for 33 years, and those who have experienced the brunt of John Kerry's 1971 accusations have been repeatedly stifled at each turn, Commander John O'Neill not excluded. Since 1971, Vietnam War Veterans has been due the same courtesy that was extended to John Kerry in 1971 - ie, a fair and equitable hearing.
Furthermore, I would encourage Congress and the Media to also give a fair hearing to POW's who was directly effected by John Kerry's label "War Criminals" which was immediately used by the North Vietnamese to re-classify the American captives and began charging them as "War Criminals" from that point on! An era most perilous and despairing for our POW's - especially when their captors informed them that their own Countrymen had confered that label upon them!
Let 2005, be the year that we regain the confidence and respect of a large population that has been too-long forgotten, maliciously mis-labled and too frequently scorned, overtalked and shouted at - The Vietnam War Veteran! Let us be resolved to never demonstrate such careless insensitivity toward our military ever again.
Bob Cooper
Veteran - Attack Squadron 34, USN, 1971-1977
Tulsa, OK
Find and Contact your Senator: www.senate.gov[/url][/quote] _________________ Know the difference between Politics and Mesmeratics - one embraces, propagates and promotes the truth, while the other manipulates it! |
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Herb Lieutenant
Joined: 11 Aug 2004 Posts: 213 Location: Austin, TX
Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 8:23 pm Post subject: |
Will you authorized cut n' paste of portions of your excellent message?
It's one of the best "not on the boat" refutations that I have seen.
Here's mine and I would like to add several of your paragraphs to it.
One SwiftVet did serve with him ON THE BOAT; many served
with him ON PATROL; more served with him IN THE UNIT;
and some, a couple of hundred, served in the same unit but
not with him.
Those who patrol together, sleep in the same barracks,
and eat in the same mess SERVE TOGETHER.
Don't lose your credibility by claiming those on patrol WITH Kerry did
not serve WITH Kerry.
Don't believe those who falsely claim that those who patrolled with Kerry did not serve with him.
The repetition of the "same boat" distraction
as the ONLY defense other than personal attacks
on the SwiftVets is confirming the charges since
if they had a REAL counter the DNC and Kerry
would be using it instead of just screaming unfair
or whining "same boat".
Approximately 60 vets who SERVED WITH Kerry are
quoted as opposing Kerry and his lies in "Unfit for Command".
If you really want to know who is telling the truth,
then compare the KNOWN facts which are not in dispute
with what each is saying.
You will find clear indication that Kerry is lying
and that those on his boat are either not disagreeing
with the SwiftVet ON FACTS or were NOT in as good a
position to observe and are even giving accounts that
disagree with Kerry.
Work the facts and compare the versions. The conclusions
will be your own.... _________________ Herb |
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phoenix22 Seaman Recruit
Joined: 15 Aug 2004 Posts: 15 Location: "DEROS"
Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 12:31 am Post subject: |
Amen  _________________ "De Oppresso Liber" (We Liberate the Oppressed) Holy Shinola Bat Babe! ....for Buddy...who lived it! |
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keefer fm MD Seaman Recruit
Joined: 01 Jun 2004 Posts: 25 Location: Maryland
Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 1:12 am Post subject: |
These are all excellent posts; the honor of the SwiftVets who had the courage to tell their side of the story is under assault by the vicious attack dogs of the left. Kerry needs to address this issue; however, I suspect he has no rebuttal, no choice but to let his surrogates do his bidding. We must not let this blow over--the Left has too many allies covering for them. Kerry is the worst of the worst; he deserves to be taken down. Not out, just down.
SeiftVets rock! _________________ Any day above ground is a good day... |
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